Deployed webapp on firebase but not authenticating when opened in linkedin - firebase

I have deployed a react web app on firebase, with google authentication and it works but when I try to open it inside Linkedin it says can't be authorized when used in this app.
Any solution?!
Login page!


Getting 'The application is disabled' for LinkedIn app and app disappeared from LinkedIn developer My App list

We had created 2-3 apps in LinkedIn developer account and used it in auth0 tenant, suddenly we are getting message -
"The application is disabled".
And now there is only one app, can any one please suggest where apps gone away and why? How to republish those apps again?

Workaround for web-view blocking google authentication within a web application

Good Morning,
So I am facing a dilemma using Firebase Auth (specifically Google OAuth).
Google seems to have blocked the use of their OAuth when a user access my site via a web-view (for example they have clicked on the link in TikTok and the website has opened within a view in TikTok)
It makes sense as to why Google has blocked this, however, this is now stopping my ads from being successful as users see the ad, click on the link, and then it opens up in the TikTok web view, and then they can't log into my web application.
I'm using the simple Firebase Authentication plugin, with Nuxt/Firebase the code for it is as below:
const provider = new this.$fireModule.auth.GoogleAuthProvider()
prompt: 'select_account'
Does anyone know any workaround? I've googled this so much but the only real solution I have come across is if I'm creating an android/ios app and this is not a mobile application, this is just a web application.
Thanks so much for your help.

Facebook login with firebase in react native app

I want to add Facebook login in the react native app(Android/IOS). I have created IOS and Android apps on Facebook developer account both apps have different App ID and different App secret. And on Firebase console I have enabled 'Facebook sign-in method' which takes only one App ID and one App secret. So which App ID and App secret should I put in the firebase console. Thanks in advance!!
I Found out the answer. Instead of creating 2 different apps i.e IOS and Android version on the Facebook developer account create one app and then click 'add platform' option on Facebook developer account.

What will be the Firebase Authorized Domain for Firefox Packaged App?

My packaged app for Firefox OS uses Firebase and Firebase Facebook Login for user authentication. However, in Firebase I need to provide a Authorized domain for oauth redirect. What will be my Authorized domain for a Firefox OS packaged app?
I ran this app in the FF OS simulator through FF WebIDE and from there I got an app id which I used as a Aauthorized domain in Firebase and it (fb login) worked. But then I submitted my packaged app in the Firefox marketplace and got rejected as Facebook Login is not working.
What am I missing here?
I would guess it works via the simulator because you are on localhost, which is whitelisted in your account dashboard. Naturally, you aren't going to be able to create a whitelisted domain that works within the packaged app.
Instead, to make integrated auth work, you'd need to set up a hosted login page and feature that in your app, then you can whitelist the hosted page instead. For example, if you hosted your login form at
App redirects to or "iframes"
When login is completed, login.html returns the userData.token to packaged app
Packaged app calls authWithCustomToken(token)
Alternately, and possibly a much simpler and more elegant solution, you could sign your own tokens and utilize those in the packaged app.

Firebase does not Remember Auth on iOS added to HomeScreen

Firebase does remember and auto-login when I visit the site on mobile safari. However, when I add the app to iOS home screen, it does not seem to auto login anymore.
Home screen apps may clear cookies each time on load.
Is there anyway to get it to auto login as a homescreen app?
[Engineer at Firebase] Note that Firebase Simple Login is a separate service built on top of Firebase Authentication, intended to simplify authenticating users and generating Firebase Auth. Tokens for use in Security Rules.
Update 2014/03/07: Support for redirect-based OAuth has been added to the Firebase Simple Login Web Client as of v1.3.0, available from the Firebase CDN or via Bower using bower install firebase-simple-login. This update enables the Simple Login client to automatically detect iOS "standalone" applications and handle the redirect-based OAuth automatically.
There is an existing bug at to add support for a redirect-based authentication flow, which is required to support iOS standalone-webview apps.
