LineSeries setHighlightOnHover, onHover, onMouseClick doesn't work - lightningchart

On LightningtChartJS, I added 2 LineSeries which displays correctly (screenshot).
sample line graph
Then I am trying to do the highlighting of the lines on hover, plus the hover and mouseclick events.
I set the following:
const series=this.chart.addLineSeries({});
series.add(data); //data var is set above this code
The the highlight doesn't work, hover and click events don't trigger when I hover or click on a any of the lines.
Please help.

Seems that this feature is not working on the 3.0 version. It should be fixed in a patch or minor release in the near future. To try it out immediately you can revert to previous version, and it should work out of the box - highlighting on hover is enabled by default.
EDIT: v3.0.1 has just been released along with fixes to this issue.
In this version, LineSeries mouse interactions are disabled by default because they don't perform well in all cases. In order for mouse interactions to work you must enable them with setMouseInteractions(true).
The mentioned performance issues can happen with FREEFORM line series and large amount of data (~hundreds of thousands of data points). If you are using a progressive data pattern then there are no issues.
EDIT: v3.4
The general situation is still the same, the mouse interactions of Line Series are still disabled by default and you must enable them with setMouseInteractions(true). Furthermore, highlighting on hover is also disabled by default, and must be enabled with setHighlightOnHover(true).
Following snippet is confirmed to work in online examples:
const series = chart.addLineSeries({
dataPattern: {
pattern: 'ProgressiveX',
regularProgressiveStep: true,
However, something of an extra complication is the automatic disabling of mouse interactions during animations and scrolling, which is enabled by default. These can be disabled as follows:
Thankfully we are just about to move into a breaking version release v4.0.0 where we can properly resolve the situation. Stay tuned for improvements regarding mouse interactions in the coming months.


Desktop version getting error while moving mouse (cursor.js)

I'm taking a version of our VR experience (repo here: and making a purely desktop version for demonstration purposes.
I've added cursor="rayOrigin: mouse" to and some changed some mouseenter events to click events. Everything is mostly working except that as I mouse over the scene, I repeatedly getting this error: "Uncaught TypeError: t is null", which refers to the following code in cursor.js.
// Ignore events further away than active intersection.
if (this.intersectedEl) {
currentIntersection = this.el.components.raycaster.getIntersection(this.intersectedEl);
if (currentIntersection.distance <= intersection.distance) { return; }
How do I resolve this error? It causes a significant lag time in the experience.
Thank you!
Looking at the Mouse Click Example linked from this page was a good place to start:
Unfortunately the example is using aframe 0.7.0, so I had to read through the animations documention for 1.0.4 and adapt accordingly:
I also had to update the version of aframe-event-set-component.js I was using.
Between those two sources of information and the version updates, I was able to get things working.

How can I change the font of the Time4J CalendarPicker in JavaFX?

Is there a way to change the font of Time4J CalenderPicker in css-style?
I needed a Persian DatePicker in my program so i used Time4J CalenderPicker.
using this code i could change only the font of cells:
CalendarPicker<PersianCalendar> MyDatePicker = CalendarPicker.persianWithSystemDefaults();
(cell, column, row, model, date) -> {
cell.setStyle("-fx-font-family: MyFont;");
I tried this code but nothing changed:
MyDatePicker.setStyle("-fx-font-family: MyFont;");
But i want to change the font of hole CalendarPicker.
In order to apply the changes, you need to use the following code and set new css styles for calender picker and applying the customizations.
private CalendarPicker<PersianCalendar> MyDatePicker = CalendarPicker.persianWithSystemDefaults();
The following gif, demonstrates my customizations.
The calendar picker itself is only the combination of a text editor and a popup button (bundled in a HBox). However, the calendar view is another component which pops up if users press the button. And this component whose font you wish to change is not yet publicly accessible (with the exception of the cells via a special customizer).
I agree that this should be more flexible. Therefore I have opened a new issue to track this request for enhancement.
Feel free to fork Time4J and do your experiments and submit a pull request on time4j-github. Actually I am busy with other things but can look deeper then.

