R: monthly expanding regression using daily data - r

I want to perform an expanding regression at monthly frequency using daily data. The model is:
ret = \beta_0 + \beta_1 X + \varepsilon
Sample data and my attempt:
df = data.frame(date = seq(as.Date('2011-01-01'),as.Date('2011-03-31'),by = 1), ret = rnorm(90,0,1), X = rnorm(90,0,1))
roll = function(data, n = now(data) {
rollapplyr(1:n, 1:n, function(x) coef(lm(ret ~ X, data, subset =x))[[2]]
output = df %>%
mutate(coefficient = roll(data.frame(ret, X)))
The code above runs expanding regression by row and I could extract just the last value in each month to get the coefficients for that month (i.e., in this example, I only need coefficients estimated on Jan-31, Feb-28 and Mar-31).
However, I need to apply this code to a large dataset, and to save time I only want the regressions to run at the last day of each month in the expanding style (i.e., not run regression every day). I'd appreciate if someone can help point out a way to improve the code here.

Create a function coef2 that given a yearmon object computes the second regression coeffient up to dates in that year and month.
coef2 <- function(ym, data) {
coef(lm(ret ~ X, data, subset = as.yearmon(date) <= ym))[[2]]
yearmonth <- unique(as.yearmon(df$date))
data.frame(yearmonth, slope = sapply(yearmonth, coef2, data = df))
## yearmonth slope
## 1 Jan 2011 0.2208940
## 2 Feb 2011 0.1792896
## 3 Mar 2011 0.1180308
If performance is an issue you could try t his alternative version of coef2 which avoids the use of lm :
coef2 <- function(ym, data) {
with(subset(data, as.yearmon(date) <= ym), cov(ret, X) / var(X))


Fit double logistic function to a time series

For the following time series data:
#1. dates of 15 day frequency:
dates = seq(as.Date("2016-09-01"), as.Date("2020-07-30"), by=15) #96 times observation
#2. water content in crops corresponding to the times given.
water <- c(0.5702722, 0.5631781, 0.5560839, 0.5555985, 0.5519783, 0.5463459,
0.5511598, 0.546652, 0.5361545, 0.530012, 0.5360571, 0.5396569,
0.5683526, 0.6031535, 0.6417821, 0.671358, 0.7015542, 0.7177007,
0.7103561, 0.7036985, 0.6958607, 0.6775161, 0.6545367, 0.6380155,
0.6113306, 0.5846186, 0.5561815, 0.5251135, 0.5085149, 0.495352,
0.485819, 0.4730029, 0.4686458, 0.4616468, 0.4613918, 0.4615532,
0.4827496, 0.5149105, 0.5447824, 0.5776764, 0.6090217, 0.6297454,
0.6399422, 0.6428941, 0.6586344, 0.6507473, 0.6290631, 0.6011123,
0.5744375, 0.5313527, 0.5008027, 0.4770338, 0.4564025, 0.4464508,
0.4309046, 0.4351668, 0.4490393, 0.4701232, 0.4911582, 0.5162941,
0.5490387, 0.5737573, 0.6031149, 0.6400073, 0.6770058, 0.7048311,
0.7255012, 0.739107, 0.7338938, 0.7265202, 0.6940718, 0.6757214,
0.6460862, 0.6163091, 0.5743775, 0.5450822, 0.5057753, 0.4715266,
0.4469859, 0.4303232, 0.4187793, 0.4119401, 0.4201316, 0.426369,
0.4419331, 0.4757525, 0.5070846, 0.5248457, 0.5607567, 0.5859825,
0.6107531, 0.6201754, 0.6356589, 0.6336177, 0.6275579, 0.6214981)
I want to fit a double-logistic function curve to the data.
I found some examples and packages that can be of help,
and an example here - Indexes overlap error when using dplyr to run a function.
However, the examples given only consider annual time series.
I have tried to fit the function as:
x <- ts(water, start = c(2016,17), end = c(2020, 16), frequency = 24)
smooth.water = FitDoubleLogBeck(x, weighting = T, hessian = F, plot = T, ninit = 10)
plot(water- smooth.water$predicted)
However, this function does not seem to fit the entire time series. How can I run the function to fit the entire time series? Also, I noticed the output is different at different run, and I am not sure what makes that happen.
FitDoubleLogBeck can deal only with 1-year data, so you need analyze the data year by year. To do it just take window for 1 year then fit the data separately for each year.
As for different results at different runs the algorithm randomly chooses the initial parameters. The graph of double logistic curve is bell shaped. However you applying the algorithm to "sine"-like data but the algorithm expects to have "bell". Then it treats the water data as a cloud of points so the results are meaningless and very sensetive to intial parameter setting.
par(mfrow = c(1, 3))
# water vector taken from question above
x <- ts(water, start = c(2016,17), end = c(2020, 16), frequency = 24)
res <- sapply((2017:2019), function(year) {
x2 <- as.vector(window(x, start=c(year, 1), end=c(year, 24)))
smooth.water2 = FitDoubleLogBeck(x2, weighting = T, hessian = F, plot = T, ninit = 10)
title(main = year)
c(year = year, smooth.water2$params)
year mn mx sos rsp eos rau
[1,] 2017 -0.7709318 0.17234293 16.324163 -0.6133117 6.750885 -0.7618376
[2,] 2018 -0.8900971 0.09398673 7.529345 0.6701200 17.319465 0.8277409
[3,] 2019 -4.7669470 -0.34648434 15.930455 -0.2570877 10.690043 -0.2267284

