How to Disable link preview in telegraf - telegram

I can not find in the docs how to disable the annoying link preview. Anyone knows how to?
const { Extra} = require('telegraf')
bot.reply('Hello', Extra.webPreview(false))
I have tried above code but showing Extra as Undefined.
Also how to disable link preview using ctx.replyWithHTML() method ?

I am hoping that you are using Telegraf V4 or later.
Extra isn't available in Telegraf V4.
bot.replyWithHTML(`Your Message`, {
disable_web_page_preview: true
Also the difference between reply & replyWithHTML is with replyWithHTML enables the parse_mode as HTML


how to use this.$refs in vue 3 composition api?

I use vue3-simple-html2pdf.
<vue3-simple-html2pdf ref="vue3SimpleHtml2pdf" :options="pdfOptions" :filename="exportFilename">
<div class="main-content">
<button #click="download">Download pdf</button>
documentation says to do this when i want to download pdf
I use composition api and try to do like this
const vue3SimpleHtml2pdf = ref(null)
const download = () => {
but it doesn't work
how can I fix it?
Your code is not complete to understand how you have built your app. Vue App section is not shown.
Here is looks like you are trying to use the download() function from 'null'.
const vue3SimpleHtml2pdf = ref(null)
const download = () => {
This does not make any sense to me.
It looks like you are mixing ref() and $refs up. The first is the Special Attribute ref with access through the Vue App property $refs and the second is the ref() reactivity function. Please check the docs on how to use them.
The vue3-simple-html2pdf plugin has a great explanation page and a working sandbox app.
If you are not sure how to use the plugin with the Composition API, then I would suggest you to try to make your code work with the Options API using the sample from the Sandbox.
Please read the Docs on using the Composition API, starting from
Creating a Vue Application and especially Components Basics.
The Vue Tutorial Step 11. Components is also very helpful.
I forgot that I should refer to the
not to the
another solution is to call the function on click in the template
<button #click="this.$">Download pdf</button>

How to remove __NEXT_DATA__ from dom in NextJs?

Because of NEXT_DATA element dom size is getting very high and it is affecting to the performance. Can anyone plz help me to remove NEXT_DATA from dom?
I am using full server-side rendering with dynamic routes in next Js.
TLDR: If you would(/could) remove the __NEXT_DATA__ script tag, React wouldn't be able to hydrate. You either hardcode the data in the page or try to reduce your pageProps payload, returned from getServerSideProps.
I came upon this issue also recently, where I asked myself, why would there be a need for the content to be included in the HTML 2 times.
As the content itself - when your NextJS renders the appropriate HTML and sends it to the client
As JSON in <script> tag - This is because of the need for rehydration on the client side.
Returning only necessary data from data-fetching method - I can recommend reading up on this article Reducing HTML payload with NextJS, in which they talk about formatting / aggravating the necessary data and returning only the needed fields.
Not using the data-fetching method and hardcoding static content - The idea behind using static data fetching, if not using revalidate option, is that the content shouldn't be changing (maybe ever). So in that case, why couldn't we hardcode the data in the page itself. Althought downside of this of course is, having to write it all out manually / download the required content to some JSON / object and then use it in the page like so.
Here's a github link with related discussion in next in which you might be interested.
Blog post about reducing the size of __NEXT_DATA__ - by Liran Cohen.
To remove the rehydration data regex: <script id="__NEXT_DATA__((.|n)*)script> from all pages of the static website run the following command after the build has finished:
find out -name '*.html' | xargs perl -0777 -pi -e 's/<script id="__NEXT_DATA__.*?script>//sg;'
If you come across this issue, make sure you don't have any conditional rendering. This is how I solved this issue myself !
You can do this to not show __NEXT_DATA__:
export const config = {
unstable_runtimeJS: false,
But all JavaScript functionality will not work in frontend.
Sometimes you might not require some of the __NEXT_DATA__ props during client side rendering.
To drop those props, you can mutate the NextScript.getInlineScriptSource function in the _document.tsx file. Here is an example:
// _document.tsx
const nextInlineScriptSource = NextScript.getInlineScriptSource;
NextScript.getInlineScriptSource = (props) => {
if (props?.__NEXT_DATA__?.foo) { = 'bar';
return nextInlineScriptSource(props);

