100% of remaining space after setting a fixed header - css

I'm trying to layout my small React project.
Here's the link to codesandbox: https://codesandbox.io/s/szkola-reacta-44-kalkulator-wydatkow-rvh5t?file=/src/styles.css
What I want to achieve is login page, which will (after login) show expenses and incomes. I want to content below header to occupy the whole remaining space, but the whole page shouldn't be scrollable. I've tried two approaches:
Firstly I've set width of 100vh to an App component, then I've set .main to 100%, to occupy the rest of remaining space after setting up the header. I've found out that it'll set 100vh as well, so it'll be scrollable and I don't want it to be.
Secondly I've made a header fixed, but then my whole form isn't centered, because header isn't in the document flow.
I prefere to find solution for the first approach, in the second one I know I can calc it somehow (but I need guidance), however the first one looks more straightforward for me, but I'm missing something.
In general, no matter how, but I want to have a header, which will be always in the same place, a dynamically changing content which will occupy remaining space and the whole app should occupy 100vh to prevent from scrolling.


Polymer Nested Core-Scaffold and Multiple Vertical Scrollbars / Scrolling Extent Issues

I'm having some trouble with the current layout of my polymer site, specifically with regards to nested components and their associated scrollbars. I'll preface this by stating that by absolutely no means am I a CSS guru. I wish I was because I probably wouldn't be struggling with this as much as I am. Also feel free to jump straight to the jsbin URL as my issue may become apparent.
The situation:
I currently have a nested core-scaffold element, whose main content often requires vertical scrolling and thus it's vertical scrollbar becomes active as required. However, as it is nested, it's container(s) can also have scrollbars enabled. Ideally, I'd like a single scrollbar on the highest level element which can scroll the scaffold's content to it's full vertical extents, yet also cause the topbar to slide away as it does now when scrolling down. I've also noticed that the height of the scaffold's main content is determined by the first page that is loaded into it. Subsequent page loads with different heights does not cause the scrollbar height extents to change accordingly.
Please note that I've simply inserted an iframe loading external content into the scaffold's content section for the purpose of this jsbin demo. My actual site loads a bunch of data driven collapsible height containers within the content pages, wrapping horizontally as needed. Due to their collapsibility, their containing page therefore has a dynamic height. That height can vary from page to page as container heights within them vary.
Here is the jsbin. Whoever can remove me from this css hell will be considered my hero...
In my initial jsbin sample code, you'll notice I have specified core-pages height as '100vh' the top level polymer element (i.e. my-app-element). The second level polymer element (i.e. my-scaffold-page-element), loads within the aforementioned core-pages. Therefore, the nested scaffold element's maximum height is 100vh. Further down the chain, when the scaffold-element's main content area's height flows past its host's height limitation, it caused a secondary 'inner' scrollbar to appear, which has a different vertical extent than the original outer scrollbar...so trying to use the outer scrollbar alone doesn't effectively scroll the inner content to its entire vertical extent, forcing you to use the inner scrollbar as well to get the job done. Ugly to say the least.
Now that I know that is the case, one way to reduce the likelihood of an inner scrollbar appearing for the nested scaffold element's main content area is to change it's parent element's core-pages height to something much greater than 100vh (400vh?). Doing so solves the problem in a roundabout way. The outer scrollbar can now be used to scroll the entire vertical extent of the nested scaffold's contents without an inner scrollbar occurring.
In the new jsbin example (below), you can witness the 'fix', which also happens to remove the reliance on core-scaffold, instead preferring to utilize its individual components in a more configurable fashion.

Using fixed elements in responsive design with only css if possible

This is more a question of logic rather than technical.
I have a design where my header is fixed at the top all the time, so is the footer, but the elements inside have percentage widths so the header will change in size as the window changes.
BUT, as the header is always fixed-positioned the content below is covered by it and as I do not know the height of the header I cannot know how much padding-top I must add to the content so it won't get covered by the header.
What do you say?
If height goes automatically, you will need js to control it, taking the height of the fixed div and updating top margin/padding dinamically. Anyway, it would be nice if we could see an example of what you have currently

What are the minimum requirements to make a table have a fixed header for vertical scrolling and a scrolling header for horizontal scrolling?

