Use external css font with kotlin-styled - css

I have created a kotlin react app using kotlin-react and I'm using kotlin-styled for CSS styling.
I want to change the font of a custom text component with a custom font from Google Fonts. With .css files I would have done the following:
#import url('');
.text {
font-family: 'Nunito', sans-serif;
How can I achieve something similar with kotlin-styled. I have looked for a import or url function but It doesn't exist. Also, they do not have any documentation on external fonts. Any help is appreciated.

There is CSSBuilder#import available since pre.210, so what you can do is:
CSSBuilder().apply {
fontFamily = "'Nunito', sans-serif"


Tailwind/CSS using custom fonts

I have a project where I need to use custom fonts. But I have no idea how to use this in my HTML. I have searched online how to do this, but all examples use a font that is contained in one file. My font is contained in multiple files.
How do I specify which specific font of the CircularStd I want to use on each element?
This is a screenshot of my index.scss file which contains the tailwind imports and the definition of my font:
An approach to this would be creating a custom font class in your tailwindconfig.js and extending it to your default tailwind theme. For example, if you're using Google Fonts and you want to use the font Manrope for a specific header, you can extend the fontFamily variant like so:
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
fontFamily: {
'manrope': 'Manrope',
Now, to use this custom class declare it in your html by following the syntax font-{fontFamily}. So in this case, we're going to use font-manrope.
<h4 class="font-manrope">I'm a header using the font Manrope</h4>
If you think that your font has many files and you need them all then why not create a #fontface for each one although this is not the best practice, you are supposed to for example to choose the file with the light and standard font and you create the #fontface based on it and include it's file the others like the bold and italics can eventually be done using CSS but the most important thing is that you have your font implemented.
so for example you will add your font:
#font-face {
font-family: myFirstFont;
src: url(sansation_light.woff);
and if you want it to be bold and italic use
font-style: italic;
I hope that would help!

change default font in semantic-ui with #font-face

i want to change semantic-ui default font with #font-face but no matter...
i tried change in less file(site.variables) but I do not know how change it
i tried add my font with other custom css file but it not work
#font-face {
font-family: 'fontname';
src:url('themes/basic/assets/fonts/fontname.eot?#') format('eot'),
url('themes/basic/assets/fonts/fontname.woff') format('woff');
font-family: 'fontname';
I know two ways to change font-face, using google fonts or offline fonts:
Using google fonts:
We need to have the resources of Semantic UI, you can get here:
It is required to create the file site.variables in semantic/src/site/globals/
We search for the source that we like most at and copy the name.
In the file site.variables we add the name of the font to the variable #fontName as follows:
User Global Variables
#fontName : 'Roboto';
Finally we execute the command glup build-css, the changes will be reflected in the file semantic /dist/semantic.css
Using offline fonts
We need to have the resources of Semantic UI, you can get here:
It is required to create the file site.variables in semantic/src/site/globals/
In the file site.variables we add the variable #importGoogleFonts with the value false;
User Global Variables
#importGoogleFonts : false;
#fontName : 'fontname';
It is required to create the file site.overrides in semantic/src/site/globals /
In the file site.overrides we add our font-face
Site Overrides
#font-face {
font-family: 'fontname';
src:url('themes/basic/assets/fonts/fontname.eot?#') format('eot'),
url('themes/basic/assets/fonts/fontname.woff') format('woff');
Finally we execute the command gulp build-css, the changes will be reflected in the file semantic /dist/semantic.css
This video maked by #Aditya Giri explain how change font family from google fonts
In the next issue #jlukic explain how use offline fonts
You can do the following:
Add the following to a .css file:
#font-face {
font-family: 'fontname';
src:url('themes/basic/assets/fonts/fontname.eot?#') format('eot'),
url('themes/basic/assets/fonts/fontname.woff') format('woff');
Import the above code before semantic's site.min.css
Change the #fontName to 'fontname'
#importGoogleFonts should be false since you don't want to import any fonts from Google
By default the above will applied to body
It's an old question but I just wanted to add one thing.
Because all Semantic UI elements inherits the ui class you could do it like this:
.ui {
font-family: 'fontname' !important;
Not so elegant but it works.
This is the complicated solution but if you want a simpler approach you could follow this example:
/*In your .css file, loaded after semantic.min.css*/
#import url('');
* {
font-family: 'Montserrat' !important;
You can use google Link:
Add to index.html google link. For example:
Add Font in semantic.ui> site> globals > site.variables. For example:
User Global Variables
#pageFont: Rubik Glitch;

