Dependency and synchronization in Ngrx effect (API) calls - ngrx

My component needs data from the API.
It lets the store dispatches an action, but before dispatching this action some other data needs to be obtained first. Thus, dispatched action is dependent on data that needs to be fetched before the actual action is called and the fetched data is passed to the action.
this.d1 =;
this.d2 =;
// ...
// dispatch the actions below to and pass identifier (id) in order to get its object from the API and put the fetched data in store.{data1Id}));{data2Id}));
// dispatch the actual action and pass this.d1 and this.d2{this.d1, this.d2}));
What is the best practise for the situation described above?

One way you could do this is to subscribe to this.d1 and this.d2 and then dispatch the target action when they emit:
combineLatest([this.d1 this.d2])
.subscribe(([d1, d2]) => {
if (d1 && d2) {, d2));
However, it might be better to use an effect for this:


How to have a Subject as a payload in an immutable Ngrx action?

Use case: dispatch an action with a cold observable in the payload.
When an effect catches the action, it subscribes (through mergeMap, switchMap, whatever...) to this observable and send back another action. Classic Ngrx process.
export class ServicesStore {
dispatchObservable(operation$: Observable<unknown>) {{ operation$ }));
export class ServicesEffects {
serviceRequest$ = createEffect(() =>
mergeMap((action: ServiceRequestAction) => {
return action.operation$.pipe(
map((result) => {
// send back an action with the result
It works well.
But if this observable is a Subject (say it will break the immutable action Ngrx rule.
Because of the inner subscription, the Subject adds an observer into its internal structure, thus breaking the action immutability. It then triggers the Ngrx runtime checks.
Of course I can disable these check, but I am looking for a better away around this. For example, is there a way to clone a Subject ?
Or any other way to allow a Subject into the action payload ?
AFAIK adding a subject to a NgRx Action isn't supported (if you want to keep the runtime checks enabled).
The classic NgRx process is that the effect results in a new action (popular ones are success and failure).

How to properly handle simultaneous persistence actions in Redux?

React application using Redux. A have a combined reducer, consisting of appStateReducer and contestReducer. Each of these two takes care of some part of the application data.
When action is performed, I want not only the respective state to be changed, but I also want to persistently save the new state, so that if the user reloads application page in the browser, the state would be preserved.
My idea is to add third reducer to take care only of save and load actions (each of the two sub-states separately).
Save and load will use IndexedDB, through localbase package. All of the db actions (add, get, update, delete) appear to be synchronous, i.e. there seems to be no real need to implement asynchronous actions. UPDATE: this is wrong, it is asynchronous, just some basic examples ignore it.
I am not sure how to handle the problem properly.
I will need a database connection object, a singleton, initialized once after page is loaded, which should be shared by all save/load actions regardless of which part of the state is to be stored or loaded. That would lead to a separate reducer working only with the db object. If I do this, the db reducer would have to have access to all the other sub-state, which is normally not the case in Redux.
Or, I could implement save and load action in each reducers separately, not a big deal, actually. But how to make the global db object accessible by the reducers?
It is as React application written in typescript and all components are implemented as classes.
You already have access to all data if you are using middleware, Example:
export const requestPost = (id) => (dispatch,getState) => {
// You can make an bank for post and check If data exist or not
const postState = getState();
const found = postState?.find((post) => === id);
if (found) {
dispatch({ type: SUCCESS.POST, data: found });
} else {
dispatch({ type: REQUEST.POST });
.then((res) => dispatch({ type: SUCCESS.POST, data:[0] }))
.catch((err) => errorHandler(err, FAILURE.POST));
Just make and reducer for saving data on DB or somewhere and read them at the start.

Meteor with Angular2 , Fetching all entries from a collection in single shot

I have successfully integeraed meteor with angular2 but while fetching the data from collection facing difficulties in getting at one shot, here is the steps:
Collection Name : OrderDetails
No Of records : 1000
Created publication file to subcribe the collection:
Meteor.publish('orderFilter', function() {
return OrderLineDetails.find({});
this.dateSubscription =
MeteorObservable.subscribe('orderFilter').subscribe(()=> {
let lines = OrderDetails.find({expectedShipDate:{$in:strArr}},{fields:
In this lines attribute fetches all the collection entries, but fails to subscribe for the changes
When I try with below one,
OrderDetails.find({expectedShipDate:{$in:strArr}},{fields:{"expectedShipDate":1,"loadNo":1},sort:{"expectedShipDate":1}}).zone().subscribe(results => {
// code to loop the results
In this am able to subscribe for the collection changes, but the results are looped for 1000 times , as 1000 entries in the colleciton.
Is there any way to get the whole collection entries in one single shot and mean time to subscribe the changes in the collection ?.
Yes, there are a couple of ways you can do it, mostly depending on how you want to handle the data.
If having everything at once is important, then use a Method such as:'getAllElements', (err, result) => {
// result.length === all elements
While on server side doing
getAllElements:function(){return myCollection.find().fetch()}
Now, if you want to listen to changes, ofcourse you'll have to do a subscription, and if you want to lower the amount of subscriptions, use rxjs' debounceTime() function, such as (from your code):
this.theData.debounceTime(400).subscribe(value => ...., err =>)
This will wait a certain amount of time before subscribing to that collection.
Now, based on your intent: listening to changes and getting everything at once, you can combine both approaches, not the most efficient but can be effective.
As #Rager explained, observables are close to streams, so when you populate data on miniMongo (front end collection you use when you find() data and is populated when you subscribe to publications) it will start incrementing until the collection is in sync.
Since miniMongo is populated when you subscribe to a publication, and not when you query a cursor, you could either:
Try the debouceTime() approach
Use a Meteor.Method after subscribing to the publication, then sync both results, keeping the first response from the method as your starting point, and then using data from Collection.find().subscribe(collectionArray => ..., err=>) to do whatterver you want to do when changes apply (not that recommended, unless you have a specific use case for this)
Also, .zone() function is specific to force re-render on Angular's event cycle. I'd recomend not use it if you're processing the collections' data instead of rendering it on a ngFor* loop. And if you're using an ngFor* loop, use the async pipe instead ngFor="let entry of Collection | async"
I don't think that's possible. When you subscribe to an Observable it handles values as a "stream", not necessarily a loop. I have seen some makeshift helper methods that handle the data synchronously, though the time it takes to subscribe is not decreased. Check out this article for an under the hood look... A simple Observable implementation
However, you can set it up to only loop once.
The way that I've been setting up that scenario, the collection only gets looped through one time (in the constructor when the app starts) and detects changes in the collection. In your case it would look like:
values: YourModel[] = []; //this is an array of models to store the data
theData: Observable<YourModel[]>;
errors: string[];
subFinished: boolean = false;
this.theData = OrderDetails.find({expectedShipDate:{$in:strArr}},{fields:{"expectedShipDate":1,"loadNo":1},sort:{"expectedShipDate":1}}).zone();
//push data onto the values array
value => this.values = value,
error => this.errors.push("new error"),
() => this.subFinished = true
The "values" array is updated with whatever changes happen to the database.