What are the minimum requirements to make a table have a fixed header for vertical scrolling and a scrolling header for horizontal scrolling?
I am trying to accomplish the following with a basic HTML/CSS table:
The table that contains dynamically generated content so the cells should be the size they need to be to fit the content (not fixed width cells).
The table, should be whatever size it needs to be to accommodate the cells. The table will be wider than its container, and most likely, the screen. It should not overflow its container, but be scrollable horizontally.
The table will be inside a container that has absolute position, 0,0,0,0, to make it the size of it's parent container (which is position:relative).
When there is too much content to fit horizontally, a horizontal scroll-bar should appear that scrolls the table left-right with it's header.
When there are too many rows, a scroll bar should appear vertically, but when scrolling, the header row should not scroll vertically, it should stay visible.
There are a few Jquery plugins that add a huge feature set to tables, including this type of scrolling. Unfortunately, I don't want/need a complete table-to-grid plugin, I just need to understand the essential css rules that are required to achieve a fixed header for vertical scrolling and a scrolling header for horizontal scrolling.
Here's an example from a plugin demo page: http://www.tablefixedheader.com/fullpagedemo/. The scrolling here works the way I want, but it seems to use fixed widths and I don't know if that's required, or if javascript is calculating those widths, etc.
Specifically, what I'm looking for is someone that can explain the necessary (and only the necessary) markup and css rules that are needed to make a plain old table scroll in the way described above. I want to understand how and why the rules work.
An ideal answer would be a few lines of HTML showing which things have to be wrapped in divs, etc and a few lines of CSS showing only the critical rules that make it work, followed by an explanation of what those critical rules are doing to make it possible.
I have been trying to get the functionality working for 3 days now, and can Only get certain parts working, but not all at the same time.
In all essence, it is not the table that will be doing the scrolling, it will be the div that is holding the table that will be doing the scrolling. Let's take a look at some example code:
<div style="height:200px; overflow-y: scroll;">
Once the table reaches a limit where there is too much data to be held in a 200px range div, it will automatically start the scroll bar with the element overflow-y. Now, to obtain a scroll bar that will be used for horizontal and vertical scrolling, you switch from overflow-y: scroll to overflow: scroll;. I have referenced this from the following stack question.
For the last part, creating a fixed header, we can reference the following JsFiddle:
This is again, referenced from a different stack question. The key part to this is using two tables to represent one big table. This is placing the first table on top of the second table and then enabling table-layout: fixed to keep everything together.
The real problem arises when you try to get your table to horizontally scroll, that may need JQuery or some JS derivative, so here is a good stack question to point you in the right direction.
The last thing I want to cover is the optimizing differences between tables and divs/uls/lis (we can call it a DUL to keep it short). To get a better idea of what exactly I mean, take a look at this final stack question. This may or may not pertain to you, it's honestly dependent upon how comfortable you are with changing your layout and then also whether or not you feel the need to try and optimize results. You may not need it at all, but again, something to consider.

ASP.NET set div height to contain all data

I use VS2010, C#, ASP.NET; I read some data from SQL server and fill my DIV, I don't want to give this DIV a fixed height or scroll bar, rather I want it to have its height automatically set to maximum data, what should I do? how should I set my styles?
also I have another horizontal DIV that should be displayed at the bottom of page, how can I set it so that it is always fixed to bottom of page (not bottom of screen)?
a good example is the Related questions column in this site! and the gray horizontal DIV at the bottom of page
The default behavior of divs is to contain all their data. If they are not, then you are overriding that behavior somewhere, either by setting an explicit height, or by having content items that are taken out of the normal flow (floats or absolutely positioned items).

having trouble with div layout not going where they should

EDIT*the issue apparently comes down to the fact that, i need to use relative position on the large image, so i can adjust the top value. this causes the thumbs to be put on top of the main image. When i remove the relative positioning of the main image, the flow looks fine, but the top positioning is disregarded- i sort of need both to have the dynamic manipulation of this app im developing*
I wish I could understand why this happens like 90% of the time I go to code div layouts.
You have content in your div with a certain height, and then you have another div directly after it - and somehow it just goes right on top of the first one.
I wish I knew where the problem was, but I can't figure out what CSS is the cause.
Anyways, if you care to take a look, this is the sandbox of the issue I'm having:
the reference is changing because i keep updating it to check sorry.
I'm making a dynamic jQuery gallery viewer and the thumbs just don't want to put themselves below the image.
It happens all the time though; is there any reason content inside a div would allow subsequent divs to not be placed below the content its supposed to be filled?
You problem is the position: relative attribute on imageDiv.
It pushes the image down from where it should be. If you remove that, the static flow of the page will be used, which is what you want in this case.
