I'm trying to upload 2 functions to Firebase Cloud functions but it always ends up giving an error saying:
"Error: Functions did not deploy properly."
When I go to the Firebase Cloud Functions Logs this is the only Info I get:
{"#type":"type.googleapis.com/google.cloud.audit.AuditLog","status":{"code":3,"message":"Function failed on loading user code. This is likely due to a bug in the user code. Error message: Error: please examine your function logs to see the error cause: https://cloud.google.com/functions/docs/monitoring/logging#viewing_logs. Additional troubleshooting documentation can be found at https://cloud.google.com/functions/docs/troubleshooting#logging. Please visit https://cloud.google.com/functions/docs/troubleshooting for in-depth troubleshooting documentation."},"authenticationinfo":{"principalemail":"xxxxxxx#gmail.com"},"servicename":"cloudfunctions.googleapis.com","methodname":"google.cloud.functions.v1.cloudfunctionsservice.updatefunction","resourceName":"projects/xxxxxxxxx-ad581/locations/us-central1/functions/newUserSignup"}
Now in here it says there is a bug on my Code but I can't seem to find it:
const functions = require("firebase-functions");
const admin = require("firebase-admin");
const randomstring = require("randomstring");
exports.newUserSignup = functions.auth.user().onCreate((user) => {
const provid = user.providerData[0].providerId;
switch (provid) {
case "facebook.com": {
let username;
const tokens = user.displayName.split(" ");
const nameLength = tokens.length;
if (nameLength > 1) {
username = tokens[0] + randomstring.generate(12) + tokens[1];
} else {
username = tokens[0] + randomstring.generate(17);
return admin.firestore().collection("users").doc(user.uid).set({
"username": username,
"email": user.email,
"image_url": user.photoURL,
"name": user.displayName,
case "google.com": {
let username;
const tokens = user.displayName.split(" ");
const nameLength = tokens.length;
if (nameLength > 1) {
username = tokens[0] + randomstring.generate(12) + tokens[1];
} else {
username = tokens[0] + randomstring.generate(17);
return admin.firestore().collection("users").doc(user.uid).set({
"username": username,
"email": user.email,
"image_url": user.photoURL,
"name": user.displayName,
case "apple.com": {
return admin.firestore().collection("users").doc(user.uid).set({
"username": null,
"email": user.email,
"image_url": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fa/Apple_logo_black.svg/647px-Apple_logo_black.svg.png",
"name": null,
case "password": {
return admin.firestore().collection("users").doc(user.uid).set({
"username": null,
"email": user.email,
"image_url": null,
"name": null,
default: {
exports.userDeleted = functions.auth.user().onDelete((user) => {
const doc = admin.firestore().collection("users").doc(user.uid);
return doc.delete();
Basically what I'm trying to do is that with the first Function newUserSignup is that when a new user access it gets the providerId which I save to the variable provid and then do a switch where if facebook.com is the provider has some logic, or changes the logic depending on the provider.
On the second Function userDeleted I only want to delete the user entry from the the Firestore when the user deleted.
Additional Information
The part of Collection with Double Quotes was requested by ESLint, the randomstring is from a package call RandomString on NPM https://www.npmjs.com/package/randomstring this is to generate a random hash to my usernames. Also the Whole project is already Firebase Init so it has the .firebaserc for the connection.
Any Ideas what the Bug might be?
Kind Regards
I finally found out what the problem is:
Inside the project, I had 2 node modules in the folder, one outside and one inside the Functions Folder, and I use a node module (RandomString), in the functions, so I needed to add the npm install inside the Functions folder.
Sorry for the question Guys.
Kind Regards.
I want to add Firebase project through Firebase Management Api. So for that. I made project on Google Cloud Platform console. And created service account with permission as a owner.
I tried to read and create project throw google api explorer for addFirebase and it works. But when i try to do the same through my code it read availableProject successfully and give output as
"projectInfo": [
"project": "projects/firebase-api-238012",
"displayName": "Firebase-Api"
but when i try to add project it give me this error
"error": {
"code": 403,
"message": "The caller does not have permission",
I don't know why its is not creating project. What other permission it needs. And why it allowed to me read available projects first.
here is how i am trying to add my project.
