3rd party cookie authentication - http

I have an application that uses 3rd party cookie for multidomain authentication, setting the cookie parameters: domain, httponly, secure, samesite none and expires, to work with the context
server domain: xyz.com
client domain: abc.com and qwe.com
In this way, the same authentication cookie works for both client domains. However, browsers have a privacy-focused initiative to eliminate 3rd party cookies. Safari and Brave have already implemented it. Chrome will roll out in 2022.
This new policy is breaking the way I add cookies with multidomain.
I've already researched how to solve this, without stopping using cookies, but I couldn't find a way, other than using the header authorization with the token stored in the browser's Storage. In this case, it is not a 100% safe and attackable solution.
Does anyone have any direction on how I should handle authentication with multidomain without relying on storing the token in storage?


Why is Firebase showing third party cookies on a custom hosting domain?

I just set up my custom domain with Firebase Hosting, lets call it mydomain.example.com.
When I navigate to it in Firefox, it shows a toggle next to the domain, that when clicked shows this:
Where the redacted part is my firebase project ID, and the full domain is one of the default domains for Firebase hosting.
What is happening here, exactly, and how can I change the behavior so it doesn't result in these cross-site cookies? Is this related to the Google Auth provider, which I also noticed doesn't use the new custom domain (instead, using one of the default domains) in the popup window for sign-in?
This is a known issue with the Firebase Auth SDK. It is not related to the Google Auth provider. The issue is that the Firebase Auth SDK uses a cookie to store the user's session. The cookie is set to the domain of the Firebase project, which is a default domain for Firebase Hosting. The cookie is set to be secure, so it is not sent over HTTP, but is sent over HTTPS. The cookie is also set to be SameSite=Lax, which means that it is not sent on cross-site requests unless the request is a GET request. The cookie is not sent on cross-site requests that are POST requests, which is the case for the sign-in popup. The cookie is sent on cross-site requests that are GET requests, which is the case for the main page.
To solve this issue, you can set the cookie policy to SameSite=None. This will allow the cookie to be sent on cross-site requests, but it will also require the cookie to be marked as secure. This means that the cookie will only be sent over HTTPS. If you are using a custom domain, you will need to set up HTTPS for your custom domain. If you are using a default domain, you will need to set up HTTPS for your default domain.

Why does requireSSL true still send the cookies over HTTP?

I'm trying to wrap my head around the secure flag on my applications cookies, in tandem with my different deployment environments and I'm hoping someone can help clarify.
My Application
A .NET 4.7.2 Web Forms application using Forms authentication. The login page sets 5 cookies in code, including the Auth token cookie.
What I'm seeing with the secure flag
On my local, non-https development environment running IIS Express, when I set requireSSL to true on the httpcookies element in the web.config. I can see in the browser that the secure flag is set on all the cookies (including the auth token cookie), but the app seems to work fine.
That already doesn't make sense to me because I thought the flag would tell my browser not to send those cookies...
If I set requireSSL on the forms element, then it seems to do what I would expect, it seems to prevent me from logging in because I'm on a dev non-https environment.
Does anyone know why this is? Why don't they both behave the same way?

Will browsers send preemptive Authorization headers to sites served over different protocols (https vs http)?

I have a site (running a 3rd party app) that's available over HTTPS and HTTP. It allows people to log in with Basic Authentication. I'm trying to force all logins to happen over HTTPS rather than HTTP.
The app is odd in that the authentication "realm" is the root of the domain (/), and 401s are returned based on query string parameters rather than the URL path. I think I've got my RewriteRules set up properly so that any request that could result in a 401 is redirected to HTTPS first. However, I'm worried that after logging into the secure site, if users navigate back to the HTTP version somehow, browsers will still send Authorization headers (now unencrypted) without seeing a 401 since it's all the same domain with the /same/path/structure. That is, I'm worried about this behaviour from RFC 2617:
A client MAY preemptively send the corresponding Authorization header with requests for resources in that space without receipt of another challenge from the server.
Should I worry? Or does switching protocols (https to http) prevent browsers from sending those preemptive auth headers?
We heavily use basic auth for our application. All using https of course :)
Browsers have a good sandbox model, they know that when the protocol changes, the target machine may not be the same anymore. You don't have to worry about browsers submitting the authentication information.
Even when they run into the initial 401, they will still ask the user for the username/password pair.