The parameters 'showinfo' and 'rel' doesnt work with the new player version

When I set the config to the iframe with the new player version, it doesn't work.
I'm setting the config on this way on the iframe URL:
<iframe src="{{url}}?controls=0&playsinline=1&autoplay=0&showinfo=0&rel=0&modestbranding=0&enablejsapi=1&widgetid=1" ... />
This is the gist of the debug info of the player
Anyone have a clue about this? I really appreciate any help.
This seems to have been fixed. After clearing the browser data both the player on my site and the Youtube Player Demo are working as expected. When setting rel=0 and showinfo=0 for the url in the iframe, the title and the related videos disappear.
Just an update in case you experience any new behaviour with the mentioned parameters.
According to:
showInfo is now deprecated & the default behaviour of rel has changed so 0 no longer disables videos instead it shows additional videos from the same channel.

Open PDF in the PhoneGap App that is made in HTML and CSS

I have a strange problem with my iPad App in Phone Gap. The problem is that I have to open PDF document in my app through links and when I click the link which opens the PDF, it shows me the PDF document with no back link.
Hence, when I open the PDF document in my app through a link, it takes me to a dead end and there is no way I can go back to the main page of my app.
My question is that how can I have a Top-Bar, when I open a PDF which could take me back to my home page? Any internal element for the iPad may be?
Thanks a lot.
Try using the In App Browser plugin.
If you're using a later Phonegap / Cordova version (2.8.0, 2.9.0 etc) it should come with it - nothing else to install.
It will allow you to open the PDF in the a new 'window' that overlays your app. It has a 'Done' button that users can use to close it and return to your app when they are finished.
You would open the PDF using the In-App Browser, using something like this:'', '_blank');
I.e. the _blank option triggers the In-App Browser plugin. If you were to use _system instead it might open it in iBooks (just guessing there - not 100% sure if it would use iBooks).
Try prefixing in the URL
like,'', '_blank', 'location=yes');
Try this to open any kind of documents from URL using following steps:
install this plugin : cordova plugin add
use this code :
handleDocumentWithURL(function() { console.log('success'); }, function(error) { console.log('failure'); if (error == 53) { console.log('No app that handles this file type.'); } }, '');
It works for me both on Android and IOS. I used it for open images and PDF files.
Android : It opens files using system apps if available, otherwise it give an error, which you can handle.
IOS : It opens files in popup like view with Done button and Option button.
It doesn't show your docs URL.
Source is available here :
Thanks asgeo1,
I solved it by using
<img src="images/samplens.jpg" border="0" />
Hope it helps.
I've ended up using WebIntent
as described here. The tricky part was to modify to properly identify file type:
String type = obj.has("type") ? obj.getString("type") : null;
// New code starts
Uri uri = obj.has("url") ? Uri.parse(obj.getString("url")) : null;
String extension = MimeTypeMap.getFileExtensionFromUrl(obj.getString("url"));
if(extension != null){
MimeTypeMap mimeTypeMap = MimeTypeMap.getSingleton();
type = mimeTypeMap.getMimeTypeFromExtension(extension);
// New code ends
JSONObject extras = obj.has("extras") ? obj.getJSONObject("extras") : null;

Blank page in IE8 and 9

I've recently built and launched this page:
It works great in Chrome, Safari, Firefox and even IE10, but in IE8 and 9 all I get is a blank page.
I've read through post here on SO about similar issues and based on that I've tried this:
going over my templates in an attempt to find DOM errors.
Tried setting position:static on html and body
commented out #font-face in my CSS (since I was getting an error in IE on BrowserStack related to #font-face)
Checked for potential CORS issues. Found none.
None of it works.
Strangely too, when I tunnel to my local dev machine through BrowserStack, everything works like a charm.
I should add that the site is built using router and runs on Heroku using this build pack:
I really hope someone out there has that fresh pair of eyes that will lead me on the right track.
I've solved it!
The issue turned out to be related to the way I was initializing Google Analytics (GA). I was doing this: = function() {
// GA initialization code here
I had to do this: = function() {
if ( typeof ga === 'undefined' ) {
// GA initialization code here
So basically I was attempting to initialise GA on first creation of my menu template, but instead I had to latch on to the rendered callback and add a conditional to make sure I only initialise GA once.
Overall I am not thrilled with my approach to initialising GA, but that is another matter entirely. It works.
