Wrong opacity transition behaviour in Chrome when loading CSS from file? - css

Not sure if I'm doing something wrong here or whether this indeed is a Chrome rendering bug.
Here is my very small example:
.hover-test span {
opacity: 0;
transition-property: opacity;
transition-duration: 1000ms;
.hover-test:hover span {
opacity: 1;
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>TEST opacity</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"/>
<link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet">
<button class="hover-test">hover me<span>hidden</span></button>
It works in all browsers I checked like expected.
It does work in Chrome as well, when I put the CSS in a style tag directly in the HTML file.
It does NOT work in Chrome (91.0.4472.101), when I put the CSS in a separate file and include it with a link tag.
With "not working" I mean, that on page load the span is shown and then faded out, without the mouse cursor being near the button.
Is this a Chrome bug, or am I doing something wrong here?
How can I achieve the desired behaviour in Chrome, which is: span is hidden on page load and only shown/hidden on hover?

It looks like it is a Chrome bug,as written here: https://www.hawkbydesign.com/weird-google-chrome-css-transition-on-load-bug/
Well, after making some further updates and refreshing the page, I noticed that the transition was firing on page load. What I mean by this is instead of being hidden on page load, as they should be, the elements were visible and would transition to their hidden state.
this is exactly the problem reported.
The bug happens whenever you don’t have any script tags on the page, apparently. For whatever reason, this causes css transitions to trigger upon page load. While I was also digging, it appears that this happens sometimes with the form tag as well. What a weird bug!
The solution is to include a script tag in your page. Whenever I found the solution, they said to include a space in the script tag, but I found that it works fine even without the space.
I actually added jQuery on the page using the CDN link and the bug seems gone.

You appear to be bumping up against a timing problem.
Try this code with your styles file:
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>TEST opacity</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"/>
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet">
function insert() {
document.body.innerHTML = '<button class="hover-test">hover me<span>hidden</span></button>';
window.onload = insert;
This waits for loading before putting the button in the document and on Chrome (and Edge) on Windows10 at least all is well.
Chrome/Edge seem to differ from say Firefox in whether loading is synchronous or not - or maybe it's just a lot faster writing the document.


css external not working properly

please help. My CSS is not working. I tried changing the name - not working, I changed folder - and the test worked, then I tried to change style again and nothing, the style I put the first time is there even if I delete it. When I look it at developers tool in chrome it shows the style I deleted. I'm stuck. My original code is not necessary, I made just the test.php and login.css and this simple code is not working.
#charset "utf-8";
/* CSS Document */
body {
background-color: red;
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "style/login.css">
<p> Some text </p>
so the first time I put background-color: blue, and it worked, but now I change it and it stays blue, and nothing else I do, doesn't work.
I'm working in WordPress, but from theme page, I have the link to my other page that has nothing to do with it, everything is working great, except CSS. could it be the conflict with WordPress?
You need to clear the cache. Your code works fine. In chrome
Open DevTools (Ctrl+Shift+I)
Open Settings (F1)
Check Disable cache (while DevTools is open)
I guess you are stuck with caching problem, Chrome loads the cache so that is why you are not able to update Try this,
<link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "style/login.css?id=1">

IE8 Compatibility mode issue

I have created one jsp page that page is working fine across the all browser.when i rendered that page in IE8 browser it's working fine.But problem is when i select
Browser Mode-IE8 Compatibility View than corresponding
Document Mode- IE7 Standards will be selected automatically.
then my jsp page giving a lot alignment issue.But when i select again
Document Mode- IE8 Standards than my page working fine..
How i can control this thing Is there any way to setting because i can change again again the document mode..i want Document Mode will fix IE8 Standard..
Please provide the solution how i can handle this issue...
Try changing the DOCTYPE to:
<DOCTYPE html>
And then try adding this meta tag into the <head> of your document:
<meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="IE=Edge"/>
This meta tag should force IE into standards mode, you can find more information about it here.
You should end up with something that looks like:
<DOCTYPE html>
<title>Page Title</title>
<meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="IE=Edge"/>

