How do you add an environment option with an evaluated name in R? - r

I created a google token (R6 object of classes Token2.0, Token) to so I can interact with the YouTube Analytics API as follows:
google_token <- httr::oauth2.0_token(httr::oauth_endpoints("google"),
httr::oauth_app("google", appId, appSecret),
scope = c(""))
I also have a variable Account <- "myChannel". Similar to a previous question I posted here I would like to evaluate Account and assign the value to be the content of google_token. For example, options(myChannel, google_token) works, and running getOption("myChannel") shows the token, but because I will generate various tokens and want to create various options, I want to use Account. I would hope something like the following works:
options(eval(Account) = google_token
# OR, as.list(setNames(google_token, Account)
Neither of which work. Any suggestions?

I was able to figure this out by assigning the option value to a list, naming the list whatever I wanted it to be in the option, and then assigning the option, as follows:
tokenOption <- list(google_token)
names(tokenOption) <- Account
> #Gives me the results of my google_token


how to get list of Auto-IVC component output names

I'm switching over to using the Auto-IVC component as opposed to the IndepVar component. I'd like to be able to get a list of the promoted output names of the Auto-IVC component, so I can then use them to go and pull the appropriate value out of a configuration file and set the values that way. This will get rid of some boilerplate.
returns an empty list. It seems that p.model__dict__ has this information encoded in it, but I don't know exactly what is going on there so I am wondering if there is an easier way to do it.
To avoid confusion from future readers, I assume you meant that you wanted the promoted input names for the variables connected to the auto_ivc outputs.
We don't have a built-in function to do this, but you could do it with a bit of code like this:
seen = set()
for n in p.model._inputs:
src = p.model.get_source(n)
if src.startswith('_auto_ivc.') and src not in seen:
print(src, p.model._var_allprocs_abs2prom['input'][n])
assuming 'p' is the name of your Problem instance.
The code above just prints each auto_ivc output name followed by the promoted input it's connected to.
Here's an example of the output when run on one of our simple test cases:
_auto_ivc.v0 par.x

How to retrieve EPPO Database info via POST?

I can retrieve EPPO DB info from GET requests.
I am looking for help to retrieve the info from POST requests.
Example code and other info in the linked Rmarkdown HTMP output
As suggested, I have gone trough the site.
Interesting. I followed the links to and then to
I suppose that the arguments for the POST() function should be (more or less) as follows, but yet the response is always 404
url = ""
config = list(authtoken=my_authtoken)
body = list(intext = "Fraxinus anomala|Tobacco ringspot virus|invalide name|Sequoiadendron giganteum")
encode = "json"
#handle = ???
Created on 2021-04-26 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)
How do I find the missing pieces?
It is a little bit tricky:
You need to use correct url with name of the service from, e.g. to use Search preferred names from EPPOCodes list:
url = ""
Authorization should be passed to body:
body = list(authtoken = "yourtoken", intext = "BEMITA")
So, if you want to check names for two eppocodes: XYLEFA and BEMITA the code should look like:
url = "",
body = list(authtoken = "yourtoken", intext = "BEMITA|XYLEFA")
Nonetheless, I would also recommend you to just use the pestr package. However, to find eppocodes it uses SQLite database under the hood instead of EPPO REST API. Since the db is not big itself (circa 40MB) this shouldn't be an issue.
I found the easy way following a suggestion in the DataCamp course:
"To find an R client for an API service search 'CRAN '"
I found the 'pestr' package that gives great access to EPPO database.
I still do not know how to use the POST() function myself. Any hint on that side is warmly welcome.
Here is a solution to loop over names to get EPPO-codes. Whit minor adjustments this also works for distribution and other information in the EPPO DB
# vector of species names
host_name <- c("Fraxinus anomala", "Tobacco ringspot virus", "invalide name",
"Sequoiadendron giganteum")
EPPO_key <- "enter personal key"
# EPPO url
path_eppo_code <- ""
# epty list
my_list <- list()
for (i in host_name) {
# POST request on eppo database
response <- httr::POST(path_eppo_code, body=list(authtoken=EPPO_key,
# get EPPO code
pest_eppo_code <- strsplit(httr::content(response)[[1]], ";")[[1]][2]
# add to list
my_list[[i]] <- pest_eppo_code
# list to data frame
data <- plyr::ldply(my_list)

getRetweeters() returns one id whereas getRetweetCount() returns 2 -- in twitteR package

I use twitteR package and I am trying to retrieve account ids of retweeters..
The retweeterCount and the list of retweeters does not appear to be always consistent.
For example, I retrieved a status (tweet) using
retweeters(st$getId()) # returns "260857015"
st$getRetweetCount() # however returns 2
st$getRetweeters() # returns a known error
Using twitteR's getRetweeters method
twitter site shows 2 retweets as shown here
In order to run one needs a valid key and setup the oauth as follows
# in Linux you can obtain oauth as follows
# then the above snippet can be run
I expected the retweeters method to return as many as indicated by
the getRetweetCount().
However, it does not. I am seeking some pointers especially if I am doing something wrong. Is it common occurrence? Can someone show for the ID I have how to retrieve count and the list consistent with each other?
Thank you very much.

How do I cache vectorized calls that take user input in R?

I am trying to calculate a field for all rows of a large dataset. The function to calculate it is from the package taxize, and uses an HTTP request to query an external site for the right ID number. It is searching by scientific name, and often there are multiple results, in which case this function asks for user input. I would like the function to cache my selection and return that ID number every time the same call is made from then on. I have tried with my own caching function and with memoizedCall() from the package R.cache but every time it hits the second entry of the same scientific name it still prompts me for user input. I feel like I am misunderstanding something basic about how vectorization works. Sorry for my ignorance but any advice is appreciated.
Here is the code I used as a custom caching function.
check_tsn <- function(data,tsn_list){
if (is.null(tsn_list$data)){
tsn_list$data = taxize::get_tsn(data)
print('added to tsn_list')
tsn_list <- vector(mode = "list", nrow(wanglang))
Genus.Species <- c('Tamiops swinhoei','Bos taurus','Tamiops swinhoei')
IUCN.ID <- c('21382','','21382')
species <- data.frame(Genus.Species,IUCN.ID)
species$TSN.ID = check_tsn(species$Genus.Species,tsn_list)

Accessing Spoitify API with Rspotify to obtain genre information for multiple artisrts

I am using RStudio 3.4.4 on a windows 10 machine.
I have got a vector of artist names and I am trying to get genre information for them all on spotify. I have successfully set up the API and the RSpotify package is working as expected.
I am trying to build up to create a function but I am failing pretty early on.
So far i have the following but it is returning unexpected results
len <- nrow(Artist_Nam)
artist_info <- character(artist)
for(i in 1:len){
ifelse(nrow(searchArtist(Artist_Nam$ArtistName[i], token = keys))>=1,
artist_info[i] <- searchArtist(Artist_Nam$ArtistName[i], token = keys)$genres[1],
artist_info[i] <- "")
I was expecting this to return a list of genres, and artists where there is not a match on spotify I would have an empty entry ""
Instead what is returned is a list and entries are populated with genres and on inspection these genres are correct and there are "" where there is no match however, something odd happens from [73] on wards (I have over 3,000 artists), the list now only returns "".
despite when i actually look into this using the searchArtist() manually there are matches.
I wonder if anyone has any suggestions or has experienced anything like this before?
There may be a rate limit to the number of requests you can make a minute and you may just be hitting that limit. Adding a small delay with Sys.sleep() within your loop to prevent you from hitting their API too hard to be throttled.
