Serve RMarkdown outputs without version controlling them - r

We frequently use RMarkdown based packages to create websites with R (bookdown, blogdown, distill...) and use github-pages to serve the html files via the url
In this approach, the ouput (i.e. html / css) files are also version controlled, and are frequently included in commits by mistake (git commit -a). This is annoying since these files clutter the commit and often lead to fictitious files conflicts.
Ideally, the outputfiles would not be version controlled at all, since the binary files (images) additionally bloat the repo. So I'm looking for a solution where:
Git ignores the output files completely but provides an alternative (but comparable1) method to gh-pages to serve them
Git ignores the output files temporally and committing / pushing them to gh-pages is done in a separate, explicit command
1: The method should be command line based and provide a nice URL to access the website

You could have .html, .css etc. ignored in the main and all other branches but the branch, for example, the gh-page branch, where your github-page is built from.
Git does not support different .ignore files in different branches so you would have to set up a bash script that replaces the ignore file each time you checkout a new branch. See here for how to do that:
Maybe not the elegant solution you were hoping for but it should work.

If you have a python installation on your computer, you can use GitHub Pages Import, a tool designed specifically for this purpose.
You need a python installation since it has to be installed with pip, but once it's installed it integrates beautifully with into an R / RMarkdown workflow.
Once it's installed (pip install ghp-import), you can run ghp-import docs (assuming docs is where your RMarkdown outputs are stored).
There are a bunch of practical options that you can use, including -p to additionally push the changes to your remote after the commit.

You need to tell Git to ignore the folder the book gets built into.
So, for example, by default bookdown puts all the built files in a folder called "_book"
Just add the following line to the .gitignore file in your project.
Then you can work on your book and build it and push changes without worrying about the site being updated.
To update the site, you want to create a gh-pages branch that is only used for the hosted content. Do that with these commands from in your book folder:
git checkout --orphan gh-pages
git rm -rf .
# create a hidden file .nojekyll
touch .nojekyll
git add .nojekyll
git commit -m"Initial commit"
git push origin gh-pages
Make sure (once you put your book content in that branch) that GitHub is set to use that branch for hosting, rather than the folder you were using before.
Then, you can switch back to your main branch with the following command:
git checkout master
Next, you will clone your gh-pages branch into your main project:
git clone -b gh-pages book-output
Then, when you have a version of the built book (in the _book folder) ready to use as your live site, use the following commands to copy the content into the book-output folder and push that to the gh-pages branch where the live site is:
cd book-output
git rm -rf *
cp -r ../_book/* ./
git add --all *
git commit -m"Update the book"
git push -q origin gh-pages
You can continue to use this last set of commands whenever you have a version in _book that you're ready to push live.


Different local and remote organisation R Project and GitHub

I want to version control my R scripts so I've created an R project and a GitHub repo. My scripts are scattered through several directories within the same directory where the R project is.
I would like that my GitHub repository harbors only the scripts, independently of the folders they are locally stored in. However when I run the below command:
git add folder/file.R
git commit -m "my_message"
git push -u origin master
A directory named folder is created containing file.R but I'd like to just see file.R without the folder. Do you know how can I do this? Also, would it be good practice? My local folders are organized so each directory contains its own scripts and results, that's the reason the scripts are separated.
Thank you very much
is there a way to add the file.R without specifying the path?
Not using git add, no. The design constraint for git add is that it should store the file's name exactly as it appears, including the forward slashes, so if the file's name is folder/file.R, that's the file's name.
You have some options here though:
You can make a parallel directory where you put the files with the names you want them to have. Run git init in that directory, copy the folder/file.R file to file.R in that directory. Then cd ../gitdir or whatever is appropriate to get there, and git add file.R.
This method is probably the best because it's the simplest.
You can write your own programs using git hash-file -w and git update-index, which are two of Git's plumbing commands. A plumbing command, in Git, is basically a command that exists so that you can build user-facing commands: they're not meant to be run by humans but rather by other programs. So you write a program (in whatever language you like) that uses these plumbing programs to achieve whatever you want.
In particular, you can create or find a Git blob object holding the contents of file.R as read from anywhere you like, then use git update-index to create an index entry holding whatever path you like and referring to the blob object you created (or found) with git hash-object with the -w flag.
Since Git is a suite of tools, not a solution, you can come up with your own method. The tools in Git are made with particular approaches in mind, but they are flexible enough to be repurposed.