Redux Middleware understanding guidance

const store = createStore(
applyMiddleware(thunk, api, wsMiddleware, createLogger()),
typeof window === 'object' && typeof window.devToolsExtension !==
? window.devToolsExtension()
: DevTools.instrument(),
So the above is how you would usually create a store, and then you have your middleware that starts like this:
export default store => next => (action) => {
I did read up the middleware portion from, but anyone able to better explain it to me what's going on there ?
so is the middleware is receiving the store ? and calling out the next function from the store and than finally using the parameters given as action (in this case). ?
The Redux middleware pipeline can be broken down like this...
store => {...}
The store API is the first argument given to the pipeline. This allows the middleware to get the current state at any point in the pipeline and/or dispatch new actions into the store.
Note: It has many of the same characteristics as the store returned from the createStore function, but it is not the same. Only the dispatch and getState functions are available.
next => {...}
The next argument is a reference to the next middleware in the chain. If there are no more middleware to go, the store handles the action (i.e. pass it into the the reducer).
If next is not called, the action will not make it to the reducer. This can be useful to suppressing something that is not a valid action on it's own, such as a function or a promise, as an error will be raised by Redux if it tries to handle it.
action => {...}
The action argument is the thing that gets dispatched into the store.
In here is where you will test the action to see if there is something special you want to do with it and whether you will pass it onto the next handler.
An example
For this example, we will create a simplified thunk middleware, explaining how it uses each part of the pipeline.
export default store => next => action => {
// if the action is a function, treat it as a thunk
if (typeof action === 'function') {
// give the store's dispatch and getState function to the thunk
// we want any actions dispatched by the thunk to go through the
// whole pipeline, so we use the store API dispatch instead of next
return action(store.dispatch, store.getState)
} else {
// we're not handling it, so let the next handler have a go
return next(action)
Functions that conform to the Redux middleware API. Each middleware receives Store's dispatch and getState functions as named arguments, and returns a function. That function will be given the next middleware's dispatch method, and is expected to return a function of action calling next(action) with a potentially different argument, or at a different time, or maybe not calling it at all. The last middleware in the chain will receive the real store's dispatch method as the next parameter, thus ending the chain. So, the middleware signature is ({ getState, dispatch }) => next => action.
The answer was found in the applymiddleware documentation.

part of the store relies on some other part

As a scenario, the user can click a button to create a list of timestamps that shows the corresponding times when the clicks are made. User can also click on an item on the list to remove an item.
In terms of the store, there's a counter state that keeps track of how many times the button has been clicked, and then there's another state that keeps track of a list of timestamps. And each item on list state has an id field that derive from the counter state. So one part of the store depends on another part.
As an attempt, I dispatch one action, and both reducers handle the same action, and it works fine, but only that it's not DRY. Before dispatching, I have to add 1 to the counter state in order to get the new id which I use as the action payload, after dispatching, I add 1 to the counter state again to return the new counter state. That's repeating myself.
What's the general standard way of handling a problem of this nature?
The general simple way is to use thunks. You need to setup a middleware, check out the docs:
This allows you to dispatch a function instead of a simple action. Within that function, you can access state and dispatch as many times as you want.
In your scenario, you would first increment the counter, then retrieve the length to get your new id, and then dispatch another action to create a timestamp.
Some imaginary code for your action creators:
// basic action creators to be handled in your reducers
function incrementCounter(){
return { type: 'INCREMENT'}
function createTimestamp(id){
return { type: 'CREATE_TS', id }
// this is the thunk
function incrementAndTimestamp(){
return (dispatch, getState) => {
// increment the counter
// generate an "id" from the resulting state
const newId = getState().counter.length
// and use that id to further update your state
You will need to handle those 2 different actions in your reducers and you have now two separate pieces of code. The thunk is the glue that dispatches, gets the data from one part, and uses it to affect the other part.
