Mule 4 : Batch Processing : Can we set Aggregator size more than Batch block size? - mule4

Scenario :
processing data of huge volume say 1 million records
each record is of 1MB in size
using batch processing to process these records where block size is set as 100
I have to aggregate the elements in an Aggregator and then call an external API to write these data.
I can only make n calls to the api in 1 hour.
So I am calculating aggregator size as follows :
aggregator_size = total_number_of_records/n
Thus, aggregator_size >> batch block size.
So is it a right approach?
What alternative can be done for this?
Thanks in advance.

Block size is the number of records that are going to be read by each batch thread to process.
Aggregator size is the number of records that are going to be aggregated in an aggregator inside a step, if not using streaming. Note that using streaming you can only access the aggregated records sequentially, but memory usage is lower.
For the scenario described also take into account that if you are going to write to the same file, there might be issues because several batch threads may try to write to the same file at the same time, corrupting it, or the order of writing can be unpredictable.


How to download many separate JSON documents from CosmosDB without deserializing?

Context & goal
I need to periodically create snapshots of cosmosDB partitions. That is:
export all documents from a single CosmosDB partition. Ca 100-10k doc per partition, 1KB-200KB each doc, entire partition JSON usually <50M)
each document must be handled separately, with id known.
Host the process in Azure function app, using consumption plan (so mem/CPU/duration matters).
And run this for thousands of partitions..
Using Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos v3 C# API.
What I've tried
I can skip deserialization using the Container.*StreamAsync() tools in API, and avoid parsing the document contents. This should notably reduce the CPU/Mem need also avoids accidentally touching the documents to be exported with serialization roundtrip. The tricky part is how to combine it with having 10k documents per partition.
Query individually x 10k
I could query item ids per partition using SQL and just send send separate ReadItemStreamAsync(id) requests.
This skips deserialization, still have ids, I could control how many docs are in memory at given time, etc.
It would work, but it smells as too chatty, sending 1+10k requests to CosmosDB per partition, which is a lot = millions of requests.. Also, by my experience SQL-querying large documents would usually be RU-wise cheaper than loading those documents by point reads which would add up in this scale. It would be nice to be able to pull N docuents with a single (SQL query) request..
Query all as stream x 1.
There is Container.GetItemQueryStreamIterator() for which I could just pass in select * from c where c.partiton = #key. It would be simpler, use less RUs, I could control batch size with MaxItemsCount, it sends just a minimal number or requests to cosmos (query+continuations). All is good, except ..
.. it would return a single JSON array for all documents in batch and I would need to deserialize it all to split it into individual documents and mapping to their ids. Defeating the purpose of loading them as Stream.
Similarly, ReadManyItemsStreamAsync(..) would return the items as single response stream.
Does the CosmosDB API provide a better way to download a lot of individual raw JSON documents without deserializing?
Preferably with having some control over how much data is being buffered in client.
While I agree that designing the solution around streaming documents with change feed is promising and might have better scalability and cost-effect on cosmosDB side, but to answer the original question ..
The chattiness of solution "Query individually x 10k" could be reduced with Bulk mode.
That is:
Prepare a bulk CosmosClient with AllowBulkExecution option
query document ids to export (select from c where c.partition = #key)
(Optionally) split the ids to batches of desired size to limit the number of documents loaded in memory.
For each batch:
Load all documents in batch concurrently using ReadItemStreamAsync(id, partition), this avoids deserialization but retains link to id.
Write all documents to destination before starting next batch to release memory.
Since all reads are to the same partition, then bulk mode will internally merge the underlying requests to CosmosDB, reducing the network "chattiness" and trading this for some internal (hidden) complexity and slight increase in latency.
It's worth noting that:
It is still doing the 1+10k queries to cosmosDB + their RU cost. It's just compacted in network.
batching ids and waiting on batch completion is required as otherwise Bulk would send all internal batches concurrently (See: Bulk support improvements for Azure Cosmos DB .NET SDK). Or don't, if you prefer to max out throughput instead and don't care about memory footprint. In this case the partitions are smallish enough so it does not matter much.
Bulk has a separate internal batch size. Most likely its best to use the same value. This seems to be 100, which is a rather good chunk of data to process anyway.
Bulk may add latency to requests if waiting for internal batch to fill up
before dispatching (100ms). Imho this is largely neglible in this case and could be avoided by fully filling the internal Bulk batch bucket if possible.
This solution is not optimal, for example due to burst load put on CosmosDB, but the main benefit is simplicity of implementation, and the logic could be run in any host, on-demand, with no infra setup required..
There isn't anything out of the box that provides a means to doing on-demand, per-partition batch copying of data from Cosmos to blob storage.
However, before looking at other ways you can do this as a batch job, another approach you may consider, is to stream your data using Change Feed from Cosmos to blob storage. The reason is that, for a database like Cosmos, throughput (and cost) is measured on a per-second basis. The more you can amortize the cost of some set of operations over time, the less expensive it is. One other major thing I should point out too is, the fact that you want to do this on a per-partition basis means that the amount of throughput and cost required for the batch operation will be a combination of throughput * the number of physical partitions for your container. This is because when you increase throughput in a container, the throughput is allocated evenly across all physical partitions, so if I need 10k RU additional throughput to do some work on data in one container with 10 physical partitions, I will need to provision 100k RU/s to do the same work for the same amount of time.
Streaming data is often a less expensive solution when the amount of data involved is significant. Streaming effectively amortizes cost over time reducing the amount of throughput required to move that data elsewhere. In scenarios where the data is being moved to blob storage, often when you need the data is not important because blob storage is very cheap (0.01 USD/GB)
compared to Cosmos (0.25c USD/GB)
As an example, if I have 1M (1Kb) documents in a container with 10 physical partitions and I need to copy from one container to another, the amount of RU needed to do the entire thing will be 1M RU to read each document, then approximately 10 RU (with no indexes) to write it into another container.
Here is the breakdown for how much incremental throughput I would need and the cost for that throughput (in USD), if I ran this as a batch job over that period of time. Keep in mind that Cosmos DB charges you for the maximum throughput per hour.
Complete in 1 second = 11M RU/s $880 USD * 10 partitions = $8800 USD
Complete in 1 minute = 183K RU/s $14 USD * 10 partitions = $140 USD
Complete in 10 minutes = 18.3K $1/USD * 10 partitions = $10 USD
However, if I streamed this job over the course of a month, the incremental throughput required would be, only 4 RU/s which can be done without any additional RU at all. Another benefit is that it is usually less complex to stream data than to handle as a batch. Handling exceptions and dead-letter queuing are easier to manage. Although because you are streaming, you will need to first look up the document in blob storage and then replace it due to the data being streamed over time.
There are two simple ways you can stream data from Cosmos DB to blob storage. The easiest is Azure Data Factory. However, it doesn't really give you the ability to capture costs on a per logical partition basis as you're looking to do.
To do this you'd need to write your own utility using change feed processor. Then within the utility, as you read in and write each item, you can capture the amount of throughput to read the data (usually 1 RU/s) and can calculate the cost of writing it to blob storage based upon the per unit cost for whatever your monthly hosting cost is for the Azure Function that hosts the process.
As I prefaced, this is only a suggestion. But given the amount of data and the fact that it is on a per-partition basis, may be worth exploring.

