AWS 10DLC cross account - amazon-sns

I have a lambda function, SNS topics/subscriptions in Account A, I have a 10DLC campaign/number in Account B
How do I have the lambda function be able to pass a origination id so I can use the 10DLC number? right now I am using SDK v2 and using publish method. I know I will also need to assume a role - would I be right then to assume since I am assuming a pinpoint send role from Account B - my lambda would not be able to use the SNS topic/subscription from account A?
I see these prop here: AWS.MM.SMS.OriginationNumber from
But cannot find where to use it on the SDK v3 documentation page

I can't speak to the role part of your question, but as far as using the Origination Number, I can give an example because I just set this up yesterday.
Here's a Node example for specifying an origin number when sending sms:
const AWS = require('aws-sdk')
AWS.config.update({ region: 'us-east-1' })
const SNS = new AWS.SNS({ apiVersion: '2010-03-31' })
const params = {
Message: "This is the message you are sending",
PhoneNumber: "+13334445555", // This is the receiving number
MessageAttributes: {
DataType: 'String',
StringValue: 'Transactional' // Can also be set as Promotional
'AWS.MM.SMS.OriginationNumber': {
DataType: 'String',
StringValue: "+15556667777" // This is the send number
return SNS.publish(params).promise()


Firebase: Delete user analytics data - userdeletionRequests:upsert - GDPR

My question is, how can I delete a users analytics data from firebase using "Google User Deletion API" and its method: userdeletionRequests:upsert? This is important for me to fully fulfill GDPR.
I tried searching for this, but didn't a solution for using it in combination with "NodeJS" and "firebase-cloud-functions".
My biggest problem is, how I get the access, token, this is what I have for now:
const accessToken = (await admin.credential.applicationDefault().getAccessToken()).access_token;
return, {
body: JSON.stringify({
kind: "analytics#userDeletionRequest",
id: {
type: "USER_ID",
userId: uid,
propertyId: constants.googleUserDeletionPropertyId,
headers: {
"Authorization": `Bearer ${accessToken}`,
}).catch((err) => {
functions.logger.log(`An Error happened trying to delete user-anayltics ${(err as Error).message}`);
But I always get An Error happened trying to delete user-anayltics Request failed with status code 403 Forbidden
Okay, after some painful and long days (literally took me like >20 hours), I've figured out how to achieve this request. Here is a step for step guide:
Step 1 - Needed Dependencies
To send a post-request to google, we need a http-client-library. I've choosen "ky", so we need to install it first with:
npm install ky
Furthermore, we need to create or OWN oAuth2 token, otherwise the post request will be denied with "error 403". To create our own oAuth token, we need another dependency:
npm install #googleapis/docs
Step 2 - Needed Google Property ID
With your request, Google needs to know which property-id / project you are targeting (where it should later delete the user-analytics-data). To get this property-id, we need to log in into GCP via Firebase (not the "real" GCP, the one via Firebase).
For this, go into your "" → Select your project → Analytics Dashboard → "View more in Google Analytics (button at the right corner)"
Write "property-id" into the search field and then save it somewhere (we need it later)
Step 3 - Creating Client-Secret
The third step is to create a service-account, which we will later add into our functions-folder, in order to create our oAuthClient (don't worry, you will see what I mean to a later point)
To create your new service.json, log in to google cloud platform via "" and then follow the pictures:
Step 4 - Download JSON
After we created our "oAuth-Deleter service-account", we need to manually download the needed JSON, so we can paste it into our functions-folder.
For this, select "" under "Service Account"
Then click on "Keys" and "Add key", which will automagically download you a service-json (SELECT Key type → JSON → Create).
Step 5 - Paste JSON file into your functions-folder
To loosen up the mood a bit, here is an easy step. Paste the downloaded JSON-File into your functions-folder.
Step 6 - Grant Access to our new created oAuth-Delelter-Account
Creating the service-account and giving it access in the normal GCP is not enough for Google, so we also have to give it access in our Firebase project. For this, go back into your "GCP via Firebase (see Step 2)" → Click on Setting → "User Access for Account" → Click on the "plus"
Then click on "Add user" and write the email we copied before into the email field (the email from Step 3, Picture FOURTH "Service-Account ID). In our case, it is "". Furthermore, it needs admin-access:
Step 6 - The code
Now, after these million unnecessary but necessary steps, we get to the final part. THE DAMN CODE. I've written this in typescript with "compilerOptions" → "module": "esnext", "target": "esnext". But I am sure that you are smart enough to change the code after completing this many steps :)
import admin from "firebase-admin";
import functions from "firebase-functions";
import ky from "ky";
import docs from "#googleapis/docs";
import { UserRecord } from "firebase-functions/v1/auth";
export const dbUserOnDeleted = functions.
.onDelete((user) => doOnDeletedUser(user))
export asnc function doOnDeletedUser/user: UserRecord) {
try {
const googleDeletionURL = ""
// Step 1: Paste propertyID: (See Step 2)
const copiedPropertyID = "12345678"
// Step 2: Create oAuthClient
const oAuthClient = new docs.auth.GoogleAuth({
scopes: [""]
// Step 3: Get user uid you want to delete from user-analytics
const uid = user.uid
// Step 4: Generate access token
// (this is the reason why we needed the 5 steps before this)
// yup, a single line of code
const accessToken = await oAuthClient.getAccessToken() as string;
// Step 5: Make the request to google and delete the user
return, {
body: JSON.stringify({
kind: "analytics#userDeletionRequest",
id: {
type: "USER_ID",
userid: uid
propertyId: copiedPropertyID
headers: {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + accessToken,
} catch (err) {
functions.logger.error(`Something bad happened, ${(err as Error).message)`
This was and probably will be my longest post at stack overflow forever. I have to say that it was a pain in the a** to get this thing to working. The amount of work and setup that is needed to simply delete a data from one endpoint is just ridiculous. Google, please fix.

