pdfImageFromImageProvider new implementation - dart-pdf

I updated the flutter version (now v1.20.2) of a legacy application of ours and found this method pdfImageFromImageProvider no longer exists. Can anyone help with the alternative?
See current implementation below:
var img = await pdfImageFromImageProvider(
pdf: pdf.document,
image: AssetImage('assets/images/image.png'),


Using Graph in Outlook addin to read email in MIME format

I am getting lost with Outlook addin development and really need some help.
I have developed an addin that sends selected email to another server via REST API and it worked fine, but there was a limitation to 1MB so I tried to develop a solution that use ewsURL + SOAP but faced with CORS issues.
Now I got a suggestion to use GRAPH approach (fine with me) but I have no idea how that suppose to work using JavaScript.
Basically I need to get an email as MIME/EML format.
I was guided to check this article: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/outlook-get-mime-message
There is endpoint that looks promissing:
But I do not see explanation
how to make authorization process?
I have tried to get token from getCallbackTokenAsync but that did not work
I have tried Office.context.auth.getAccessTokenAsync but getting an issue:
Error code: 13000 Error name: API Not Supported.
Error message: The identity API is not supported for this add-in.
how to get email id
I have tried to do Office.context.mailbox.item.itemId but it looks different compare to what I have seen in the examples (but hopefully that is not a problem)
Please help :-)
There are 2 solutions here. It is preferred longer term to use graph end point with https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/dev/add-ins/develop/authorize-to-microsoft-graph and you can use https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/messages/4aade2547798441eab5188a7a2436bc1/$value. However this solution requires a backend / service . Transferring through backend is preferable for large content so the content can transfer directly from Exchange to the service.
Alternatively, you can get token from getCallbackTokenAsync, from this doc: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/dev/add-ins/outlook/use-rest-api
As you noted is that you will need to translate the ews id using convertToRestId. Putting together, your solution should look something like this:
Office.context.mailbox.getCallbackTokenAsync({isRest: true}, function(result){
if (result.status === "succeeded") {
let token = result.value;
var ewsItemId = Office.context.mailbox.item.itemId;
const itemId = Office.context.mailbox.convertToRestId(
// Request the message's attachment info
var getMessageUrl = Office.context.mailbox.restUrl +
'/v2.0/me/messages/' + itemId + '/$value';
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('GET', getMessageUrl);
xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token);
xhr.onload = function (e) {
xhr.onerror = function (e) {
console.log("error occurred");

Firebase Messaging 7.0.0 to 9.0.1 conversion

I'm trying to set up FCM for my iOS flutter app and followed the guide by flutter and even the guide from Fireship.io
I was working with an older version of FCM before I updated the dependencies and now there are methods that are deprecated or just plainly left out. I am unsure of which methods to replace these and I was unable to find resources on what exactly changed in between versions.
Below is my code from FCM 7.0.0
final FirebaseMessaging _fcm = FirebaseMessaging.instance;
StreamSubscription iosSubscription;
void initState() {
if (Platform.isIOS) {
iosSubscription = _fcm.onIosSettingsRegistered.listen((data) {
// save the token OR subscribe to a topic here
_saveDeviceToken() async {
// Get the current user
String uid = FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser.uid;
// FirebaseUser user = await _auth.currentUser();
// Get the token for this device
String fcmToken = await _fcm.getToken();
// Save it to Firestore
if (fcmToken != null) {
'token': fcmToken,
'createdAt': FieldValue.serverTimestamp(), // optional
'platform': Platform.operatingSystem
So my problems lie with the onIosSettingsRegistered line and the requestNotificationPermissions.
For both it says that method is not defined, because it has been deprecated or is no longer a valid method. Obviously, before updating my dependencies it worked fine no errors. I'm looking for resources revolving around Firebase cloud Messaging 9.0.1 that might show what was updated and what are the current methods to use.
The above answer is what lead me to fixing my issues. I'm just outlining below what I pulled from the guide the other user posted
FirebaseMessaging() no longer works and instead use
IosNotificationSettings which was used with requestNotificationPermissions() can now be done with just RequestPermission()
Setting up a FCM.configure no longer works and you should just use FirebaseMessaging.onMessage(), FirebaseMessaging.onMessageOpenedApp, and FirebaseMessaging.onBackGroundMessage(). The last one can be paired with BkacgroundMessageHandeler in order to set up notifications when the app is closed or suspended.
And lastly, saving tokens still works the same as 7.0.0 as it does in 9.1.0 so no changes there.
9.1.0 brings null safety to the table so (depending on the rest of your dependencies) you can run the newest version of flutter with null safety with no issues.
Simple Google searches yielded the following results, perhaps you can try a bit harder before posting a question next time:
onIosSettingsRegistered is deprecated
Usage of the IosNotificationSettings class is now deprecated (currently used with the now deprecated requestNotificationPermissions() method).
Instead of this class, use named arguments when calling requestPermission() and read the permissions back via NotificationSettings.
requestNotificationPermissions deprecated too
DEPRECATED: requestNotificationPermissions() has been deprecated in favor of requestPermission().

