Using MemoryCache.Default in Module causes Error ASPPARSE: Circular file references are not allowed error during build -

In an webform application project framework 4.7.2 with Option Infer On, including the line Dim cache = System.Runtime.Caching.MemoryCache.Default in a method, causes the Error ASPPARSE: Circular file references are not allowed in several aspx files (no obvious reason for why those files and not others that I can see) when building on our build server.
I don't have any unincluded files (I had an unincluded AssemblyInfo.vb file, I deleted it, no difference).
It's taken me quite a while to narrow it down to this, and I haven't been able to figure it out. Any solutions or suggestions welcome.


Circular file references are not allowed Dnn 7+ in TFS 2013

I am using DNN 7.3 for a website project which is a combination of VB and C# codes. I use visual studio 2013 to build the project.
If the MSBuid Option in property page is configured to Allow this Precompiled site to be updatable and the project is published.
There will be a successful built. But when it is checked in to the TFS, the following exception will be thrown:
/compiled/DesktopModules/Admin/Security/manageusers.ascx (8): Circular file references are not allowed.
/compiled/DesktopModules/Admin/Security/manageusers.ascx (67): Unknown server tag 'dnn:profile'.
/compiled/DesktopModules/Admin/Security/EditUser.ascx (5): Circular file references are not allowed.
/compiled/DesktopModules/Admin/Security/EditUser.ascx (163): Unknown server tag 'dnn:Profile'.
/compiled/admin/Users/ViewProfile.ascx (4): Unknown server tag 'dnn:Profile'.
Also, when I checked Use Fixed Naming and Single Page Assemblies together with the Allow this Precompiled site to be updatable. it will throw:
ASPNETCOMPILER: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
when I searched online, I was given two options from this blog.
I have tried the two but still having the same error.
I don't know what I am doing wrong.
Please look at [here] ( for the explanation why you would see this error, simply speaking, if you have the following setup:
/folder1/Control1.ascx > References Control2
/folder2/Control2.ascx > References Control3
This means that the folder1 dll will reference the folder2 dll which will again reference the folder1 dll, causing a “circular file reference”.
The solution is try to rearrange all controls under each folders, sometimes, you have to make a problem user control copied over to multiple folders to prevent such circular calling.
I changed The Clean WorkSpace property of TFS Build Process Parameters to false.
The error just disappeared and I was able to build successfully into TFS Drop folder. I don't know why this solves the problem but the problem was resolved.

ASPNETCOMPILERERROR - object reference not set to an instance of object

I am getting ASPNETCOMPILERERROR while publishing a web project.
This project is in .net 4.0 and we are publishing in VS2012.
Build is getting succeeded, but while publishing we are getting following error
ASPNETCOMPILERERROR - object reference not set to an instance of object.
Please let us know how to resolve the issue.
I am able to solve the issue.
One of the dll causing reference issue, but build is getting succeed.
Solved by following these steps
Checked in the temporary folder(C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files) where VS Creates dlls for each page( i have opted for individual assemblies while publishing)
Before creating dlls, it generates .Compiled files and then converts each file to a dll.
we found one of the page is not getting converted to dll, instead it created a file with .delete extension and halted.
Now we ran our application from VS and tried open the page which is not able getting converted to dll.
Now we got the issue as an exception.
Hope this will help some one else. error “The type 'typeName' exists in both ”temp1.dll“ and ”temp2.dll"

When I build a web site I haven't got errors, but when I try to publish site the error appears:
Type 'AttachmentsControl' exists in both в 'c:\Users\userName\AppData\Local\Temp\Temporary ASP.NET Files\web.ui.application\8c85983a\5425041a\App_Web_mivbsgll.dll' and 'c:\Users\userName\AppData\Local\Temp\Temporary ASP.NET Files\web.ui.application\8c85983a\5425041a\App_Web_dhvduebi.dll'
I tried to add the batch="false" attribute to the "compilation" element of the web.config file, but this didn't help.
Also I tried to rename one class, but in this case another error appears:
Server Error in '/projectName' Application.
Thread was being aborted.
Can anybody help me?
P.S.: the most strangest thing is that I get this project from MS TFS, my colleague who add this project to TFS publish this site without errors.
Most probably the reason could be you are uploading the source files along with compiled published output and at the same time the source files are modified.
When you see this error, what is trying to do is, compile the files and create the application and the result is, you have two type declaration of same name, one in the dll and one in the source.
Try to delete the dll file you have uploaded (from the bin directory), it should resolve the issue.

