How to notify the user about the offer call in flutter? - firebase

My apps needs a VOIP call functionality and I use webRTC to achieve it. In webRTC how the reciever knows about the incoming call?
All my users will register in Django and flutter as a frontend. If I use FCM how can specify the exact user to send notifcation. Some articles suggest to use UID, email and such things if I have been authenticated with the firebase I might know about the UID but I use my own server How to make this possible?
In case if we use email to send a notification i.e., will firebase send the notification to the particular user?

Use firebase cloud messaging. If you are using Django or whatever server for the backend you just have to get the user's fcm token while user registers from the app. And in your database store the user's email with that token. So whenever you want to send a notification to a specific user you can trigger by their respective fcm token.
Use below code to get user's token in flutterfire.
FirebaseMessaging messaging = FirebaseMessaging.instance;
// use the returned token to send messages to users from your custom server
String token = await messaging.getToken(
vapidKey: "BGpdLRs......",
And to send a notification to that user via your Django backend make a post request like below.
Use a service api.
Method Type: POST
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: key=your api key
"notification": {
"title": "Your Title",
"text": "Your Text",
"data": {
"keyname": "any value" // Any data you want to send for your call initialization
"to" : "Token you got"


Can I use specific token for firebase?

I am developing a React Native app and I using Firebase push notification service.
I have users and all users have their own user token, I want to use these user tokens for send push notification.
First I thought, when user login to app I can register the user token to topic but I'm not sure about that too.
So is there any way to use custom token for send push notification to specific user?
Firebase Cloud Messaging doesn't have the concept of a user. All it knows it the so called FCM token, which identifies a specific installed app on a specific device.
If you're using the react-native-firebase library, you can learn how to get the FCM token from the documentation on saving tokens. Once you have the token, you can us the token to send a message to that specific app on that specific device.
If you want to target a user across any devices where they are using (and signed in to) your app, you'll need to relate the tokens of those devices to a user yourself. In the code example linked above that is done with:
tokens: firestore.FieldValue.arrayUnion(token),
This code saves the token to Cloud Firestore, but it would work the same on any database: this associates the FCM token (token) with the current user (userId) in a way that allows multiple tokens to be stored per user. Then when you want to send a message to a user, you look up the tokens for that user and call FCM to send to all those tokens.
Also see:
Can we send custom push notifications to independent users using Firebase?
FCM Notification to specific wordpress user
you can send notification for a specific user:
'to' => *users token*,
'notification' => [
'body' => $message,
title' => $title,

INVALID_IDP_RESPONSE: The supplied auth credential is malformed or has expired

I am using my spreadsheet as an admin interface for my Firebase app, where I can authorize some user transactions on the app. The spreadsheet leverages Google apps script and cloud functions
I am able to send data back and forth on the spreadsheet and my backend and now, the next thing is to lock down access to the cloud functions HTTP URL to authorized users with admin attribute in custom claims set to true.
To do this, am hoping to send the user's OAuth token gotten from Google Apps Script API (ScriptApp.getOAuthToken()) as part of the request payload and use firebase rest API method[API_KEY] to get the user's id token and other credentials in other to verify and authorise the admin user and the transaction.
const credentials = {
postBody: `id_token=${token}&`,
requestUri: oAuthCredentials.web.redirect_uris[0],
returnIdpCredential: false,
returnSecureToken: true
APIRequest(IdentityUrls.signInWithOAuth, {
headers: {
'Content-Type': "application/json"
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify(credentials)
}, (error, res) => {
...// perform actions here
The problem is that I keep getting INVALID_IDP_RESPONSE: The supplied auth credential is malformed or has expired. I am not sure why it's so and would appreciate help
I finally figured it out. What I am doing now is send the OAuth token as described in the question to the backend and make a POST request to token info endpoint with a payload of access_token: OAuth token. This returns a response with user email, email_verified, expiry_date etc. Then using this user email, I can get the userRecord on the Firebase Admin SDK which exposes a customClaims attribute. Read more about the solution here

Server and client authentication: How can I create a Firebase Auth Token from server and send it to the web client?

