Plot months of multiple years - r

I have the following data frame:
Cold Date
1 Yes "21/10/2018 22:00"
2 No "05/10/2019 15:32"
3 Yes "07/12/2020 21:20"
4 No "31/08/2019 03:45"
5 No "08/12/2020 11:12"
I would like to plot to see how many occurrences (counts) there are for each month. This means the months should be on the X-as. However, as you can see, the column "Date" is formatted as a string. Also, the timestamp is included.
Furthermore, there are multiple years included in the column. I think it's best to arrange multiple plots at the same time to get a nice overview of what is happening for each month in each year. Do you guys have an idea how I could tackle this problem? I have no idea where to begin.

Are you looking for this:
df %>% mutate(Date = dmy_hm(Date)) %>% count(Month = month(Date)) %>%
ggplot(aes(Month, n)) + geom_col()
Data used:
Cold Date
1 Yes 21/10/2018 22:00
2 No 05/10/2019 15:32
3 Yes 07/12/2020 21:20
4 No 31/08/2019 03:45
5 No 08/12/2020 11:12

Here is a base R option -
val <- format(sort(as.POSIXct(df$Date, format = '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M',tz = 'UTC')), '%b-%Y')
barplot(table(factor(val, unique(val))))


How to use group_by without ordering alphabetically?

I'm trying to visualize some bird data, however after grouping by month, the resulting output is out of order from the original data. It is in order for December, January, February, and March in the original, but after manipulating it results in December, February, January, March.
Any ideas how I can fix this or sort the rows?
This is the code:
BirdDataTimeClean <- BirdDataTimes %>%
group_by(Date) %>%
summarise(Gulls=sum(Gulls), Terns=sum(Terns), Sandpipers=sum(Sandpipers),
Plovers=sum(Plovers), Pelicans=sum(Pelicans), Oystercatchers=sum(Oystercatchers),
Egrets=sum(Egrets), PeregrineFalcon=sum(Peregrine_Falcon), BlackPhoebe=sum(Black_Phoebe),
BirdDataTimeClean2 <- BirdDataTimeClean %>%
pivot_longer(!Date, names_to = "Species", values_to = "Count")
You haven't shared any workable data but i face this many times when reading from csv and hence all dates and data are in character.
as suggested, please convert the date data to "date" format using lubridate package or base as.Date() and then arrange() in dplyr will work or even group_by
example :toy data created
birds <- data.table(dates = c("2020-Feb-20","2020-Jan-20","2020-Dec-20","2020-Apr-20"),
species = c('Gulls','Turns','Gulls','Sandpiper'),
Counts = c(20,30,40,50)
str(birds) will show date is character (and I have not kept order)
using lubridate convert dates
birds$dates%>%lubridate::ymd() will change to date data-type
Date[1:4], format: "2020-02-20" "2020-01-20" "2020-12-20" "2020-04-20"
save it with birds$dates <- ymd(birds$dates) or do it in your pipeline as follows
now simply so the dplyr analysis:
birds%>%group_by(Months= ymd(dates))%>%
,Species_Count = sum(Counts)
will give
# A tibble: 4 x 3
Months N Species_Count
<date> <int> <dbl>
1 2020-01-20 1 30
2 2020-02-20 1 20
3 2020-04-20 1 50
However, if you want Apr , Jan instead of numbers and apply as.Date() with format etc, the dates become "character" again. I woudl suggest you keep your data that way and while representing in output for others -> format it there with as.Date or if using DT or other datatables -> check the output formatting options. That way your original data remains and users see what they want.
this will make it character
birds%>%group_by(Months= as.character.Date(dates))%>%
,Species_Count = sum(Counts)
A tibble: 4 x 3
Months N Species_Count
<chr> <int> <dbl>
1 2020-Apr-20 1 50
2 2020-Dec-20 1 40
3 2020-Feb-20 1 20
4 2020-Jan-20 1 30

How can I split this date?

I am working with this dataset and I am trying to separate the 'Date' column into the day, month, and year but have run into a problem doing it because it has the month as a character value. Any help would be great.
Here's an image: Dataset
You can convert your Date column using as.Date(), specifying the format for the date; in this case, one option is "%d%B%y"
dataset = data.frame(Date=c("19MAY19","31MAY19"))
dataset %>% mutate(Date = as.Date(Date,"%d%B%y"),
y = year(Date),m=month(Date),d = day(Date))
Date y m d
1 2019-05-19 2019 5 19
2 2019-05-31 2019 5 31