Excluding files from localgit repo

I am working on a Wordpress site, and been given access to the git repository for this project. The entire WP install is in the Repo. All I care about is being able to push my changes to the theme and a select list of plugin folders, ie:
How can I exclude everything else from being tracked? How can I update my local WP install, and customize my wp-config.php file, and not have those changes be tracked?
As per How do I configure git to ignore some files locally?, I can specify the files I want excluded much like in gitignore files. Then, I can run git update-index --skip-worktree [<file>...] and get my desired results.
git update-index --skip-worktree wp-config.php
The real question is then can I exclude entire folders? Do I have to run the skip-worktree command on every file?
The real question is then can I exclude entire folders? Do I have to run the skip-worktree command on every file?
Yes, every file: Git does work with content (files), not containers (directories).
You can find here an approach using submodules
git submodule add -f ./wp-content/plugins/wp-migrate-db
git commit -m "Added WP Migrate DB plugin"
That allows to commit separately in your parent repo or your submodule.

Create local git repository based on local repository based on github repository and keep it updated

I have some basic git knowledge but I'm not sure how to accomplish this.
I am trying to clone (?) github WordPress starter theme underscores. The idea is to create a basic framework based (with some modifications) on that repository. Then create other themes with that framework as the base.
So it should look something like:
copy github underscores repository to local
create a local repository my_framework from the underscores one, modifying certain parts of those files always (such as the name) and adding some other files
create new local repositories my_theme1, my_theme2 based on my_framework
The goal is to keep everything updated with any underscores update, while changing and modifying the framework and the themes. Once the content from github is pulled it should keep (or inform) of any updates, but I don't need any change I make locally to go back in the path.
I am not sure which path to follow, and would appreciate any help or pointer.
The goal is to keep everything updated with any underscores update, while changing and modifying the framework and the themes
That is called the triangular workflow:
fork (see "Fork a Repo") the repo automattic/_s
clone that fork locally,
git clone /url/my/fork myfork
add as remote upstream the original repo
cd myfork
git remote add upstream
From there, with git 2.9 or more, configure:
git config --global pull.rebase true
git config --global rebase.autoStash true
Finally, each time you want to update your branches (where you modify your own version of the original repo), do a
git checkout mybranch
git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/master
Then you can merge that updated branch (after testing it) to your other repos my_theme1, my_theme2, cloned from myfork.
cd my_theme1
git fetch
git merge origin/mybranch
If you want to work locally only, you can skip the fork step and clone directly the original repo.
you should learn about child themes. the concept of it is having a main theme - which gets updated - and a child theme that'll you'll modify, add content, create different templates & styles... everything to your needs.
I'd recommend taking some minutes to read this throughtfully:
Assuming you using a terminal,
cd to the themes directory:
cd [PROJECT]/wp-content/themes
Now clone _s to your project:
git clone [THENE-NAME]
After the clone ends you can start working with your new theme.
cd to theme directory:
and create another remote for your repo.
From now on, you can push change into your private remote:
git push [NEW-RENOTE-NAME] master
and if you want to get updates from _s repo you can just:
git pull origin master
Good Luck!
you could do something like
git clone
create directory my_framework with mkdir my_framework(if on windows)
cd my_framework
git init
git remote add <_s> <PATH to your local underscore>
git pull(to get latest version of underscore)
mkdir my_theme1
cd my_theme1
git init
git remote add <my_framework> <PATH to your local my_framework>
git pull
Hope this is what you are looking for!
What you want to do is called nested git repo. GitHub does not allow nested repositories. You can use GitSubmodule or subtree. It is done for when projects become bigger.
One copy of underscores will remain as "control".
Second copy of underscores will remain is starting of my_framework. Third copy is copied and modification of my_framework.
You can :
Update underscores repo aka WordPress starter theme underscore master separately
Change in your framework separately
Send pull request for wherever you want to contribute
my_theme1, my_theme2 are not versions but separate softwares. my_theme1 as example can have nth versions. Here are sample steps :
cd ~
mkdir parentrepo
cd parentrepo/
git init .
mkdir child1
mkdir child2
cd child1/
git init .
echo "FirstChildRepo content" > child1repofile.txt
git add .
git commit -a -m "Adding FirstChildRepo content"
cd ../child2/
echo "SecondChildRepo content" > child2file.txt
cd ..
echo "parentrepofile" > parentFile.txt
git add .
git commit -a -m "Adding Parent Repo content"
# verify whether working independently
cd ~/parentrepo/
git log
cd ~/parentrepo/Child1Repo/
git log
# try cloning parent, verify the contents
cd ~
git clone parentrepo/
cd parentrepo/
ls -a
./ ../ .git/ child1/ child2/ parentfile.txt
cd child1/
ls -a
./ ../
Work after this step to clone, update in the way whatever like others written.
You can "auto update" too. Add files named post-checkout & post-merge to .git/hooks directory of the needed repositories and add this into each of them:
git submodule update --init --recursive

