Junk value for Degree symbol in oracle - oracle11g

In my Database a column value has data with degree symbol in it.
select prop_name from tab1;
output is:
Live Steam Temperature [°C]
But at UI end instead of degree symbol some junk value is displayed.
Also when I checked for NLS_Parameter; I can see its "AL32UTF8"
My requirement is to display "degree symbol" correctly at UI end.
Can someone please lead me to correct findings/direction.


Teradata Failing to Convert Date String to a Numeric value

I searched stackoverflow and on the internet but I could not find the exact answer. You can see my query below. I cannot figure out why I am getting the error message A character string failed conversion to a numeric value. I came to the conclusion it is that line of code because when I comment it out I don't get that error message but a different one. What I get instead is no more spool space which to me would make sense.
SELECT a.store_nbr AS club_number, a.visit_date, count(transaction_id)
FROM table_one
WHERE division = 1
AND a.visit_date BETWEEN '2020-01-01' AND '2020-02-01

Proper syntax for performing an intersection with geography

So, I am doing homework and I am unable to figure this step out.
Right-click the tables you just created, click Design, then add a new column in it, which is called GEOG, datatype is geography. Save the changes to your tables.
Fill the GEOG column with WKT column converted to Line/Polygon data.
For counties table build a new UPDATE query, convert WKT to Polygon and save it into GEOG column.
Table 1 is brazosStreet and table 2 is counties.
Table1 WKT is LINESTRING, and Table2 is POLYGON.
I am stuck on the Table2 Polygon step.
Validate the data and perform an intersection:
Geog.STIntersects(Geog1) = 1;
The Validation:
Update [dbo].[Counties]
set Geog = Geog.MakeValid()
Perform the Selection:
FROM [dbo].[counties]
WHERE Geog.STIntersects(geography::STLineFromText(‘LINESTRING(-98.144094 31.915186, -93.914357 30.977930)’, 4326);
No matter what I type for the "Perform the selection" section, I get an error. I tried STPolyFromText and I tried deleting and starting over 3 times.
The only thing I can think of is that I skip over this section because I cannot get it to work:
Validate the data and perform an intersection
Geog.STIntersects(Geog1) = 1;
The way I read that was as on overview of what is to come. Since it looks like Geog.MakeValid(); is part of the validation stage and Geog.STIntersects(Geog1) = 1; looks like part of the perform the selection stage.
Why is my syntax not working properly? I am unsure what SQL language exactly this is. Please let me know if I need to explain this situation more. Thanks for the help in advance!
UPDATE [dbo].[brazosStreets]
[Geog] = geography::STLineFromText([WKT],4326);
UPDATE [dbo].[counties]
SET Geog = Geog.MakeValid;
select *
from [dbo].[counties] c
where c.STIntersect(geography::STLineFromText(‘LINESTRING(-98.144097
31.915186, -93.914357 30.977930)’,4326))=1;
I get error 102 when I try to run this.. Error with the 'single quote' placement involving a non-boolean operator

String to Decimal conversion with Culture

I have a piece of code that read data from excel file store it in DB.
`decimal num = Convert.ToDecimal(rowOptions["excel_cl_name"]);`
But it does not work properly for NL culture. Let say when value is 878,90 it should be 878.9000 but it becomes 87890.0000. When value is 123,5 , it should be 123.5000 but it becomes 1235.0000. When value is 123 then it is 123.0000.
I cannot replace the ',' with space and divide the number by 100 as for other 2 cases it will fail.
Note: In database precision is 4.
Is there any way I can force the culture to be en-us always ?
Is there a better way to manage it?
I can also have value like 12.345,90 which is 12,345.9000.

How can we get the previous formula field value in the next row formula field?

I have two formula field Like Open balance and Closing balance.
In this, the Opening balance value will Previous day's Closing balance.
And the Closing Balance Calculation will be done using the Open Balance value.
For example the formula's inside the formula fields are:
For Opening Balance
If OnFirstRecord = true Then (If {OpenBalanceCreditAmount}=0 then {OpenBalanceDebitAmount} else if {OpenBalanceDebitAmount}=0 then (-{OpenBalanceCreditAmount}))else Previous({#ClosingBalAmount})
For Closing Balance
(If {#OpenBalanceAmount}<0 then ((-{#CreditAmount}+{#OpenBalanceAmount})+{#DebitAmount}) else if {#OpenBalanceAmount}>=0 then (({#DebitAmount}+{#OpenBalanceAmount})+(-{#CreditAmount})))
I am getting a error: "A Formula Cannot refer to itself,either directly or Indirectly".
Also I tried passing a temporary Formula field, which passes value of Closing balance to Open Balance. But,it too shown a same error. I think so referencing issue. Can we take only the value of closing balance by leaving the parameters used in Closing balance calculation.
Please help me out of this. And Thanks in advance.

Title Case function is not working when I try it in Inform 7

I've set up my game to let the player choose their own name at the start as per the documentation, however, the line used to put it in title case is not working.
Every time I start the game the player's name is displayed in lower case.
The player's forename is an indexed text that varies. The player's full name is an indexed text that varies.
When play begins:
now the command prompt is "What is your name? > ".;
To decide whether collecting names:
if the command prompt is "What is your name? > ", yes;
After reading a command when collecting names:
now the player's full name is "[the player's command in title case]";
now the player's forename is word number 1 in the player's command;
now the command prompt is "> ";
say "Thank you, [player's forename].[paragraph break]";
say "[banner text]";
move the player to the bed;
reject the player's command.
And here's what I'm getting out of it:
What is your name? > Squiggle Squiggleson
Thank you, squiggle.
The Children of Tragedy An Interactive Fiction by Luke Tooze
Release 1 / Serial number 131216 / Inform 7 build 6G60 (I6/v6.32 lib 6/12N) SD
squiggle's Bedroom (on the bed)
As you lie in your unmade bed - staring at the ceiling - you realise you should probably
get up and face the day.
I have tried many variations and Inform is allowing it every time but it doesn't actually change the case. Please help?
You set the case of variable player's full name but then set the forename based on the original input (player's command) which still has the original case. Change the second line in the after reading a command rule to:
now the player's forename is word number 1 in the player's full name;