R: How to loop through models dropping one observation at a time?

I have trouble looping through a regression model dropping one observation each time to estimate the effect of influential observations.
I would like to run the model several times, each time dropping the ith observation and extracting the relevant coefficient estimate and store it in a vector. I think this could quite easily be done with a fairly straight forward loop, however, I'm stuck at the specifics.
I want to be left with a vector containing n coefficient estimates from n iterations of the same model. Any help would be beneficial!
Below I provide some dummy data and example code.
#Dummy data:
patientn <- rep(1:400)
gender <- rbinom(400, 1, 0.5)
productid <- rep(c("Product A","Product B"), times=200)
country <- rep(c("USA","UK","Canada","Mexico"), each=50)
baselarea <- rnorm(400,400,60) #baseline area
baselarea2 <- rnorm(400,400,65) #baseline area2
sfactor <- c(
rep(c(0.3,0.9), times = 25),
rep(c(0.4,0.5), times = 25),
rep(c(0.2,0.4), times = 25),
rep(c(0.3,0.7), times = 25)
rashdummy2a <- data.frame(patientn,gender,productid,country,baselarea,baselarea2,sfactor)
Data <- rashdummy2a %>% mutate(rashleft = baselarea2*sfactor/baselarea*100) ```
## Example of how this can be done manually:
# model
m1<-lm(rashleft ~ gender + baselarea + sfactor, data = data)
# extracting relevant coefficient estimates, each time dropping a different "patient" ("patientn")
betas <- c(lm(rashleft ~ gender + baselarea + sfactor, data = rashdummy2b, patientn !=1)$coefficients[2],
lm(rashleft ~ gender + baselarea + sfactor, data = rashdummy2b, patientn !=2)$coefficients[2],
lm(rashleft ~ gender + baselarea + sfactor, data = rashdummy2b, patientn !=3)$coefficients[2])
# the betas vector now stores the relevant coefficient estimates (coefficient nr 2, for gender) for three different variations of the model.
We can use a for loop. In your question you use an object rashdummy2b which is not defined. Now I used data but you can replace that by an object of choice.
#create list to bind results to
result <- list()
#loop through patients and extract betas
for(i in unique(data$patientn)){
#construct linear model
lm.model <- lm(rashleft ~ gender + baselarea + sfactor, data = subset(data, data$patientn != i))
#create data.frame containing patient left out and coefficient
result.dt <- data.frame(beta = lm.model$coefficients[[2]],
patient_left_out = i)
#bind to list
result[[i]] <- result.dt
#bind to data.frame
result <- do.call(rbind, result)
beta patient_left_out
1 1.381248 1
2 1.345188 2
3 1.427784 3
4 1.361674 4
5 1.420417 5
6 1.454196 6
You can drop a particular row (or column) by using a negative index. In your case, you proceed as follows:
betas <- numeric(nrow(rashdummy2b)) # memory preallocation
for (i in 1:nrow(rashdummy2b)) {
betas[i] <- lm(rashleft ~ gender + baselarea + sfactor, data=rashdummy2b[-i,])$coefficients[2]

Trying to forecast the next 24hrs temperature using UCI repository datasets in R programming

