Handling queries alongside subscription queries using Axon Server - axon

I'm currently using Axon Framework alongside Axon Server for my event-based microservices application. Recently I've encountered the need to wait for saga to fully complete and return its execution result (success or error) to the client, and I've solved it by creating a subscription query before dispatching a command that triggers the saga that locks then waits for updates that are being dispatched from saga and returns the result to client.
Now, that worked a treat in reporting on saga completion status to client, but now I've stumbled upon another seemingly connected problem. Every time a client queries our system's API, we perform an existence check of the client's account - and we do that by dispatching the corresponding query before we perform any business logic. After I've introduced the subscription query, when the client receives the response about saga completion status they immediately send a query to us for an updated list of certain entities, but the query that checks for account's existence fails with org.axonframework.queryhandling.NoHandlerForQueryException: No handler for query: ... which is returned by Axon Server upon sending despite the fact that there definitely is a handler registered for it and it's just handled exactly the same command during the previous request by client. This started to happen after I've added the inner subscription query mechanism to the equation.
This error disappears if we repeat the exact same query a bit later or put a delay of a couple hundred milliseconds between the calls, but that's certainly not a solution - what if our clients start to send loads of requests simultaneously, what will happen to account checking query? Are we unable to process some type of query when the subscription is not closed? I close the subscription on doFinally of Mono returned from SubscriptionQueryResult, but is there a chance that it doesn't actually get closed in Axon Server when the next query arrives? Or, which I think is closer to the truth, I need to somehow tune the query handling capacity of Axon Server? The documentation is rather concise on this topic, IMHO, especially concerning queries, not events/commands.

From the sound of it, you've hit a bug, #Ivan. I assume you are on Axon Server SE? It wouldn't hurt to construct an issue there describing the problem at hand.
As far as I know, the Subscription Query does not impact the capability to send other queries. So, it is not like a Query Handler suddenly unregisters once a subscription query is active. Or, it definitely shouldn't.
By the way, would you be able to share the versions of Axon Framework and Axon Server you are using? That helps with deducing the issue but also helps others that might hit the same problem.


what is the best practice for handling asynchronous api call that take time

So suppose I have an API to create a cloud instance asynchronously. So after I made an API call it will just return the success response, but the cloud instance will not been initialized yet. It will take 1-2 minutes to create cloud instance and after that it will save the cloud instance information (ex. ip, hostname, os) to db which mean I have to wait 1-2 minutes so I can fetch the data again to show cloud information. At first I try making a loading component, but the problem is that I don't know when the cloud instance is initialized (each instance has different time duration for creating). I'm considering using websocket or using cron or should I redesign my API? Has anyone design asynchronous system before how do you handle such a case.
If the API that you call gives you no information on when it's done with its asynchronous processing, it seems to me that you'll have to check at intervals until you find that the resource is ready; i.e. to poll it.
This seems to me to roughly fit the description and intent of the Polling Consumer pattern. In general, for asynchronous systems design, I can't recommend Enterprise Integration Patterns enough.
As other noted you can either have a notification channel using WebSockets or poll the backend. Personally I'd probably go with the latter for this case and would actually create several APIs, one for initiating the work and get back a URL with "job id" in it where the status of the job can be polled.
RESTfully that would look something like POST /instances to initiate a job GET /instances see all the instances that are running/created/stopped and GET /instances/<id> to see the status of a current instance (initiating , failed , running or whatever)
WebSockets would work, but might be an overkill for this use case. I would probably display a status of 'creating' or something similar after receiving the success response from the API call, and then start polling the API to see if the creation process has finished.

Database rollback on API response failure

A customer of ours is very persistent that they expect this "from any API" (meaning they don't want to pay for the changes). I seem to have trouble finding clear information on this though.
Say we have an API that creates an appointment for a calendar. Server-side everything was successful, data is committed to the database. API tries to send the HTTP 201 (Created) response, but something goes wrong there. Client ignores the response, or connection dropped, ...
They want our API to undo the database changes in that particular situation.
The question is not how to do this, but rather if this is something most APIs do? Is this standard behavior? Or something similar like refusing duplicate create requests?
The difficult part of course is to actually know if an API has failed to send the response, and as far as I am concerned with respect to the crux of the question, it is not a usual behavior implemented. If the user willingly inputs the data, you can go ahead and store it. If the response doesn't return properly due to timeouts (you are not responsible for user "ignoring" the response), then the client side code can refresh on failure and load fresh data. And the user can delete inputted data themselves(given you provide an endpoint for that)
Depending on the database, it is possible to make all database changes of an API reversible. For example, with SQL, you use [SQL transactions][1] using commit, rollback and savepoints. There is most likely a similar mechanism available for noSQL.

How to handle client view synchronization with signal r when a client gets offline for a short period of time and some messages are lost?