MediaRecorder API chunks as an independent videos

I'm trying to build simple app that would stream video from camera using browser to the remote server.
For the camera access from browser I've found a wonderful WebRTC API: getUserMedia.
Now for the streaming it to the server IIUC the best way would be to use some of the WebRTC_API for transporting and then use some server side library to deal with it.
However, at first I went with a bit different approach:
I've user MediaRecorder based on the stream from camera. And then I was setting the timeslice for the MediaRecorder.start() to be few hundred Ms, e.g. 200. And I had some assumptions in wrt MediaRecorder which are not in sync with what I was observing:
I've observed weird behaviour(wrt to my assumptions about MediaRecorder):
If there was only 1 chunk uploaded to server -> it opens just fine.
If there are multiple chunks -> none of them loads correctly, they give errors: Could not determine type of stream. But then if I use ffmpeg to concat all the chunks - resulting file is fine. Same happens if I'm concatenating the blobs from MediaRecorder.ondataavailable on the client.
Thus the question:
Can the chunks in theory be independent video files? Or it is not what MediaRecorder was designed for? If it is not - then why do we even have the option to give timeslice parameter in its start() method?
Bonus question
If we're setting timeslice comparatively small, e.g. 10ms -> lots of data blobs that are sent to MediaRecorder.ondataavailable are of size 0. Where we can find some sort of guarantees/specs on the minimal timeslice that we can use, so that the data blobs are meaningful?
In the documentation there are the following:
If timeslice is not undefined, then once a minimum of timeslice milliseconds of data have been collected, or some minimum time slice imposed by the UA, whichever is greater, start gathering data into a new Blob blob, and queue a task, using the DOM manipulation task source, that fires a blob event named dataavailable at recorder with blob.
So, my guess is that it is somehow related to some data blobs being of 0 size. What does it "some minimum time slice imposed by the UA" mean?
Happy to provide code if needed. But the question is not about some specific code. It is to get understanding of the assumptions behind the MediaRecorder API and why they are there.
The timeslice parameter does not allow to create independent media chunks; instead, it gives an opportunity to save data (e.g. on the filesystem, or uploaded to a server) on a regular basis, rather than holding potentially large media content in memory.