background-color: white in IE7 appears transparent

Yup, you just read that.
My Googling gave me tons of results where people wanted a transparent background, and it appeared white.
Today, I stumbled upon the opposite ! It seems to be a real bug since I was able to reproduce it in a JSFiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/qtByH/
The background-color is set to red by default, and everything works fine. If you change it to white and re-run the fiddle (using IE7, of course), the background remains transparent when you hover the link.
Any thoughts ?
Edit : here is the code in case the fiddle vanishes away.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
body { background-color: green; }
a:hover { background-color: red; }
Well, you have an HTML document inside another HTML document, which probably makes the browser revert to quirks mode. The JsFiddle site already adds a document around the HTML code, so you should not enter a complete HTML document.
Do you have a chroma filter somewhere?
filter: Chroma(color='#ffffff');
or something like that?
A chroma filter set's a color to be transparent.
See the fiddle without unnecessary html code and demo for output:
Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/qtByH/5/
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/qtByH/4/embedded/result/
As pointed out in my comment, zoom: 1; was the way to go (must have been yet another hasLayout issue).

Eliminate flash of unstyled content

How do I stop the flash of unstyled content (FOUC) on a web page?
The problem with using a css style to initially hide some page elements, and then using javascript to change the style back to visible after page load, is that people who don't have javascript enabled will never get to see those elements. So it's a solution which does not degrade gracefully.
A better way therefore, is to use javascript to both initially hide as well as redisplay those elements after page load. Using jQuery, we might be tempted to do something like this:
$(document).ready(function() {
$(window).on('load', function() {
However, if your page is very big with a lot of elements, then this code won't be applied soon enough (the document body won't be ready soon enough) and you might still see a FOUC. However, there is one element that we CAN hide as soon as script is encountered in the head, even before the document is ready: the HTML tag. So we could do something like this:
<!-- Other stuff like title and meta tags go here -->
<style type="text/css">
.hidden {display:none;}
<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() { // EDIT: From Adam Zerner's comment below: Rather use load: $(window).on('load', function () {...});
$('html').show(); // EDIT: Can also use $('html').removeClass('hidden');
<!-- Body Content -->
Note that the jQuery addClass() method is called *outside* of the .ready() (or better, .on('load')) method.
This is the one that has worked for me and does not require javascript and it works great for pages with many elements and lots of css:
First, add a dedicated <STYLE> setting for the <HTML> tag with visibility 'hidden' and opacity as '0' at the top of your HTML, e.g, in the beginning of the <HEAD> element, for example, at the top of your HTML add:
<!doctype html>
<style>html{visibility: hidden;opacity:0;}</style>
Then, at the end of your last .css stylesheet file, set the visibility and opacity styles to 'visible' and '1', respectively:
html {
visibility: visible;
opacity: 1;
If you already have an existing style block for the 'html' tag, then move the entire 'html' style to the end of the last .css file and add the 'visibility' and 'opacity' tags as described above.
A CSS-only solution:
html {
display: none;
<link rel="stylesheet" href="app.css"> <!-- should set html { display: block; } -->
As the browser parses through the HTML file:
The first thing it will do is hide <html>.
The last thing it will do is load the styles, and then display all the content with styling applied.
The advantage to this over a solution that uses JavaScript is that it will work for users even if they have JavaScript disabled.
Note: you are allowed to put <link> inside of <body>. I do see it as a downside though, because it violates common practice. It would be nice if there was a defer attribute for <link> like there is for <script>, because that would allow us to put it in the <head> and still accomplish our goal.
A solution which doesn't depend on jQuery, which will work on all current browsers and do nothing on old browsers, include the following in your head tag:
<style type="text/css">