Hi I accessed the datasets from the UCI repository http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Air+Quality
I am trying to predict the next 24hrs temperature.Below is the code which I have written
filling the missing values by NA
Replacing the NA by mean of each columns
for(i in 1:ncol(AirQualityUCI)){
AirQualityUCI[is.na(AirQualityUCI[,i]),i] <- mean(AirQualityUCI[,i], na.rm = TRUE)
plot time series
plot(AirQualityUCI$T, type = "l")
How do I set the frequency in hours and predict the temperature of next 24hrs ?
Tempts <- ts(AirQualityUCI)
Temprforecasts <- HoltWinters(Tempts, beta=FALSE, gamma=FALSE)
Getting the below error
Error in attr(x, "tsp") <- value :
invalid time series parameters specified
AirQualityUCI <- read_excel("AirQualityUCI.xlsx")
#First, limit to the one column you are interested in (make sure data is sorted by time variable before doing this)
temp <- setDT(AirQualityUCI)[,c("T")]
#Replace NA with mean
temp$T <- ifelse(is.na(temp$T), mean(temp$T, na.rm=TRUE), temp$T)
#Create time series object...in this case freq = 365 * 24 (hours in year)
Tempts <- ts(temp, frequency = 365*24)
Temprforecasts <- HoltWinters(Tempts, beta = FALSE, gamma = FALSE)
#Generate next 24 hours forecast
output.forecast <- forecast.HoltWinters(Temprforecasts, h = 24)

Backtesting accuracy of regression model through rolling window regression with quantmod

I´ve been trying to backtest the predictability of a regression (trying to get one-step-ahead predictions) by implementing a rolling window regression and calculating and recording the difference between the estimation and the last available day, for each day in the past, in a column.
I tried to apply Christoph_J ´s answer at Rolling regression return multiple objects
There is no syntax error in the code. However, I´m not sure if there is a semantic error. Is the value in row i of the "predicted" column, the ex-ante prediction of the row i value of the OpCl column?
sp <- getSymbols("^GSPC", auto.assign=FALSE)
sp$GSPC.Adjusted <- NULL
colnames(sp) <- gsub("^GSPC\\.","",colnames(sp))
sp$OpCl <- OpCl(sp)
sp$ClHi <- HiCl(sp)
sp$LoCl <- LoCl(sp)
sp$LoHi <- LoHi(sp)
#### LAG
spLag <- lag(sp)
colnames(spLag) <- paste(colnames(sp),"lag",sep="")
sp <- na.omit(merge(sp, spLag))
f <- OpCl ~ Openlag + Highlag + OpCllag + ClHilag
OpClLM <- lm(f, data=sp)
#sp$OpClForecast <- NA
#sp$OpClForecast <- tail(fitted(OpClLM),1)
rolling.regression <- function(series) {
mod <- dynlm(formula = OpCl ~ L(Open) + L(High) + L(OpCl) + L(ClHi),
data = as.zoo(series))
nextOb <- min(series[,6])+1 # To get the first row that follows the window
if (nextOb<=nrow(sp)) { # You won't predict the last one
# 1) Make Predictions
OpCl=sp[nextOb,'OpCl'], ClHi=sp[nextOb,'ClHi']))
#Solution ; Get column names right
AdjR = summary(mod)$adj.r.squared)
rolling.window <- 300
results.sp <- rollapply(sp, width=rolling.window,
FUN=rolling.regression, by.column=F, align='right')

