Android Highchart bar chart add a text below a bar - android-fragments

I am displaying a bar chart in my android app with data labels. The highchart excepts only numeric value, although I have tried to use string as values the chart doesn't render. Below is my code
public void golyChartView(Number prev,Number curr)
HIOptions options = new HIOptions();
HIChart chart = new HIChart();
HITitle title = new HITitle();
HISubtitle subtitle = new HISubtitle();
subtitle.setText("Growth Over Last Year");
HIXAxis xaxis = new HIXAxis();
String[] categories = new String[] { "2020", "2021"};
xaxis.setCategories(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(categories)));
options.setXAxis(new ArrayList<HIXAxis>(){{add(xaxis);}});
HIYAxis yaxis = new HIYAxis();
yaxis.setTitle(new HITitle());
yaxis.getTitle().setText("Sale Amount");
yaxis.setLabels(new HILabels());
options.setYAxis(new ArrayList<HIYAxis>(){{add(yaxis);}});
HITooltip tooltip = new HITooltip();
HILegend legend = new HILegend();
HICredits credits = new HICredits();
HIBar bar1 = new HIBar();
bar1.setName("Sale Value");
Number[] bar1Data = new Number[]{prev,curr};
bar1.setData(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(bar1Data)));
float numb = (((float)curr - (float)prev)/(float)prev)*100;
String percentage = String.valueOf(numb);
HIDataLabels dataLabels = new HIDataLabels();
ArrayList<HIDataLabels> dataLabelsList = new ArrayList<>();
HIDataLabels hiDataLabels = new HIDataLabels();
HILegend hiLegend = new HILegend();
options.setSeries(new ArrayList<>(Collections.singletonList(bar1)));
HIExporting exporting = new HIExporting();
What I want to do?
As shown in the above code I have a string of percentage, that I want to add below the second bar Like below
I am stuck to it and don't know what to do
Any help would be highly appreciated.

You could use text Renderer to add text next to the bar.
I don't know android-highcharts but in javascript here an example
let customLabel,
labelInit = false;
Highcharts.chart('container', {
chart: {
type: 'bar',
events: {
render: function () {
const chart = this,
point = chart.series[0].data[1];
// prevent multiple label creation if used in render event but useless in "load" event
if (labelInit) customLabel.destroy();
customLabel = chart.renderer.text('+25 %', point.shapeArgs.height, point.tooltipPos[1] + chart.series[0].itemWidth + 10)
zIndex: 3
labelInit = true;
text: "GOLY"
plotOptions: {
bar: {
grouping: false
xAxis: {
type: "category",
categories: ["2020", "2021"]
series: [{
data: [200, 400],
colorByPoint: true


Is it possible to make tasklist automatically switch to different layout?

I am using the following code for my wibar tasklist:
s.mytasklist = awful.widget.tasklist
screen = s,
filter = awful.widget.tasklist.filter.allscreen,
buttons = tasklist_buttons,
layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal(),
widget_template =
id = 'clienticon',
widget = awful.widget.clienticon,
margins = 0,
widget = wibox.container.margin,
id = 'text_role',
widget = wibox.widget.textbox,
layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal,
id = 'background_role',
forced_width = 200,
forced_height = 60,
widget = wibox.container.background,
create_callback = function(self, c, index, objects)
self:get_children_by_id('clienticon')[1].client = c
s.mytasklist_onlyminimised = awful.widget.tasklist
screen = s,
filter = awful.widget.tasklist.filter.minimizedcurrenttags,
buttons = tasklist_buttons,
style = {
shape_border_width = 1,
shape_border_color = '#333333',
shape = gears.shape.partially_rounded_rect,
Which makes the tasks on the tasklist have fixed width (as according to this answer)
My question is:
Is it possible to make the tasklist switch to wibox.layout.flex.horizontal when the tasklist is full of tasks?
While you could technically replace the tasklist from a client.connect_signal("tagged", function(c) if #c.screen.selected_tag:clients() >= some_number then <make_a_new_tasklist> end end) style code, that's pretty cheap and ugly.
So I think this would require to contribute a patch upstream to expose the taglist/tasklist constructor arguments as properties. The awful.widget.layoutlist already do it, but not the tag/tasklists.