I'm trying to authenticate my users using email and password from the server, using firebase and sending the token generated to the client.
In the server-side, I'm using a nodejs firebase function, and the token is created using the firebase rest auth API, using the verifyPassword endpoint, then I use the token generated and send it to the client.
I'm using in the client firebase.auth().signInWithCustomToken(token) to try to sign in, but I get me a invalid token response.
What I'm trying to do is allow to authenticate the user in both sides, the server, and WebClient
Is this possible or there is a better way to do it?
you can send your Client-Side idToken to your server, as described in the Firebase Auth Documentation and on your server you can create a Session-Cookie with firebase admin
admin.auth().createSessionCookie(idToken, {expiresIn})
.then((sessionCookie) => ...
I have a project where i send the idToken to the server when the Auth-State changes on my Client-Side:
firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(function(user) {
if (user) {
// User is signed in.
user.getIdToken().then(idToken => {
} else {

How can I create long-lived tokens with Firebase Node.js SDK

I'm trying to implement the Authorization Code Flow to link actions on google with my firebase users:
So far I've understood the flow as follows:
1 - User access the application and is redirected to the authorization url endpoint
2 - User signs in and google receives an authorization token
3 - Google sends this authorization token to the token url endpoint and gets an access token a refresh_token and a expiration time
4 - Google sends the refresh token to get a new access token when the access token is going to expire and gets a new acess token and a new expiration time
Did I get everything right?
As authorization token and access token I'm using the custom tokens from Firebase. My question is, how can I implement the refresh token? I cannot get this token from the Firebase Node.js SDK server side.
How can I greate long-lived tokens with Firebase Node.js SDK?
Is there another approach?
Yes, you got the OAuth2 process right.
The Firebase Admin SDK lets you sign the user in to your Firebase service using generated custom tokens. Though the custom token expires within 1 hour, once user is signed-in, they should be authenticated indefinitely (i.e. until user signs out). As such, there is really no need for SDK to generate refresh token.
I'd suggest a different approach. Use Actions on Google's SignIn helper intent to get user's info, such as email, name etc. Using this info, you will be able to sign the user in to Firebase as follows (referenced from the "Create Custom Token" Firebase doc):
var uid = "some-uid";
// token == custom token
.then(function(token) {
// Handle Errors here.
var errorCode = error.code;
var errorMessage = error.message;
// ...
.catch(function(error) {
console.log("Error creating custom token:", error);
"How to use refresh token?" from Firebase's GitHub
"Create custom tokens" from Firebase's docs
"Request Signin helper" from Actions on Google docs

Migrating from Identity Toolkit to Firebase Authentication

I had a simple node.js server that used the Firebase Admin API and the identity toolkit to generate a refresh token for a client to operate in Firebase:
The client makes a POST to our server with his credentials.
The server checks the credentials and creates a custom token with the client identifier (customToken).
var admin = require("firebase-admin");
The server sends a POST request to with the payload {"returnSecureToken": true, "token": customToken} and that returns the IdToken and the RefreshToken.
The servers return the IdToken and the RefreshToken to the client.
The client is very simple and don´t use the Firebase client SDK, and comunicates with Firebase Database with REST.(For example GET
When the IdToken expires, the Client send a POST Request to with the payload {"grantType" : "refresh_token", "refreshToken": RefreshToken} and get the new IdToken.
Now I´m trying to migrate from using Identity Toolkit to Firebase Authentication and made the following changes on the server:
The client makes a POST to our server with his credentials.
The server checks the credentials and creates a custom token with the client identifier (customToken), then Sign In with the firebase client API and the custom token to get the IdToken and RefreshToken.
var firebase = require("firebase");
var admin = require("firebase-admin");
.then(function (customToken) {
firebase.auth().signInWithCustomToken(customToken).then(function (usuario) {
firebase.auth().currentUser.getIdToken().then(function (IdToken) {
}).catch(function (error) {
console.log("Error creating custom token:", error);
The servers return the IdToken and the RefreshToken to the client.
The client can´t use the Firebase client SDK, and comunicates with Firebase Database with REST.(For example GET
When the IdToken expires, the Client send a POST Request to with the payload {"grantType" : "refresh_token", "refreshToken": RefreshToken} and get the new IdToken.
From what I understand reading the documentation, the server should only create the customTokenId and then the client, using Firebase Client SDK should sign In using that customToken, but in this case the client is so simple that don´t have the option of using the Client SDK, and only operates with REST to Firebase.
¿Is this the correct way of manage the the authentication proccess?
¿Will be Step 5 deprecated and have problems in the future?
