Typical resource request required for an nginx file explorer deployed on kubernetes - nginx

I have 2 nfs mounts of 100TB each i.e. 200TB in total. I have mounted these 2 on Kubernetes container. My file server is a typical log server that holds a mix of data types like JSON, HTML, images, logs and text files, etc. The size of files also varies a lot. I am kind of guessing what should be the ideal resource request for this kubernetes container? My assumption,
As this is file reads its i/o intensive operation, CPU should be high
Since we may have a large file size transferred over, Memory should also be high.
Just wanted to check if my assumptions are right?

Posting this community wiki answer to set a baseline and to show one possible set of actions that should led to solution.
Feel free to edit and expand.
As I stated previously, this setup will heavily depend on case to case basis and giving the approximate could be misleading. In my opinion the best course of actions to take would be:
Install monitoring tools
Deploy the application for testing
Simulate the load
Install monitoring tools
There are a lot of monitoring tools that can retrieve the data about the CPU and Memory usage of your Pods. You will need to choose the one that suits your workloads and infrastructure best.
Some of them are:
Deploy the application for testing
This can also be a quite wide topic considering the fact that the exact requirements and the infrastructure is not known. One of many questions is if the Deployment should have a steady replica amount or should use some kind of Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (basing on CPU and/or Memory). The access modes on the storage shouldn't matter as NFS supports RWX.
The basic implementation of the Deployment that could be used can be found in the official Kubernetes documentation:
Kubernetes.io: Docs: Concepts: Workloads: Controllers: Deployment: Creating a deployment
Kubernetes.io: Docs: Concepts: Storage: Volumes: NFS
Simulate the load
The simulation part could go either as a real life usage or by using a tool to simulate the load. You would need in this part to choose the option/tool that suits your requirements the most. This part will show you the approximate resources that should be allocated to your nginx file explorer.
A side note!
In my testing I've used ab to check if the load was divided equally by X amount of replicas.
Additional resources
I do recommend to check the official guide on official Kubernetes documentation regarding managing resources:
Kubernetes.io: Docs: Concepts: Configuration: Manage resources containers
I also think that the VPA could help you in the whole process as:
Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA) frees the users from necessity of setting up-to-date resource limits and requests for the containers in their pods. When configured, it will set the requests automatically based on usage and thus allow proper scheduling onto nodes so that appropriate resource amount is available for each pod. It will also maintain ratios between limits and requests that were specified in initial containers configuration.
It can both down-scale pods that are over-requesting resources, and also up-scale pods that are under-requesting resources based on their usage over time.
-- Github.com: Kubernetes: Autoscaler: Vertical Pod Autoscaler
I'd reckon you could also look on this answer:
Stackoverflow.com: Answers: PromQL query to find CPU and memory used for the last week


What is the recommended way to interface with a CorDapp via an API?

I am designing a CorDapp, which would require user input as well as API integration, and I am considering various approaches to expose flows and vault queries to the outside world.
Default option seems to be to use Corda RPC. Unless I missed something, there are only Java bindings for it, which is effectively restricting the clients to only be JVM-based. This is somewhat inconvenient, and ideally I would like something like OpenAPI to make it more open and implementation-agnostic.
Another option is to use some kind of Corda RPC to OpenAPI proxy. I know about Braid, and I'm sure there are others. Braid seems to support deployment as a Corda service packed together with the flows into the CorDapp itself, effectively making it running embedded into the Corda JVM.
Braid can be deployed as a standalone proxy too, which I suppose is option three.
Instinctively I find the embedded mode more attractive, as it reduces the number of moving parts, as opposed to a standalone mode. However, I am concerned that such model may be in fact become discouraged at some point, either because Corda developers consider it to be a misuse of services facility, or because some organisations will not be keen to deploy such code onto their nodes, especially when they may be running multiple CorDapps. I would imagine anything deployed as part of Corda JVM would at least require more scrutiny due to potential impact on other things running there, which in turn would reduce the agility.
I wonder what approach to integrate with a CorDapp is actually recommended?
Edit 1: I know it is technically possible to embed a webserver into the node and expose a REST API from there, at least in the current version of Corda (4.3 at the time of writing). The question is more about whether it is a good idea to do so, or not, and why.
Take a look at the question I had asked on Stackoverflow regarding front end for CordApp. This might be of some help.
Following is the link -
"Corda: Can we develop Dapps that will be run by IIS webserver to talk to Corda platform?"
You can use any front-end technology you want.
As of Corda 3, your backend must be JVM-based, for two reasons:
You need to load various flow, state and other class definitions onto
the classpath to pass as arguments to flows, retrieve objects from the
vault, etc.
You need to use the CordaRPCClient library to create an
RPC connection to the node
If you really need to write your back-end
in another language, there are a few workarounds:
Create a thin Java webserver that sits between your main webserver and
the node. The Java webserver translates HTTP requests from the main
webserver into RPC calls to the node, and RPC responses from the node
into HTTP responses to the main webserver
This is the approach taken
by libraries such as Braid
Use a library such as GraalVM to compile
non-JVM languages to JVM bytecode
An example of writing a JVM
webserver in Javascript using GraalVM is available here:

How can you scale Wordpress in Kubernetes cluster - using multiple pod replicas, - accessing a single PVC (persistent file storage)

I'm learning Kubernetes, and trying to setup a cluster that could handle a single Wordpress site with high traffic. From reading multiple examples online from both Google Cloud and Kubernetes.io - they all set the "accessMode" - "readWriteOnce" when creating the PVCs.
Does this mean if I scaled the Wordpress Deployment to use multiple replicas, they all use the same single PVC to store persistent data - read/write data. (Just like they use the single DB instance?)
The google example here only uses a single-replica, single-db instance - https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/tutorials/persistent-disk
My question is how do you handle persistent storage on a multiple-replica instance?
ReadWriteOnce means all replicas will use the same volume and therefore they will all run on one node. This can be suboptimal.
You can set up ReadWriteMany volume (NFS, GlusterFS, CephFS and others) storage class that will allow multiple nodes to mount one volume.
Alternatively you can run your application as StatefulSet with volumeClaimTemplate which ensures that each replica will mount its own ReadWriteOnce volume.
If on AWS (and therefore blocked by the limitation of EBS volumes only mountable on a single instance at a time), another option here is setting up the Pod Affinity to schedule on the same node. Not ideal from an HA standpoint, but it is an option.
If after setting that up you start running into any wonky issues (e.g. unable to login to the admin, redirect loops, disappearing media), I wrote a guide on some of the more common issues people run into when running Wordpress on Kubernetes, might be worth having a look!

Is it "okay" to host a small wordpress blog on one AWS EC2 Instance without load balancers/beanstalk?