How to speedup bulk importing into google cloud datastore with multiple workers?

I have an apache-beam based dataflow job to read using vcf source from a single text file (stored in google cloud storage), transform text lines into datastore Entities and write them into the datastore sink. The workflow works fine but the cons I noticed is that:
The write speed into datastore is at most around 25-30 entities per second.
I tried to use --autoscalingAlgorithm=THROUGHPUT_BASED --numWorkers=10 --maxNumWorkers=100 but the execution seems to prefer one worker (see graph below: the target workers once increased to 2 but reduced to 1 "based on the ability to parallelize the work in the currently running step").
I did not use ancestor path for the keys; all the entities are the same kind.
The pipeline code looks like below:
def write_to_datastore(project, user_options, pipeline_options):
"""Creates a pipeline that writes entities to Cloud Datastore."""
with beam.Pipeline(options=pipeline_options) as p:
| 'Read vcf files' >> vcfio.ReadFromVcf(user_options.input)
| 'Create my entity' >> beam.ParDo(
ToEntityFn(), user_options.kind)
| 'Write to datastore' >> WriteToDatastore(project))
Because I have millions of rows to write into the datastore, it would take too long to write with a speed of 30 entities/sec.
Question: The input is just one huge gzipped file. Do I need to split it into multiple small files to trigger multiple workers? Is there any other way I can make the importing faster? Do I miss something in the num_workers setup? Thanks!
I'm not familiar with apache beam, the answer is from the general flow perspective.
Assuming there are no dependencies to be considered between entity data in various input file sections then yes, working with multiple input files should definitely help as all these files could then be processed virtually in parallel (depending, of course, on the max number of available workers).
You might not need to split the huge zipfile beforehand, it might be possible to simply hand off segments of the single input data stream to separate data segment workers for writing, if the overhead of such handoff itself is neglijible compared to the actual data segment processing.
The overall performance limitation would be the speed of reading the input data, splitting it in segments and handoff to the segment data workers.
A data segment worker would further split the data segment it receives in smaller chunks of up to the equivalent of the max 500 entities that can be converted to entities and written to the datastore in a single batch operation. Depending of the datastore client library used it may be possible to perform this operation asyncronously, allowing the split into chunks and conversion to entities to continue without waiting for the previous datastore writes to complete.
The performance limitation at the data segment worker would then be the speed at which the data segment can be split into chunks and the chunk converted to entities
If async ops aren't available or for even higher throughput, yet another handoff of each chunk to a segment worker could be performed, with the segment worker performing the conversion to entities and datastore batch write.
The performance limitation at the data segment worker level would then be just the speed at which the data segment can be split into chunks and handed over to the chunk workers.
With such approach the actual conversion to entities and batch writing them to the datastore (async or not) would no longer sit in the critical path of splitting the input data stream, which is, I believe, the performance limitation in your current approach.
I looked into the design of vcfio. I suspect (if I understand correctly) that the reason I always get one worker when the input is a single file is due to the limit of the _VcfSource and the VCF format constraint. This format has a header part that defines how to translate the non-header lines. This causes that each worker that reads the source file has to work on an entire file. When I split the single file into 5 separate files that share the same header, I successfully get up to 5 workers (but not any more probably due to the same reason).
One thing I don't understand is that the number of workers that read can be limited to 5 (in this case). But why we are limited to have only 5 workers to write? Anyway, I think I have found the alternative way to trigger multiple workers with beam Dataflow-Runner (use pre-split VCF files). There is also a related approach in gcp variant transforms project, in which the vcfio has been significantly extended. It seems to support the multiple workers with a single input vcf file. I wish the changes in that project could be merged into the beam project too.