const { google } = require('googleapis');
var serviceAccountJwt = require('./Firebase-Api-b0e41b85ad44.json');
exports.connect = async () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// scope is based on what is needed in our api
const scope = ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/firebase', 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform'];
// create our client with the service account JWT
const { client_email, private_key } = serviceAccountJwt;
const client = new google.auth.JWT(client_email, null, private_key, scope, null);
// perform authorization and resolve with the client
return client.authorize((err) => {
if (err) { reject(err) }
else {
index.js file
const { google } = require('googleapis');
const request = require('request');
const { connect } = require('./jwt');
const availableProjects = 'https://firebase.googleapis.com/v1beta1/availableProjects';
async function getAccessToken() {
let client = await connect();
let accessToken = await client.getAccessToken();
let res = await getProjects(accessToken.token)
getAccessToken().catch(err => {
const bodys = {
"timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"locationId": "asia-south1",
"regionCode": "US"
async function getProjects(accesstoken) {
let options = {
url: availableProjects,
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + accesstoken,
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
return request(options, async function (err, res) {
if (err) {
console.error(err + " error");
} else {
//here it gives successful output
let bodyJson = JSON.parse(res.body);
let projectName = bodyJson.projectInfo[0].project;
await addProject(accesstoken, projectName)
return res.body;
async function addProject(accesstoken, projecctID) {
fbUrl = getAddFBUrl(projecctID);
let options = {
url: fbUrl,
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + accesstoken,
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
return request.post(options, function (err, res) {
if (err) {
console.error(err + " error");
} else {
//here in response out put as permission denied 403
return res.body;
function getAddFBUrl(projectId) {
return 'https://firebase.googleapis.com/v1beta1/' + projectId +
i found one similar question to this. But it didn't helped me to resolve my issue which is here
From the Firebase REST reference: Method: projects.addFirebase
To call projects.addFirebase, a member must be an Editor or Owner for
the existing GCP Project. Service accounts cannot call
To call projects.addFirebase, a project member or service account must have the following permissions (the IAM roles of Editor and Owner contain these permissions): firebase.projects.update, resourcemanager.projects.get, serviceusage.services.enable, and serviceusage.services.get.
I'm not sure if my answer will be helpful for author of this question, but this if first two things all should check when facing 403 Error with Google Cloud APIs
0) Check configuration with gcloud
1) As mentioned before the first thing is to check the role of service account. You need Editor/Owner usually.
2) The second one is to check if API enabled for project at all.
Also when creating a key check it for correct service account.
For someone who's just get started like me, this thing maybe helpful. When I seted up database, I choose Start in locked mode instead of Start in test mode. Therefore, I can't read or write :((. For beginner, just set everything in test mode. Hope it helpful.
Your problem means that your project is not linked with your firebase account which means you have to login with your firebase account. Than you will have the permission
type cd functions in your firebase project directory
type firebase login
login with the Gmail which is connected with your firebase account
It'll work
I have found various other posts that all seem to make me believe that my implementation should be working but something is still missing.
Here is my Firebase Realtime database rules:
"usernames": {
".read" : true,
".write" : "auth !== null",
".validate": "!root.child('usernames').hasChild($username)"
Inside my usernames node i have for example:
|---"johnDoe123" : "XrG34odsfla82343174094389"
|--- etc.....
I have a cloud function that I am calling by passing a token and when the cloud function runs it attempts to update the "usernames" node by adding the new requested username assuming the username is not yet taken.
Here is the portion of the function that I am using that writes to the Firebase usernames node:
let newUser = {}
newUser[req.query.username] = decoded.uid
.then(() => {
console.log(`New username <${req.query.username}> added`)
console.log('Error', e)
The cloud function is updating the usernames node but my problem is that I need to have it reject the update with the validation if another child node has the same username. As of now my rules continue to allow the update to occur despite having another child node with the same exact username which is associated to a different uid.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
Not sure if this is the best way, but it works for my purpose which is to check the first time a user is getting setup within my app to determine if the username being requested is already taken. If so it sends back JSON response that it was already taken. If it was not taken then it creates the record and then sends back JSON response of success..
module.exports = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
cors(req, res, () => {
const tokenId = req.get('Authorization').split('Bearer ')[1];
return admin.auth().verifyIdToken(tokenId)
.then((decoded) => {
.once('value', function(snapshot) {
if(snapshot.val() === null){
let newUser = {}
newUser[req.query.username] = decoded.uid
.then(() => {
console.log(`New username <${req.query.username}> added`)
success: true,
message: "Username created"
success: false,
message: "Username already taken"
.catch((err) => {
If you use the Firebase Authentication to register all users, then this system will tell the user automatically that the email address they have used to register with is already an account.
You could also make the username part of the tree path /users/AUserName so it would return null when queried
I'm following the official instructions on how to send push notifications to users that gives their permission.