Forms Authentication Cookie value vulnerability in asp.net

In asp.net, I am able to login using forms authentication as usual, copy our auth cookie value, log out, add the cookie artificially to the client using the 'Edit This Cookie' addon for Chrome, refresh the (anonymous) landing page and hey presto i'm logged in again. This seems to be a vulnerability - is there any way of fixing it using the the standard forms auth or will I have to do something like use a custom Authorize attribute which overrides the existing one in asp.net mvc?
I don't think this is a bug per se. The following happens during forms authentication
You provide a username/password to the server
Server validates username/password
If valid, the server then sends an encrypted authentication ticket (cookie) to the client with the expiration time (set in the web.config forms authentication section) and username (all encrypted)
On each request that requires authorization, the cookie is decrypted on the server, expiration time is checked and username is used to see if authorized (or getting that role for the requested resource).
When you logout, the expiration time on the cookie is set in the past, therefore, it is not longer a valid cookie
Now, as to why you are seeing what you are seeing... You are copying the cookie before you logout. Thus your copied cookie never registers the logout (moved expiration time). When you reattach, you still have a valid auth cookie. Now, if your forms authentication timeout is set to...let's say 20 minutes...this method would fail if you copy the cookie and wait 21 minutes as by that time, it has expired.
Cookies are always vulerable and we can't do much about that. What we can do is prevent someone from stealing the cookies.
Regarding ASP.NET MVC it does a good job to avoid stealing cookies. Some of the main things it does by default as part of security are:
Encode the strings that are rendered to the view (if you are using Razor don't know about others) to prevent from XSS attacks.
Request validation (stop potentially dangerous data ever reaching the
Preventing GET access for JSON data.
Preventing CSRF Using the Antiforgery Helpers
Regarding cookies Microsoft provides HttpOnly feature and this helps to hide the cookies from javascript. The Forms authentication that you are talking about is a HttpOnly cookie means someone can't steal that through JavaScript and it's more safe.
You can do that with any cookie/s. You can inspect/copy all the cookies from any given domain, and spoof if you want. You can do that to yourself (only) because its your PC (or user logged in to PC). Obviously if you're on a shared PC, that is a problem (across all your info).
The act of "copying your cookie" is in fact one way malware attempts to steal/hijack your identity (or current session on some web site). That said, unless you have some malware, you can't just "copy cookies" of someone else.
Assuming logout is done, you can ask users to close their browsers so the expired cookie is removed from the (file) system.

How to preserve authentication for ASP.NET Forms authentication cookie, Http to Https (different domains) and back?

We have a non-SSL ASP.NET web app that allows a user to login (ASP forms authentication, inproc).
Once authenticated, we redirect their browser to an external, SSL secured page on another web site / domain altogether that we do not control.
The client is redirected back to a pre-configured url on our original http web app when done.
However, the customer is then asked to "re-login" again on our side which is undesired...
It seems the forms authentication cookie is destroyed when transitioning between HTTP and HTTPS and back again.
How can I keep the forms authentication cookie alive so that the customer does not have to re-authenticate on the round trip?
It's not being destroyed; you're not authenticating on your domain, so the cookie's not being set on your domain, and thus requests on your domain will not contain said authentication cookie.
This is GOOD. If this didn't happen, then every cookie from every domain you ever visited would get sent with every request. Which is obviously 1) crazy and 2) a security hole. Setting a cookie on mydomain.com should never be visible to pages on myotherdomain.com.
If you're using a 3rd party authentication system, like google, facebook, etc, they'll all have some sort of callback token that you'll have to process and set your own cookies.
Consider to set cookie's domain property for your cookies with more specified can be found here or try this code:
Response.Cookies["your_cookie_name"].Domain = "yourdomain.com";
You're looking for a Single Sign On solution.
It might be a little overkill for your problem, for which you might just want to get the same domainname. But if that isn't an option you might want to take a look at:
Windows Identity Foundation