BFM v4.2.0 How to add DepartureDateTime

how do you add the departure date time in the request for C#? here is part of the code
refOrgDest = new BFMV430.OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQOriginDestinationInformation
OriginLocation = new BFMV430.OriginDestinationInformationTypeOriginLocation { LocationCode
= refItin.Origin },
DestinationLocation = new BFMV430.OriginDestinationInformationTypeDestinationLocation { LocationCode = refItin.Destination },
RPH = (i + 1).ToString(),
TPA_Extensions = new BFMV430.OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQOriginDestinationInformationTPA_Extensions
CabinPref = new BFMV430.CabinPrefType
Cabin = (BFMV430.CabinType)Enum.Parse(typeof(BFMV430.CabinType), refResBookType, true),
PreferLevel = BFMV430.PreferLevelType.Preferred,
CabinSpecified = true,
ItemElementName = BFMV430.ItemChoiceType.DepartureDateTime,
Item = new BFMV430.TravelDateTimeType
DepartureWindow = "00002359",
also I'm getting this mismatch error when running it
Value of ItemElementName mismatches the type of System.String; you need to set it to prjWService.BFMV430.ItemChoiceType.#DepartureDateTime.
any help would be great.
thanks in advance
Here is a piece of code that could help you, the interesting part is about the date format expected by Sabre for all transaction related to search flight/availability, it means (BMF, ADVShopping, AirLowFare and etc is gonna to use the same date format). (2019-04-14T00:00:00)
__ItemOriginDestination = new AdvacedAirShopping.OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQOriginDestinationInformation
RPH = "1",
ItemElementName = AdvacedAirShopping.ItemChoiceType.DepartureDateTime,
Item = _FlightSearch.DepartureDateTime, //"2019-04-14T00:00:00" Here is the format expected by Sabre
OriginLocation = new AdvacedAirShopping.OriginDestinationInformationTypeOriginLocation
LocationCode = _FlightSearch.Origin
DestinationLocation = new AdvacedAirShopping.OriginDestinationInformationTypeDestinationLocation
LocationCode = _FlightSearch.Destination

Linechart show info on point tapped

I'm implementing a little app with Xamarin Forms for a web page, the thing is that in this web is a linear chart with multiple entries and if the user clicks on a point of the line shows info about that point, as you can see in the picture:
Web Line Chart
After some work, I could create a more or less similar line chart using the OxyPlot.Xamarin.Forms plugin with multiple entries which shows the points
My App Line Chart
This is my code:
var model = new PlotModel
LegendPlacement = LegendPlacement.Outside,
LegendPosition = LegendPosition.BottomCenter,
LegendOrientation = LegendOrientation.Horizontal,
LegendBorderThickness = 0
model.PlotType = PlotType.XY;
Dictionary<string, List<Prices>> values = HistoricData[Selected.ProductId];
int colorIndex = 0;
List<string> x_names = new List<string>();
foreach (var item in values.Keys)
if (item.ToUpper() == Selected.ProductName) { SelectedIndex = colorIndex; }
var lineSeries = new LineSeries()
Title = item,
MarkerType = MarkerType.Circle,
lineSeries.MarkerResolution = 3;
lineSeries.MarkerFill = OxyPlot.OxyColor.Parse(SubCategoriesViewModel.AvailableColors[colorIndex]);
lineSeries.MarkerStroke = OxyPlot.OxyColor.Parse(SubCategoriesViewModel.AvailableColors[colorIndex]);
lineSeries.MarkerSize = 3;
var points = new List<DataPoint>();
lineSeries.Color = OxyColor.Parse(SubCategoriesViewModel.AvailableColors[colorIndex]);
foreach (var price in values[item])
points.Add(new DataPoint(price.Week+price.Year, price.Price));
if (ButtonsVisibility.Count == 0)
lineSeries.IsVisible = (Selected.ProductName == item.ToUpper()) ? true : false;
lineSeries.IsVisible = ButtonsVisibility[colorIndex];
lineSeries.ItemsSource = points;
lineSeries.MarkerType = OxyPlot.MarkerType.Circle;
NumButtons = colorIndex;
LinearAxis yaxis = new LinearAxis();
yaxis.Position = AxisPosition.Left;
yaxis.MajorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Dot;
LineChart = model;
return LineChart;
My doubt is which property I should work with and show at least the value of a concrete point, I have seen the property OnTouchStarted but is only for all the LineSeries and not for a single point. I read in some articles that OxyPlot.Xamarin.Forms include a tracker. I added this line in my code:
lineSeries.TrackerFormatString = "X={2},\nY={4}";
Is supposed to show the x and y values on click but doesn't show anything, any suggestion?
Should show something like that: Tracker info on point
From the following example: Tracker Example
Updated Code
public PlotModel GetLineChart()
var model = new PlotModel
LegendPlacement = LegendPlacement.Outside,
LegendPosition = LegendPosition.BottomCenter,
LegendOrientation = LegendOrientation.Horizontal,
LegendBorderThickness = 0
model.PlotType = PlotType.XY;
Dictionary<string, List<Prices>> values = HistoricData[Selected.ProductId];
int colorIndex = 0;
List<string> x_names = new List<string>();
foreach (var item in values.Keys)
if (item.ToUpper() == Selected.ProductName) { SelectedIndex = colorIndex; }
var lineSeries = new LineSeries()
Title = item,
MarkerType = MarkerType.Circle,
CanTrackerInterpolatePoints = false
lineSeries.MarkerResolution = 3;
lineSeries.MarkerFill = OxyPlot.OxyColor.Parse(SubCategoriesViewModel.AvailableColors[colorIndex]);
lineSeries.MarkerStroke = OxyPlot.OxyColor.Parse(SubCategoriesViewModel.AvailableColors[colorIndex]);
lineSeries.MarkerSize = 3;
var points = new List<DataPoint>();
lineSeries.Color = OxyColor.Parse(SubCategoriesViewModel.AvailableColors[colorIndex]);
foreach (var price in values[item])
points.Add(new DataPoint(price.Week+price.Year, price.Price));
if (ButtonsVisibility.Count == 0)
lineSeries.IsVisible = (Selected.ProductName == item.ToUpper()) ? true : false;
lineSeries.IsVisible = ButtonsVisibility[colorIndex];
lineSeries.ItemsSource = points;
lineSeries.MarkerType = OxyPlot.MarkerType.Circle;
lineSeries.TrackerFormatString = "X={2},\nY={4}";
lineSeries.TextColor = OxyPlot.OxyColor.Parse(SubCategoriesViewModel.AvailableColors[colorIndex]);
NumButtons = colorIndex;
LinearAxis yaxis = new LinearAxis();
yaxis.Position = AxisPosition.Left;
//yaxis.StringFormat = "X={2},\nY={4}";
yaxis.MajorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Dot;
LineChart = model;
return LineChart;
protected async override void OnAppearing()
await _viewModel.LinearViewModel.GetSubCategoryHistoricWeekPrices(App.ViewModel.LoginViewModel.SesionToken, FROM_DATE, TO_DATE);
Plot.Model = _viewModel.LinearViewModel.GetLineChart();
PlotController controller = new PlotController();
Plot.Controller = controller;
Xaml Declaration for plot view:
x:Name="Plot" />
Your problem lies with following line.
lineSeries.TrackerKey = "X={2},\nY={4}";
When you use series.TrackerKey, you are specifying that you are using a CustomTracker, which in this case you are not. Custom trackers would be useful if you need to use different trackers for each series in the model.
In you case, you should remove that line and use only TrackerFormatString.
lineSeries.TrackerFormatString = "X={2},\nY={4}";
This would show the tooltip using the format string parameters, where {2} signifies X Value and {4} signifies Y. For your information, following are place holders.
{0} = Title of Series
{1} = Title of X-Axis
{2} = X Value
{3} = Title of Y-Axis
{4} = Y Value
If you need to include additional/custom information in your tool, your Data Point needs to be include that information. This where IDataPointProvider interface becomes handy. You could create a Custom DataPoint by implementing the interface and then you could include the same information in your tooltip as well.
Update Based On Comments
Additionally, to include "Touch", you can specify TouchDown in the PlotController. You can do so by defining the PlotController in your viewModel as following.
public PlotController CustomPlotController{get;set;}
You can define the property as follows.
CustomPlotController = new PlotController();
And in your Xaml
<oxy:Plot Controller="{Binding CustomPlotController}"......

