Firestore Database not functioning online - firebase

I have created a Cloud Firestore Database and have it in Test Mode which means the read and write rules are pretty open for the next 3 weeks.
However when I try to add collections or documents from the web interface they do not show up on the database. I was able to add collections and documents from my android app but even those when I try to view I get "Error loading Documents".
I have tried Firefox and Chrome to see if it was a browser issue and I have disabled my Antivirus (avast) as well to see if that was the issue but no success.
What could be the problem?

There is no way to debug or answer this, you require backend assistance: I suggest reporting the problem to Firebase support. but most likely by the time you get a response, the server will fix itself.


Error while trying to create Firebase Firestore Database

I am new to Firebase. When I am creating a new Firestore database am getting this error
Enabling Cloud Firestore will prevent you from using Cloud Datastore with this project, notably from the associated App Engine app
All solutions I found online are completely targeting experts/individual who knows their way around Firebase and Google Cloud. To me, this error is a roadblock. I tried using my other Gmail accounts, creating new projects and the same error appears. even the cancel and close buttons seen are not working I have to refresh just to get back.
Kindly help or guide me what should I do.
Based on #JoshL.Minga and #RenaudTarnec comments, the issue was narrowed down to a specific browser. After switching to Safari it didn't reproduce.
This issue has been reported to Google support.
Aside from that, you may want to try creating a Frirestore DB using a brand new project. Make sure that your new project is created via the Firebase console and not in the GCP console.

Error loading documents when viewing a firestore collection on firebase console

I am facing a very strange issue with cloud firestore. I have a collection named 'advertisements' and when I see the collection on firestore console it gives error Error loading documents. I tried to add a collection named 'ads' and its working fine and also all other collections are working fine. But I don't know why this strange thing is happening with collection 'advertisements'.
The issue is resolved and the main cause of the issue was a VPN extension installed in my chrome browser. So for anyone who is facing such an issue try to turn off any VPN or ad blocker extension and it will resolve the issue.

Unexpected error when querying Google Play Developer API

We have been trying to set up the sample app for Play Billing workflow with subscriptions as we are looking to introduce subscriptions in our app. We wanted to have the ClassyTaxi app running end to end in order to understand the flows better. Although for past 2 days, we are only trying to debug issues and/or missteps because of some really poor documentation on Google's front.
After ensuring every single step was correctly followed, we were able to make some progress and have the app working with the correct Skus as configured in Play Console. But now the backend server (ClassyTaxiServer) is throwing below error:
"Unexpected error when querying Google Play Developer API. Please check if you use a correct service account" - "OtherError: The project id used to call the Google Play Developer API has not been linked in the Google Play Developer Console.".
We have relooked, recreated the service account on the Cloud Console several times, but no luck.
The Play Console is correctly linked with the Google Cloud project and the access is correctly granted to the service account.
Anyone has any suggestions? How can a sample app be so difficult to set up and function as expected? Or are we doing something terribly stupid?
Please help.
I passed trough similar situation, and I get same issue. After checking I found a note in google documentation saying the following:
Note: As of December 1, 2019, the Google Play Developer API is available only for version 3 and higher. If you're using a lower version of the API, you must migrate to version 3 by this date. For more information on migrating to version 3, see Changes to the Google Play Developer API.
Investigating the implemented code I found that the sample uses v2 of the google API (check ./subscriptions/play-billing/PlayBilling.ts line 70). So to avoid this situation, you will need to set it to v3, and update googleapis dependency to latest version in package.json.
Additional Notes
After solving this issue, I had a different message in 'OtherError', this time is “The current user has insufficient permissions to perform the requested operation.”. I will note my solution here just someone passed through similar situation:
In google play console, and after clicking on 'Grant access' in 'API Access' tab, you will need to select the user and add some permissions to the user (in my case I set it to admin, but I think it's larger than needed), make sure also to add the app/apps you are listening to.
If the issue is still running, just edit any of your products or just try creating new one, this step will clear the google cash and refresh permissions. (Check this question).

How to trace exact issue from Firebase Crashlytics log in React Native App?

I have a React Native app with Firebase crashlytics integrated. I am forcefully crashing the app by calling function which does not exist. (this.test()).
I am getting logs in crashlytics, but looking at that logs I am not able to track the exact issue location.
Logs are quite generic and which is not helping me to pinpoint the issue.
Is there any way to get more info on that issue from logs? or anything I need to do so that I can get the issue location? if we are getting an issue in the inded.js file can we trace back the exact js file in app which is causing the issue.
Please help me with this information. Than you for helping.
Firebaser here - it sounds like you'd benefit from Crashlytics custom logging. This tool allows you to log any messages you want that get appended to the Crashlytics crash report that gets sent up to the console. I'm not sure how the React Native wrapper for Firebase Crashlytics works or if it allows you to do this, but according to the React Native Firebase reference doc you should be able to.
With this tool, you could call log in your code whenever you want to record information about the session, the user, or whatever's happening with code that you're executing in the background.

Using Firestore without enabling App Engine

I recently disabled App Engine in my project as I don't need it anymore. However, I am now greeted by the following when accessing Firestore in the Firebase console:
The problem is that App Engine is pretty costly (min $50/month)
I'd like to know if there is a way to use Firestore without paying this much.
You can have app engine enabled for free, but I couldn't get it done for the following reason:
I had in my config (app.yaml) min_num_instances: 1. I haven't realised this and whenever I wanted to delete an instance I never could (with no error message: it just did not delete it without displaying anything)
It is not possible to use Firestore without having App Engine enabled.
I use Firestore in many of my apps however without ever paying for App Engine. Since App Engine is pay-as-you-use, there is no payment required until you use it.
