Woocommerce Add product weight below brief description - woocommerce

good afternoon.
can you help me?
I am trying to add the product weight below the short description.
However, it is not working.
Look: https://prnt.sc/15mk1e1
I added this item along with the brief description manually.
I would like it to be automatic.
For that I created this snippet:
function ts_add_text_short_descr($description){
global $product;
$weight_unit = get_option('woocommerce_weight_unit');
$attributes = $product->get_attributes();
if ( $product->has_weight() ) {
$text= '<span class="barbasWeight">Peso: <span class="barbasWeight-values"> '.$product->get_weight(). $weight_unit . '</span></span>';
return $description.$text;
It worked well, however, it doesn't work on variable products.
Can you tell me how I can do this?
Thank you very much


How to display color attribute thumbnail on woocommerce product archive loop?

I found this code and is displaying the name of the attribute, anyone can help me modify the code so it displays the thumbnail,
Thank you!
add_action('woocommerce_shop_loop_item_title', 'wh_insertAfterShopProductTitle', 12);
function wh_insertAfterShopProductTitle()
global $product;
$abv = $product->get_attribute('culoare');
if (empty($abv))
echo __($abv);
You can query everything about your products. It's best to have a look here: WooCommerce get product details
add_action('woocommerce_shop_loop_item_title', 'wh_insertAfterShopProductTitle', 12);
function wh_insertAfterShopProductTitle()
global $product;
$image = $product->get_image();
echo __($image);

Wordpress shortcode linked to another DB

First thing first, this is my first shortcode attempt.
It is worthed mention that I'm also using woocommerce on my website.
Let's start:
I know that to add shortcodes into wordpress, you need to write something similar to the code below into the functions.php file: (this is just an example)
function myshortcode() {
return "This is a shortcode example!";
add_shortcode( 'mycode', 'myshortcode' );
and if i add [mycode] into the wordpress page editor, the preview shows my text correctly.
But what if i need to use a variable (in my case woocommerce order number) in the shortcode?
Let's say i need to compare woocommerce_order_number with my_custom_uid (inserted into another database, outside wordpress).
I usually use a db request like the one below, and usually it works fine (as before, this is only an example):
select 'my_custom_uid' from 'my_custom_database' where 'woocommerce_order_number' = '1234'
The problem is that i don't know the woocommerce_order_number (it changes everytime!), because this shortcode needs to go inside an html email body i need to send out to customers after they placed the order.
How can i get the customer woocommerce order (variable that changes everytime) so that i will be able to use it into my shortcode to link it to my custom_uid?
If the question is not clear enough, please feel free to ask for clarification!
thanks a lot
I don't see a reason to use a shortcode. If you want to add something to an email, you should use one of the hooks in the email. For example:
function kia_display_email_order_meta( $order, $sent_to_admin, $plain_text ) {
$some_field = get_post_meta( $order->id, '_some_field', true ),
$another_field = get_post_meta( $order->id, '_another_field', true ),
if( $plain_text ){
echo 'The value for some field is ' . $some_field . ' while the value of another field is ' . $another_field;
} else {
echo '<p>The value for <strong>some field</strong> is ' . $some_field. ' while the value of <strong>another field</strong> is ' . $another_field . '</p>';
add_action('woocommerce_email_customer_details', 'kia_display_email_order_meta', 30, 3 );
Note that the $order object is the first parameter available to the kia_display_email_order_meta function. So you'd be able to get the ID via $order->id. This should add the data after the customer address details, but there are other hooks available if woocommerce_email_customer_details isn't appropriate.
I finally managed to solve this, and here's what i did if someone is interested:
add_action('fue_before_variable_replacements', 'register_variable_replacements', 11, 4);
add_action('fue_email_variables_list', 'email_variables_list');
* This gets called to replace the variable in the email with an actual value
* #param $var - Modify this: array key is the variable name, value is the replacement
function register_variable_replacements($var, $email_data, $queue_item, $email){
global $wpdb;
// Look up UID from order number
$orderNumber = $var->get_variables()['order_number'];
$sql = " //Your sql statement here...//";
$results = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
$UID = $results[0]->meta_value;
$variables = array(
'uid' => $UID
function email_variables_list($email)
global $woocommerce;
<li class="var hideable var_subscriptions">
<img class="help_tip" title="<?php _e('Order UID', 'follow_up_emails'); ?>" src="<?php echo $woocommerce->plugin_url(); ?>/assets/images/help.png" width="16" height="16"/>
Now on your follow up email plugin, you can use {uid} as a variable and this will be replaced with the correct value on every email.
I though the best way was to use short code, but then i discovered this filter and i think this is the best way to handle this. This code is also pretty flexible and you can add as many variables as you want.
Hope this can help someone.