Cosmos DB TransactionalBatch error after update to dotnet 5

I have some methods on my base repository to do some batch operations on Cosmos DB, they are like that:
public async Task AddRangeAsync(List<T> entities)
var container = _cosmosDbClientFactory.GetContainer(CollectionName);
var entitiesList = entities.Split(_maxItemsPerBatch).ToList();
foreach (var items in entitiesList)
var partitionKey = ResolvePartitionKey(items.FirstOrDefault());
var transactionalBatch = container.CreateTransactionalBatch(partitionKey);
items.ToList().ForEach(item => transactionalBatch.CreateItem(item));
var result = await transactionalBatch.ExecuteAsync();
if (!result.IsSuccessStatusCode)
throw new CosmosDbBatchOperationException(result.ErrorMessage);
Today I migrated the dotnet version of my project, from dotnet 3.1 to 5, after that I'm getting this error:
System.MissingMethodException : Method not found: 'System.Threading.Tasks.Task1<Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Serialization.HybridRow.Result> Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Serialization.HybridRow.RecordIO.RecordIOStream.ReadRecordIOAsync(System.IO.Stream, System.Func2<System.ReadOnlyMemory1<Byte>,Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Serialization.HybridRow.Result>, System.Func2<System.ReadOnlyMemory1<Byte>,Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Serialization.HybridRow.Result>, Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Serialization.HybridRow.MemorySpanResizer1)'.
This occurs in this line:
var result = await transactionalBatch.ExecuteAsync();
Version Info:
Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos on v3.17.0
Dotnet 5.0.201
Somebody knows how to solve this?
I've checked all my projects and they are referecing the same sdk version, so I cleaned my solution and deleted all obj and bin folders and tried again but it didn't work.
Then I tried this solution because I was using Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos 3.17.0 with AspNetCore.HealthChecks.CosmosDb 5.0.3, so I downgraded AspNetCore.HealthChecks.CosmosDb to version 3.1.2 and it worked.
It looks like you might be hitting the same problem as discussed in this SDK issue.
A full binary clean and rebuild is worth trying to clear up dependency conflicts for Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Serialization.HybridRow.dll. If that doesn't work you could try adding your details to that issue thread.

Gitkit Java client library - Trouble verifying token signature: Invalid audience

We're struggling with an issue during the token verification. We have the following exception:
java.security.SignatureException: Invalid audience: xxx-platform. Should be: 787384428332-32charsofidxxxxxxxx.apps.googleusercontent.com
at com.google.identitytoolkit.JsonTokenHelper$AudienceChecker.check(JsonTokenHelper.java:67)
at net.oauth.jsontoken.JsonTokenParser.verify(JsonTokenParser.java:156)
at net.oauth.jsontoken.JsonTokenParser.verify(JsonTokenParser.java:103)
at net.oauth.jsontoken.JsonTokenParser.verifyAndDeserialize(JsonTokenParser.java:116)
at com.google.identitytoolkit.JsonTokenHelper.verifyAndDeserialize(JsonTokenHelper.java:46)
at com.google.identitytoolkit.GitkitClient.validateToken(GitkitClient.java:126)
at com.google.identitytoolkit.GitkitClient.validateTokenInRequest(GitkitClient.java:154)
at com.some.package.user.GitKitUserService.getGitkitUserFromRequest(GitKitUserService.groovy:25)
We have checked many times the gitkit-server-config.json file, he seems to correct and points to a valid .p12 file. The p12 is correctly found and opened (since we have a FileNotFoundException when we remove it, or parsing error when we alter it...) but the validation fails because of a null verifier...
Here it is:
"clientId": "707385568332-32charsofidxxxxxxxx.apps.googleusercontent.com",
"projectId": "xxx-platform",
"serviceAccountEmail": "xxx#xxx-platform.iam.gserviceaccount.com",
"serviceAccountPrivateKeyFile": "/an/existing/path/xxx-platform-44d0379d237c.p12",
"widgetUrl": "https://example.com/authentication/authenticate",
"cookieName": "gtoken"
Of course we can provide any additional information that might be required, we're really stuck with this issue!
Thank in advance for any clue!
I think DFB's answer is correct.
But we don't recommend hard-coded json config in Java code. There's a static method called createFromJson you can use to read json file and then initialize GitkitClient.
We'll also need to update the README in identity-toolkit-java-client. Thanks for your question.
I'll just share my experience from setting up earlier today incase it can help you:
String token = cookie.getValue();
try {
GitkitClient gitkitClient = GitkitClient.newBuilder()
.setKeyStream(new ClassPathResource("tables-8271416a8e0c.p12").getInputStream()).build();
GitkitUser gitkitUser = gitkitClient.validateToken(token);
Gives me
java.security.SignatureException: Gitkit token audience(effortless-edge-119904)
doesn't match projectId or clientId in server configuration
This works:
try {
GitkitClient gitkitClient = GitkitClient.newBuilder()
.setKeyStream(new ClassPathResource("tables-8271416a8e0c.p12").getInputStream()).build();
GitkitUser gitkitUser = gitkitClient.validateToken(token);
logger.info("Validated gitkit token");
I was getting the same error and stumbled upon this thread. I was using gitclient-1.2.3.jar. I updated it to gitkitclient-1.2.5.jar (latest) and the problem went away.
UPDATE: I'm adding the code snippet below. I'm setting both setGoogleClientId and setProjectId as shown in the sample https://github.com/google/identity-toolkit-java-client/blob/master/src/main/java/com/google/identitytoolkit/GitkitClient.java
GitkitClient gitkitClient = new GitkitClient.Builder()
I had a look at the gitkitclient.js source code and both projectId and clientId are added to the same audiences array.
After more tests I found out that you must only put the project ID ('my-project-name') in the gitkit-server-config.json file.
The nasty thing is that if you add it with a 'clientId' property name it is also working...
As far as I can see, the client ID (like 654028407702-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.apps.googleusercontent.com) can be removed.

