Freeradius3 auth with OpenLDAP - openldap

For the past few days, i've been trying to configure freeradius to authenticate wifi clients in OpenLDAP (without TLS - 389 bind).
I tried several guides and did not get the result i was looking for.
At localhost, RADTEST works and i receive an Accept-Accpet.
User is found within LDAP and accepts authentication.
When i try to authenticate via wifi (Windows 10), i can't connect.
The configuration i am currently using is this:
Someone with experience integrating freeradius with openldap?
I need wifi clients to connect with their ldap credentials.

You have not explained more details about the authentication method you are trying to use. This is important. However, a simple recipe for making freeradius+ldap authentication work with Windows10, Ubuntu and Android in EAP/TTLS mode is as follows:
Make sure the radius server has access to the LDAP server. Also make sure that the clients (access points) have access to the radius server. Check firewall issues and freeradius configuration (for Debian10 the file is /etc/freeradius/3.0/clients.conf)
For the authentication test (taking into account that the previous step has already been certified by you), there are two interesting tools: radtest (part of the freeradius-utils package) which does not support EAP/TTLS authentication, and a tool called eapol_test, which is part of the wpa_supplicant package and supports EAP-TTLS.
Follow the EAP/TTLS configuration steps and how to use the eapol_test tool on this link.
Make sure you generate the new certificates (don't use snakeoil certificates at all) and don't forget to change the certificate settings in /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/eap). The link from the previous step does not talk about this step.
Run freeradius in full debug mode to find any errors (ie freeradius -X).
Don't forget to check the password and protocol compatibility list.


Use ruby grpc client with self signed certificate

Trying to use ruby GRPC client to connect to a go GRPC server. The server uses TLS credentials with self signed certificates. I have trusted the certificate on my system (ubuntu 20.04) but still getting Handshake failed with fatal error SSL_ERROR_SSL: error:1000007d:SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal:CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED
Only way this is working is by manually setting when initializing the client. Another workaround is setting :this_channel_is_insecure, but this only works if I remove TLS credentials in the server altogether (which I do not want).
Is there any way to get the GRPC client to work with the system certs?
I assume the gem is using roots.pem and trying to override that using GRPC::Core::ChannelCredentials.set_default_roots_pem results in Could not load any root certificate.
Also, I have not found any parameter that would let me skip certificate verification.
The default root location can be overridden using the GRPC_DEFAULT_SSL_ROOTS_FILE_PATH environment variable pointing to a file on the file system containing the roots. Setting also seems fine to me.
In Ruby, most likely the feature to skip cert verification in TLS is not supported. We have the corresponding feature supported in underlying core, but it might not be plumbed to Ruby yet(at least not that I am aware of). If you need that, feel free to open a feature request to in gRPC Github page.
Thank you!

What certificate is needed to connect to

I have written my own code to connect to Firebase via the REST interface. Recently I have been unable to connect to because the secure connection cannot be established with the CA certificate I am using.
I am still able to create a secure connection to to handle the login authentication and get the tokens I need for communication.
How do you determine what certificate is needed to validate the connection? I have tried a few of the root CA certs available at but they do not seem to work for
WireShark to the rescue! I was able to see the name of the certificates being passed to my device. is using one of the certs in this list that I had not tried yet.
After adding that one I was able to connect. How often does Firebase change these certificates? What is the proper method to keep my device up to date with the latest certificates?

How to test if ldap server is up or not?

How i can test if ldap server is working or not .One way to use to Apache directory Studio client any other way if we can check if ldap server is running or not ?
Please remember i cannot login server machine where ldap installed i have to test it from a client machine.Please let me know what all mechanism or client we can use test ldap connection ?
The best way to test whether any resource is available is simply to try to use it in the normal course of your application, and cope with the errors as they arise.
Otherwise you're trying to predict the future, among other things.
Monitoring tools such as Zabbix, InterMapper,SCOM etc can provide status health.
You could try watching port 389 on the server. That port can be and is often changed. So you will need to get it from the admin of the ldap server.

Making use of ssh keys for authentication in other applications?

Let's say I want to set up a poor man's authentication scheme for a simple network service.
I don't want to bother with username/password authentication, for simplicity I just want to have a list of public keys in my application and anyone who can prove they are the owner of that key can use my service.
For the purposes of my application it would greatly simplify the authentication process since all my users are on the local network and they all use Unix. Anytime I onboard a new user I can just ask them for their ssh public key.
Is there a simple way to reuse the mechanism involved in ssh public key authentication in a non-ssh application? This is question is intended to be language agnostic.
If you just have a list of users that can use your application and you have no need to see who did what.
You can setup your server so that it listens only on localhost (127.1) rather than, and provide a restricted sshd, forwarding the port required to connect to the application
~/.ssh/authorized_keys will provide a list of the authorized keys that can be used.
ssh -I private_key_file <hostname> -L 3000:localhost:3000
For a basic setup and help with configuring your sshd, check out this answer:
Note: Be warned that if you don't lock it down, any user will have full shell access on your box where the machine is hosted.
A dirty hack from top of my head: could you wrap the application so that it would create an actual SSH tunnel from localhost to your server, and use that for ?
Assuming you are talking about a web based application. What you are really looking for is X.509 Client certificates ( This will allow you to identify a user individually to your application.
These face the same issues that are usually faced when looking at key distribution. Which is generally considered a hard problem.
If you wanted to head down this road here is what you would need to do.
Generate a root certificate (once)
Setup web server with appropriate modules to parse the certificate (nginx/apache)
Generate a certificate for each user (openssl)
Download cerificiate from centralized server. (maybe use their ssh pub key here)
Install the x509 cert locally (OS Dependent)
On the server side, you would need to process the cert as part of the web-server (nginx or apache should have modules to do this) and then pass the name onto your application as a header field which you can then process internally.
This is a much better security solution than usernames and passwords, however is complex because of the key distribution issue. Most people wouldn't bother since in most applications it is easy enough to integrate logins with LDAP or radius.

ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider "The specified domain or server could not be contacted."

I have an application that is using ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider to grant access to users. The application is hosted on a non-domain machine, with a firewall between the application server and the domain controller.
We've opened the LDAP port to the DC on the inside network - yet no matter what we try, we end up with an error that says "The specified domain or server could not be contacted."
Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can resolve this? We've tried everything we can think of and just aren't getting anywhere.
My connection string is:
<add name="ADConnectionString"
And my provider is:
<add name="ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider"
connectionPassword="LdapPassword" />
The application is hosted on a non-domain machine, with a firewall between the application server and the domain controller.
Since you could query directly using an LDAP tool, that suggests that the firewall is open correctly. However, keep in mind that the ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider is not using plain old LDAP, it's using Microsoft technologies. For example, if you set connectionProtection="Secure", ADMP will try using SSL and port 636, if that fails, it will use Microsoft's built-in IPSec signing (see this article for more details).
Anyway, this makes me wonder about a couple things:
Does the AD domain have an IPSec "required" policy which refuses connections from non-domain/non-configured computers? (Probably not, since you connected with plain LDAP, but it's worth investigating.)
Have you added the domain controller's NetBIOS name to your lmhosts file, and its DNS name to your hosts file? (Many protocols check that their target's reported name matches the name you tried to connect to.)
A lot of people have noted problems using ADMP between different domains, and the solution required that a one-way trust be created. Since it sounds like your client computer is not in a domain, you can't have that trust--unless either (a) it is a member of a different domain with a one-way trust or (b) it is a member of the same domain and thus client-server trust is implicit.
It seems like the solution is to open port 445.
Read this thread
We're not allowed to open so I guess I'm stuck.
You can use this two articles, may be solve your problem
and check your firewalls
I had this error, and managed to fix it. There are multiple reasons that can lead to this, here is a to-do list to identify exect problem:
Create a micro application, with single method Membership.GetAllUsers(), execute on machine outside Active Directory (AD), with incorrect password in connection string, check if you get incorrect password exception. If you don't get it you can't connect to your AD server, check firewall, if you do get invalid password exception, goto next step.
If you can, try to execute same app, localy on AD server, first with incorrect password, than with correct, executing app locally provides more detailed exception what is wrong (for me this exception lead me to fixing problem). In my case it told me that Server service is not started, than that Workstation service is not started.
Some thoughts on the fact that it required Server and Workstation services to be working on server: afaik Server service is used for windows file sharing (netbios over TCP), and is using 445 port, so it mey be that this port must be opened in addition to LDAP port. My second observation was that event if 445 port opened (netstat -an) it still can be not working, winows will drop all packets to this port if Windows Client and File and Printer sharing checkboxes are not checked on network interface adapter which rcived this packets. Check "telnet External_IP 445". Thats all info i gathered while strugling with this problem.
Have you tested with an LDAP browsing tool, from the remote box to see if it can connect with the criteria being used here? I.e. Is it a connectivity problem or something else?
In case anyone stumbles on this and wants to smash their head on a wall... Recently tried doing all this for an AD server that my company had in a different domain than the current context. Was using the IP provided and getting failures as stated here. Even used a tool like Softerra LDAP Admin and it worked fine, however AccountManagement failed.
We had a publicly exposed URL hooked to that IP address (still only allowing certain IP's to make calls). Once I replaced the IP with the URL provided, it worked like a charm.
Hope this saves someone the hours of head smashing I just put myself through.