I'm able to follow all the instructions until this code
appMap.set('finish.push.setup', function(app)) {
if (app.isPermissionGranted()) {
const intent = app.getArgument('UPDATE_INTENT');
const userID = app.getArgument('UPDATES_USER_ID');
// code to save intent and userID in your db
app.tell("Ok, I'll start alerting you");
} else {
app.tell("Ok, I won't alert you");
the app.getArgument('UPDATE_INTENT') return undefined and checking the JSON it looks like it doesn't contain the intent at all but I have only one intent configured for updates so I hardcoded it's name in the code.
I got a userID and I hardcoded it too in the code.
Then I followed the instructions to get a service account key and I saved the JSON key locally.
Then the nasty problems begins.
I installed the required packages with npm install googleapis request --save and copied the code
const google = require('googleapis');
const key = require(PATH_TO_KEY);
let jwtClient = new google.auth.JWT(
key.client_email, null, key.private_key,
jwtClient.authorize(function (err, tokens) {
// code to retrieve target userId and intent
let notif = {
userNotification: {
title: '',
target: {
userId: '',
intent: ''
request.post('https://actions.googleapis.com/v2/conversations:send', {
'auth': {
'bearer': tokens.access_token
'json': true,
'body': { 'customPushMessage': notif }
}, function(err,httpResponse,body) {
console.log(httpResponse.statusCode + ': ' + httpResponse.statusMessage)
I edited it setting the right path to my key and edited the notification property with fixed values (the same title configured in the action, the userID returned by dialogflow and the name of my intent).
Then I noticed that the code is missing a const request = require('request'); and the line
let jwtClient = new google.auth.JWT(
gives an error so I changed to
let jwtClient = new google.google.auth.JWT(
I added a console.log('body', body); just to get more data and I got
body { error:
{ code: 404,
message: 'App [my-project-id] was not found. The app preview may have expired.',
status: 'NOT_FOUND' } }
Am I doing something wrong or the documentation has other errors I still have to catch?
try to add locale at target object:
let notif = {
userNotification: {
title: '',
target: {
userId: '',
intent: '',
locale: ''
For locale follow IETF BCP-47 language code as described here.
By default Google Actions use en-US language, and I figure out you are using a differente language code, so the system reply that cannot found us version of your application.
I am trying to use the DDP Realtime API to initiate a LiveChat conversation but I am facing issues.
I am doing all the steps as per the documentation. In the first API outcome, you can see that it saus numAgents: 2 and online: true. However when I try to send a message to the same department, it says: "Sorry, no online agents".
Is there a way to find out the problem?
Result of livechat:getInitialData
{ enabled: true,
title: 'xyz.com',
color: '#C1272D',
registrationForm: false,
room: null,
triggers: [],
[ { _id: 'CxCTgXL4csw3TcW6S',
enabled: true,
name: 'Support',
description: '',
numAgents: 2,
showOnRegistration: true,
_updatedAt: 2017-09-24T06:46:39.657Z } ],
allowSwitchingDepartments: true,
online: true,
offlineColor: '#666666',
offlineMessage: 'We are not online right now. Please leave us a message:',
offlineSuccessMessage: '',
offlineUnavailableMessage: '',
displayOfflineForm: true,
videoCall: true,
offlineTitle: 'Leave a message',
language: '',
transcript: false,
transcriptMessage: 'Would you like a copy of this chat emailed?' }
Result of livechat:registerGuest
{ userId: 'j65Cp5peeLJLYhWQi',
token: 'J8IpnpB1yN1AYtO0e0EzLhuaRhe0zaZkjHBAamsehSO' }
Result of Login
{ id: 'j65Cp5peeLJLYhWQi',
token: 'J8IpnpB1yN1AYtO0e0EzLhuaRhe0zaZkjHBAamsehSO',
tokenExpires: 2017-12-23T07:45:01.928Z }
Result of sendMessageLivechat
{ isClientSafe: true,
error: 'no-agent-online',
reason: 'Sorry, no online agents',
message: 'Sorry, no online agents [no-agent-online]',
errorType: 'Meteor.Error' }
These are the parameters I am sending to sendMessageLiveChat.
"_id" : "j65Cp5peeLJLYhWQi"
"rid" : "a_random_string"
"msg": "Hello"
"token" : "J8IpnpB1yN1AYtO0e0EzLhuaRhe0zaZkjHBAamsehSO"
Could someone help me?
This is how I called registerGuest.
ddpClient.call("livechat:registerGuest",[{"token":authToken,"name":"test1","email":"test2#gmail.com","department":department._id},25],function(err, info){
the token passed by me here is the admin's authToken
The ddpClient object is obtained using the DDP npm package.
