Error in jfrog-cli : The following error was received while trying to encrypt your password: Artifactory response: 404 404 - jfrog-cli

Error in jfrog-cli : The following error was received while trying to encrypt your password

The config command tried to encrypt your Artifactory password using an incorrect URL. Typically, it happens when the user provides JFrog platform URL as Artifactory URL and the opposite.
To fix it, you have 2 options:
Provide Artifactory URL using the --artifactory-url flag:
jfrog config add artifactory-server --artifactory-url="$ARTIFACTORY_URL" --user="$ARTIFACTORY_USER" --password="$ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD" --interactive=false
Provide the base platform URL using --url flag:
jfrog config add artifactory-server --url="$JFROG_PLATFORM_URL" --user="$ARTIFACTORY_USER" --password="$ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD" --interactive=false
For more information see JFrog Platform Configuration.


The following error was received while trying to encrypt your password: Artifactory response: 403 Forbidden

I am getting the below error when running the Jenkins Job but the Test connection was successful when I tested after configured in Jenkins Global configuration. Could someone please help me out on this issue?
jfrog c add artifactory-server --artifactory-url= --user=**** --password=****
The following error was received while trying to encrypt your password:
Artifactory response: 403 Forbidden
Can you try the below syntax and check if it works? = is not required in the parameter.
jfrog config add <named_server_config> --artifactory-url $ARTIFACTORY_URL --user $ARTIFACTORY_USER --apikey $ARTIFACTORY_APIKEY --interactive=false
jfrog config add arti-server --artifactory-url http://IP:PORT/artifactory --user **** --password **** --interactive=false
jfrog c add arti-server --artifactory-url http://IP:PORT/artifactory --user **** --password **** --interactive=false

Contao > 4.3 sending emails with sendmail throw error on some providers

Older Versions of Contao (till 4.3) working like expected with sending emails via sendmail.
After upgrade to Contao 4.9 I got some errors at Providers like 1u1 / ionos or mittwald.
The error in the logs sound like:
"Expected response code 220 but got an empty response"
Sending Mails from CLI of the Server (means if logged in via SSH) working like expected:sendmail test" |
/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -v -f
The solution is to add this to config/config.yml
default_mailer: default
url: '%env(MAILER_URL)%'
transport: sendmail
command: '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i'
After that, clear the Contao-Cache (e.g. via contao-manager.phar) and give it a try.
The reason for that issue is, that by default the swiftMailer use sendmail -bs as command, which means that sendmail run as standalone Service.
Depending at the way your provider configure it's sendmail, this will be the cause of the error.
If you update symfony/swiftmailer-bundle to version 3.5.0, then the default value used for the sendmail command will be read from the PHP configuration. See
So provided the PHP configuration of your hosting environment contains the correct command in sendmail_path, sending emails should work without any changes.

Proxy authentication using wget on cygwin

My institute recently installed a new proxy server for our network. I am trying to configure my Cygwin environment to be able to run wget and download data from a remote repository.
Browsing the internet I have found two different solutions to my problem, but no one of them seem to work in my case.
The first one I tried was to follow these instructions, so in Cygwin:
cd /cygdrive/c/cygwin64/etc/
nano wgetrc
at the end of the file, I added:
use_proxy = on
(of course, using my user and password)
The second approach was what was suggested by this SO post, so in my Cygwin environment:
export http_proxy=http://username:password#my.proxy.ip:my.port/
export https_proxy=https://username:password#my.proxy.ip:my.port/
export ftp_proxy=http://username:password#my.proxy.ip:my.port/
in both cases, if I try to test my wget, I get the following:
$ wget
--2020-01-30 12:12:22--
Resolving my.proxy.ip (my.proxy.ip)... 10.1XX.XXX.XX
Connecting to my.proxy.ip (my.proxy.ip)|10.1XX.XXX.XX|:8XXX... connected.
Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 407 Proxy Authentication Required
2020-01-30 12:12:22 ERROR 407: Proxy Authentication Required.
It looks like if my user and password are not ok, but I actually checked them on my browsers and my credentials work just fine.
Any idea on what this could be due to?
This problem was solved thanks to the suggestion of a User of the community AskUbuntu.
Basically, instead of editing the global configuration file wgetrc, I should have created a new .wgetrc with my proxy configuration in my Cygwin home directory.
In summary:
Step 1 - Create a .wgetrc file;
nano ~/.wgetrc
Step 2 - record in this file the proxy info:

Cannot install Jenkins: no valid crumb

I've just installed Jenkins on a google cloud vm and configured nginx to point at 8080. I can enter the initial admin password and then i get to the screen where i can select plugins. When i click on "install suggested plugins" an error appears:
No valid crumb was included in this request
I started Jenkins with the command:
java -jar jenkins.war
stdout says:
INFO: Session node016ikde2z4paqem02o7wos0rgd1 already being invalidated
Nov 02, 2017 7:57:44 PM doFilter
WARNING: Found invalid crumb 27d19a27be31d1d5703128b635b60c3b. Will
check remaining parameters for a valid one...
Nov 02, 2017 7:57:44 PM doFilter
WARNING: No valid crumb was included in request for
/pluginManager/installPlugins. Returning 403.
does anybody know how i can either disable CSRF or include a valid crumb in my request? I can generate a valid crumb by running:
$ curl -u "admin:ebdcf2fcf6f74ee8b4ec907a1486ml?xpath=concat(//crumbRequestField,":",//crumb)'
but i don't know what to do with it after that.
Many thanks!
To Disable CSRF (although this is not recommended), follow the below 3 steps:
Log in to Jenkins as an Administrator
GOTO: Jenkins > Manage Jenkins > Configure Global Security and enable Prevent
Cross Site Request Forgery exploits
Uncheck this option
Mention the version of the Jenkins you are using to suggest on how to provide a valid crumb in your request.

artifactory yum relative path not working

I have configured as a remote repo in Artifactory.
My repo file on Centos 7.3 looks like this:
When I run yum install -y kubelet it prints this error:
e7a4403227dd24036f3b0615663a37 FAILED [Errno 14] HTTPS Error 500 - Internal Server Error
Trying other mirror.
I am pretty sure the problem is the relative path in the URL: kubernetes-el7-x86_64/../../pool
If I wget the URL it works fine because wget is resolving out the relative path before sending the HTTP request, but yum does not do this and Artifactory returns a 500 when you give it a url with ../ in it. Does anyone know how to enable relative URLs in Artifactory? Or how to get yum to resolve URLs before sending the requests?
I am running these versions:
Artifactory 5.2.0
Yum 3.4.3-150
Update: This is the HTTP response body from artifactory:
"errors" : [ {
"status" : 500,
"message" : "Could not process download request: Path element cannot end with a dot:"
} ]
The remote repository should be set with the following url in Artifactory
The baseurl on the yum client should point on the repodata folder with the following:
(The name of the remote repository is 'yum remote')
This should work without any further configuration from the Artifactory side.
The error you have mentioned regardin the relative path 'kubernetes-el7-x86_64/../../pool' happens during the caching of the artifact.
Artifactory cannot cache to a path which contains the '..' pattern so the request is failing.
It can be solved from Artifactory side with a user plugin.
If the path contains the '..' pattern then the plugin will modify the path where the artifact will cached so it will not include this pattern.
This is now redundant as the registry retrieves paths which doesn't include '..' in them.
