when iam tryin to run the app after adding the following dependencies i got this issues - by the way iam studding anjela flutter course
firebase_core: ^1.2.0
firebase_auth: ^1.2.0
cloud_firestore: ^2.2.0
These warnings can be safely ignored. It just indicates that the packages use deprecated APIs.
I keep getting the same error on firebase versions
This is the YAML:
provider: ^4.3.3
firebase_database: ^4.4.0
firebase_core: ^0.7.0
firebase_auth: ^0.20.0+1
firebase_crashlytics: ^0.4.0+1
cloud_firestore: ^0.12.7+1
cloud_functions: ^0.9.0
firebase_storage: ^7.0.0
firebase_messaging: ^8.0.0-dev.14
How do I handle this?.
Every time i change one of the versions, another one get error.
Use the latest dependencies, the errors will go away. Update them in your pubspec.yaml file.
I'm getting version-solving errors when trying to add firebase to my flutter project. I have already configured firebase on os and the last step is running flutter pub get. I commented out basic_utils to see if there would be any other conflicts, which is why I know it won't work with google_fonts either. Anybody know what I am doing wrong here? I suspect there are other dependencies that it will conflict with. Is this just something where I have to use an older version of firebase to make it work?
So, because jd_app depends on both firebase_storage ^8.0.0 and google_fonts ^1.1.1, version solving failed.
So, because jd_app depends on both basic_utils ^2.7.1 and firebase_auth ^1.0.1, version solving failed.
sdk: flutter
basic_utils: ^2.7.1
cupertino_icons: ^1.0.1
firebase_auth: ^1.0.1
firebase_core: ^1.0.1
firebase_database: ^6.1.0
firebase_storage: ^8.0.0
flutter_svg: ^0.19.3
get: ^3.24.0
google_fonts: ^1.1.1
image: ^2.1.19
maps_launcher: ^1.2.2+2
provider: ^4.3.3
url_launcher: ^5.5.0
xml: ^4.2.0
sdk: flutter
flutter_launcher_icons: ^0.8.1
These are currently the stable version of firebase
firebase_core: ^0.7.0
firebase_auth: ^0.20.1
firebase_storage: ^7.0.0
cloud_firestore: ^0.16.0+1
After a search on the web, it seems that version solving can be easily remedied by following the instructions from this website:
https://iiro.dev/2018/08/28/resolving-dart-package-version-conflicts/ .
According to the link, the dependencies in conflict should be allotted the value 'any.' For example:
firebase_database: any
Subsequently, enter flutter packages get, open the newly generated pubspec.lock file, and then change the version of the dependency in your yaml file to the one in the lock file. Run flutter packages get once more and there should be no more conflicts. At least I didn't have any.
Update ALL the dependencies to the latest version. Check pub.dev to get the current versions
I'm having this issue when I've added firebase_auth dependency in my flutter project. Can anyone please help me with it?
cached_network_image: ^2.2.0+1
provider: ^4.3.2
firebase_core: ^0.4.5
velocity_x: ^0.4.1
flushbar: ^1.10.4
firebase_auth: ^0.16.1
flutter_dropdown: ^0.0.7+hotfix.1
You can use the following version:
firebase_core: ^0.4.4+3
firebase_auth: ^0.16.0
Please run
flutter doctor -v
If it is stable channel then use those dependencies. Firebase cause conflict if they are not properly configure.
firebase_auth: ^0.15.4
firebase_core: ^0.4.3+3
Changing to dev channel worked out for me.
Some times my application crash when I build my project using the firebase firestore and firebase storage dependencies togheter, it's something sporadic, how can I fix this? I need to use some specific version?
My pubspec.xml
sdk: flutter
firebase_storage: <------ The crashes begun when I add this firebase_storage dependencie
flutter_map: "^0.1.4"
date_format: "^1.0.4"
url: git://github.com/flutter/plugins
path: packages/google_maps_flutter
# The following adds the Cupertino Icons font to your application.
# Use with the CupertinoIcons class for iOS style icons.
cupertino_icons: ^0.1.2
I think that the application crash when I call
Firestore.instance.collection("users").document(uid).get().then((DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot){
I solved my problem using this
await Firestore.settings(timestampsInSnapshotsEnabled: true);
GitHub problem
GitHub example
MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method DocumentReference#get on channel plugins.flutter.io/cloud_firestore)
Hello, i keep having this message for all the methods of firestore with flutter on an android device simulator.
I followed the install instruction ("gms...google services" in first gradle and plugin on app gradle file, + the google services.json on app folder.
It seems that i should add the firestore api on the android dependencies but this is not on the officiel installation guide.
my pubspec.yaml :
sdk: ">=2.0.0-dev.68.0 <3.0.0"
sdk: flutter
firebase_core: ^0.2.5
# firebase_auth: ^0.5.20
cloud_firestore: ^0.8.0
rxdart: ^0.18.1
Plugins depend on the native platform. You need to mock it to make code depending on it run without a device/emulator.
See https://docs.flutter.io/flutter/services/MethodChannel/setMockMethodCallHandler.html, https://docs.flutter.io/flutter/services/BinaryMessages/setMockMessageHandler.html, https://docs.flutter.io/flutter/services/BasicMessageChannel-class.html