Open Layers issue with markers changing coordinates

I have an issue that is driving me crazy. I have an openlayers map project that works fine. I took this concept code and moved it to a project that utilizes .Net and the projection for the markers/icons get messed up.
//set the Icon/Marker that will be used
var iconStyle = new{
image: new** #type {} */({
anchor: [0.5, 46],
anchorXUnits: 'fraction',
anchorYUnits: 'pixels',
opacity: 0.8,
src: '<%=PinMarkerImage%>'
var vectorLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({
source: vectorSource,
style: iconStyle
//we will zoom the map to fit the locations after we create
//the map
var mapObj = new ol.Map({
layers: [new ol.layer.Tile({ source: new ol.source.OSM() }), vectorLayer],
target: document.getElementById('map-canvas'),
view: new ol.View({
center: ol.proj.fromLonLat([0, 0]),
zoom: 12
mapObj.getView().fit(vectorSource.getExtent(), { padding: [75, 40, 40, 75], constrainResolution: false });
//I pass in an object one at a time to populate the features
function changeMapOption(oBranch, i) {
// alert('selected');
var long = oBranch.Longitude;
var lat = oBranch.Latitude;
alert(long + ' ' + lat);
//lastCord = ol.proj.transform([coord[0], coord[1]], 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857');
var iconFeature = new ol.Feature({
geometry: new ol.geom.Point(ol.proj.transform([long, lat], 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857')), //ol.proj.fromLonLat([long, lat])),
id: oBranch.Id,
title: oBranch.Name,
address: oBranch.Address + ", " + oBranch.City + ", " + oBranch.State + " " + oBranch.ZipCode
//mapObj.getView().fit(vectorSource.getExtent(), { padding: [75, 40, 40, 75], constrainResolution: false });
//target = mapObj.getTarget();
//This will zoom the map to fit all of the vector Sources in vectorSource
//jTarget = typeof target === "string" ? $("#" + target) : $(target);
//element = document.getElementById('popup');
I have the alerts set to check the Longitude and Latitude. These are correct. For this test run I have three objects that are populated, the Longitude and Latitudes are as follows:
-112.04883, 40.492104
-95.673328, 29.95752
-95.638558, 29.880014
When I run the code the alert for the vectorSource.getExtent() produces this:
And the markers show up off the lower coast of Chile. The Latitude is wrong, yet the Longitude appears to be correct.
I could certainly use some guidance here. This is driving me crazy.
Thanks for any assistance.
After trying multiple times, I came up with a solution that works. Hopefully this will help someone down the line.
function loadMarker(oBranch, i) {
var sHTML = getMarkerInfoHtml(oBranch);
var long = oBranch.Longitude * 1;
var lat = oBranch.Latitude * 1;
var iconFeature = new ol.Feature({
geometry: new ol.geom.Point(ol.proj.fromLonLat(([long, lat]))),
index: oBranch.Id,
id: oBranch.Id,
title: oBranch.Name,
address: sHTML //oBranch.Address + ", " + oBranch.City + ", " + oBranch.State + " " + oBranch.ZipCode
The key was these two lines:
var long = oBranch.Longitude * 1;
var lat = oBranch.Latitude * 1;
by adding the * 1 to the line it forces JavaScript to treat the variables properly as numeric. It now places the markers in the correct location.