ASP.NET MVC 2.0 NHibernate Configure() issue

I have installed NHibernate for my ASP.NET web app although I'm getting a problem in real-time on the following line of code:
if (_sessionFactory == null)
_sessionFactory = new Configuration().Configure().BuildSessionFactory();
Looking at the inner exception the problem is this:
{"Could not find file 'D:\Websites\Test\Test\Test\bin\hibernate.cfg.xml'.":"D:\Websites\Test\Test\Test\bin\hibernate.cfg.xml"}
This makes sense, as the file doesnt exist in that location. This line of code is within my Core project. File hibernate.cfg.xml is currently in my Infrastucture project, not my Core. Should this be? I have copied the file into this location although I still get problems. If I manually copy the file into this location within windows explorer I then get the following error during runtime.
{"Could not load file or assembly
'Infrastructure' or one of its
dependencies. The system cannot find
the file specified.":"Infrastructure"}
Also, I'm missing DynamicProxy.dll as I'm using castle and I couldnt see a version of the DynamicProxy in the castle folder that I downloaded from
any suggestions? I can see LinFu.DynamicProxy.dll within the download although it says I only need one of the folders, Linfu or Castle, and I'm using Castle for this experiment. Not sure if this has anything to do with it, just thought it might help.
any ideas? Many thanks,
About "Could not find hibernate.cfg.xml": you can either set it to "Copy to Output" (see this) or configure it as an embedded resource.
About "Could not load assembly Infrastructure": you're missing Infrastructure.dll in your bin, or one of its dependencies, just as the error says.
About missing DynamicProxy.dll: if you're using NHibernate 3.x all you need to use the Castle bytecode provider is NHibernate.ByteCode.Castle.dll and Castle.Core.dll

Weird MethodNotFound exception when renaming a property - related to / web forms / fluentnhibernate and visual studio

I have a local website which I run through Visual Studio 2008's internal development web server (through the run / compile button).
I have an external library which is referenced on a page of that website and resides inside the web site's "bin" folder.
I've recently changed a class' property name inside that library (renaming it, from "ValidFrom" to "VisibleFrom"), recompiled its dll and have overwritten the original dll inside the bin folder.
This class is mapped with FluentNHibernate, I've also changed the mappings and recompiled / redeployed the library.
When I try to run the site and navigate to the page where the library is used, I'm getting a MethodNotFound exception for the method get_ValidFrom, related to FluentNHibernate's configuration call. This should be get_VisibleFrom now!
Now I've reconfigured my NHibernate SessionProvider so that it generates a new Configuration for NHibernate on each call, and does not retrieve it from the Http Session entity like it did before, because I figured there might lie the problem.
I'm still getting the exception however. I've then deleted the Temporary ASP.NET folder's content... but I'm still getting the error.
Where is the generated schema for NHibernate stored, when using FluentNHibernate?
Anyone knows where else this could somehow be cached?
FNH does not cache the schema, it is generated on-the-fly when you make a call to Fluently.Configure() and the schema is passed directly into an NHibernate Configuration object which is used to build an ISessionFactory.
Try clearing out all compiled objects/libraries/executables, removing the reference to your library from all projects that use it, add it back in, and then re-compile everything. Also check your all your code for "magic strings" that may be referencing this property or causing it to be referenced by the old name.
If that doesn't work, it might be helpful to see a stack trace to get an idea of what is being called from where.
