I would like to plot for example a square (or maybe more generally speaking a n-gon).
I know that I can plot "functions" that form a shape, like a circle:
n = 100
ϕ = range(0,stop=2*π,length=n)
x = cos.(ϕ)';
y = sin.(ϕ)';
But that turns out to be very difficult when it comes to a n-gon,
I guess one could "stich" lines that can form a n-gon, but that seems very unpractical when you want to plot a 32-gon.
I talked a lot abou n-gons but I am more interested if Julia has some already build in way to plot different types of shapes.
You can use Luxor library, which provides ngon function (example from documentation).
using Luxor, Colors
Drawing(1200, 1400)
cols = diverging_palette(60, 120, 20) # hue 60 to hue 120
# circumradius of 500
ngon(0, 0, 500, 8, 0, :clip)
The documentation of the function itself can be found here.
Consider this two‐dimensional random walk:
where, Zt, Wt, t = 1,2,3, … are independent and identically distributed standard normal
random variables.
I am having problems in finding a way to simulate and plot the sample path of (X,Y) for t = 0,1, … ,100. I was given a sample:
The following code is an example of the way I am used to plot random walks in R:
plot(w,main="random walk")
I am not very sure of how to achieve this.
The problem I am having is that this kind of codes has a more "simple" result, with a line that goes either up or down, -1 or +1:
while the plot I need to create also goes from left to right and viceversa.
Would you help me in correcting the code I know so that it fits my task/suggesting a smarterst way to go about it? It would be greatly appreciated.
Instead of using sample, you need to use rnorm(100) to draw 100 samples from a standard normal distribution. Since the walk starts at [0, 0], we need to append a 0 at the start and do a cumsum on the result, i.e. cumsum(c(0, rnorm(100))).
We want to do this for both the x and y variables, then plot. The whole thing can be done in a single line of code in base R:
plot(x = cumsum(c(0, rnorm(100))), y = cumsum(c(0, rnorm(100))), type = 'l')
I will try 3D printing data to make some nice visual illustration for a binary classification example.
Here is my 3D plot:
#Get example data from mtcars and normalize to range 0:1
fun_norm <- function(k){(k-min(k))/(max(k)-min(k))}
x_norm <- fun_norm(mtcars$drat)
y_norm <- fun_norm(mtcars$mpg)
z_norm <- fun_norm(mtcars$qsec)
#Plot nice big spheres with rgl that I hope will look good after 3D printing
plot3d(x_norm, y_norm, z_norm, type="s", radius = 0.02, aspect = T)
#The sticks are meant to suspend the spheres in the air
plot3d(x_norm, y_norm, z_norm, type="h", lwd = 5, aspect = T, add = T)
#Nice thick gridline that will also be printed
grid3d(c("x","y","z"), lwd = 5)
Next, I wanted to add a z=0 plane, inspired by this blog here describing the r2stl written by Ian Walker. It is supposed to be the foundation of the printed structure that holds everything together.
planes3d(a=0, b=0, c=1, d=0)
However, it has no volume, it is a thin slab with height=0. I want it to form a solid base for the printed structure, which is meant to keep everything together (check out the aforementioned blog for more details, his examples are great). How do I increase the thickness of my z=0 plane to achieve the same effect?
Here is the final step to exporting as STL:
One can view the final product really nicely using the open source Meshlab as recommended by Ian in the blog.
Additional remark: I noticed that the thin plane is also separate from the grids that I added on the -z face of the cube and is floating. This might also cause a problem when printing. How can I merge the grids with the z=0 plane? (I will be sending the STL file to a friend who will print for me, I want to make things as easy for him as possible)
You can't make a plane thicker. You can make a solid shape (extrude3d() is the function to use). It won't adapt itself to the bounding box the way a plane does, so you would need to draw it last.
For example,
bbox <- par3d("bbox")
slab <- translate3d(extrude3d(bbox[c(1,2,2,1)], bbox[c(3,3,4,4)], 0.5),
0,0, bbox[5])
shade3d(slab, col = "gray")
produces this output:
This still isn't printable (the points have no support), but it should get you started.
In the matlib package, there's a function regvec3d() that draws a vector space representation of a 2-predictor multiple regression model. The plot method for the result of the function has an argument show.base that draws the base x1-x2 plane, and draws it thicker if show.base >0.
It is a simple hack that just draws a second version of the plane at a small offset. Maybe this will be enough for your application.
if (show.base > 0) planes3d(0, 0, 1, 0, color=col.plane, alpha=0.2)
if (show.base > 1) planes3d(0, 0, 1, -.01, color=col.plane, alpha=0.1)
I try to make a plot similar to the top three plot of this:
I found a partial answer here, however I am unsure how to add the p-values in the scatter-plot.
Any tips?
