I can't use css styles on my navbar (using sass) - css

I'm starting to learn by my own and I tried for the first time to use sass in order to get more clean my code, having everything on sections. So the problem is when I try to give some styles to the navbar, I don't know why when I write code it doesn't apply. Maybe is because I'm not linking correctly or just using bad the sass compiler.
The best option to help me is take a look into my repository where I started to build this project to practice. I really hope could help me because I want to create differents sections like navbar, body, articles, footer using sass and give them styles.
Edit: After a long search about this issue I see there is a problem with "use" and I have to change rules or something like that, but still don't know.

Replace #use with #import in your scss files.
Try updating your \util\style.scss like below:
#import '../globals/';
#import '../components/';
Save and compile them then copy the resulting css files to dist folder if they weren't copied automatically.
Update the stylesheet link in your index.html file to:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="dist/style.css">
It should be "dist/style.css" not "/dist/style.css"

FINALLY!! I solved it and I'm going to commit what helps me if someone have same issues..
I had to reinstall node.js, install gulp, and change "about_Execution_Policies" from windows.. when I did, I could finally install gulp correctly and then I install again sass. Of course, I just converted all the changes that people told me about into the first ones I had.
I created a new file called gulpfie.js and two more files: .gitignore and .gitattributes
So, If someone need it, can check the changes here: https://github.com/Shylex96/test-portfolio


Download in one file the CSS code of style.css and its related #import files

In Wordpress, my main style.css file imports various sub-files, such as content.css, archive.css, product.css and so on:
#import url("content.css");
#import url("archive.css");
#import url("product.css");
Without success have I have been looking for a way - through browser console or online resource - to download "in a shot" a single CSS containing style.css plus all related #import files, without having to copy and paste all of them in a new file.
Do you know if there is a solution for this? Thank you.
You could use a CSS pre-processor such as LESS or Sass (SCSS), they come with many other features as well.
Depending on the editor you already use you might be able so simply install a package (like Easy LESS for Visual Studio Code), rename your style.css to style.less and be done.
Choosing and switching to a CSS pre-processor might however, depending on your circumstances, environment and experience, not be easy or straightforward at all.
I'd suggest just to copy paste them your css files into one. Using a tool for a simple task as this one can only result in bugs.

Svelte/Sapper Build - Seemingly old CSS still exists after building?

I just committed and pushed a minor CSS tweak. On my server I git pull, npm run build, and forever restart __sapper__/build
Now there seems to be more than one version of the same CSS rule across different files, as per the below screenshot (this is after disabling browser cache):
The correct rule is the third one (vertical-align: top; margin-top: 1px;), which seems to be a combination of CSS files.
Any idea where the 'old' rules are coming from? Cached somewhere somehow?
/EDIT This is my rollup.config.js: https://gist.github.com/Bandit/bbcfd6c70ace5800765313dfe6021854
/EDIT2 The styles in question are in a /style/global.scss file, which is included using the following code in /routes/_layout.svelte:
<style lang="scss" global>
#import "./style/global.scss";
main {
background-color: white;
padding: 5rem 1rem 0 1rem;
Guessing this is somehow the issue? Where is the right place to 'inject' global stylesheet for colours/theme/typography etc?
/EDIT3 The styles being included via _layout.svelte are being included more than once in dev as well, here's a screenshot:
These selectors don't seem to come from a Svelte component, since they're not scoped (e.g. .split-button.svelte-a9ylb1)? Or are you using :global(.split-button) in a Svelte component?
Anyway... I failed to reproduce your issue, but my intuition is that your problem probably comes from the postcss plugin. It has an inject option that is enabled by default. What this option does is injecting a <style> tag in the <head> of your doc; the code that does this is appended to your modules' JS by the postcss plugin. This behaviour might very well clash with what svelte-preprocess or rollup-plugin-svelte is doing.
Try adding inject: false in the 3 places where you're using postcss in your Rollup config, and see if this helps.
Another possibility might be the service worker. I don't think an issue there could produce your result you get, but we never know... You should try options like "Update on reload" and "Bypass for network" (I don't know what are the equivalent options in your browser) to see if that makes a difference.
Otherwise, you may have to show more of your code. Where does this precise CSS rule come from (e.g. style tag in a Svelte component, SCSS file in node_modules, ...)? How is it imported into your project (e.g. import './app.css', #import './app.scss', etc.), and where? Also, I'm surprised that you have the postcss rollup plugin only in the server (the one that is not registered in sveltePreprocess)... What do you need this for, that you don't need on the client?
EDIT: Follow up
Wait, what? You've got some style files under your routes directory?? routes/style/global.scss?
Even with that, I don't appear to be able to reproduce your problem, but it's worth noting that Sapper will try to include every file it encounters under this directory. If you've got a plugin that lets you import *.scss files, then Sapper will actually see a global.scss.js, so it will think it's a server route. Without a plugin that can eat SCSS, it should... crash. If the plugin in question is postcss with its default inject option still to true, to me it looks like a star suspect...
Anyway, some further points of clarification...
svelte-preprocess enables lang="xxx", global attribute in <style global ...>, in .svelte files only.
rollup-plugin-postcss can additionally be added, directly in plugins array (i.e. not as an option of svelte plugin). It gives support for import './foo.scss', in .js files, as well as in the <script> part of .svelte files.
(Of course, SASS support by PostCSS, or PostCSS support by Svelte preprocess are depending on the config you feed them.)
OK. So now there are multiple places where some CSS / SCSS can enter your build. That I can think of, there are the following ways:
<link rel='stylesheet' href='global.css'> in src/template.html: this one will copied as is without processing.
I suppose you can also have such a "custom" <link> tag in the markup (~HTML) part of a .svelte file, and it would be included as is in the resulting HTML (you'd still have the responsibility that the reference CSS file be accessible at the given URL).
import 'something.css' or 'import 'something.scss'in a.jsor JS part of a.sveltefile: these will get processed by bundler & plugins, and converted to some JS code, with optionally additional assets that the JS can reference (typically, a proper CSS file is generated, and some JS code dynamically injects atag for it at runtime; another approach is to generate some JS that will inject every CSS rule in the doc). PostCSS withinject: true` uses the CSS + inject tag method.
the CSS / SCSS style that you write in the <style> part of a .svelte file will also be processed by the Svelte plugin in a similar way as described just before (preprocess option required to accept anything else than raw CSS); depending on the plugin configuration, it may also try to write a '.css' file for your application (see docs. With the emitCss option, that is apparently needed for Sapper, it should output one CSS file per component (or maybe entrypoint).
In your case, you say that you've removed rollup-plugin-postcss from your config, so the 3rd point (import css from js) should not be possible anymore.
Well... I just hope this can help you investigate further.
I've pushed a Sapper + PostCSS example on a branch on this repo. As far as I can tell, it doesn't have the issue you're describing here. So maybe you can find the problem by comparing with what you have. See this commit for the diff with the vanilla official template.
I tried to also add rollup-plugin-postcss, like you initially had in your config, in order to be able to import .scss from outside of Svelte components. But I failed to find a way to do this that don't conflict with Sapper.
Oh, and just to be sure... Be sure to try a little rm -r __sapper__ && rm -r src/node_modules/#sapper (notice: node_modules under src, not the one in your project's root) before pursuing your investigation. I'm sure you've already done that, but better safe than sorry. Stale things can live in there.

