While running the below code
let convertApi = ConvertApi.auth({secret: '<YOUR_SECRET>'})
let elResult = document.getElementById('result')
let elResultLink = document.getElementById('resultLink')
elResult.style.display = 'none'
in index.js it is showing an error as ConvertApi.auth is not defined. How to resolve this?
The error code is:
let convertApi = ConvertApi.auth({secret: 'secret key'})
ReferenceError: ConvertApi is not defined
I am trying to use pdf2image, but I am getting this error:
PDFPageCountError: Unable to get page count.
I/O Error: Couldn't open file 'C:\Users\user_name\Desktop\folder_name\folder2_name\folder3_name\007-084841-1 to 31 Dec'22': No error.
It is confusing as it doesn't give any error, it just says 'No error'
My code is:
doc = convert_from_path("C:\\Users\\user_name\\Desktop\\folder_name\\folder2_name\\folder3_name\\007-084841-1 to 31 Dec'22")
path, fileName = os.path.split("C:\\Users\\user_name\\Desktop\\folder_name\\folder2_name\\folder3_name\\007-084841-1 to 31 Dec'22")
fileBaseName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(fileName)
for page_number, page_data in enumerate(doc):
txt = pytesseract.image_to_string(Image.fromarray(page_data)).encode("utf-8")
print("Page # {} - {}".format(str(page_number),txt))
Can anyone help me please?
I don't know what to try as the error message just says Unable to open...: No error
When I paste a multi line code like
const f = () => {
in Meteor shell, it seems to be that every line is executed. I get this Error:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '}'
Is there a chance to paste multi line code in Meteor shell? It would be helpful in order to try out some code snippets.
Below is the code that I use for a telegram bot that posts new updates from my preferred subreddit. This is not my code (I found it online on stack overflow) but I keep getting this error. I've searched everywhere but there wasn't any solution I could find. Anyway here it is, even slight information of which direction should I go would be greatly appreciated.
import telebot
import praw
import config
bot_token = 'x'
bot_chatID = '#monsterKing_bot'
bot = telebot.TeleBot(bot_token)
reddit = praw.Reddit(client_id='x', \
client_secret='x', \
user_agent='x', \
username='x ', \
def reddit_scraper(submission):
news_data = []
subreddit = reddit.subreddit('coronavirus')
new_subreddit = subreddit.new(limit=500)
for submission in subreddit.new(limit=5):
data = {}
data['title'] = submission.title
data['link'] = submission.url
return news_data
def get_msg(news_data):
msg = '\n\n\n'
for news_item in news_data:
title = news_item['title']
link = news_item['link']
msg += title+'\n[Read the full article -->]'
msg += '\n\n'
return msg
subreddit = reddit.subreddit('coronavirus')
new_subreddit = subreddit.new(limit=500)
for submission in subreddit.new(limit=1):
news_data = reddit_scraper(submission)
if len(news_data) > 0:
msg = get_msg(news_data)
status = bot.send_message(chat_id='#monsterKing_bot', text=msg, parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.HTML)
if status:
print('No updates.')
Full error message below:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\Users\mayan\Downloads\redditscraperbot.py", line 42, in <module>
status = bot.send_message(chat_id='#monsterKing_bot', text=msg, parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.HTML)
TypeError: send_message() got an unexpected keyword argument 'parse_mode'
try pip install pyTelegramBotAPI instead of pip install telebot
My chat id was wrong. Chat id is a number we can get from another bot (userinfobot)
chat_id= 1261748gd278 not chat_id=#name...
I'm trying to my map local pojo to an autogenerated domain objects using mapstruct. Expect for a specific complex structure everything else seems to map and the mapper implementation class gets generation. Below is the error that I get.