.fouc-fix { display:none; }
<script type="text/javascript">
try {
var elm=document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0];
var old=elm.class || "";
elm.class=old+" fouc-fix";
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",function(event) {
catch(thr) {
Thanks to #justastudent, I tried just setting elm.style.display="none"; and it appears to work as desired, at least in current Firefox Quantum. So here is a more compact solution, being, so far, the simplest thing I've found that works.
<script type="text/javascript">
var elm=document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0];
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",function(event) { elm.style.display="block"; });
An other quick fix which also works in Firefox Quantum is an empty <script> tag in the <head>. This however, penalizes your pagespeed insights and overall load time.
I had 100% success with it. I think it's also the main reason, why above solutions with other JS in the works.
<script type="text/javascript">
None of the CSS-only solutions presented here work with modern browsers (asynchronous loading of css and fonts). You have to use Javascript. What I've done to avoid FOUC is:
<body onload="document.body.style.visibility=`visible`;">
With this approach the body of my web page is kept hidden until the full page and CSS files are loaded. Once everything is loaded, the onload event turns the body visible. So, the web browser remains empty until a point when everything pops up on the screen.
It is a simple solution but so far it is working.
This will not affect users who have disabled Javascript because the <script> tag is ignored.
No one has talked about CSS #import
That was the problem for me i was loading two extra style sheets directly in my css file with #import
Simple solution: Replace all #import links with <link />
Every answer on this page slows down the load and it only hides the underlying issue. If you're experiencing FOUC, find out WHY it's happening and fix that.
At the core, this is happening:
because your stylesheets are not being loaded correctly: they should be loaded via link tag in the HTML, not via JavaScript
because you placed script tags before link tags, which may force a "layout operation" and trick the browser into rendering before it even attempts to load the style.
For reference, here's an example of FOUC:
I came up with a way that requires no real code change whatsoever, woohoo! My issue was related to importing several css files AFTER some javascript files.
To resolve the issue I just moved my CSS links so that they would be above my javascript imports. This allowed all my CSS to be imported and ready to go ASAP, so that when the HTML appears on the screen, even if the JS isn't ready, the page will be properly formatted
Here is my code .. hope it solve your problem
set <body style="opacity:0;">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("body").css('opacity', 1);
A simple solution to avoid a flash of unstyled content without javascript:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Bla bla</title>
<link href="..." rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="..." rel="stylesheet" />
<body style="opacity: 0">
<!-- All HTML content here -->
<script src="..."></script>
<script src="..."></script>
body {
opacity: 1 !important;
When the parser arrives at the body, it is faded out using "opacity: 0". When the parser finally arrives at the very bottom after everything else is parsed, the body is faded in again using an in-page style. The !important keyword there is important ;-), because it overrules the previous inline style of the body tag.
In this case, using "opacity: 0" to fade out is better than "display: none", because if you have layout operations done by javascript, they may not work when the affected element is not rendered.
That worked for me.
The best solution I found till now is like this:
Add all styles of your header to a <style/> tag in <head/>
at the top of style tag add .not-visible-first{visibility: hidden} + other header style
Add css via JS at the end of body
document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend","<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"/css/main.min.css?v=1.2.4338\" />");
And remember to add .not-visible-first{visibility: visible} to the end of main.min.css
This option will create better user experience
You could try this with vanilla
function js_method(){
var elementDiv = document.getElementById("main");
elementDiv.style.display ="block";
<body onload="js_method()" id="main" style="display:none">

