I would like to know what is the syntax or code to identify the user's current use AOS name and current layer used?
See examples below:
xSession xSession;
xInfo xInfo;
xSession = new xSession();
info(strFmt("Current AOS - %1", xSession.AOSName()));
info(strFmt("Current user - %1", curUserId()));
xInfo = new xInfo();
info(strFmt("Current layer - %1", xInfo.currentAOLayer()));
Just for the knowledge I just want to see how WRITE triggers execute for the query below. Is it possible to see them?.
ASSIGN Customer.Balance = 600.
-clientlog path/to/log.log -logginglevel 4 -logentrytypes 4GLTrace
to your startup command.
This will create a log of all of the calls that your code makes.
For more information: https://knowledgebase.progress.com/articles/Knowledge/P9893
You can also use the LOG-MANAGER system handle within your code to dynamically control the logging at runtime:
but for simple purposes like this it is easier to just add the startup parameters.
Watch the log-manager show the write trigger being executed on the sports2020 database:
def var clog as char no-undo.
def var lclog as longchar no-undo.
clog = guid + '.log'.
log-manager:logfile-name = clog
log-manager:log-entry-types = '4gltrace:5,4glmessages'
for each Customer exclusive-lock where name = 'Go Fishing Ltd':
Customer.Balance = Customer.Balance + 1. // write trigger only fires when record changes
copy-lob from file clog to lclog.
message string( lclog ).
Relevant snippet from the output:
4GLTRACE Return from Main Block "Customer Customer" [sports2020trgs/wrcust.p]
I'm currently trying to connect a Lua Script with a GS WebApp. The connection is working but due to my lack of knowledge in GScripting I'm not sure why it isn't saving my data correctly.
In the Lua side I'm just passing in a hard-code a random name and simple numerical userid.
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local scriptID = scriptlink
local WebApp
local function updateSpreadSheet ()
local playerData = (scriptID .. "?userid=123&name:Jhon Smith")
WebApp = HttpService:GetAsync(playerData)
On the Google Script side i'm only saving the data on the last row and then add the value of the userid and the name.
function doGet(e) {
// console.log(f)
function callName(userid,name) {
// Get the last Row and add the name provided
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
sheet.getRange(sheet.getLastRow() + 1,1).setValues([userid],[name]);
However, the only data the script is saving is the name, bypassing the the userid for reasons I have yet to discover.
setValues() requires a 2D array and range dimensions should correspond to that array. The script is only getting 1 x 1 range and setValues argument is not a 2D array. Fix the syntax or use appendRow
sheet.getRange(sheet.getLastRow() + 1,1,1,2).setValues([[userid,name]]);
I'm trying to rewrite a BizTalk 2010 application and do away with an external assembly, but I seem to be running into xpath problems.
We have a process that stores a healthcare claim (837P) as xml in the database, and we need to extract it later. I have a WCF port calling a stored procedure that returns an xml message that looks something like this:
<ClaimXml_SEL_GetClaimXmlResponse xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/Sql/2008/05/TypedProcedures/dbo">
<StoredProcedureResultSet0 xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/Sql/2008/05/ProceduresResultSets/dbo/ClaimXml_SEL_GetClaimXml">
<Claim><![CDATA[<ns0:X12_00401_837_P (etc.)
So what I need to do is extract the actual 837P message - the part that starts with ns0:X12_00401_837_P.
The helper class is very simple, just has a method like this:
public XmlDocument ExtractClaimXml(XmlDocument xDoc)
XmlDocument xReturn = new XmlDocument();
XmlNode node = xDoc.SelectSingleNode("/*[local-name()='ClaimXml_SEL_GetClaimXmlResponse' and namespace-uri()='http://schemas.microsoft.com/Sql/2008/05/TypedProcedures/dbo']/*[local-name()='StoredProcedureResultSet0' and namespace-uri()='http://schemas.microsoft.com/Sql/2008/05/TypedProcedures/dbo']/*[local-name()='StoredProcedureResultSet0' and namespace-uri()='http://schemas.microsoft.com/Sql/2008/05/ProceduresResultSets/dbo/ClaimXml_SEL_GetClaimXml']/*[local-name()='Claim' and namespace-uri()='http://schemas.microsoft.com/Sql/2008/05/ProceduresResultSets/dbo/ClaimXml_SEL_GetClaimXml']");
return xReturn;
and then the Message Assignment shape has this code:
rawClaimXml = ClaimXmlResponse;
strippedClaim = XmlHelperClass.ExtractClaimXml(rawClaimXml);
Claim837P = strippedClaim;
...where ClaimXmlResponse; is the message shown above, Claim837P is an 837P message, and rawClaimXml & strippedClaim are xml variables. This works just fine, but it seems excessive to call an external assembly.
I tried this in the assingment shape:
rawClaimXml = xpath(ClaimXmlResponse, "same xpath as above");
Claim837P = strippedClaim;
...but get the error "'UnderlyingXmlDocument.InnerText': .NET property is write-only because it does not have a get accessor".