Rolling regression return multiple objects

I am trying to build a rolling regression function based on the example here, but in addition to returning the predicted values, I would like to return the some rolling model diagnostics (i.e. coefficients, t-values, and mabye R^2). I would like the results to be returned in discrete objects based on the type of results. The example provided in the link above sucessfully creates thr rolling predictions, but I need some assistance packaging and writing out the rolling model diagnostics:
In the end, I would like the function to return three (3) objects:
T values
Below is the code:
## Create Some Dummy Data
x <- rnorm(mean=3,sd=2,100)
y <- rep(NA,100)
y[1] <- x[1]
for(i in 2:100) y[i]=1+x[i-1]+0.5*y[i-1]+rnorm(1,0,0.5)
int <- 1:100
dummydata <- data.frame(int=int,x=x,y=y)
zoodata <- as.zoo(dummydata)
rolling.regression <- function(series) {
mod <- dynlm(formula = y ~ L(y) + L(x), data = as.zoo(series)) # get model
nextOb <- max(series[,'int'])+1 # To get the first row that follows the window
if (nextOb<=nrow(zoodata)) { # You won't predict the last one
# 1) Make Predictions
predicted <- predict(mod,newdata=data.frame(x=zoodata[nextOb,'x'],y=zoodata[nextOb,'y']))
attributes(predicted) <- NULL
c(predicted=predicted,square.res <-(predicted-zoodata[nextOb,'y'])^2)
# 2) Extract coefficients
#coefficients <- coef(mod)
# 3) Extract rolling coefficient t values
#tvalues <- ????(mod)
# 4) Extract rolling R^2
#rsq <-
rolling.window <- 20
results.z <- rollapply(zoodata, width=rolling.window, FUN=rolling.regression, by.column=F, align='right')
So after figuring out how to extract t values from model (i.e. mod) , what do I need to do to make the function return three (3) seperate objects (i.e. Predictions, Coefficients, and T-values)?
I am fairly new to R, really new to functions, and extreemly new to zoo, and I'm stuck.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
I hope I got you correctly, but here is a small edit of your function:
rolling.regression <- function(series) {
mod <- dynlm(formula = y ~ L(y) + L(x), data = as.zoo(series)) # get model
nextOb <- max(series[,'int'])+1 # To get the first row that follows the window
if (nextOb<=nrow(zoodata)) { # You won't predict the last one
# 1) Make Predictions
#Solution 1; Quicker to write
# c(predicted=predicted,
# square.res=(predicted-zoodata[nextOb,'y'])^2,
# summary(mod)$coef[, 1],
# summary(mod)$coef[, 3],
# AdjR = summary(mod)$adj.r.squared)
#Solution 2; Get column names right
coef_intercept = summary(mod)$coef[1, 1],
coef_Ly = summary(mod)$coef[2, 1],
coef_Lx = summary(mod)$coef[3, 1],
tValue_intercept = summary(mod)$coef[1, 3],
tValue_Ly = summary(mod)$coef[2, 3],
tValue_Lx = summary(mod)$coef[3, 3],
AdjR = summary(mod)$adj.r.squared)
rolling.window <- 20
results.z <- rollapply(zoodata, width=rolling.window, FUN=rolling.regression, by.column=F, align='right')
predicted square.res coef_intercept coef_Ly coef_Lx tValue_intercept tValue_Ly tValue_Lx AdjR
20 10.849344 0.721452 0.26596465 0.5798046 1.049594 0.38309211 7.977627 13.59831 0.9140886
21 12.978791 2.713053 0.26262820 0.5796883 1.039882 0.37741499 7.993014 13.80632 0.9190757
22 9.814676 11.719999 0.08050796 0.5964808 1.073941 0.12523824 8.888657 15.01353 0.9340732
23 5.616781 15.013297 0.05084124 0.5984748 1.077133 0.08964998 9.881614 16.48967 0.9509550
24 3.763645 6.976454 0.26466039 0.5788949 1.068493 0.51810115 11.558724 17.22875 0.9542983
25 9.433157 31.772658 0.38577698 0.5812665 1.034862 0.70969330 10.728395 16.88175 0.9511061
To see how it works, make a small example with a regression:
x <- rnorm(1000); y <- 2*x + rnorm(1000)
reg <- lm(y ~ x)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 0.02694322 0.03035502 0.8876033 0.374968
x 1.97572544 0.03177346 62.1816310 0.000000
As you can see, calling summary first and then getting the coefficients of it (coef(summary(reg)) works as well) gives you a table with estimates, standard errors, and t-values. So estimates are saved in column 1 of that table, t-values in column 3. And that's how I obtain them in the updated rolling.regression function.
I updated my solution; now it also contains the adjusted R2. If you just want the normal R2, get rid of the .adj.
Quick and dirty hack how to name the columns:
rolling.regression <- function(series) {
mod <- dynlm(formula = y ~ L(y) + L(x), data = as.zoo(series)) # get model
nextOb <- max(series[,'int'])+1 # To get the first row that follows the window
if (nextOb<=nrow(zoodata)) { # You won't predict the last one
# 1) Make Predictions
#Get variable names
strVar <- c("Intercept", paste0("L", 1:(nrow(summary(mod)$coef)-1)))
vec <- c(predicted=predicted,
AdjR = summary(mod)$adj.r.squared,
summary(mod)$coef[, 1],
summary(mod)$coef[, 3])
names(vec)[4:length(vec)] <- c(paste0("Coef_", strVar), paste0("tValue_", strVar))