Git Archive but first put all the files inside a folder then start archiving

As title suggest, I want to know if there is a single git command that put all my project in one folder first (not including .gitignored files) and then proceed archiving the folder— leaving ignored files not included when archiving which is nice.
This can be beneficial for me as I am working on WordPress plugin with multiple release. Some references.
I want all the files (minus the .gitignored files) move to a folder first then proceed archiving that folder
It is possible in one command provided you define an alias but this isn't git-related:
you can:
clone your repo elsewhere (that way you don't get any ignored or private file)
move your files as you see fit in that local clone
archive (tar cpvf yourArchive.tar yourFolder)
But git archive alone won't help you move those files, which is why I would recommend a script with custom bash commands (not git commands).
You don't really need to copy / clone the repo anywhere.
Make sure you committed all your changes.
Process the files any way you want.
Run tar -cvjf dist/archive-name.tbz2 --transform='s,^,archive-name/,' $(git ls-tree --full-tree -r --name-only --full-name HEAD)
run git reset --hard to restore without any of the changes you made in step #2.
The --transform='s,^,archive-name/,' is so your files will be extracted toarchive-name/....`, you can remove it if you don't need that.

What causes a fatal: not a git repository error?

I am working on webpage, and I need version tracking, so I'm uploading it to github.
Here is the underlying set up.
Now that I have the base CMS ready to go, I need to get the base code uploaded before I start making changes.
lloydm#lloydm-E6320:~/Downloads/rtt/rtt-code$ pwd
lloydm#lloydm-E6320:~/Downloads/rtt/rtt-code$ git status
# On branch master
# Untracked files:
# (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
# wordpress/
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
lloydm#lloydm-E6320:~/Downloads/rtt/rtt-code$ ls
app.yaml cron.yaml php.ini wordpress
lloydm#lloydm-E6320:~/Downloads/rtt/rtt-code$ git add .
fatal: Not a git repository: wordpress/wp-content/plugins/../.git/modules/appengine-wordpress-plugin
I've never used github before, so I was just following the github website stuff. I have zero idea what this error means or how to prevent it. I can't find anything that I think is related to it.
You need to set up your git repo correctly.
I think you followed this section "Installing WordPress on your development environment" from the link you provided
So what you did was download WordPress into your folder which you set up to be a .git repository. However, the WordPress project builder you downloaded itself contains a .git repository.
Check if you have a /workpress/.git file. It likely contains something like :
gitdir: ../.git/modules/wordpress
If you do, then that explains the error I think.
As for setting it up correctly, there are many tutorials available.
One way is to use Git for theme deployment, rather than having it manage your entire WordPress installation -->
Another way is to add wordpress as a submodule
or Just make a ~/Downloads/rtt/rtt-code/wordpress/myWebpage directory and set up a git repo in it.
I think you just need to go into the wordpress folder and then run the git status command. As the directory(rtt-code) is not a git directory but contains within it the git repo, that is wordpress, you are getting this error.
Inside the wordpress folder, all your git commands would work perfectly well...
