Our Telegram bot [TOKEN_OMITTED] never 'hooks' with our server.
This URL https://api.telegram.org/bot[TOKEN_OMITTED]/getWebhookInfo
gives this response with 'Connection timeout' error:
timed out"**,"max_connections":40,"ip_address":"123.456.789.000"}}
However this command (copied from https://core.telegram.org/bots/webhooks#testing-your-bot-with-updates) works pretty well (so there seems not to be such 'Connection timeout' problem):
curl --tlsv1.2 -v -k -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -d '{ "update_id":10000, "message":{"date":1441645532,"chat":{"last_name":"Test Lastname","id":1111111,"first_name":"Test","username":"Test"},"message_id":1365,"from":{"last_name":"Test Lastname","id":1111111,"first_name":"Test","username":"Test"}, "text":"/start"}}' "https://[DOMAIN_OMITTED]/PHP/telWH2.php"
But as I said, the webhook never works.
Any hints? Thank you!
I want to manually POST JSON data using just a keyboard and ssh connection (i.e. without cURL). The cURL functionality I'm trying to replicate which works great is equivalent to:
curl -s -w '\n' -X POST -D - \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"param1":"value1","param2":"value2"}' \
However, when I connect manually:
openssl s_client -connect myserver.com:443 -quiet
and then enter
POST /mypath HTTP/1.1
Host: myserver.com
Content-type: application/json
Accept: application/json
"param1": "value1",
"param2": "value2"
I get the message "Json content error HV000116: The object to be validated must not be null." I've tried every variation I can think of with whitespace, and encoding, but I still get the error. I know I'm missing something simple, but what is it?
Doh! Just needed to add the Content-length header and everything worked
I am trying to send this HTTP request in Postman application:
curl -v https://api.someurl.com/z1/lists \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: authorization" \
-d '{ "list_id": "DXVBDAD" }'
Any body knows what -d stands for? and where should I put it in Postman?
The documentation says this:
(HTTP) Sends the specified data in a POST request to the HTTP server[...]
So this will be the body of your POST request. In Postman you have to put it into the 'body' field. There select 'raw' and then select 'application/json'.
Because that's the Content-Type of your request, specified with -H.
The -d or --data option makes the curl command send data in POST request to the server. This option makes the curl command pass data to the server using content-type (JSON in your case) just as the browser does when a user submits a form.
I'm newbie on this so I would like your help, according to CrazyCall docs I want to test those code examples in terminal using CURL, for example this one:
GET /api/v1/users HTTP/1.1
x-api-token: your-secret-api-key
Account: your-account-hash.crazycall.com
Host: api.crazycall.com
I tried to convert to curl and execute like this:
curl -XGET -H 'x-api-token: mdsRFGRV23XXXXXXX' -H 'Account: lopDOPLSVXXXX.crazycall.com' -H 'Host: api.crazycall.com' /api/v1/users
But it shows me a message <url> malformed
I also added "Content-type: application/json" header but it's still the same.
How can I fix it?
Prepand the protocol and domain (https://api.crazycall.com) to your path (/api/v1/users):
curl -X GET -H 'x-api-token: mdsRFGRV23XXXXXXX' -H 'Account: lopDOPLSVXXXX.crazycall.com' -H 'Host: api.crazycall.com' https://api.crazycall.com/api/v1/users
I am using the url at the developer-api.nest.com site, and my request is re-directed to the firebase-apiserver01...01.dapi.production.nest.com
I get the correct structured data back, using this dos command:
curl -v -k -L -X GET "https://developer-api.nest.com/structures/Za6hCZpmt4g6mBTaaA96yuY87lzLtsucYjbxW_b_thAuJJ7oUOelKA/?auth=c.om2...AeiE"
I get the error 'Invalid content sent' when I send this PATCH
curl -v -k -L -X PATCH "https://developer-api.nest.com/structures/Za6hCZpmt4g6mBTaaA96yuY87lzLtsucYjbxW_b_thAuJJ7oUOelKA/?auth=c.om2...AeiE" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"away":"home"}'
I have tried adding '.json' before the question mark, but get the same error.
To set the structure to home/away you'll need to send a PUT request for example as follows:
curl -v -L -X PUT "https://developer-api.nest.com/structures/g-9y-2xkHpBh1MGkVaqXOGJiKOB9MkoW1hhYyQk2vAunCK8a731jbg?auth=<AUTH_TOKEN>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"away":"home"}'
Hope that helps
I have a Google Search Appliance and am trying to access the API to download the Event Logs. I am using curl through cygwin on the Windows 7 command line.
I am able to get an authentication token using
curl -X POST -d Email=username -d Passwd=password "http://ip.ad.dr.ess:8443/accounts/ClientLogin"
My problem is that when I attempt to retrieve the even logs themselves:
curl -k -X GET -d query=User -H "Content-type: application/atom+xml" -H "Authorization: GoogleLogin Auth=e73265ce254f7c4afbcbee1743a56e81" ""
curl says that it cannot reach the host:
curl: (7) couldn't connect to host
Any help in getting this to work is greatly appreciated.
Check if you can telnet to the IP-address. If you get a timeout there you should check firewalls etc.
C:\> telnet 8000
This looks like a more generic network problem than a problem with either the GSA or Curl.
The problem turned out to be the configuration with my GSA. The GSA is configured to require communication over HTTPS. Because all GSAs default to HTTP traffic over port 8000 and HTTPS traffic over 8443, my problem was solved by sending the following:
curl -k -X GET -d query=User -H "Content-type: application/atom+xml" -H "Authorization: GoogleLogin Auth=e73265ce254f7c4afbcbee1743a56e81" "https://ip.ad.dr.ess:8443/feeds/logs/eventLog"