I am using SignalR in my web api to provide real-time functionality to my client apps (mobile and web). Everything works ok but there is something that worries me a bit:
The clients get updated when different things happen in the backend. For example, when one of the clients does a CRUD operation on a resource that will be notified by SignalR. But, what happens when something happens on the client, let's say the mobile app, and the device data connection is dropped?.
It could happen that another client has done any action over a resource and when SignalR broadcasts the message it doesn't arrive to that client. So, that client will have an old view sate.
As I have read, it seems that there's no way to know if a meesage has been sent and received ok by all the clients. So, beside checking the network state and doing a full reload of the resource list when this happens is there any way to be sure message synchronization has been accomplished correctly on all the clients?
As you've suggested, ASP NET Core SignalR places the responsibility on the application for managing message buffering if that's required.
If an eventually consistent view is an issue (because order of operations is important, for example) and the full reload proves to be an expensive operation, you could manage some persistent queue of message events as far back as it makes sense to do so (until a full reload would be preferable) and take a page from message buses and event sourcing, with an onus on the client in a "dumb broker/smart consumer"-style approach.
It's not an exact match of your case, but credit where credit is due, there's a well thought out example of handling queuing up SignalR events here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/56984518/13374279 You'd have to adapt that some and give a numerical order to the queued events.
The initial state load and any subsequent events could have an aggregate version attached to them; at any time that the client receives an event from SignalR, it can compare its currently known state against what was received and determine whether it has missed events, be it from a disconnection or a delay in the hub connection starting up after the initial fetch; if the client's version is out of date and within the depth of your queue, you can issue a request to the server to replay the events out to that connection to bring the client back up to sync.
Some reading into immediate consistency vs eventual consistency may be helpful to come up with a plan. Hope this helps!

Why do we need a queue when using webhooks?

Can anyone clarify what is the purpose of using queue ?
What i understand is that a webhook is just a URL , you do a POST request to that URL and then do some stuff based on the body/data of the request. So why i need to queue the data and store it in a database then loop through the database again and perform the stuff.
The short answer is, you don't have to use a queue. A webhook is just an HTTP request (typically POST) notifying your application of some type of event. The reason you might want to consider a queue is because of typical issues you could run into.
One of these is because of response time back to the webhook requester (source). Many sources want a response (HTTP status 200) as quickly as possible so they can dequeue the request from their webhook system. If processing the webhook takes some time, a source will typically advise you to use a queue to defer the lengthier process asynchronous to the 200 response to the webhook.
Another possible reason could be for removing duplicate requests. There is no guarantee with webhooks that you will only receive a single request per event. A queue can be used to de-dupe these requests.
I would recommend you stick with a simple request handler if possible, then evolve a more sophisticated handler if you run into issues. Consider queues as a potential design approach if you run into issues like those above.
You need some way to prevent a conflict if the webhook is invoked multiple times very close together.
It doesn't necessarily have to be a queue, though. If the webhook performs database queries and updates, you can use a transaction to ensure that this is atomic for each invocation.
In this respect, it's little different from any other web utility. You should do something similar in scripts that process web forms.

Asp.net chat application using database for message queue

I have developed a chat web application which uses a SqlServer database for exchanging messages.
All clients poll every x seconds to check for new messages.
It is obvious that this approach consumes many resources, and I was wondering if there is a "cheaper" way of doing that.
I use the same approach for "presence": checking who is on.
Without using a browser plugin/extension like flash or java applet, browser is essentially a one way communication tool. The request has to be initiated by the browser to fetch data. You cannot 'push' data to the browser.
Many web app using Ajax polling method to simulate a server 'push'. The trick is to balance the frequency/data size with the bandwidth and server resources.
I just did a simple observation for gmail. It does a HttpPost polling every 5 seconds. If there's no 'state' change, the response data size is only a few bytes (not including the http headers). Of course google have huge server resources and bandwidth, that's why I mention: finding a good balance.
That is "Improving user experience vs Server resource". You might need to come out with a creative way of polling strategy, instead of a straightforward polling every x seconds.
E.g. If no activity from party A, poll every 3 seconds. While party A is typing, poll every 5 seconds. This is just a illustraton, you can play around with the numbers, or come out with a more efficient one.
Lastly, the data exchange. The challenge is to find a way to pass minimum data sizes to convey the same info.
my 2 cents :)
For something like a real-time chat app, I'd recommend a distributed cache with a SQL backing. I happen to like memcached with the Enyim .NET provider, so I'd do something like the following:
User posts message
System writes message to database
System writes message to cache
All users poll cache periodically for new messages
The database backing allows you to preload the cache in the event the cache is cleared or the application restarts, but the functional bits rely on in-memory cache, rather than polling the database.
If you are using SQL Server 2005 you can look at Notification Services. Granted this would lock you into SQL 2005 as Notification Services was removed in SQL 2008 it was designed to allow the SQL Server to notify client applications of changes to the database.
If you want something a little more scalable, you can put a couple of bit flags on the Users record. When a message for the user comes in change the bit for new messages to true. When you read the messages change it to 0. Same for when people sign on and off. That way you are reading a very small field that has a damn good chance of already being in cache.
Do the workflow would be ready the bit. If it's 1 then go get the messages from the message table. If it's 0 do nothing.
In ASP.NET 4.0 you can use the Observer Pattern with JavaScript Objects and Arrays ie: AJAX JSON calls with jQuery and or PageMethods.
You are going to always have to hit the database to do analysis on whether there is any data to return or not. The trick will be on making those calls small and only return data when needed.
There are two related solutions built-in to SQL Server 2005 and still available in SQL Server 2008:
1) Service Broker, which allows subscribers to post reads on queues (the RECEIVE command with WAIT..). In your case you would want to send your message through the database by using Service Broker Services fronting these Queues, which could then be picked up by the waiting clients. There's no polling, the waiting clients just get activated when a message is received.
2) Query Notifications, which allow a subscriber to define a Query, and the receive notifications when the dataset that would result from executing that query would change. Built on Service Broker, Query Notifications are somewhat easier to use, but may also be somewhat less efficient. (Not that Query Notifications and their siblings, Event Notifications are frequently mistaken for Notification Services (NS), which causes concern because NS is decommitted in 2008, however, Query & Event Notifications are still fully available and even enhanced in SQL Server 2008).