Google font not working with bootstrap

I'm trying to use Google Font on a page. In my html I used:
<link href=',600' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
And in my CSS:
#import url('');
Still whenI use "Open Sans" with the font-family attribute it stays on Arial.
background-color: #F1F1F2;
font-family: "Open Sans", Arial;
Using google font on any webpage is very easy and you can load the fonts asynchronously.
If you don't use the direct code that Google font delivers and you simply load the following url:,600
You'd be represented the source code (CSS).
Now, copy and paste the displayed code in the CSS source of your website.
You can then use your selected google font(s) on your webpages using the following:
background-color: #F1F1F2;
font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial;
That's enough and it will work.
I have a hunch that your bootstrap is being loaded after the CSS for your Google font. Find the point that you are importing this CSS:
#import "bootstrap-sprockets";
#import "bootstrap";
Then add your Google code AFTER that to make sure that it is not being overwritten by the bootstrap.
Good Luck!
First of all, you dont need to do it twice! any one kind of FONT ASSOCIATION is enough !!
Warning that overuse of #import may cause a overhead!
Bootstrap(if you have used it) usually overrides the font with -> font-family:"Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif
Working Demo -> Click here
Note : I have added the font as external resources. It seems to be working properly !
just do !important after the font style you want to use

Custom fonts in Getuikit with less preprocessor

What is right way to make available custom fonts (e.g. google fonts) in my new theme?
It look like this issue:
I did make what they says, only paste this code in the uikit.less:
/* Custom Fonts */
#font-face {
font-family: 'opensanscondensed';
src: url(,300italic,700);
But it did not works. And i cant find where i should specify font-family for some elements(nav, top-menu, etc .. )
I would be grateful for any answers.
The url that you are pasting in the src property is an url of a css file (that google generates for you to import the font faces). You can see that it already generates font faces for you:,300italic,700
What you need to do in your style sheet file is just importing the css from the url. Something like this:
#import url(,300italic,700)
and then you can use it like so:
font-family: 'Open Sans Condensed', sans-serif;

Is it possible to specify custom name for a Google Font?

Here is a sample CSS
h1 {
font-family: 'header-font', arial, sans-serif;
p {
font-family: 'paragraph-font', arial, serif;
Is it possible to load any remote Google Font (let say 'Lato') so that it's family name in CSS would be 'header-font'?
Edit: The idea behind this is to be able to easily swap fonts in a WP theme. Unfortunately using variables in CSS preprocessors is not an option in my case.
I don't think you can to be honest. The Google font has a predefined name when you view the google font. See this for example:
Its name is set as 'Akronim' and I dont think you can reference it by any other name.
Yes, very easily. Once you located the font at Google, eg.
#import url('');
just direct your browser to the url specified:
What you get back is the #font-face CSS item for the font (or fonts). Simply use this verbose version in your CSS instead of the original #import specification. You can freely rename the font-family item in any of these descriptions. Yes, you have to make sure there are no clashes with other fonts but the naming is completely up to you.
Yes, you can give any name you want when you define the font family in the #font-face style declaration and use that name to reference it later in the stylesheet.
font-family: whateverYouWant;
src: url('example.ttf'),
... /* and so on */
Whatever you name the style as in the font-family property is how it will be referred to from the rest of the document. However I don't know how it competes with local font files (so if you tried to name a custom font Arial I'm not sure what you would get - the custom font or the real Arial). I don't know why you would do that anyway though.
