Side-by-side NSTableView using StackView and Constraints - constraints

I am creating an app for macOS using XIB and Swift, XCode 12.5. What I would like to achieve is a window with two NSTableViews side-by-side, having equal widths, filling the available space. A Stack View seems the obvious choice here.
I am easily able to use constraints to make a single NSTableView fill a window and resize correctly, but my difficulty is having two side-by-side NSTableViews. I've tried everything I can think of, but the symptom is always roughly the same: in Interface Builder, expanding the window, the NSTableViews grow (equally, correctly) but shrinking the window they remain at their previous maximum size.
Running this app gives a different result: the tables do actually resize correctly, but the cell sizes are out of whack. These tables are (should be) identical copies of one another: I literally copy-pasted the second one.
I have searched for information about using NSTableView inside Stack Views, but have come up empty-handed. I have probably overlooked something! I should add that I'm happy to move to Storyboard or even SwiftUI if it means being able to solve my problem, but it looks as if SwiftUI and NSTableView will complicate the matter.
I have tried to show my work here:


visIgraphLayout causing display issues for shiny app

I can share the code if needed but it felt like a lot to share to start, so I'll try to explain narratively. I am creating an interface to display network data (as you might have guessed from the title). My first issue has been going on for a few days where visIgraphLayout is not laying out my visual correctly. Regardless of using "full" or "square" as the "type", the network map extends beyond the edge of the display space. When I resize the interface window, then the map will snap to full. Why won't it simply resize automatically? If it matters, I do have the output space in a box element. Also, I have the layout styles working off radiobuttons, and when I switch between styles the map goes beyond the edges again.
Part 2 begins. While the above problem is annoying, it was livable. However, a new wrinkle popped up. I added some font size control to my visNodes code - i.e., radiobuttons set to switch between off (0), small (5), standard (14), and large (40) font size options. Once I implemented this code, when I resize the interface window, now the network map disappears completely after initial load. If I select a new label option, it will redraw but beyond the edges of the space.
All the issues resolve themselves if I ditch the visIgraphLayout, but then I lose the layout functionality which I really like.
I hope this is clear enough. I really appreciate any insights the community might provide. Be well.
I think I have figured out an answer. Long story short, certain pieces didn't work and play well with others. Went through and build it again, and all it good.

QSplitter Stretching Factors behave differnt from normal ones

I want to create a flexible layout, where the User can resize Widgets, but still give a good default layout. I'm using the Qt Designer for everything.
As a minimal example I used a simple Windows with a Widget and a plainTextEdit. The later one seems to cause the problems, which is why I choose it. At first I built it without the Splitter which worked just fine. The Stretching factors are 1:1 by the way.
Now I put both widgets in a Splitter (by breaking the main layout, putting both widgets in a Splitter and setting a new layout to the main widget). Resizing still works but the stretching factors behave weird:
The PlainTextEdit seems to take up far to much space. The Stretching Factors are still at 1:1. I found a workaournd, by changing the stretching of the upper widget to a much higher value (in this case 9:1), which looks good again:
So my question is: Why do the stretching factors begin to behave weird when I put the images in a Splitter? And how can I solve this without using arbitrary guessed stretching factors?
QSplitter::setSizes() can be used to set relative sizes. According to the documentation, "any additional/missing space is distributed amongst the widgets according to the relative weight of the sizes".
In this case, it is a bit ugly, since you have to add this in your code rather than editing your layout in QDesigner (normally, you would want to define your layout only at one place), but still it is quick and works:
MyWindow::MyWindow(QWidget* parent):
m_Ui.splitter->setSizes({2000, 1000, 1000});
However, I had to use big numbers (instead of {2, 1, 1}), maybe because at this point, the window is not completely set up yet (apparently, Qt is not a big fan of RAII...). Also, this kind of notation works probably only with a recent C++ version, otherwise you can also define the QList in some extra lines.

Responsive thumbnails - shrink up to a point and restore hiding one

I have been trying to code a responsive thumbnail group that I'd like it to respect to a few rules.
I came very close but the implementation always end up not satisfying at least one of the rules. In other words when I try to do one thing it always cancels the other.
In summary, what I am trying to achieve is something like this - (I wasn't allowed to post a picture, sorry)
So basically, what I am after is;
When the user resizes the window the thumbnails (consist of an image and some basic HTML) will shrink up to a point.
When the breakpoint is reached, the most left one will disappear and the rest of the thumbnails will return to their original size.
Continue until the min-body size where we just display the x-axis scrollbar.
So, referring to the image, providing that no resizing is done just yet, the items will shrink, lets say until 20% and then Item 7 will disappear letting free space to the rest of the row to expand to their original size.
I am currently using the latest version of bootstrap however, as you may guess col-lg col-md and etc. classes are not really helpful in this case. I have come up with some custom breakpoints but I can't get my head around the shrinking back to the original size issue. That is where I get stuck.
Also I think it's worth mentioning that Ive been trying to come up with a solution that is pure HTML and CSS however I am definitely open to JS solutions as well.
A good example would be spotify's webplayer ( thumbnail examples.
Thank you very much in advance for your suggestions.

ListView scrolling issue in JavaFX2

I'm developing a application which has a ListView which contains items which needs complex cell layouts. The cells are in variable heights and some of the cells tends to be larger than the view port height.
But when the ListView is filled with items the scroll thumb tends to resize its self while scrolling, which makes it hard to hold onto the thumb while scrolling. This happens mainly when passing through different size of cells.
This is not a problem in Swing if I create a same kind of a cell render to be used with the JList. This problem is there in JavaFX 2 and JavaFX8 both.
When looking at the VirtualFlow which is responsible for layout of the ListView and handle scrolling, it seems that the scrollbar thumb side (lenghtbar) is calculated based on the cell count and the visible cell count, which is actually a problem when it comes to lists which has variable heights of cells.
So is this the future of the scroll bar behavior for Java FX list views? or is there any solution available for this problem? Or should I try to hide the scrollbar and provide a different user interaction to scroll?
This problem is already reported under and fixed in Java8 upto some extend. So if this fix is needed on JavaFx2 we have to backport the changes under commit
To get this changes in JavaFX 2.2 you need to apply the required changes on to FX2.2 class and load those changes before the jfxrt.jar is loaded. Another approach is if you don't like to mess up with the jfxrt classes is to have you own ListView which uses your own Skin and the patched VirtualFlow version may be with a different name. But this might require lot of customization compared to first solution.
More approaches are welcome :).

In Flex, for manually resizing datagrid, how can I keep the column widths reasonable?

Whenever you resize a datagrid by hand (not via code), the last column seems to retain most of the width. What's worse, whenever you extend it and shrink it to a large degree, the other columns can get smushed. Here's a perfect example:
The ideal solution would distribute width equally or in proportion to the length of the text. In addition, if would avoid covering text when it's not necessary. Now, setting the width to 0.5 in the example above does seem to alleviate the issue, but not prevent it entirely.
What I'd also like to know if there are any well polished, custom datagrids out there that solve this. From trying to find a solution, I suspect the only solutions available are more ad-hoc.
I know two ways to avoid this problem.
1) Use List with special item renderer, which simulates columns (say HBox separated with rules), and header, which repeats the layout of item renderer. It's not very elegant solutions, but the resize is quite predictable. Also you can easily add sorting feature (by adding buttons to header), but I'm not sure if column resize is possible to implement here.
2) Use spark s:DataGrid from SDK 4.x. It hasn't got such resize problems AFAIK.