Having trouble correctly producing time series plot

I am trying to plot a time series from an excel file in R Studio. It has a single column named 'Dates'. This column contains datetime data of customer visits in the form 2/15/2014 6:17:22 AM. The datetime was originally in char format and I converted it into a Large POSIXct value using lubridate:
tsData <- mdy_hms(fullUsage$Dates)
Which gives me a value:
POSIXct[1:25,354], format: "2018-04-13 10:18:14" "2018-04-14 13:27:11" .....
I then tried converting it into a time series object using the code below:
visitTimes.ts <- xts(tsData, start = 1,
Im not 100% sure but it looks like the plot is coming out using the sum count of visits. I believe my problem may be in correctly indexing my data using the dates. I apologize in advance if this is a simple issue to deal with I am still learning R. I have included the screenshot of my plot.
yes you are right, you need to provide both the date column (x axis) and the value (y axis)
here's a simple example:
v1 <- data.frame(Date = mdy_hms(c("1-1-2020-00-00-00", "1-2-2020-00-00-00", "1-3-2020-00-00-00")), Value = c(1, 3, 6))
v2 <- xts(v1["Value"], = v1[, "Date"])
first argument of xts takes the x values, on the i leave the actual ts object
You need to count the number of events in each time period and plot these values on the y axis. You didn't provide enough data for a reproducible example, so I have created a small example. We'll use the tidyverse packages dplyr and lubridate to help us out here:
fullUsage <- data.frame(Dates = as.POSIXct("2020-01-01") +
minutes(round(cumsum(rexp(10000, 1/25))))
#> Dates
#> 1 2020-01-01 00:02:00
#> 2 2020-01-01 00:15:00
#> 3 2020-01-01 00:22:00
#> 4 2020-01-01 00:29:00
#> 5 2020-01-01 01:13:00
#> 6 2020-01-01 01:27:00
First of all, we will create columns that show the hour of day and the month that events occurred:
fullUsage$hours <- hour(fullUsage$Dates)
fullUsage$month <- floor_date(fullUsage$Dates, "month")
Now we can effectively just count the number of events per month and plot this number for each month:
fullUsage %>%
group_by(month) %>%
summarise(n = length(hours)) %>%
ggplot(aes(month, n)) +
And we can do the same for the hour of day:
fullUsage %>%
group_by(hours) %>%
summarise(n = length(hours)) %>%
ggplot(aes(hours, n)) +
geom_col() +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = 0:23) +
labs(y = "Hour of day")
Created on 2020-08-05 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

Recoding Dates in nested data to continuous long file with for loop in R

I am struggling a little with the logic for recoding nested data into a long "continuous" format based on dates in R
Below is a dummy example of my data. I have three sets of dates The start and stop time for a participant that is stored in long format, and then the start of another incident that is stored as wide data.
GC_ID HMIS_Start HMIS_Stop CPS Start CPS Start 2 CPS Start 3
------- ------------ ----------- ----------- ------------- -------------
1 1/10/14 1/20/14 1/15/14 6/2/14 NA
1 4/10/14 5/30/14 1/15/14 6/2/14 NA
1 12/1/14 12/2/14 1/15/14 6/2/14 NA
1 1/1/15 2/28/15 1/15/14 6/2/14 NA
2 8/13/13 8/17/14 NA NA NA
3 5/1/15 5/2/15 1/16/13 6/26/14 7/27/15
3 6/4/16 7/10/16 1/16/13 6/26/14 7/27/15
4 10/15/13 10/25/13 2/18/15 NA NA
4 12/25/13 1/18/14 2/18/15 NA NA
4 2/8/15 7/20/15 2/18/15 NA NA
My goal is to create two long continuous variables that go along with each months from August 2013 to December 2015. For one of the two variables, I would like to code a 1 for each month that target month is within an HMIS_start and HMIS_stop time for a participant AND has at least one CPS Start date within that month. The second variable would do a similar thing, but it would be if the CPS Start date happened in the month after the HMIS Stop date.
So participant 1's data could look like this:
I assume I need to create a blank data set with the ID variable and then the month/year variable. Then I would use a for loop for each ID to run an "if_then" statement comparing IF the month is greater then the HMIS start and less then the HMIS stop AND if the CPS start is within that month too.
I am mostly just struggling with how to create that process and use the for loop logically given that there are long data already in the file and multiple lines of long data per participant that need to be compared to all possible CPS start dates
Any thoughts or code tips on how to tackle this?
I am not sure how you came to your answers, and I will update this code once that is provided. But I used library(tidyverse) and library(lubridate) for this:
dat <- data.frame(GC_ID = c(1,1,1,1,2,3,3,4,4,4),
HMIS_Start = c("1/10/14", "4/10/14", "12/1/14", "1/1/15", "8/13/13", "5/1/15", "6/4/16", "10/15/13", "12/25/13","2/8/15"), HMIS_Stop = c("1/20/14", "5/30/14", "12/2/14", "2/28/15", "8/17/14", "5/2/15", "7/10/16", "10/25/13", "1/18/14", "7/20/15"), CPS_Start = c("1/15/14","1/15/14","1/15/14","1/15/14",NA, "1/16/13", "1/16/13", "2/18/15", "2/18/15", "2/18/15"), CPS_Start_2 = c("6/2/15", "6/2/15", "6/2/15", "6/2/15", NA, "6/26/14", "6/26/14", NA, NA, NA), CPS_Start_3 = c(NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"7/27/15", "7/27/15", NA,NA,NA))
dats <- dat %>%
mutate_if(is.factor, as.character) %>%
mutate_if(is.character, ~as.Date(., format = "%m/%d/%y")) %>%
gather(Var, Dates, -GC_ID, -HMIS_Start, -HMIS_Stop) %>%
filter(! %>%
mutate(HMIS_CPS_SAME = if_else(month(HMIS_Start) == month(HMIS_Stop) &
year(HMIS_Start) == year(HMIS_Stop) &
month(HMIS_Start) == month(Dates) &
year(HMIS_Start) == year(Dates), 1, 0 ),
CPS_After = if_else(month(HMIS_Stop) + 1 == month(Dates) &
year(HMIS_Stop) == year(Dates), 1,0 ),
Months = month(HMIS_Start),
Years = year(HMIS_Start)) %>%
arrange(GC_ID, HMIS_Start, Dates) %>%
group_by(GC_ID, Months, Years) %>%
summarise(HMIS_CPS_SAME = max(HMIS_CPS_SAME),
CPS_After = max(CPS_After)) %>%
full_dat <- merge(data.frame(GC_ID = unique(dat$GC_ID)), data.frame(Dates = seq.Date(as.Date("2013-08-01"), as.Date("2015-12-01"), by = "month"))) %>%
mutate(Months = month(Dates), Years = year(Dates)) %>%
left_join(dats, by = c("GC_ID", "Months", "Years")) %>%
mutate_if(is.numeric , replace_na, replace = 0)
First I created the data in R and R format. Then I converted the data to date format for the 5 columns you mentioned. I made the data long to do the comparisons specified, then found the max for each GC_ID, Months, Years. Then I used a cartesian join for each date and GC_ID and got the months and years from those and joined our dats to full_dat by GC_ID, Months, Years. The last mutate_if is to convert all NA values to 0. NO Looping Needed! :-)