I solved this by a combination of
setting the bot as livechat agent & manager at the same time (I've read that tip somewhere it might be nonsense)
in Admin -> Omnichannel -> routing I've set 'accept even when no agents are online' (since my bot was never online, bould it was replying when DMessaged) + 'assign bot agents to new conversations'
I've setup myself a livechat-manager + livechat-agent role, but stayed in a different department, that way I can takeover
The rocket chat live api docs are quite out of date, just got stream-room-messages working because of a random forum post. Generally, registerGuest works with very minimal parameters as well, namely a random, self generated token + a name.
Here's my code for the complete setup
async subscribeToLiveRoom(message){
var _self = this
// let initial = await this.api
// .call("livechat:getInitialData",[token])
// register
const token = this.randomString()
var guestUser = await this.api
token: token,
name: _self.$auth.user.name
console.log('guest', guestUser.visitor.token)
var roomId = this.randomString()
let msg = await this.api
_id: _self.randomString(),
rid: roomId,
msg: message,
token: guestUser.visitor.token
try {
let liveStream = await this.$subscribe("stream-livechat-room",[
"useCollection": true,
"visitorToken": guestUser.visitor.token
this.msgLive = await this.find('stream-livechat-room')
} catch (e) {
try {
var roomStream = await this.$subscribe("stream-room-messages",[
"useCollection": true,
"visitorToken": guestUser.visitor.token
var update = this.find('stream-room-messages')
} catch (e) {
console.log('an error occured', e)
console.log( this.msg)
async sendToLiveRoom(message, rId){
var _self = this
// let initial = await this.api
// .call("livechat:getInitialData",[token])
// register
let msg = await this.api
_id: _self.randomString(),
rid: rId,
msg: message,
token: _self.guest.visitor.token
By the way, since it's not well documented, you will get room-messages in livechat rooms via subscribing to stream-room-messages while you get room status changes (like switched to another agent) by subscribing to stream-livechat-room
I'm currently trying to add new users to Firebase via the AngularFire $set() method. I'm creating new users via the $createUser method from AngularFire. My code looks like this:
$scope.createUser = function() {
$scope.auth.$createUser('dolly#gmail.com', 'password').then(function(user, err) {
if (err) {
console.log('ERROR: ' + err);
} else {
sync.$set('users', user);
This is a creating new user and placing the new user object inside of users:{..}, however, it is also adding an additional user child object thats just duplicate data -- this is what the code is adding to Firebase:
"users": {
"email": "dolly#gmail.com",
"id": "11",
"isTemporaryPassword": false,
"md5_hash": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"provider": "password",
"sessionKey": "xxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjE0MDc5NDQ2NDYsInYiOjAsImQiOnsicHJvdmlkZXIiOiJwYXNzd29yZCIsImlkIjoiMTEiLCJ1aWQiOiJzaW1wbGVsb2dpbjoxMSIsImVtYWlsIjoiZG9sbHlAZ21haWwuY29tIiwibWQ1X2hhc2giOiIzsdrggfeedsaadrfcDc0ZDRhMTU5NTk2NzI1NzFmMDk2ZTZlNyIsImlzVGVtcG9yYXJ5UGFzc3dvcmQiOmZhbHNlLCJzZXNzaW9uS2V5IjoiM2MwMDNjODkxMDEzOWE5MjhlZTZjNWI1NjU5ZTRiZjMifSwiaWF0IjoxNDA3ODU4MjQ2fQ.p7-9GDtaNpBn1ICTLIUSwlPytaUGi-jyBgcO-LKHUys",
"uid": "simplelogin:11",
"user": {
"email": "dolly#gmail.com",
"id": "11",
"isTemporaryPassword": false,
"md5_hash": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"provider": "dfrggrssxxxxxxx",
"sessionKey": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"uid": "simplelogin:11"
I ideally want my users object to look like the example in firebase, except with each user key to be whatever is inside user.uid
users: {
user1: {
name: "Alice"
user2: {
name: "Bob"
Where each new user will be added to the users: {...} key without the duplicate user child tacked on?
If you create a reference to users/ and then call $set on that path, then whatever data you include will replace anything at that path. This is AngularFire 101. You should begin by reading at least that section if not the entire guide.
Choose the path you want to set data at when creating your sync object.
var ref = new Firebase('.../users/'+user.uid);
var sync = $firebase(ref);
sync.$set({ email: user.email, provider: user.provider });
Or, better yet, just set it on the reference since you aren't utilizing this for client-side bindings.
var ref = new Firebase('.../users/'+user.uid);
ref.set({ email: user.email, provider: user.provider });
Creating profiles is explained in the Firebase docs and covered in the AngularFire-Seed repo's createProfile service, nearly verbatim to your example.