How to fix firebase index issue? - firebase

While launching the react native expo app,got this prompt.
The query requires an index. You can create it here:
When I clicked, the google console showing error as below.
But, this one worked earlier for a different collection and when trying for a new collection, getting this.
Please suggest.

It looks like you're signed in with an account that doesn't have permission to read or create indexes.
You should open the link from a user account that does have those permissions. When you do that, you'll see a screen that has all information prepopulated, and you can create the index with a single click (and some patience).


Generate Account Service JSON is not available in Firebase

In Firebase, I've always been able to generate Service Account JSON. Today, created a new project as always and could not find it. When I refresh the button does show briefly and disappear. I don't understand what is the problem and the documentation for generating an Admin SDK still says that you create a Service Account JSON with that button. You can see in the image below:
Can I have an explanation on why it is happening and how can I solve this?

flutter firebase dynamic links - wrong link is captured in app

I'm trying to capture the query paramters of a dynamic link.
In firebase console, the dynamic link is set as,par2=2
The link that I build programmatically is: Hi there &amv=0&apn=com.myapp&ibi=com.myapp&imv=0&link=
When I capture the link in the app, using FirebaseDynamicLinks.instance.onLink, I get,par2=2
instead on the expected parameters par1=123, par2=456.
Flutter doctor has no errors
What can it be?
It looks like it might have been the fact that although I was using a device as an "emulator" in a debug mode.
Once using the "real" app from google store, the problem was gone :-)

did firebase console drop support for opening a specific firestore document via URL?

Previously it was possible to open URLs in the firebase console like this:
this would open the firestore collection users and the user with id userID. Since a few days I noticed that this behavior is no longer supported. Is there a way around that?
In backend admin panels this is a very nice feature, I usually link all documents directly like that for fast access.
firebaser here
I don't think this was intentionally changed, or at least I'm not aware of such a change.
If you can reproduce this consistently, please file a bug report with the support team so that they can investigate.

I can't add Firebase to a google project, Invalid Entry

I'm trying to add Firebase to an existing google project. Basically I want to migrate the project to Firebase.
Steps that I followed
Go to
Click import google project
Select the project (I have owner permission, but I didn't create the project)
Select the country
Add firebase
I get the following error:
Invalid entry. Please make sure you represent your app accurately.
Until today I was getting a generic error such "An error happened, try again", but this has changed.
When I check the browser console for the error, the status code is 400.
Is there anyone who had the same issue and resolved it somehow?
Note that I tried the following options:
Different accounts
Different browsers
Incognito mode
Clear cache / Disable add-ons etc
Clearly logout/login again
Nothing worked so far and this blocks me to proceed.
It turns out the error was referring the name wasn't proper in Google console. It was something like "Foo bar bar". Nothing special though. I got support from Firebase and changing name something "foo-bar" solved the problem.
To be honest the error message is too vague. Hopefully this helps someone else.

How do you add a NODE to your database root in the Firebase Realtime Database Console?

The Console ONLY allows you to add a CHILD to the root. You cannot add a NODE in the Windows Console or in the Chrome Console.
So, if I got the question right, the following is desired:
Had the same problem recently. There was also such a warning in the Firebase database console section:
Read-only & non-realtime mode activated to improve browser performance. Select a key with fewer records to edit or view in realtime.
If this is the case, you can simply add a node through the URL string. So, just visit:${project-id}/database/${db-root}/data/${new-node-name}
And you'll be able to add data to the new node.
Hope this helps. Cheers!
