Prevent firebase functions to always update Node.js 10 - firebase

How do I prevent Firebase to always update Node JS?
Every time I put:
firebase deploy
It updates to Node.js:
functions: updating Node.js 10 function ssr(us-central1)...
Making it to take so long and using a lot of storage.
I already tried to use firebase deploy --only hosting but it obviously doesn't trigger the function.
I just want that firebase resets the SSR function without updating node.
I have done some research too and I didn't find anything.

Your source code is rebuilt every deployment on Cloud Functions. It's part of the deployment process:
Deployments work by uploading an archive containing your function's source code to a Google Cloud Storage bucket. Once the source code has been uploaded, Cloud Build automatically builds your code into a container image and pushes that image to Container Registry. Cloud Functions uses that image to create the container that executes your function.
The storage size you're mentioned defines the size of the execution environment. It includes the runtime, the operating system, packages, and a library that invokes your function. As mentioned above, even if you deploy a 10MB source code, it doesn't mean that the total size of the image will be 10MB. Storage is needed for the built image as well.
--only hosting flag deploys your static sites on Firebase. This flag is not intended for deploying functions. Maybe you're referring on specifying function names like --only functions:funcName
To answer your question, you can't. It's not possible to update your code and skip updating the execution environment of the function. You may be able to do that if you deployed your code on a VM but Cloud Functions is serverless and managed by Google. Because container images are immutable, it's not possible to edit a revision. In order to apply changes to your function, it has to be rebuilt every deployment.
Deployment time and storage is a valid concern, that's why devs are usually recommended testing their function locally first, before deploying it to Firebase. You can do that with Cloud Functions Emulator.


Firebase functions: failed to create function

Following the Firebase examples to create and deploy a function, I keep failing at the deploy phase.
The error, with --debug enabled, shows:
<<< [apiv2][body] POST
{"error":{"code":403,"message":"Cloud Functions uses Artifact Registry
to store function docker images. Artifact Registry API is not enabled
in your project. To enable the API, visit
Now I was expecting to be able to stay within the confines of the firebase console but this message seems to imply I need to open the Google Cloud Console to enable additional permissions.
Should the code samples better document this?
Or is this a recent change in firebase functions that breaks many of the existing examples?
I need to open the Google Cloud Console to enable additional permissions.
The reason why you need to use the Google Cloud Console is because Cloud Functions for Firebase relies on some Google Cloud services. See.
Function deployments with Firebase CLI 11.2.0 and higher rely on Cloud Build and Artifact Registry.
is this a recent change in firebase functions that breaks many of the existing examples?
Deployments to older versions also do rely on some Google Cloud services. Deployments to older versions use Cloud Build in the same way, but rely on Container Registry and Cloud Storage for storage instead of Artifact Registry.
Should the code samples better document this?
If you do think an update to said documentation could be helpful, here is more about opening Feature requests.

Is there a way to add/modify functions to a running firebase emulator?

I am using a firebase emulator to develop and test cloud functions. Every time I modify an existing function or when I want to add a new function, I essentially shut down the emulator, deploy the functions, and then restart the emulator. In this process, I lose all the data in the local firestore database (as a part of the emulator). Is there a way to deploy functions to incorporate modifications to existing functions as well as to include new functions without shutting down the emulator?
It seems to depend what you are deploying. There is a not in Firebase documentation:
Note: Code changes you make during an active session are automatically
reloaded by the emulator. If your code needs to be transpiled
(TypeScript, React) make sure to do so before running the emulator.
So if you generally you can run the emulator and when you change the code without stopping it, with exception of the languages mentioned in the note.

How can I programmatically update environment config file for firebase functions?

I need to update some parameters that I keep in the config file for the Firebase functions via programs such that without me needing to manually deploy the function again the parameters value is updated and the appropriate functions are deployed again.
I have tried Google Cloud Build and Cloud Run. I can re deploy a function but I can't seem to be able to update the config.json before deploying the function.
It's not possible to change any of the content or configuration after deployment without deploying again. If you require dynamically modifiable configuration, you're going to have to provide that for yourself via a database query or something that the function can do at runtime to see if there is an update

Firebase functions in same project but multiple apps

In same Firebase project I have a node app with several functions and another app with only scheduled functions (because for some reason, I encountered side effects if deployed together in same app).
Each time I deploy the app with only scheduled functions, it tells me that other functions are not present in the source code (obviously) and asks me if I want to delete them.
Is there a way to tag functions as permanent and avoid each time to have to chose to not delete them ?
When you deploy Cloud Functions through the Firebase CLI, it expects that you pass it a index.js/index.ts that contains all the functions for that entire project.
There is no way to tag certain Cloud Functions as permanent. I usually explicitly tell Cloud Functions what functions I'm deploying in situations such as yours, with firebase deploy --only functions:function1,function2.
For more on this option, see the reference documentation on deploying specific functions. The option to group the functions sounds especially useful for your scenario, as you could group them by app.

Travis and Firebase: deploy only changed functions

I'm using Travis to automatically deploy my Firebase hosted website and cloud functions as I push to GitHub, as detailed here. However, even for my small website with a limited amount of cloud functions, deploying all of the functions takes quite a long time. Were I deploying manually, I would be able to use --only to specify precisely those functions that I actually changed. Is there a way to make this information available to Travis, so that only the necessary functions are rebuilt?
min 30 and following
This guy solves the problem by copying all functions to a cloud bucket and then making a diff for every file. This works well if all your logic is in one file. But this is not what you want for larger projects. For my own project i used webpack to create one file for each function that includes the imports. then i generate a md5 hash for that file and save it to a functions-lock.json. with the next run i can easily check against the old hash value and only deploy the changed functions. The ci should manage the state of the lock file by uploading it to the cloud or doing some git magic
Unfortunately this isn't going to be simple to do -- the Firebase CLI deploys all of your functions because it's next-to-impossible to just analyze the code and figure out which functions are impacted (since you can require other files, you might have updated dependencies but no files changed, etc.).
One thing I can think of that might be a hack would be to have named branches for functions or groups of functions. Then you could git push to the branch of the specific function you want to deploy, and have a script that uses the branch name as a signal to pass the --only functions:<fnName> to the firebase deploy command. That's not the most glamorous solution, but, depending on how much this bugs you, it might help.
So this is a bit late but the long deployment times have bothered us for a while now.
Our solution is based on CircleCI but it should be possible to adapt.
First we get all changed files in the last merged PR for our branch with
git log -m -1 --name-only --pretty="format:" ${process.env.CIRCLE_SHA1}
CIRCLE_SHA1 is the SHA of the last merge commit, i.e featurebranch -> master
Then we get all the function filenames from our /functions/ directory and use
madge to generate an array of all the dependencies those functions have.
Next we go trough all changed files that we got from git and check if their filename is part of the dependency array for a sepcific cloud function, if so we add the cloudfunction to another array.
once this is done we pretty much have an array from all cloudfunctions that have been affected by the change of a specific file that we now can map to their actual cloud function names for deployment.
Now instead of always deploying 75 cloudfunctions which takes 45 minutes we only deploy maybe 20.