This is a very simple question for those with the knowledge, but I'm a newbie.
In essence, I just need to know if it would be considered okay to run a small, approx. 700 visitors/day bitnami wordpress blog on just one t2.medium EC2 instance (without any auto-scaling, beanstalk).
Am at risk of it crashing? What stats should I monitor or be aware of to be aware of potential dangers? Sorry for the basic nature of these questions, but this is new.
tl;dr: It might be "okay", but it's not ideal.
If your question is because of:
Initial setup time - Load-balancing and auto-scaling will be less expensive (more time-efficient) over time.
Cost - Auto-scaling spins down instances that aren't being used to reduce cost.
Minimal setup for a great user experience - The goal of a great AWS setup is to ensure that capacity matches demand
Am at risk of it crashing?
Possibly, yes. If you average 700 visitors, then the risk is traffic spikes if all visitors hit at the same. It also depends on what your maximum visitors are, which could vary widely from the average (or not)
What stats should I monitor or be aware of to be aware of potential dangers?
Monitor the usage on high traffic days (ie. public holiday sales)
Setup billing alerts
Setup the right metrics:
See John Rotenstein's SO answer:
CPU Utilization is not always the right measure to use -- your
application might only be able to handle a limited number of
connections, it might be squeezed on RAM and the types of requests
might vary too.
You can use normal monitoring tools, or you can write something that
pushes metrics to Amazon CloudWatch, so that you go beyond the basic
CPU and Network metrics that CloudWatch normally provides. You could
even use the Load Balancer's Latency metric to trigger scaling when
the application slows down (custom code required).
I'd start with:
Two or more instances - to deal with instance redundancy (an instance going down)
Several t2.small rather than one t2.medium can work out to be more cost-efficient, and more cost efficient than EC in some use cases.
Add auto-scaling - automatically spin up or down instances based on minimum and maximum counts
Load balancing - to re-route users from unhealthy to healthy instances. And also to keep all of the spun up instances all working as evenly as possible (rather than a single instance handling 80% of the workload while the others bludge).
You can always reduce your instances after time with monitoring.
In my opinion, with 700 visitors a day, the safer option would be to run a load balanced/auto-scaling environment on Elastic Beanstalk with at least 2 instances. The problem with running just one instance is that yes you are at a great risk of crashing in case you get an increase in traffic or when the instance goes down and with just one running you will not have a fallback. You can easily set up CloudWatch monitoring on NetworkIn, NetworkOut to get a sense of the number of requests your site is receiving and serving, and setup CPU Usage monitoring as well. The trade-off with running a load balanced environment over a single instance environment is that the cost might significantly increase as you introduce other things into your environment such as a load balancer. Also if you introduce a load balancer consider reducing the instance size to maybe a t2.small, could aid in reducing the cost.
It actually depends. This question range is wide. You have multiple options here.
You can use only ec2 instance for that much amount of visitors or even more if your application allows. You can also consider caching if your app need it.
You may add instance in an autoscaling group. So that if by any chance you need more resources you can increase them horizontally.
You can add load balancers lateron also. You just need to add user data in your launch configuration attached to autoscaling group. So when your instance get up it should automatically register itself in your load balancer.
For monitoring, you can check for the request metrics in cloudwarch for ELB. You have to keep an eye on your CPU and trigger the scale out policy once it reaches a particular threshold.

Kubernetes statefulsets in a GCE multiple zone deployment

I'm working on a project to run a Kubernetes cluster on GCE. My goal is to run a cluster containing a WordPress site in multiple zones. I've been reading a lot of documentation, but I can't seem to find anything that is direct and to the point on persistent volumes and statefulsets in a multiple zone scenario. Is this not a supported configuration? I can get the cluster up and the statefulsets deployed, but I'm not getting the state replicated throughout the cluster. Any suggestions?
Reading the docs, I see that the recommended configuration would be to create a MySQL cluster with replication: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/run-application/run-replicated-stateful-application/. This way, you would have the data properly replicated between the instances of your cluster (if you are in a multi-zone deployment you may have to create an external endpoint).
Regarding the Wordpress data, my advice would be to go for an immutable deployment: https://engineering.bitnami.com/articles/why-your-next-web-service-should-be-immutable.html . This way, if you need to add a plugin or perform upgrades, you would create a new container image and re-deploy it. Regarding the media library assets and immutability, I think the best option would be to use an external storage service like S3 https://wordpress.org/plugins/amazon-s3-and-cloudfront/
So, to answer the original question: I think that statefulset synchronization is not available in K8s (at the moment). Maybe using a volume provider that allows ReadWriteMany access mode could fit your needs (https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#access-modes), though I am quite unsure about the stability of it.

Sailsjs distribution across multiple Google compute engine instances

Sailsjs requires setup to handle scaling horizontally. There are multiple ways to do this. I'm not sure if I have done this correctly, due to poor performance during load testing. Please confirm if I understand and am doing the setup correctly.
I've created a load balancer on the Google platform for handling the distribution of requests across the instances. Much is spoken about of Nginx for distributing, but I understand Googles load balancer does all I need in this regard. Note, I use session affinity: Client IP.
I've set up config/session.js to use express-mysql-session, so MemoryStore is not used.
I haven't set up anything in config/sockets.js. My project doesn't use live chat etc with socket.io, all requests are to waterline for data from db. But if this is a issue, please refer me to a way to do this with Mysql db not redis (or memory).
I use pm2 as a way to keep it live and to distribute processing on a instance.
Those are the main factors I've found regarding horizontal scaling with sailsjs.