Restrict Related Products by Product Categories Woocommerce

I have done a fair bit of searching on this but to no avail.
My question is that i wish to narrow the term by which woocommerce defines a related product. It currently uses Categories & Tags to define related products, but i wish to remove tags and just link by product categories. The result of this would be only products in my store with the same category would be defined as a related product. Note i am not using subcategories.
Can someone help me out with the code i would need to use to achieve this?
In the abstract-wc-product.php file in the woocommerce/includes/abstracts/ folder remove the following line (on line ~1154):
// Get tags
$terms = wp_get_post_terms( $this->id, 'product_tag' );
foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
$tags_array[] = $term->term_id;
Removing the above should work.

hatom-entry errors on the Google snippet test

Almost sure that I'm not the first one that has this question but when I test my (WordPress) page on Google Snippet Test Tool I got hatom-enty errors like:
Fout: At least one field must be set for HatomEntry.
Fout: Missing required field "entry-title".
Fout: Missing required field "updated".
Fout: Missing required hCard "author".
I found some tutorials about this but that is for standard WordPress themes. I'm using Inovado from ThemeForest and I can't figure out in which file I have to edit this data.
Someone familiar with this?
I also got problems with snippet review... Good in testresults but doesn't show up in de Google Search Results. Don't know why...
You can Add this code to the function.php file in your theme's directory and it will solve the problems.
//mod content
function hatom_mod_post_content ($content) {
if ( in_the_loop() && !is_page() ) {
$content = '<span class="entry-content">'.$content.'</span>';
return $content;
add_filter( 'the_content', 'hatom_mod_post_content');
//add hatom data
function add_mod_hatom_data($content) {
$t = get_the_modified_time('F jS, Y');
$author = get_the_author();
$title = get_the_title();
if(is_single()) {
$content .= '<div class="hatom-extra"><span class="entry-title">'.$title.'</span> was last modified: <span class="updated"> '.$t.'</span> by <span class="author vcard"><span class="fn">'.$author.'</span></span></div>';
return $content;
add_filter('the_content', 'add_mod_hatom_data');
The code contains 2 functions. The first function will use the WordPress filter hook for “the_content” to add the class of “entry-content” to the article. To add in the other essential hAtom fields, the second function will add a short sentence to the end of your post article, which contains updated time, post title and author, with required microdata.

Woocommerce Filter Hooks

I'm hoping to get a little insite for using filters in Woocommerce. My main question is, what am I looking for in the template files? or what are the variables that can be targeted using filters? If we look at the filters list I see filter name and files. Using this filter
Files - product-thumbnail.php and woocommerce-template.php
What am I looking for in those files that can be targeted and changed? Would you give me a simple example? Maybe something like change thumbnail size?
add_filter('filter_name', 'your_function_name');
function your_function_name( $variable ) {
// Your code
return $variable;
I understand what each part of the function and filter are, but I'm not sure what code to write for "Your code." What variable am I grabbing from the file? How do I apply the change? I can't completely wrap my mind around this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
As you can see in e.g. woocommerce-template.php you can filter the shop_catalog string:
$small_thumbnail_size = apply_filters( 'single_product_small_thumbnail_size', 'shop_catalog' );
That string is used in the subsequent code to determine the image size to be used:
$image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $thumbnail_id, $small_thumbnail_size );
So, if you would like to use another image size, you can filter the string like e.g.:
add_filter( 'single_product_small_thumbnail_size', 'my_single_product_small_thumbnail_size', 25, 1 );
function my_single_product_small_thumbnail_size( $size ) {
$size = 'large';
return $size;