You've already got a partial answer. If you just want to know how to put p-values on then use text. (looking at graph C).
text(x = 1.5, y = 73, 'p = 0.03')
If you want the p-values and the lines underneath, assuming you also want those caps on the lines, use arrows instead of segments.
arrows(1, 70, 2, length = 2, angle = 90, code = 3)
If you're sticking with solving this in base R that's a great learning exercise and can give you full control over your plot. However, if you just want to get it done I'd suggest the beeswarm package (you're making beeswarm plots).
As an aside, this prompted me to investigate why you get those upward curving lines in beeswarm plots. It's a consequence of the typical algorithm. The line curves upward because the positions are calculated through increasing y-values. If the next y-value is so close that the points would overlap in the y-axis it's plotted at an angle off the x position. Many points close together on Y results in upward curving lines until you get far enough along Y to go back to X. Smaller points should alleviate that. Also, the beeswarm package in R has several optional algorithms that avoid that as well.
I need to draw a network with 5 nodes and 20 directed edges (an edge connecting each 2 nodes) using R, but I need two features to exist:
To be able to control the thickness of each edge.
The edges not to be overlapping (i.e.,the edge form A to B is not drawn over the edge from B to A)
I've spent hours looking for a solution, and tried many packages, but there's always a problem.
Can anybody suggest a solution please and provide a complete example as possible?
Many Thanks in advance.
If it is ok for the lines to be curved then I know two ways. First I create an edgelist:
Edges <- data.frame(
from = rep(1:5,each=5),
to = rep(1:5,times=5),
thickness = abs(rnorm(25)))
Edges <- subset(Edges,from!=to)
This contains the node of origin at the first column, node of destination at the second and weight at the third. You can use my pacake qgraph to plot a weighted graph using this. By default the edges are curved if there are multiple edges between two nodes:
However this package is not really intended for this purpose and you can't change the edge colors (yet, working on it:) ). You can only make all edges black with a small trick:
For more control you can use the igraph package. First we make the graph:
g <- graph.edgelist(as.matrix(Edges[,-3]))
Note the conversion to matrix and subtracting one because the first node is 0. Next we define the layout:
l <- layout.fruchterman.reingold(g)
Now we can change some of the edge parameters with the E()function:
# Define edge widths:
E(g)$width <- Edges$thickness * 5
# Define arrow widths:
E(g)$arrow.width <- Edges$thickness * 5
# Make edges curved:
E(g)$curved <- 0.2
And finally plot the graph:
While not an R answer specifically, I would recommend using Cytoscape to generate the network.
You can automate it using a RCytoscape.
The package informatively named 'network' can draw directed networks fairly well, and handle your issues.
ex.net <- rbind(c(0, 1, 1, 1), c(1, 0, 0, 1), c(0, 0, 0, 1), c(1, 0, 1, 0))
plot(network(ex.net), usecurve = T, edge.curve = 0.00001,
edge.lwd = c(4, rep(1, 7)))
The edge.curve argument, if set very low and combined with usecurve=T, separates the edges, although there might be a more direct way of doing this, and edge.lwd can take a vector as its argument for different sizes.
It's not always the prettiest result, I admit. But it's fairly easy to get decent looking network plots that can be customized in a number of different ways (see ?network.plot).
The 'non overlapping' constraint on edges is the big problem here. First, your network has to be 'planar' otherwise it's impossible in 2-dimensions (you cant connect three houses to gas, electric, phone company buildings without crossovers).
I think an algorithm for planar graph layout essentially solves the 4-colour problem. Have fun with that. Heuristics exist, search for planar graph layout, and force-directed, and read Planar Graph Layouts
I am currently looking for some tool that would generate datasets of different shapes like square, circle, rectangle, etc. with outliers for cluster analysis.
Can any one of you recommend a good dataset generator for cluster analysis?
Is there anyway to generates such datasets in languages like R?
You should probably look into the mlbench package, especially synthetic dataset generating from mlbench.* functions, see some examples below.
Other datasets or utility functions are probably best found on the Cluster Task View on CRAN. As #Roman said, adding outliers is not really difficult, especially when you work in only two dimensions.
I would create a shape and extract bounding coordinates. You can populate the shape with random points using splancs package.
Here's a small snippet from one of my programs:
# First we create a circle, into which uniform random points will be generated (kudos to Barry Rowlingson, r-sig-geo).
circle <- function(x = x, y = y, r = radius, n = n.faces){
t <- seq(from = 0, to = 2 * pi, length = n + 1)[-1]
t <- cbind(x = x + r * sin(t), y = y+ r * cos(t))
t <- rbind(t, t[1,])
csr(circle(0, 0, 100, 30), 1000)
Feel free to add outliers. One way of going about this is sampling different shapes and joining them in different ways.
There is a flexible data generator in ELKI that can generate various distributions in arbitrary dimensionality. It also can generate Gamma distributed variables, for example.
There is documentation on the Wiki: http://elki.dbs.ifi.lmu.de/wiki/DataSetGenerator