How to properly configure Amplify Analytics?

I need some help understanding how to configure AWS Pinpoint analytics in Amplify. I'm currently using Amplify for Auth and have it configured like this in my index.js file:
export const configureAmplify = () => {
Hub.listen('auth', data => handleAmplifyHubEvent(data))
Hub.listen('analytics', data => handleAmplifyHubEvent(data))
Auth: {
identityPoolId: "redacted",
region: "us-west-2",
userPoolId: "redacted",
userPoolWebClientId: "redacted",
mandatorySignIn: false,
cookieStorage: {
domain: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? "localhost" : "redacted",
path: '/',
expires: 1,
secure: false
To add Analytics, I started by adding this to my configureAmplify() function:
Analytics: {
disabled: false,
autoSessionRecord: true,
AWSPinpoint: {
appId: 'redacted',
region: 'us-east-1',
endpointId: `wgc-default`,
bufferSize: 1000,
flushInterval: 5000, // 5s
flushSize: 100,
resendLimit: 5
Upon user sign-in or refresh from cookie storage I called
address:, // The unique identifier for the recipient. For example, an address could be a device token, email address, or mobile phone number.
attributes: {
channelType: 'EMAIL', // The channel type. Valid values: APNS, GCM
optOut: 'ALL',
userId: user.attributes.sub,
userAttributes: {
After doing this, it seems to me that the data in the Pinpoint console is not accurate. For example, there are currently 44 sessions displayed when no endpoint filter is applied. If I add an endpoint filter by userAttributes: userId then no matter which ID I select, it shows all 44 sessions associated with that user. I suspect that is because the EndpointID is established at startup, and is not changed by the updateEndpoint call.
I have also tried omitting the Analytics key when I initially configure Amplify, and then calling Analytics.configure() after the user is signed in. With this approach, I can construct a user-specific endpointId. However, I think that doing it this way will mean that I don't capture any of the Authentication events (sign-in, sign-up, auth failure), because Analytics is not configured until after they occur.
So my question is what is the proper timing for configuring Amplify Analytics? How can I accurately capture session, auth and custom events, AND uniquely identify them by user id?
It's not necessary to assign a custom endpoint id, amplify will handle it automatically and all events will be tracked per device. Instead, if you really need it, update the endpoint with the userId after sign-in.
The advantage of adding the userId is that all the endpointIds of a user are automatically associated to that userId, thus when you update a user's attribute, it will be synchronized across the endpoints.
As you are using Cognito, Amazon Cognito can add user IDs and attributes to your endpoints automatically. For the endpoint user ID value, Amazon Cognito assigns the sub value that's assigned to the user in the user pool. To learn about adding users with Amazon Cognito, see Using Amazon Pinpoint Analytics with Amazon Cognito User Pools in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