How can I display remote users cursor and selection in Quill

I've been working with Quill for a short time and have been focused on getting collaborative editing working. So far it's going well and I have a fully working collaborative editor!
I want to show the selection and cursor position of other users, but I can't think how to properly approach this problem with Quill.
I essentially want to add markup to the rendered document, without adding any content to the actual document model. Is this possible? Where should I start?
You need to use "quill-cursors" package and then listen to selection-change event:
editor.on("selection-change", function (range, oldRange, source) {
console.log("Local cursor change: ", range);
Then broadcast this data to other remote users, and then render the remote cursor:
const cursors = editor.getModule("cursors");
cursors.createCursor(id,, userColor);
cursors.moveCursor(id, cursorRange); // <== cursor data from previous step
cursors.toggleFlag(id, true);
In Quill 0.20, there was an example with multiple cursors working. The approach was a sibling absolutely positioned <div> that contained the cursors and synchronized with selection-change information from the editor. To not delay the 1.0 release this demo and feature was not updated with the new API but support is planned. You can try a similar approach in the meantime and of course the code is still available. You can also track the feature on Github Issues.

Cytoscape JS: Catching graphs 'boxend' event

I have a cytoscape graph added to my web app. In the core's configuration I've set the boxSelectionEnabled to true.
This is letting me draw a Box with holding Shift or Ctrl around graph elements.
Now i am trying to read all these elements upon the boxend event of graph like this,"boxend", lang.hitch(this, function (event) {
//read selected elements of graph by boxselection
But, this even is not triggering. I tried with other box events such as boxstart,boxselect,box but those are not working as well. Although, I tried same with events such as tap,cxttap events and they are working fine without any issue.
So, is there any way to get all the box selection elements from graph with these events.
cy.on('boxend') seems to be working fine. You probably have an issue with wrapping the callback the way you have.

ng-animate : conditionally switching "back" transition (BUG?)

Hi everyone,
reading through this google group and the fiddles and blogpost linked from there, I managed to get page transitions working with ng-animate.
Here's my Fiddle
the fiddle is nicely commented, please let me know if anything's unclear
By setting a 'transitionClass' (either .LR or .RL) on the ng-view I was able to trigger different css-transitions for every view change.
Now, what I want to do, is manually applying a "back" transition in case of changing the view one step back, no matter whether that step back is caused by a link within the app or the browser's back button.
To do so, within, I'm listening for $locationChangeStart, saving the current url slug and then checking against it on the next $locationChangeStart to determine whether we're going back one page. If that's the case, the "back" transition is applied.
This works pretty well, except for...
The entering page (.page-enter, .page-enter-active) is transitioning as expected, while the leaving page (.page-leave, .page-leave-active) seems to be stuck on the previously used transition.
I'd expect, setting a transitionClass 'LR' on the ng-view, that both pages, entering and leaving, use the css transition for '.LR page-enter' and 'LR page-leave'.
What seems to happen instead: If the transitionClass was 'ANY' before, the ng-animate will use '.LR page-enter' for the entering page and '.ANY page-leave' for the leaving page.
Reproducing the 'bug':
App starts on Page 1. Go from 1 to 2. Now go from 2 to 3, this transition is broken. Go from 3 to 1, this transition works as expected. Both transitions are 'RL' (Right To Left), so they should look the same. The only difference being that page 2 enters 'LR' while page 3 enters 'RL'. So, actually, page 1 will use the '.enter-active' transition that was originally set for page 3 when changing from 2 to 3.
Is this the expected behavior?
I'm majorly confuzzled right now, but only working with angular for the last week or so and ng-animate being relatively new feature I might very well be missing something. So before reporting a bug or anything I'd welcome any input on this.
Ok, so based on the comments I'm pretty sure you want the incoming page to also determine exit animations to apply to the outgoing page. So you really need your $locationChange code.
It also looks like the problem you are seeing is that you are setting a class on the parent independently on the incoming page but there is nothing to keep the animations waiting for this class change to occur.
The simplest fix seems to be to make the ng-animate depend on your changing variable to determine the animation class names:
<ng-view ng-animate="transitionClass"></ng-view>
then the CSS selectors just collapse into single classes:
.LR-enter-active {
(where transitionClass is still being set on the $rootScope in the locationChangeStart:)
$rootScope.$on("$locationChangeStart", function (event, next, current) {