Embedding extra styles with noscript

I have an XHTML strict page that has an invisible div that is controlled by Javascript. The div is set to transparent and visible by the script and a mouseover event to make the div opaque on hover.
When someone using a browser (or firefox with noscript) without javascript the div simply remains invisible. The problem with this is that I do not want the content to be inaccessible. I also do not want to leave the div visible then use the script to make it transparent as the div is located at the bottom of the document and it causes a noticeable flicker whenever a page loads.
I have tried using noscript tags to embed an additional style sheet that is only loaded for people without the luxury of Javascript but this fails the XHTML strict validation. Is there any other way to include extra styling information inside a noscript block that is XHTML valid?
With a simple test case I get a validation error of: document type does not allow element "style" here.
This is with an empty XHTML Strict document with a style element inside a noscript element. The noscript is inside the body.
noscript in head is valid HTML5. It wasn't valid before. I just tested it, it works in current Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera and IE.
<!doctype html>
<p>is this red? it should <script>document.writeln("not");</script> be. <noscript>indeed.</noscript></p>
To clear up the validation issue: noscript is only allowed in the body element, style only allowed in the head. Therefore, the latter is not allowed within the former.
On the general issue: you'll want to make the div element visible by default, then hide it via CSS + javascript. This is the 'progressive enhancement' model. I notice you say you "don't want to do this because of the flicker", but I'm not sure exactly what's causing this - chances are you can fix it, so maybe you should post that as a question.
Note about my answer
I wrote this post after realizing it was dating from 2008
Since I had a similar problem, I thought continuing answering with a current answer.
My actual answer
Like Boby Jack said, style tag is not allowed in body. I myself did the exact thing as you (Joshua) about it. But Jack's "progressive enhancement" made me without non-abstract solution but then I realized a solution that I did not find answers on this thread.
It all depends of your styling structure.
My suggestion is to plainly use something like modernizr in the very begining of the head and use Paul Irish's HTML5Boilerplate recommendations.
Long story short
Html tag has a class attributes with no-js
Head tag includes a first modernizr javascript as the first
CSS has the element (.hide-me) with display:none on its proper place
Then .no-js .hide-me { display:block }
In detail
See Paul Irish's HTML5boilerplate, and adapt it to XHTML if you want :)
1. Html has a class attributes with .no-js
<!doctype html>
<!-- paulirish.com/2008/conditional-stylesheets-vs-css-hacks-answer-neither/ -->
<!--[if lt IE 7]> <html class="no-js ie6 oldie" lang="en"> <![endif]-->
<!--[if IE 7]> <html class="no-js ie7 oldie" lang="en"> <![endif]-->
<!--[if IE 8]> <html class="no-js ie8 oldie" lang="en"> <![endif]-->
<!--[if gt IE 8]><!--> <html class="no-js" lang="en"> <!--<![endif]-->
quoting from html5boilerplate.com
2. Head tag includes a first modernizr javascript as the first
Modernizr execution will build html attributes with what's supported.
Will build something similar to this:
<html class=" js flexbox canvas canvastext webgl no-touch geolocation postmessage websqldatabase indexeddb hashchange history draganddrop websockets rgba hsla multiplebgs backgroundsize borderimage borderradius boxshadow textshadow opacity cssanimations csscolumns cssgradients cssreflections csstransforms csstransforms3d csstransitions fontface generatedcontent video audio localstorage sessionstorage webworkers applicationcache svg inlinesvg smil svgclippaths" lang="en">
Note this is from Google Chrome modernizr tests.
The first is js but if Modernizr did not run (no javascript) the no-js would stay there.
3. CSS has the element (.hide-me) with display:none on its proper place
... you know the rest :)
Use a script block in the head to add a style element with document.write:
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write('<style type="text/css">.noscript{display:none}</style>');
UPDATE for 2016:
From w3school:
Differences Between HTML 4.01 and HTML5
In HTML 4.01, <noscript> tag can only be used inside the <body>
In HTML5, the <noscript> tag can be used both inside <head> and
Differences Between HTML and XHTML
In XHTML, the <noscript> tag is not supported.
My solution for having expanded menus (lists, etc..)
I've put in the header like this
<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/x_no_script.css">
In the x_no_script.css I set the selectors that I wanted to
max-height: 9999px;
overflow: visible;
In this way, I have expanded menus when JavaScript is disabled or not exists.
What validation error do you get? <noscript> should be allowed in XHTML but it's block level, so make sure it's not in a <p>, <span>, etc
In case XHTML is used, the trick is to use two CSS files. One global one and one js-one tweaking the global one for JavaScript-enabled browsers.
.hidden {
.hidden {
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
<title>Test page</title>
<link href='css/style.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
<script type="text/javascript">
//document.write("<link href='css/style-js.css' rel='styleSheet' type='text/css' />");
//is not legal in XHTML, we do the long way:
var l=document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml","link");
l.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");
l.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
l.setAttribute("href", "/css/style-js.css");
<div class="hidden">
<p>Only displayed at JavaScript enabled browsers</p>
Main idea by tutorials.de. XHTML validity tip by Estelle Weyl's Blog. createElementNS tip by CodingForums.
