Google Tag Manager for iframe - iframe

Does anyone know how to deploy Google Tag Manager succesfully in an Iframe?
I am working on the JavaScript widget for external partners which will be embedded on their websites as an iframe.
I want to track some of the events in my widget with Google Tag Manager which sends collected data to Google Analytics. I went through the whole configuration and set up some of the first triggers and events. For testing purposes, I put my iframe with the source code to my widget on one of the clients' websites. When I use a Google Tag manager for debugging my tags I can see all of my tags being fired and working correctly as they should from that iframe. Unfortunately, when testing it on the website without the debugger, none of the events appear in Google Analytics. Since I am the creator of the widget and I have full control over my source code what could be the reason for those events not being registered to Google Analytics but still being fired in the debugger? I went through the documentation of Google Tag Manager, and it says clearly that I can track my iframe if I have the access to the source code to configure it.
Any help and insight will be very appreciated here, did anyone faced a similar problem, and what could be the possible solution?


Google analytics 4 tags in google tag manager not firing on live

I am using google tag manager to fire some GA4 events in parallel to existing UA events. But the GA4 events only seems to work in preview mode and not on live. While UA events are being fired in preview as well live.
I have GA4 configuration tag.
Which should get triggered everytime a cmpEvent is triggered.
I can see the events getting triggered in preview mode
But it does not get triggered on live website. I have already ruled out the usual suspects of not published gtm container etc.
Can anyone tell me, what might be wrong here. Does google analytics 4 require any special consent that i am missing.
I had the same issue, clearing my browser cookies and history for some reason allowed the GA4 tags to appear in the preview debugger.
I also previewed the version in which the GA4 tags were first published.

Cannot get Google Analytics (GA4) Realtime to Work

Hello Community!
A friend hired me for SEO implementation and a re-design for his website ( Among these implementations comes the integration for Google Analytics, GA4.
For Context:
The site has been mounted on Wordpress and previously he had used Google Ads for his website, that's why he inserted a Global Site Tag and a Remarketing Tag with a snippet plugin to add these.
The issue is:
I've created a property for this website within Google Analytics and created a standard Data Stream as I've always done for any other web, copied the Global Site Tag and placed it in the head tag of the website as usual. The problem is, after a while, I'm still not able to view any realtime users even if I'm navigating in it and blocking my ID is not a setting so I should appear. (I'm not using any ad-blocker of any sort which could interfere with the script)
I've tried other options to mounting the GA tag such as through Google Tag Manager and still the same result. Also through the Jetpack pluggin for wordpress which only asks for the Measurement ID and still the same result...
Could there be a problem with the GA Tag and the Global Site Tag from Google Ads?
By the way, the google ads account is of my client, my plan as it has worked before is to set up the property of Analytics and then transfer it later on (we have that trust) but I don't know why this simple task is having such a persistent issue.
Thanks in advance for any advice, really appreciate it!!

google analytics for youtube

I have embed youtube videos on my web site and want to track in google analytics video events. I set up Youtube tag in Google Tag Manager and install Google Tag Manager on my web site. I see Google Tag Manager debugger on my web site and fired tags. Tag details. But I don't see Youtube in Google Analytics. I am not sure what is wrong - my installation or I look at events in a wrong place.
Additionally in Chrome console I see a command executed.
What is a little bit confusing for me is tracking ids. Google Analytics shows UA-XXX77-7, while fired video tag has UA-XXX77-9 (as shown in the tag details before). But maybe everything is okay with this.

Can gaq.push be used to track events with Google Analytics deployed through Google Tag Manager?

We want to use Google Tag Manager to deploy our Google Analytics code but we do not want to change over our event tracking _gaq.push('_trackEvent') over to the Google Tag Manager dataLayer method yet.
Is this something that is possible or do we need to migrate those events to Google Tag Manager at the same time?
From posts to the Google Forums it look like this is not recommended.!searchin/tag-manager/_gaq.push$20with$20google$20tag$20manager/tag-manager/9jSsmZhzuCo/vOAwcQqba0QJ!topic/tag-manager/cglXIlLmTvc
I believe that this is possible but I'm not certain. You could set it up on the fly and test it out in debug mode:
Add your base tag (Google Analytics page view tag) to all pages.
Select Preview > Debug and then visit the website in question
Open the console and check using your go to debugging tool. I use GA Debugger for chrome (
Try clicking a link or button that triggers an event using __gaq.push

Is it possible to display Google Analytics reporting interface in an IFRAME?

Has anyone had much luck in embedding the Google Analytics reporting interface in an IFRAME?
We'd like to add an "Analytics" tab to our CMS which displays the Google Analytics for each specific page. So, the user could view a page in the CMS, and see the analytics for that page right in the interface.
We have everything worked out, and we're bringing up the correct URL in the IFRAME. We get the Google login page, but when we log in, Google "busts" the IFRAME and loads the analytics page in the full window.
Is there anyway to keep Google Analytics reporting interface in an IFRAME?
Why not use the Google Analytics Data Export API to access the data and build your own reports?
It's not possible to IFRAME Google Analytics.
A work around to this is to build a chrome extension and append your codes/page into analytics site via content_scripts to put some "toolbar" on top or to do some modifications you want.
This is what I'm doing at the moment, sorry that I couldn't share the chrome extension code at the moment.
