Cloudflare 521 error on WordPress edit screen - wordpress

I have a small WordPress (v5.7.2) site running on an AWS Lightsail instance. Cloudflare is managing the DNS. Everything seemed to be running smoothly until today when I went to edit a post. The dashboard was working normally, but when I click to edit a post, I landed on a white screen of death. I viewed the source and saw that it is Cloudflare's 521 error page. All other pages seem to work fine. If I turn on "Developer Mode" in Cloudflare, the problem goes away, but when I turn it back on it returns. I don't have any caching plugins installed.
I tried Purging the cache in cloudflare and it didn't fix it. I tried changing the SSL setting to flexible (instead of full) and it didn't fix it. I logged into the AWS instance and clicked around the Plesk panel and didn't notice any issues. I tried rebooting the instance and it didn't fix it. Although, now when I view the source it seems to be the login screen.
Any ideas why this is happening?
There's some errors in the console that may or may not be relevant:

Confusingly / frustratingly... this issue resolved its self without any further troubleshooting by me. This makes me think it must have been some kind of Cloudflare hiccup. 😕


WordPress - Error while uploading images or media in library or in pages error

I've been working on a WordPress site which worked fine in my localhost, but in the live server I wasn't able to migrate unfortunately, "All in one WP Migrate" plugin no longer worked. We've the domain registered under HostGator and caught up with a lot of issues.
When I resize and upload the lower resolution it's still the same, I found some links here and have enabled "imagick" but still getting the same issue.
Here is the error message.
Post-processing of the image failed likely because the server is busy
or does not have enough resources. Uploading a smaller image may help.
Suggested maximum size is 2500 pixels.
Try in incognito browser this error is temporary so don't very otherwise you just logout and again login and try it.
I just switched the browser earlier I used Chrome, now I just logged in using FireFox and the issue resolved. I just have to clear my browser cache for WordPress to upload images. It took me a day finding answers, Thanks to Nihar Fuerte for your tip.

What could be causing forced SSL on WordPress Login page? (ERR_SSL_UNRECOGNIZED_NAME_ALERT)

I'm working on a site that is share hosted at ipower(dot)com. I went to login via Wordpress. But after I entered my login credentials, I got forwarded to an https login page with the error: ERR_SSL_UNRECOGNIZED_NAME_ALERT
The url I start with is or /wp-login.php. Every time I enter my login credentials and then press the login button, I get routed to https version of those links.
After I've tried to login, if I go to the front end of the site, I can see the admin toolbar across the top of the page, but if I click on anything in the toolbar, I again get routed to an https page with the ERR_SSL_UNRECOGNIZED_NAME_ALERT error.
This is a wordpress site, v. 4.8.2. PHP version 5.6.30. It's using a basic version of Sitelock, so a firewall/CDN. I don't have, and can't get, SSH access.
Here's what I've done to try and fix it so far:
1) Going into the mysql db into wp_options and checking that the urls in both the siteurl and home are using http and not https
2) Deactivating all my plugins to ensure no conflict
3) Cleaning out my .htaccess file and re-setting it with the default wordpress .htaccess
4) Adding this to my .htaccess file:
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} on
RewriteRule ^ http://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L,NE]
5) Adding this to my wpconfig file:
6) adding this to my wpconfig file:
define('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', false);
7) adding this to functions.php:
update_option( 'siteurl', '');
update_option( 'home', '' );
8) Clearing the wordpress cache numerous times throughout the above steps
9) Purging the SiteLock cache numerous times throughout this process
10) Creating a new wp user through the database and trying to login with that. I got the same https results
11) Contacting Sitelock to ask if there was anything in the firewall that might be forcing SSL. I spoke with a great tech support person there, who also happened to be highly experienced with wordpress. He actually took a look at the site himself and replicated the issue. He also looked at several things including all of the above steps I did and verified he saw nothing in the site that could be causing this problem.
If you've read this far, thanks for looking! Please forgive any formatting clumsiness. I'm still a newb on posting here.
Given all of the above, does anyone have any good idea of what else I might try? Or what might be causing this?
I am on Bluehost Plus and had this error on one of my sub domains which had worked before. I had attempted to enable their free Beta CDN in addition to the existing SSL which triggered this issue on one of the sub domains but not another that I did the same to.
Support told me SSL and their CDN were not compatible together - the CDN install on the performance tab of the bluehost wordpress control panel is still hanging 3 days later with the spinning wheel saying "We're setting up your CDN. For now, feel free to start exploring WordPress or jump into building your website." Occasionally an 'unhandled exception' banner error shows up.
The first support agent said he would try to disable the cdn which could take 14 hrs to propogate which made no difference.
The 2nd support agent seemed confident of a fix by changing the A records and said it may take 4 hrs to propogate. This fixed it for me and I can now access all subdomains on SSL. The Performance tab is still hanging and creating errors though.
I ran into this exact same issue after upgrading from Basic Hosting to Plus Hosting on Bluehost and importing a new domain. I used the Free SSL from the Wordpress Tools, and was getting the above error on my HTTPS version (although HTTP was fine).
I had to open three tickets within 24 hours with their support, finally on the third time it was resolved.
The first two support people said it was an issue with SiteLock not working with SSL, so Sitelock would need to be disabled. After waiting the 4-8 hours they said it would take, there was no change.
The second go around was the same, except after waiting a little, my site instead gave the "ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID" error. After clicking the "Proceed Anyway" button, my site actually redirected to a random, completely different site I didn't own. Less than ideal...
The third support tech said the SSL cert needed to be uninstalled and reapplied, again with a 4-8 hour window. However, the site began working minutes after he said the changes were pending - so not really sure what's going on over at Bluehost. I get the feeling many of the Level 1 Support Techs don't have much technical expertise.
I had the same issue and contacted help. They changed the IP address and it started working right away. This was my case ID 00D36qEW6._50036dOPVh
Hope this helps someone

