How to determine if Mammo image is MLO or CC? - dicom

I'm confused as to which tags need to be examined to determined if a Mammo image is MLO or CC.
On sample sets I have I see the relevant information in View Position(0018,5101) i.e. a value of "MLO".
However looking at the standard it refers to Partial View Code Sequence (0028,1352) which is a sequence and there are more than just MLO/CC values.

The correct tag to check is the View Code Sequence, not the Partial View Code Sequence (that is only for partial views, as the name suggests, which seems not to be your case). In the sequence, you have to check the Code Value for the respective code. For example, MLO images get the code R-10226, as can be seen in the table.
Only if that sequence is not present or empty, you have to check for fallback tags like View Position. View Position is defined for CR and DX images, not for MG images (and actually does not have MLO or CC as defined terms), but as always, derivations from the DICOM standard by some modalities have to be taken into account, and you have to check if the images you process conform to the standard.


using multi choice and collection in blueprism

I have about 3 collections and i want to write into an excel and send them in mail separately, I tried to use multi choice to finalize one after the other but it doesn't work
any other idea how to do this?
I will put screen shots below for more illustration
It's likely not functioning the way you intended because each of the three Data Items you're attempting to compare to a blank string ("") aren't Text-typed - rather, they're Collections. Collections themselves can't be compared to strings (see: apples and oranges), but the data contained within them can.
What you're likely attempting to do is to compare the value within the current row of each of those collections - it's not clear what the field name is from your screenshot (the field name itself is cut off on the right edge) but your comparisons should look something like the following:
[No Amount.Politic]<>""
[Pending difference.Field]<>""
[Ready to print.Field]<>""

Display label based on, field on one data-source (singular) being within another data-source fields many

I am still learning, and looking for help on how to display a label based on one data-sources field value, being within another data-sources field value list.
I have one calculated table, displaying rows of documents within a folder, and wish to use a field representing the document number in that data-source, so that if it's ANYWHERE within another tables field it displays my label.
I've been trying to use projection as I think this is how to achieve it.
I can get it working based on both the current #datasouce.item.fieldnames but need it to base the calculation on all possible numbers in that tables field (Image below should make it easier to understand).
I expect that it has something to do with projections, but can't find anything within the learning templates or anywhere else to resolve the issue.
I think the following should work for you. For the 'Reserved' label have the following binding for the text property:
(#datasources.project_quotes.items..quotenumber).indexOf(#widget.datasource.item.Qnumber) !== -1 ? 'Reserved' : ''
I would suggest alternatively just to include a field in your calculated datasource and making the determination in your server script.

Sitecore Xpath comparing two fields

I would like to have a query that looks at the name of its parent and then will navigate to the folder with the same sitename underneath the content folder and show the items underneath it in the multilist.
Basically the structure in the content tree looks as followed:
(items that needs to be showed in the multilist)
(items that needs to be showed in the multilist)
PDF1 (with multiList with search)
PDF2 (with multiList with search)
Trouble starts when I would like to start comparing the "name" of the relative parent to the "name" of the child of the absolute path. In Xpath it would probably go something like it is described within: Compare attribute values using Xpath
In this case I had the following query up until now:
/sitecore/content/*[ancestor-or-self::*[##templateid='{Template Id of Sitename}']=##name and ##templateid='{Template Id of Sitename}']
This query returns Sitename1 and Sitename2.
Funny thing is that if I replace "ancestor-or-se.." or "##name" part bij "Sitename1", like so:
/sitecore/content/*['Sitename1'=##name and ##templateid='{Template Id of Sitename}']
/sitecore/content/*[./ancestor-or-self::*[##templateid='{Template Id of Sitename}']='DSW' and ##templateid='{Template Id of Sitename}']
I get the wanted result: Sitename1.
Btw I'm using the build-in xpath builder for now, before it paste the query into the "multilist with search."
Any help would be appreciated.
I think I found out that when I start the relative query (the "./ancestor::..." part) it actually is relative to the item where I ended up with the absolute query. So I should have the following query:
./ancestor-or-self::*[##templateid='{Template Id of Sitename}' and ##name=ancestor::*[##templateid='{Template Id of root item aka "sitecore"}']//*[##templateid={Template Id of Sitename}]]
Here I get the error "Object must be of type String," which is probably because of the following part of the previous query:
##name=ancestor::*[##templateid='{Template Id of root item aka "sitecore"}']//*[##templateid={Template Id of Sitename}]
The right part of this doesn't solve to a string. So the question remains, how to extract pure the string out of a sitecore item using sitecore xpath in order to be able to make a comparison.
I figured out that Sitecore doesn't support subqueries at least for fast queries, I think same applies to normal ones (see also: "Subqueries are not supported" in here ). Which now lead me to using simple code where I perform two queries. A very simple way to do it is to inherit from IDatasource (in the sitecore.buckets.dll), you will need to write "code:{fullpath to class}, assemblyname.dll" (See also: here)

Calling pentaho report from another pentaho report

I need to a call a pentaho report header of PRPT from another PRPT(without using subreport).
Exact requirement:
Report header part will change dynamically(Label position , number of labels , Number of text and all the alignments). So will give one prpt to the user to design it depends on their request. Once they done with their design part they will save that prpt. That saved prpt should call in report header of the main report on the go. Kindly guide us how to achieve this.
As far as I know, this is not possible without coding. If you have your own reporting engine embedded in your application you can achieve that, generating your own prpt definition and using it then in some point.
In the other hand, if you don't wanna code, you can change all those things dinamically using the expression properties, and apply the format required based on the request parameters.
Specify the parameters you need in the report to calculate the header.
Select the item you need to be dinamically customizable
In the value attribute choose the plus sign (+) and specifiy the formula you need to get the desired format, eg: in the color value you can specify something like
You must define all the attributes you need like visible, positions, alignments, a long and hard but nice job.

Is it possible to filter the list of fields when outputting a Full Dataset?

I have a DataTable that I'm passing to a FlexCel report. It contains a variable number of columns, so I'm using the Full Dataset feature (e.g. <#table_name.*>).
However, only a subset of the fields are dynamically generated (I have a variable number of attachments). The column name for each attachment field starts with a common word (e.g. "Attachment0", "Attachment1", etc).
What I would like to do is output the known finite set of fields and then the variable number of attachments. It would be nice if I could write something like <#table_name.Attachment*> (and <#table_name.Attachment**>). Is there any way in FlexCel Reports I can achieve the same result?
A side benefit to such a solution means that I could keep the formatting for the known/finite set of fields.
I added place holder columns to the document, each with a <#delete column> tag, so that the un-wanted columns/data are removed.
Although this works, it's not ideal. For example, if I want to see how the columns fit in the page width (in print preview), then I need to hide the columns. Then I have to remember to un-hide them again, so other developers can see/understand my handy work.
It would be much more straight forward if I could filter the fields before they're output to the document.
I realised there's an alternate way around this problem. I broke up the data into two sets of data - <#table_name.*> and <#table_name_attachments.*>.
The fixed set of fields are in the first table and the variable set of fields is in the second table (all the "Attachment*" fields). When the report is run, I place them next to each other (in the same order) in the same worksheet. This means I have two table ranges - "_table_name_" and "_table_name_attachments_" on the one sheet.
Now I'm able to run my print preview without hiding/re-showing the columns-to-be-deleted. I've also eliminated human error - it was all to easy to accidentally set the wrong number of padded/delete columns.

