Material-ui datagrid filter not working in temporary drawer - datagrid

I'm using datagrid component in "temporary" drawer (drawer's variant prop is temporary). In this case datagrid filter is not functioning. If I change "temporary" to "permanent" it works but I need temporary one.

Problem has been resolved in Material UI v5.


Semantic React UI controlled components not working with React Final Form

This question has also been raised on the react-final-form github issues list at
I'm using Semantic React UI 2.02 with react-final-form 6.5.3.
First Issue
I have a controlled Semantic React UI dropdown on a component that gets its value from the parent. If I put the Dropdown component directly into a React Final Form Field it works as expected. I can clear the currently selected value in the dropdown by updating the state value. But when I use a component you can see it ignores any change the parents tries to make to the state.
Not many examples out there to help guide me unfortunately.
Second Issue
Issue was "fixed" in 6.3.1 but still appears to exist.
If I try to pass multiple to a custom component the value is ignored and always false.
Link to sandbox here
Third Issue
If you implement a wizard form and use a Semantic React UI dropdown on one of those forms. When you try to move back, the value selected on the dropdown is lost. Can't figure out a way to set it back again.
Would appreciate the wisdom of other users. Thanks in advance.

How can a backdrop be added for any component using Angular Material?

I would like to add a backdrop to the page so that when a component on the page is in "edit mode", only that component is accessible to the user.
I know I can achieve this with a modal dialog, but I want the component to remain in its original position and darken/disable everything else on the page.
Is this possible using Angular Material? Maybe using the CDK?

Why does AEM component not drag to the page?

I am just getting my head around AEM version 6.2 and struggling to create a component that I can drag onto my page. I copied an existing 'working' component and changed the name in the CRXDE page. The result is the new component is visible in the left components panel but when I want to drag it nothing happens? How can I create/copy an component that is draggable?
For a component to be droppable inside a parsys, it needs to be added using design mode...
Go to design mode
Configure that parsys
Select the component which you want to drop inside parsys
Go back to edit mode. It should now be droppable.
I suggest you to add some text in the component jsp. Make sure cache is deleted. Also try to cq:include the component in your page component.If you are unable to do so will mean there is something wrong with the component development.

Flex 4.5: Custom component doesn't get visible in custom ItemRenderer

I'm developing a dynamic ItemRenderer to edition in line for Spark DataGrid.
With the Click event on Edit button (first column), I'm refreshing the cell's row using grid.invalidateCell(x,y); inside this custom ItemRenderer, in the function prepare, I'm evaluating an 'editing' dynamic property to hide/show (.visible/.includeInLayout) the default Label or Control for edition; I'm not using actually the itemEditor DataGrid's operation, just simulating this functionality.
Everything goes well with standard spark components for edition: TextInput, ComboBox, etc, but custom components (extended from SkinnableContainer) doesn't get visible, just randomically on first row sometimes.
Is there any specific interface that custom components must implement to work inside an ItemRenderer??
The problem was this property: customComponent.includeInLayout; once you set it to false, it has problems to get visible again. I think it's bad idea to use includeInLayout inside an ItemRenderer.
Now I'm working only with .visible=(false/true) and .x coordinate.

Flex: How to add a tab close button for TabNavigator component

I'd like to have a TabNavigator component that has a close button for some of the tabs. How do I do that?
It seems that the TabNavigator component does not allow (or I could not find) extensibility of this form.
Help. Thanks
You should take a look at the SuperTabNavigator component from the FlexLib project:
SuperTabNavigator example
SuperTabNavigator documentation
FlexLib Component list
If you don't want all of the tabs to have close buttons (I understand from the question that you don't) it looks like you could use the setClosePolicyForTab() method for specifying which tabs you want to have them.
Spark Based Component
flexwiz spark-tabs-with-close-button
