Trying to enable Firebase for an Existing GCP Project - firebase

I'm trying to enable firebase for one of my gcp projects.
So, i went to firebase console, and when i click on Add Project i'm not getting my existing gcp project in the project list.

The reason for GCP project not showing for me in Firebase console is, Firebase Management API is enabled before Firebase.
So, i've disabled Firebase Management API and after that i am able to see my gcp project in Firebase console.
Thanks Frank van Puffelen for helping me out.
Before enabling firebase, make sure Firebase Management API should be disabled in GCP API & Services


How to connect Firebase service account to different GCP project

I want to use the Firebase Admin SDK. And I will deploy my server into the GKE. but apparently, when clicking 'service account' from my firebase, it is linked to another 'project' in my GCP
To give an example of it, my whole project in GCP is under a project 'project-a' with an ID of 'project-a-12345678'.
my firebase project name is 'project-b' with and id of 'project-b'.
So how can I connect my firebase to my current GKE's project service account?
Firebase projects are Google Cloud projects, that just have some extra metadata attached to them. If you have an existing Firebase project, you can use GKE in that same project by opening it in the Google Cloud console.
You can also go the other direction and add Firebase features to an existing Google Cloud project. For this, go to the Firebase console, click Add project and then click in the Enter your project name box, it'll show you a list of GCP project that you have that are not associated with Firebase. If you select one of those project, it add the Firebase metadata and you can then use Firebase services on it too.

How do I configure cloud armor on a website that is hosted on firebase?

We have a website that is using firebase hosting and is in the same GCP project, only that when entering the GCP console, nothing related to that website is displayed and therefore there is no target to apply in love cloud.

Is there a way to create a firebase project for my GCP project, using the CLI?

I have created a GCP project using the following command...
gcloud projects create project-id --name=project-name
When I navigate to firebase console, there is no associated project. Is there a way I can create an associate firebase project, without having to go into the web console?
The Firebase CLI has a command projects:addfirebase, which add the Firebase bit to an existing Google Cloud project.
You can use the Firebase CLI to add Firebase to a GCP project.
firebase init
Select "Add Firebase to existing GCP project":

Firebase console to Google console

I have project setup in Firebase console. Firstly I implement Firebase Cloud Messaging and now I want to integrate Google Places API but I don't know how. If I had created the project in Google console then I can do that but I had created in Firebase console.
Firebase console allow us to import project from Google console but is there a reverse way?
I was also confused about this. Initially I thought I had to create a Google Cloud Platform project for a Google Firebase project. But then I figured out Google Firebase automatically created a Google Cloud Platform project for me.
How to find the Google Cloud Platform project associated with a Google Firebase project:
Take note of the name of your Google Firebase project from
Log into
At the top of the screen, find the project selector (it's to the right of the "Google Cloud Platform" logo)
On the "Select a project" window, click the "ALL" tab and there should be a Google Cloud Project by the same name as your Google Firebase project you noted above
What initially confused me was the "Select a project" window defaults to a "RECENT" tab. But when you've just created the project from Firebase's console, it doesn't show up in the RECENT tab of Google Cloud Platform's console.
All Firebase projects are also Google Cloud Platform projects. Go to to see the project you created at the Firebase console, but from the perspective of Google Cloud services.
You can think of Firebase as adding extra services to a Cloud project that you normally can't see in the Cloud console.

Deploying web apps that use firebase

Assuming that I used Firebase services on my web and I want to deploy the web app on a hosting site, do I have to do deploy it in Firebase hosting or any hosting site will do?
If you're using Firebase, then it already has a free hosting domain. So you can directly deploy it on Firebase. Here's a guide for you. If you want, you can also use a custom domain and it's free on Firebase now.
Web apps that use Firebase features (such as the Realtime Database, Storage, Authentication or any of the others) can be deployed any hosting service. Using Firebase Hosting is not required.