DynamoDB read and write

what constitutes an actual read in DynamoDB?
is it reading every line in a table or what data is returned?
is this why a scan is so expensive - you read the entire table and are charged for every table line that is read?
Can you put ElasticCache (Memcached) in front of DynamoDB to keep the cost down?
Finally are you charged for a query that yields no results?
See this link:
1 Write = 1 Write per second for an item up to 1Kb in size.
1 Read = 2 Reads per second for an item up to 1Kb in size, or 1 per second if you required fully consistent results.
For example, if your items are 512 bytes and you need to read 100
items per second from your table, then you need to provision 100 units
of Read Capacity.
If your items are larger than 1KB in size, then you should calculate
the number of units of Read Capacity and Write Capacity that you need.
For example, if your items are 1.5KB and you want to do 100
reads/second, then you would need to provision 100 (read per second) x
2 (1.5KB rounded up to the nearest whole number) = 200 units of Read
Note that the required number of units of Read Capacity is determined
by the number of items being read per second, not the number of API
calls. For example, if you need to read 500 items per second from your
table, and if your items are 1KB or less, then you need 500 units of
Read Capacity. It doesn’t matter if you do 500 individual GetItem
calls or 50 BatchGetItem calls that each return 10 items.
The above applies to all the usual methods, GET, BATCH X & QUERY.
SCAN is a little different, they don't document exactly how they calculate the usage but they do offer the following:
The Scan API will iterate through your entire dataset and apply the
filter conditions to every row. Since only 1MB of data can be scanned
at a time, you may need to do multiple round trips (using a
continuation token) to complete the scan. Further, using this API may
consume much of your provisioned read throughput. Hence, this method
has limited scaling characteristics and we do not recommend that you
use it as a part of your application’s regular behavior.
So to answer your question directly: The calculation is made on what data is returned in all cases except for SCAN, where there isn't really any clear indication on how they charge. A query that yields no results will not cost you anything.
You can definitely set up a caching system infront of Dynamo, definitely recommend you look into that if you want to keep your reads down.
Hope that helps!

Hadoop - job submission time on large data

Did anyone face any problem with submitting job on large data. Data is around 5-10 TB uncompressed, it is in approximate 500K files. When we try to submit a simple java map reduce job, it's mostly spend more than hour on getsplits() function call. And takes multiple hour to appear in job tracker. Is there any possible solution to solve this problem?
with 500k files, you are spending a lot of time tree walking to find all these files, which then need to be assigned to list of InputSplits (the result of getSplits).
As Thomas points out in his answer, if your machine performing the job submission has a low amount of memory assigned to the JVM, then you're going to see issues with the JVM performing garbage collection to try and find the memory required to build up the splits for these 500K files.
To makes matters worse, if these 500K files are splittable, and larger than a single block size, then you'll get even more input splits to process the files (a file of size say 1GB, with a block size of 256MB, you'll by default get 4 map tasks to process this file, assuming the input format and file compression supports splitting the file). If this is applicable to your job (look at the number of map tasks spawned for your job, are there more than 500k?), then you can force less mappers to be created by amending the mapred.min.split.size configuration property to a size larger then the current block size (setting it to 1GB for the previous example means you'll get a single mapper to process the file, rather than 4). This will help the performance of getSplits method the resultant list of getSplits will be smaller, requiring less memory.
The second symptom of your problem is the time is takes to serialize the input splits to a file (client side), and then the deserialization time at the job tracker end. 500K+ splits is going to take time, and the jobtracker will have similar GC issues if it has a low JVM memory limit.
It largely depends on how "strong" your submission server is (or your laptop client), maybe you need to upgrade RAM and CPU to make the getSplits call faster.
I believe you ran into swap issues there and the computation takes therfore multiple times longer than usual.