So then I tried just getting a string from the xpath query:
rawClaimString = xpath(ClaimXmlResponse, "string(same xpath as above)");
rawClaimString = rawClaimString.Replace("<![CDATA[", "");
rawClaimString = rawClaimString.Replace(">]]>",">");
Claim837P = strippedClaim;
...but that's no good. Also tried a variant:
rawClaimXml = xpath(ClaimXmlResponse, "same xpath as above");
rawClaimString = rawClaimXml.InnerXml.ToString();
rawClaimString = rawClaimString.Replace("<![CDATA[", "");
rawClaimString = rawClaimString.Replace(">]]>",">");
Claim837P = strippedClaim;
...but still no good. Any suggestions?
Here's a couple of things you can try:
Wrap the xpath in the string() function. xpath(ClaimXmlResponse,
"string(same xpath as above)");
Append the /text() node to the xpath. xpath(ClaimXmlResponse, "same
xpath as above/text()");
A combination of the two.
Can you elaborate on the goal here? There's nothing wrong with using the helper class. If it's the extra Assembly that's bothering you, you can always add the .cs to the BizTalk Project.
Coming from a different direction, you can use Path option for the Inbound BizTalk message body on the Messages Tab of the WCF-Custom Adpater configuration.
I was also facing the similar issue but when I gone through your various solution I got the solution for my question.
For me this worked **
rawClaimString = xpath(ClaimXmlResponse, "string(same xpath as
thanks for that phew ;)
Coming to the solution for your problem you can distinguishly promote the node that holding your response and try to access that node using .notation and assign it to the sting this ll return the expected output to you :)
Anyone have sample lookup code for AOT objects? (or know where to find the one they use for the AX properties window)
I need to replicate the functionality that you see in several fields in the properties window. The ExtendedDataType field is a good example. Type a few letters, hit the down arrow, and a filtered list of AOT ExtendedDataType objects appears.
I've been trying to use treeNode findChildren to build my custom lookup list, but it is very slow. Whatever method AX is using happens instantly.
Try this:
Dictionary d = new Dictionary();
int i;
int cnt = d.tableCnt();
TableId tableId;
str nameForLookup;
for (i = 1; i <= cnt; i++)
tableId = d.tablecnt2id(i);
nameForLookup = tableid2name(tableId);
Queries to the Model/Util*Element tables will not be cached, and are relatively slow due to the number of records that they contain.
There may be other factors slowing down execution as well. If you are on 2012, for lookups, you may want to build a temp table with an XDS() method, which populates itself using the above code, then you can simply select from that table (and it will be cached for the session):
create a SQL Temp table (e.g. with a name like MyTableLookup), add a name column
add a method like this:
public RefreshFrequency XDS()
MyTableLookup tableLookup;
// Use the above code to insert records into tableLookup
return RefreshFrequency::PerSession;
bind your form to MyLookupTable
You may develop an estándar EDT linked to the UtilElement Table properly filtered. This will show a list of objects and will have same functionality of all table-linked text fields.
I'm trying to open cmd.exe on a new process and pass some code to programatically eject a device; but when trying to do this all I get is:
"Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #3218: Error while writing data to NativeProcess.standardInput."
Here's my code:
private var NP:NativeProcess = new NativeProcess();
private function EjectDevice():void
var RunDLL:File = new File("C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe");
var NPI:NativeProcessStartupInfo = new NativeProcessStartupInfo();
NPI.executable = RunDLL;
NP.addEventListener(Event.STANDARD_OUTPUT_CLOSE, CatchOutput, false, 0, true);
NP.standardInput.writeUTFBytes("start C:\\Windows\\System32\\rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll");
I also tried with writeUTF instead of writeUTFBytes, but I still get the error. Does anyone have an idea of what I'm doing wrong?.
Thanks for your time :)
Maybe cmd.exe doesn't handle standardInput like a normal process.
You could try passing what you want to execute as parameters to the cmd process, rather than writing to the standard input
I think
cmd.exe /C "start C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll"
is the format to pass something as a parameter to cmd to execute immediately.
This site has an example of passing process parameters using a string vector:
Try it without the last line "NP.closeInput();"
See also:
I agree with abudaan, you shouldn't need to closeInput().
Also, suggest you add a line break at the end of the writeUTFBytes() call, e.g.:
NP.standardInput.writeUTFBytes("start C:\\Windows\\System32\\rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll **\n**");
Lastly, I recommend you listen to other events on the NativeProcess, I use a block of code something like this:
NP.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.STANDARD_OUTPUT_DATA, onStdOutData);
NP.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.STANDARD_ERROR_DATA, onStdErrData);
NP.addEventListener(Event.STANDARD_OUTPUT_CLOSE, onStdOutClose);
NP.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.STANDARD_INPUT_PROGRESS, onStdInputProgress);
NP.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.STANDARD_ERROR_IO_ERROR, onIOError);
NP.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.STANDARD_INPUT_IO_ERROR, onIOError);
NP.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.STANDARD_OUTPUT_IO_ERROR, onIOError);
with the normal event handler functions that at least trace what they receive.
Best of luck - I've just spent a few hours refining NativeProcess with cmd.exe - its fiddly. But I got there in the end and you will too.