How to split a panel data record in R based on a threshold value for a variable?

I have data for hospitalisations that records date of admission and the number of days spent in the hospital:
ID date ndays
1 2005-06-01 15
2 2005-06-15 60
3 2005-12-25 20
4 2005-01-01 400
4 2006-06-04 15
I would like to create a dataset of days spend at the hospital per year, and therefore I need to deal with cases like ID 3, whose stay at the hospital goes over the end of the year, and ID 4, whose stay at the hospital is longer than one year. There is also the problem that some people do have a record on next year, and I would like to add the `surplus' days to those when this happens.
So far I have come up with this solution:
ndays_new <- ifelse((as.Date(paste(year(data$date),"12-31",sep="-")),
format="%Y-%m-%d") - data$date) < data$ndays,
format="%Y-%m-%d") - data$date) ,
However, I can't think of a way to get those `surplus' days that go over the end of the year and assign them to a new record starting on the next year. Can any one point me to a good solution? I use dplyr, so solutions with that package would be specially welcome, but I'm willing to try any other tool if needed.
My solution isn't compact. But, I tried to employ dplyr and did the following. I initially changed column names for my own understanding. I calculated another date (i.e., date.2) by adding ndays to date.1. If the years of date.1 and date.2 match, that means you do not have to consider the following year. If the years do not match, you need to consider the following year. ndays.2 is basically ndays for the following year. Then, I reshaped the data using do. After filtering unnecessary rows with NAs, I changed date to year and aggregated the data by ID and year.
rename(mydf, date.1 = date, ndays.1 = ndays) %>%
mutate(date.1 = as.POSIXct(date.1, format = "%Y-%m-%d"),
date.2 = date.1 + (60 * 60 * 24) * ndays.1,
ndays.2 = ifelse(as.character(format(date.1, "%Y")) == as.character(format(date.2, "%Y")), NA,
date.2 - as.POSIXct(paste0(as.character(format(date.2, "%Y")),"-01-01"), format = "%Y-%m-%d")),
ndays.1 = ifelse(ndays.2 %in% NA, ndays.1, ndays.1 - ndays.2)) %>%
do(data.frame(ID = .$ID, date = c(.$date.1, .$date.2), ndays = c(.$ndays.1, .$ndays.2))) %>%
filter(complete.cases(ndays)) %>%
mutate(date = as.numeric(format(date, "%Y"))) %>%
rename(year = date) %>%
group_by(ID, year) %>%
summarise(ndays = sum(ndays))
# ID year ndays
#1 1 2005 15
#2 2 2005 60
#3 3 2005 7
#4 3 2006 13
#5 4 2005 365
#6 4 2006 50