Sass only including comments from foundation partial in compiled css

I'm trying to make a jekyll blog using foundation and sass, and I just can't seem to get the foundation sass to compile correctly. When I build jekyll, there are no errors, and the partial I wrote seems to load correctly, and foundation seems to import, but only the comments at the top.
My process so far was basically to run
npm install foundation-sites --save
move the foundation sass stuff out of the node_modules folder, and then include foundation in my scss file.
You can see the directory and the css file that is output in the following screenshots.
I'm kind of not sure what else I can try at this point any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
Edit: Here is a link to the branch and repo for this to see the code. https://github.com/samuraiseoul/kimchiChingu/tree/23-sass
Hmm.. it seems like all the partials imported in foundation.scss are just sass functions, mixins and variables. So there's no actual css output.
Alright so I figured it out. The problem is that I had to either include the foundation-everything mixin in my sass file or the specific modules I wanted.
just using #import 'foundation'; wasn't good enough, I had to also put #include foundation-everything; or list each component I wanted in case I didn't want everything.
I had similar issue even after adding
#include foundation-everything($flex: false);
I figured it out after updating my gulp-sass module.

How to use SCSS with existing site

I have a question about SCSS. I am new at this, so if I'm not providing enough information please let me know so that I can update my question.
I am currently working on a Wordpress installation that has an SCSS directory, with all of the various .scss files.
I tried editing the files directly, and came across a lot of issues. I did some research, and it looks like the scss needs to be compiled into css so that the site can read it. Issue is, no matter how I try, it just simply doesn't work. The site styles break, and the updated code won't work. I know I can change the css directly, but I understand that if the scss is recompiled it will remove my direct css changes.
Any help would be so appreciated.
If you don't have any way to compile the SASS to CSS then an easy way to translate your code is by using sassmeister.

SCSS: how to actually include the contents of a #include?

I'm moving from Grunt to Gulp and noticed that gulp-sass does not include the contents of files referenced by #import "reset.css" statements. Instead, it normalizes the url reference, as #import url(reset.css). My intention is to have a single CSS reference on my index.html, that would be the concatenation of my CSS dependencies.
It's a simple read-file-and-output-contents operation, but I bet this is already implemented and I just don't know where to find it -- I'm still new on this ecosystem and would not like to spend time reinventing the wheel.
EDIT: the selected answer for this related question uses gulp-minify-css, instead of gulp-sass. Exchanging them could be a short-term solution, but I'd prefer to avoid my new build system to rely on unstable plugins. Moreover, I actually have plans to use scss, so I'd be back to having to deal with gulp-sass again. Thanks for the suggestion, though.
#import should actually include the contents of the file, not make a reference to it. Sounds like maybe the transpiling of the SCSS to CSS isn't working properly.