How to use Sign-In User ID to send push notifications

I have some users signed into my actions-on-google app via Google Sign-In ( )
I want to sent push notifications to one of those users.
For getting push notifications work with actions in the first place, I tried this sample: but I only can get this to work without this commit:
It works fine, but I think const userID =; returns the deprecated Anonymous User ID. The commit suggests to use const userID = conv.arguments.get('UPDATES_USER_ID'); which returns undefined.
I use this nodejs code to send the push notifications.
const request = require('request');
const {JWT} = require('google-auth-library');
const serviceAccount = require('./service-account.json');
let jwtClient = new JWT(
serviceAccount.client_email, null, serviceAccount.private_key,
jwtClient.authorize((authErr, tokens) => {
let notification = {
userNotification: {
title: process.argv[2],
target: {
userId: USERID,
intent: 'tell_latest_status',
// Expects a IETF BCP-47 language code (i.e. en-US)
locale: 'en-US'
};'', {
'auth': {
'bearer': tokens.access_token,
'json': true,
'body': {
'customPushMessage': notification, 'isInSandbox': true
}, (reqErr, httpResponse, body) => {
console.log(httpResponse.statusCode + ': ' + httpResponse.statusMessage);
I simply can't get this to work with the const userID = conv.arguments.get('UPDATES_USER_ID'); version, because as I said
When I use conv.user.profile.payload.sub as suggested here: the AoG API returns "SendToConversation response: Invalid user id for target."
Is there any way to make this work with Google Sign-In?
Has anyone made this work? I mean with the UPDATES_USER_ID field?
I already created an issue on the samples repo: but I was sent here.
While researching why I sometimes got undefined I found an answer on this question that solved my issue.
I've found solution for this problem. While getting UPDATES_USER_ID
conv.arguments.get() only works for first attempt. So, while building
your action you must save it. If you didn't store or save, you can
reset your profile and try again, you will be able to get.
You can reset your user profile for the action here.

How do I delete user analytics data from Firebase using userDeletionRequests:upsert?