DC.js histogram of crossfilter dimension counts

I have a crossfilter with the following data structure being inputted.
project | subproject | cost
data = [
["PrA", "SubPr1", 100],
["PrA", "SubPr2", 150],
["PrA", "SubPr3", 100],
["PrB", "SubPr4", 300],
["PrB", "SubPr5", 500],
["PrC", "SubPr6", 450]]
I can create a barchart that has the summed cost per project:
var ndx = crossfilter(data)
var projDim = ndx.dimension(function(d){return d.project;});
var projGroup ={return d.budget;});
What I want to do is create a dc.js histogram by project {450: 2, 300: 1}, etc. As far as I can tell, crossfilter can have only attributes of each row be input for a dimension. Is there a way around this?
Accepting the challenge!
It is true, crossfilter does not support this kind of double-reduction, but if you are willing to accept a slight loss of efficiency, you can create "fake dimensions" and "fake groups" with the desired behavior. Luckily, dc.js doesn't use very much of the crossfilter API, so you don't have to implement too many methods.
The first part of the trick is to duplicate the dimension and group so that the new dimension and old dimension will each observe filtering on the other.
The second part is to create the fake groups and dimensions, which walk the bins of the copied group and rebin and refilter based on the values instead of the keys.
A start of a general solution is below. For some charts it is also necessary to implement, and it is usually okay to just forward that to group.all().
function values_dimension(dim, group) {
return {
filter: function(v) {
if(v !== null)
throw new Error("don't know how to do this!");
return dim.filter(null);
filterFunction: function(f) {
var f2 = [];
group.all().forEach(function(kv) {
dim.filterFunction(function(k) {
return f2.indexOf(k) >= 0;
return this;
function values_group(group) {
return {
all: function() {
var byv = [];
group.all().forEach(function(kv) {
if(kv.value === 0)
byv[kv.value] = (byv[kv.value] || 0) + 1;
var all2 = [];
byv.forEach(function(d, i) {
all2.push({key: i, value: d});
return all2;
// duplicate the dimension & group so each will observe filtering on the other
var projDim2 = ndx.dimension(function(d){return d.project;});
var projGroup2 ={return d.budget;});
var countBudgetDim = values_dimension(projDim2, projGroup2),
countBudgetGroup = values_group(projGroup2);
jsfiddle here:
JSFillde Link
Denormalize + Map-reduce. Note the data already include the cost per project as the 4th column ( and this can be pre-calculated easily). It's a hack, but hopefully an easy one in order to get DC.js and crossfilter works without too much change.
var data = [
["PrA", "SubPr1", 100, 450],
["PrA", "SubPr2", 150, 450],
["PrA", "SubPr3", 200, 450],
["PrB", "SubPr4", 300, 800],
["PrB", "SubPr5", 500, 800],
["PrC", "SubPr6", 450, 450]
var newdata = (d) {
return {
project: d[0],
subproject: d[1],
budget: d[2],
cost: d[3]
var ndx = crossfilter(newdata),
costDim = ndx.dimension(function (d) {
return d.cost;
visitedProj = {},
costGroup = (p, v) {
if (visitedProj[v.project]) return p;;
visitedProj[v.project] = true;
return p + 1;
}, null, function () {
return 0;
Map-Reduce can be very powerful and the API can be accessed from here. JSFillde Link