apache responding 403 to wordpress tinyMCE js requests

there is something strange happening on my server. It has worked like a charm with wordpress from 2.3 version, and I update it regularly.
Today I updated to wordpress 4.1 and, when I tried to write a post, I found the tinyMCE editor completely unloaded.
I then checked the console and I have a bunch of 403 errors, for requests like
infact my hosting answers with a courtesy page (that doesn't even explain what's happening).
the strange thing is that if i try
(without the ending ?v=20140527&wp-mce-4107-20141130 ! ) I can download the file regoularly.
What's happening? what can I do?
I have already reinstalled it, and the problem occours with firefox and chrome, so I think it's a server issue.
And, also, if the first link works to you, maybe it's not working because I'm behind a proxy? but,again, why?
Yes, The first link works for me. I am not sure why it is not working for you.
Clear your browser cache to rule out your browser as a cause
Check you webserver access logs. Access logs will have a response status for every request. It may be possible that some one is overwriting the 200 OK sent by apache
I had the same problem.
It was a security setting on the server, blocking urls with variables.
Wordpress inludes tinymce files with variable in the end:
call your hoster to fix it
it seems that the problem is ... Adblock.
Disable it, clean the browser cache, and reload the page. The Wordpress Editor will suddently appear.

CSS doesn't load the first time I connect to the website

When I connect to a specific page of the website, the css doesn't load.
All people doesn't have the problem and it depends of the navigator they use.
The problem is just for this page.
It works if you reload the page and it will always works after that.
Maybe it's a problem of the navigator cache ?
The website uses Wordpress and the plugin WP SUPER CACHE but I excluded the page so
I think it's not a problem with the plugin.
Turn off any caching you may be using; Cloudflare is a known problem in this type of situation. If you have Cloudflare enabled, turn it off.
Disable or remove WordPress Super Cache temporarily to see if this fixes the issue.
Try connecting through a VPN or proxy to see whether the problem is localized to your region, because nobody else on here is having this problem with the CSS.
Try using mine (be aware that the internet sometimes can disconnect [VPN is public]):
Username/Password: vpnfusion/Password01
if the VPN doesn't work, try using another one.
Try clearing your browser's cache after doing all this.

Wordpress admin unresponsive in local dev environment

My local dev environment consists of MAMP, Chrome and Firefox. In certain places in the admin any of my wordpress installs are unreponsive, even with a completely fresh install with no plugins or themes enabled.
What I mean is that once I click a button like "save menu" under appearance->menus, or when I for example try to add three pages to a menu, an request is fired without response. One is an ajax request (the add to Menu Button that is) and another one is just a normal post request (save menu), both actions lead to no response.
I tried to
Upgrade MAMP
INcrease my memory_limit in php.ini
And I of course also searched the Internet like crazy for somebody who had a similar problem, to no avail.
Anybody having/had a similar issue?
Turned out this had to do with too much messing around with packages on OSX and nothing with php apache or wordpress for that matter. It behaved quite strangely.
