How to change default call ui title and color in mesibo? - mesibo

I need to know how to change default callui title and color
MesiboCall.getInstance().callUi(this, mProfile!!.address, false)

Change title in CallProperties to change the title
Refer here for the CallProperties class.
If your UI changes are major, download Call App source code from GitHub and modify to suit your needs


Access active palette colors in MudBlazor

I have a .NET 7 Blazor Webassembly app that uses MudBlazor (newest version) and has light and dark mode:
Extract from MainLayout.razor:
<MudThemeProvider Theme="_myTheme" IsDarkMode="_preferences.IsDarkMode"/>
I have a bunch of my own components that currently have their own colors set based on some logic (eg. if a number is positive or negative).
How do I access the current active palette colors in my own components so that they also change to dark colors, when switching from the light to the dark palette?
I haven't been able to find any documentation relating to this.
You'd use the MudBlazor Color enumeration, but will also need to use a MudBlazor component to resolve that to the appropriate theme color.
For example:
<h1 style:"color: #(MudBlazor.Color.Info)">Show me Info Color</h1>
will not work.
This is because MudBlazor.Color.Info does not resolve to an html color definition on its own. It resolves to an enumerator value that the Mud Component will then use to create a class name that the MudBlazor css files will then resolve to the html color.
So, to get the required effect you'd need to use the following:
<MudText Typo=#Typo.h1 Color=#Color.Info>Show me Info Color</MudText>
This will then use the Info color from the active Mud theme's palette.
In summary, you'd need to use MudText component in your own components to leverage MudBlazor theming.
Alternatively, you could copy the internals of the MudBlazor component by adding the following string to your class:
but much easier just to use the MudText component.
For reference, here's the source of how a MudText converts the Color parameter to an appropriate class name:
public partial class MudText : MudComponentBase
protected string Classname =>
new CssBuilder("mud-typography")
.AddClass($"mud-{Color.ToDescriptionString()}-text", Color != Color.Default && Color != Color.Inherit)
.AddClass("mud-typography-gutterbottom", GutterBottom)
.AddClass($"mud-typography-align-{ConvertAlign(Align).ToDescriptionString()}", Align != Align.Inherit)
.AddClass("mud-typography-display-inline", Inline)

Shiny App name in browser tab not correct

The name of My Shiny app on the web tab (be it chrome or edge) is not appearing correctly. This started after I used this piece of code to change the colour of the title. The following is the way I've changed the name of the title.
PlayerFinishingOverview <- div("Player Finishing Overview", style = "color:#D81B60")
"PlayerFinishingOverview" is set within the titlePanel() within the fluidPage() fuction for the UI. This is how the name appears on the browser.
Is there any way to fix this?
As per the titlePanel function for windowTitle it simply gets h2 of the whatever it is you have your title named: I suggest you simply add the name for that too:
PlayerFinishingOverview <- div("Player Finishing Overview", style = "color:#D81B60")
PlayerFinishingOverviewWindow <- "Player Finishing Overview"
titlePanel(PlayerFinishingOverview,windowTitle = PlayerFinishingOverviewWindow)

Change color in materialSwitch in Rshiny

i'm building Rshiny app, i'd like to customize my materialSwitch icon, the problem is that i'm unable to change the color, i can select only one of these themes (default, primary, info, success, warning, danger.), i'd like to use this color "#c110a0" instead primary
ui <- fluidPage(
materialSwitch(inputId = "group1_", label = "Section 1",value = TRUE, status = "primary", right = TRUE )
server <- function(input, output, session) {
shinyApp(ui, server)
Thanks !!
You can create a custom class to change the color of a default them to be whatever you would like. Here are the directions to do so (these will allow you to change other things in the app, too!):
When you run your app, right click the portion of the app you would like and inspect element to open RStudio Devtools
On the right-hand "style" panel, you will find a list of CSS styles that are applied to it. One of them will show the color and the identifier for that object.
Then, you can apply custom CSS to your shiny app in several different forms (explained in this article).
In your case, the identifier is .label-primary.
Adding custom CSS using
background-color: #c110a0;
Renders the following:

How to change the color of form in title bar in ax 2012 R3

I want to change the color of the Title bar/Action pane in a form but it should be applicable to all default forms in the application.
I tried with run method in SysSetupFormRun class.
You could try the .xpo provided in this thread:
It changes the footer not the title bar but it may work for your issue.
I don't have ready code for you could expand the WinAPI class and do some WinAPI calls to set the title bar color.
I believe you would need the SetWindowLong function from user32.dll.
Have a look at WinAPI.appendMenu() for an example on how to call into user32.dll
You should probably be able to convert the code from this post: Can you change the color of the titlebar of a userform in VBA using Windows API?
Then you should hook it into the SysSetupFormRun or FormRun class as you tried.

how use specify icon, label and link to app for determineAttributeKind on cascades

I`m developer blackberry and try create to new attribute under to contacts but not set knows determineattrib correctly.
ContactBuilder builder;
other attributes
With other default attribute no problem.
I found a example:
The problem is that not show the attributes ("Attr_test" and "SubAttr_Test")names in the contact.
¿How adding a icon, label and link for app on attribute from the application?
thanks !!!
A photo you add with:
A link to a website you could add with AttributeKind::Website.
I don't know what kind of label you want to add but you would have to use one of the AttributeKind::Type enum values to add a label.