ngCordova/Ionic Push Notifications when application is in the background

I'm currently building an android application using ionic/ngcordova. I'm at the point of implementing push notifications. I've implemented push notifications as a service which is injected at app.run(function(){..}) stage. The registration part works and I receive a callback containing the regid. Also, when the application is in the active state, the event is raised and the notification is received.
The problem I'm having is that when the application goes into the background, the notifications are not received at all. I would expect that a local notification would be raised when the app isn't running or something similar, but absolutely nothing happens, which is weird.
I've trawled the web for the last couple of days looking for a solution but I've been unable to find anything which kind of indicates to me that it should just work.
The following is my notificationService.js inside my app
app.factory('notificationService', ['$cordovaPush', function($cordovaPush){
var dataFactory = {};
// When the device is ready and this service has been plumbed in...
document.addEventListener("deviceready", function(){
console.log("initializing push notifications...");
}, false);
// Registers the device for push notifications...
var _register = function(){
var config = {};
if ( device.platform == 'android' || device.platform == 'Android' || device.platform == "amazon-fireos" ){
// TODO: centralise this value as it can change...
config = {
senderID: "448168747432",
ecb: "onNotificationGCM"
}else {
// iOS
config = {
// Can add the following property to the config object to raise a callback with the information if need be...
// "ecb": "onNotificationRegisterAPN"
// Typically returns "ok" for android and devicetoken for iOS
window.onNotificationGCM = function(result){
I get called when the app is in the foreground, but nothing happens when the app is in the background.
dataFactory.register = _register;
return dataFactory;
If it helps, I'm using PushSharp via a .net application in order to deliver the notifications. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
UPDATE: I'm using the following frameworks/libs:
Ionic Framework 1.2.14-beta6
Cordova 4.2.0
For anyone else who's been pulling their hair out for a couple of days like I have, the solution was really simple...I was missing two properties in my Pushsharp QueueNotification request. So using the example given on the PushSharp github repo here: https://github.com/Redth/PushSharp#sample-code
push.QueueNotification(new GcmNotification().ForDeviceRegistrationId("DEVICE-REGISTRATION-ID-HERE").WithJson("{\"alert\":\"Hello World!\",\"badge\":7,\"sound\":\"sound.caf\"}"));
Needs to be updated to add the missing properties:
push.QueueNotification(new GcmNotification().ForDeviceRegistrationId("DEVICE REGISTRATION ID HERE")
.WithJson(#"{""alert"":""This is the future"",""badge"":7,""sound"":""sound.caf"",""title"":""Status Bar title"",""message"":""Some text you want to display to the user""}"));
Otherwise if your app happens to be developed using Cordova and its not currently in the foreground, nothing, repeat nothing will happen.
Tip my hat to gdelavald with his comment on PushPlugin for pointing me in the right direction here:
