SCSS to CSS style sheet - css

I'm still new with web development. Right now, just new with angular. How can I change from SCSS to CSS stylesheet cause I accidently select SCSS style when I create a new angular project.
One more thing, how can I change terminal bar in VS Code from to . I tried to Google but can't find the answer.

Configuring Your Default Angular Component Extension
To have Angular default to generating components with CSS files and not SCSS files, simply edit your configuration. Keep in mind you can still use CSS syntax inside SCSS files.
ng config schematics.#schematics/angular:component.styleext css
You can also do this process by hand by editing your angular.json file
VS Code Terminal Tabs
Open your VS Code settings and search for terminal.integrated.tabs.enabled and check the option named Terminal > Integrated > Tabs.


Angular global class how to implement it?

I am very new to Angular and currently I am trying to add styling to an existing project.
The project has been constructed using components. So for each page there are 4 files,
I can easily style the page by adding the styles to the css file in the component and the page style works perfectly.
However the issue is there are many pages that require the same styles again and again.
I can copy and paste the same styles to each css file and it works.
But this is not the most elegant or efficient way to do this.
I want to know what the correct way to add a global.css file so that it can be accessed by each page. So that way the css is only written once.
I have googled but haven't found anything that explains how to do it in simple ways.
Angular adds the style.css/scss file by default to your project once you created it using the ng new command, and include it within the angular.json config file to be available across the components of the project.
So you can add any global styles within src/styles.css(or scss) file, to be implemented everywhere.
you can add your generic css into style.css/style.scss.

Angular 6 project with Sass

So, I've made a migration of a Angular 5 project to Angular 6 (well, more like I did a mix with a regular migration and a new project re-using the files because of a bunch of problems). The project compiles and works nicely as it should.
Bu the Angular 5 version used sass instead of the regular css. That shouldn't be a problem: I did the following updates to allow Angular 6 to work with the scss files.
schematics in angular.json is set with "#schematics/angular:component": { "styleext": "scss" }
stylein angular.jsonis set with "styles": [ "src/styles.scss" ]
All the css files have a scss extension.
All the component have a scss declared instead of the css.
Well... That didn't work. My pages are rendered without style whereas the files seem to be correctly loaded. Did I miss something?
(Angular version is 6.1.10, CLI is 6.0.8)
Update 2
The console does not write anything related to a missing file or else.
The styled elements don't have their style.
In the DevTools the styles are not the sources tab, but they also aren't in it in the Angular 5 version (though they are in the Style Editor tab in Firefox).
You forgot to compile the scss files.
do npm install -g sass
then run sass styles.scss
which will turn/compile scss files to css one.
You cannot link a direct scss files to render styles, it must be compiled first to css.
Problem solved: there were missing dependencies in style and scripts in angular.json.

Is it possible to create more than one global CSS file in Angular?

I would have two global CSS files in my application, so I try to do it by:
creating new file (as sibling of styles.css in the folder structure)
add lines in angular.json in: "build" -> "styles" and "test" -> "styles".
Unfortunately it doesn't work, so my question is: did I make something wrong or is it impossible to have two global CSS files supported by Angular (I skipped option with adding css file in index.html)?
Changes to angular.json are not picked up automatically.
You will need to stop the app, and do ng serve again

PyCharm: How to disable certain CSS file code complete?

Django REST framework uses Bootstrap and has its own CSS files in it. It seems like PyCharm imports those files for code completion popups. The things is, I don't want those as I use different CSS framework and in fact, it's confusing me because all those Bootstrap autocomplete popups when I'm trying to set CSS classes and so on.
So my question is, is there any way I can disable code completion popups from certain CSS files?
I did not face with this problem until now,but I think you should disable these folders is Pycharm, try this :
Settings|Directories -> Use Exclude button on folder

Updating CSS stylesheet without recompiling the JavaFX 2 project

Here link
I found that "Skinning your UI with JavaFX CSS enables you to change the UI shown in Figure 1 to the UI shown in Figure 2 just by changing the style sheet used.", but after compiling my project I cannot find any css files in dist folder.
So my question: is it possible to change style without recompiling app and how can it be done?
There are next options:
Put css files on web server and use links like:
Explain to designers how to update css files using any archive manager or jar utility from jdk:
jar uf FXApp.jar style.css