Problem Description
My Android app collects data via Google Analytics for Firebase. For privacy reasons, users must be able to wipe their data off the Firebase servers, should they choose to do so.
The app requests a deletion by forwarding its Firebase APP_INSTANCE_ID to my own server. This server has been prepared in advance with credentials, from my personal Google account (via oauth2), for managing the Firebase project. The server authenticates with, and, using the supplied APP_INSTANCE_ID, invokes the upsert.
As noted by the documentation, the generic Google Analytics API is appropriate for this task.
After some initial trouble (b/c I didn't have the correct auth scope, and the Analytics API wasn't properly enabled), now returns HTTP 200 for each upsert request. (As an aside, even if you supply a bogus APP_INSTANCE_ID, it returns 200.)
Here is a sample response from the upsert, which shows nothing amiss:
{ kind: 'analytics#userDeletionRequest',
{ type: 'APP_INSTANCE_ID',
userId: (REDACTED 32-char hexidecimal string) },
firebaseProjectId: (REDACTED),
deletionRequestTime: '2018-08-28T12:46:30.874Z' }
I know the firebaseProjectId is correct, because if I alter it, I get an error. I have verified that the APP_INSTANCE_ID is correct, and stable up until the moment it is reset with resetAnalyticsData().
Test Procedure
To test the deletions, I populated Firebase with several custom events, using the procedure below (Nexus 5X emulator, no Google Play, no Google accounts configured, but that shouldn't make any difference):
Install the app
Fire off some custom events (FirebaseAnalytics.logEvent)
Observe those events appear on the Firebase console
(About a minute later:) Make the upsert call, observe HTTP 200, and note the "deletionRequestTime"
Immediately call FirebaseAnalytics.resetAnalyticsData (to clear any event data cached on the device)
Uninstall the app
Rinse & repeat 7 or 8 times
However, even 24 hours later, 100% of the Firebase events are still present in the events table. No discernable state change has taken place on the Firebase server as a result of the upserts.
So, what am I doing wrong? how do I successfully delete user data from Google Analytics for Firebase?
Here's the code I'm using to make a request (from node.js):
const request = require( 'request' );
_deletePersonalData( data )
return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {{
url: '',
body: {
kind: 'analytics#userDeletionRequest',
id: {
userId: data.firebaseAppInstanceId
firebaseProjectId: (REDACTED)
headers: {
Authorization: 'Bearer ' + iap.getCurAccessToken()
json: true
}, (err, res, body) => {
console.log( 'user-deletion POST complete' );
console.log( 'Error ' + err );
console.log( 'Body ', body );
if( err )
reject( err );
if( body.error )
reject( new Error( 'The Google service returned an error: ' + body.error.message + ' (' + body.error.code + ')' ) );
resolve({ deletionRequestTime: body.deletionRequestTime });
Here's a sample request body:
kind: 'analytics#userDeletionRequest',
id: {
userId: (REDACTED 32-char hexidecimal string)
firebaseProjectId: (REDACTED)
And here's the console output for that same request (same userId and everything):
user-deletion POST complete
Error: null
Body: { kind: 'analytics#userDeletionRequest',
{ type: 'APP_INSTANCE_ID',
userId: (REDACTED 32-char hexidecimal string) },
firebaseProjectId: (REDACTED),
deletionRequestTime: '2018-08-29T17:32:06.949Z' }
Firebase support just got back to me, and I quote:
Upsert method deletes any individual user data we have logged, but aggregate metrics are not recomputed. This means that you might not see any changes in the events tab in your Analytics console.
So, basically my mistake was expecting the events to disappear from the console.
This, of course, raises the question of how one determines that the API is actually working... but maybe the HTTP 200 is enough.

No results from Azure Cognitive Services Image Search API when imageType query parameter is set to "Shopping"

I am trying to use the Microsoft Cognitive Services Image Search API to search for images and return ecommerce results.
Until recently, this was working perfectly, but now any searches I perform with the query parameter imageType: 'Shopping' come back empty. If I perform the same search with any other imageType filter, or without the filter at all, I get many results, including many results where insightsSourcesSummary.shoppingSourcesCount is greater than 0.
Here is the code I wrote to call the API:
promise = require('bluebird');
rp = require('request-promise');
var Bing = function () {};
Bing.prototype.imageSearch = function(q, count) {
var options = {
method: 'GET',
uri: "",
qs: {
q: q,
count: count,
mkt: 'en-us',
safeSearch: 'Moderate',
imageType: 'Shopping'
headers: {
'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': '****************'
json: true
return rp(options);
module.exports = Bing;
Again, I did not change any code between October 2016 when it was working, and now when it is not. Is this a new bug with the API or something I'm doing wrong?
Edited: a curl example for your convenience (you will need to specify a subscription key):
curl -H "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key:****************" ""