My mapper class is:
#Mapping(source = "sourcefile", target = "sourceFILE"),
#Mapping(source = "id", target = "ID"),
#Mapping(source = "reg", target = "regID"),
#Mapping(source = "itemDetailsType", target = "ItemDetailsType") //This is the structure that does not map
AutoGenDomainType map(LocalPojo localPojo);
#Mapping(source = "line", target = "LINE"),
#Mapping(source = type", target = "TYPE")
ItemDetailsType map(ItemDetailsTypes itemDetailsType);
Internal error in the mapping processor: java.lang.NullPointerException at org.mapstruct.ap.internal.processor.creation.MappingResolverImpl$ResolvingAttempt.hasCompatibleCopyConstructor(MappingResolverImpl.java:547) at org.mapstruct.ap.internal.processor.creation.MappingResolverImpl$ResolvingAttempt.isPropertyMappable(MappingResolverImpl.java:522) at org.mapstruct.ap.internal.processor.creation.MappingResolverImpl$ResolvingAttempt.getTargetAssignment(MappingResolverImpl.java:202) at org.mapstruct.ap.internal.processor.creation.MappingResolverImpl$ResolvingAttempt.access$100(MappingResolverImpl.java:153) at org.mapstruct.ap.internal.processor.creation.MappingResolverImpl.getTargetAssignment(MappingResolverImpl.java:121) at
[ERROR] Found 1 error and 16 warnings.
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile (default-compile) on project uwo-services: Compilation failure
The target object ItemDetailsType does have other properties that need not be mapped. The error says compilation issue, but I dont find any. Also I have tried adding have tried the unmappedTargetPolicy = ReportingPolicy.IGNORE at my mapper class level just to avoid if this is caused by the unmapped properties, but still no solution.
This is a known bug in MapStruct. The bug is reported in #729, it has been fixed in 1.1.0.Final. You are using 1.0.0.Final. I would highly suggest switching to the either 1.1.0.Final or 1.2.0.Beta2.
Once you update you will see a better error message and you will know exactly what the problem in the mapping is.
By looking at this first it looks like that target in #Mapping(source = "itemDetailsType", target = "ItemDetailsType") is wrong. Are you sure that you need a capital letter there?
const jsdom = require("jsdom");
const initialVirtualConsole = jsdom.createVirtualConsole();
I get:
TypeError: jsdom.createVirtualConsole is not a function
at Query.<anonymous> (/my_jsdom_script.js:112:55)
at emitNone (events.js:72:20)
at Query.emit (events.js:166:7)
at Query.Sequence.end (/Users/xxx/Sites/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/sequences/Sequence.js:99:12)
at Query._handleFinalResultPacket (/Users/xxx/Sites/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/sequences/Query.js:144:8)
at Query.EofPacket (/Users/xxx/Sites/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/sequences/Query.js:128:8)
at Protocol._parsePacket (/Users/xxx/Sites/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/Protocol.js:280:23)
at Parser.write (/Users/xxx/Sites/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/Parser.js:73:12)
at Protocol.write (/Users/xxx/Sites/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/Protocol.js:39:16)
at Socket.<anonymous> (/Users/xxx/Sites/node_modules/mysql/lib/Connection.js:96:28)
at emitOne (events.js:77:13)
at Socket.emit (events.js:169:7)
at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:146:16)
at Socket.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:110:10)
at TCP.onread (net.js:523:20)
I would like to run the tests for jsdom on my local machine to see how jsdom performs in my local environment.
Could anyone be so good as to guide a noob in running the tests in https://github.com/tmpvar/jsdom/tree/master/test ?
Here's what's in my beforeEach() block (I'm using mocha over node.js to test)
import jsdom from 'jsdom'
const virtualConsole = jsdom.createVirtualConsole()
const document = jsdom.jsdom(undefined, {
virtualConsole: virtualConsole.sendTo(console)
virtualConsole.on('log', (...args) => {
// do something with `args` sent to logs
// e.g, assign result to a variable and run your assertions over it
window = document.defaultView
global.window = window
global.document = document
Check out the tests for further examples: https://github.com/tmpvar/jsdom/blob/master/test/jsdom/virtual-console.js