how to publish a wordpress website in hostinger? - wordpress

I have migrated a website from xml) to hostinger. The website now pointing a domain created in hostinger.My question is that when I run this website in browser it shows blank page.Any help regarding this issue shall be appreciated.


Images not showing on Wordpress website after migrating to hosting provider

I recently migrated my website to a hosting provider from localhost and some of the "Featured Images" on the some pages are not showing up. I went to the Chrome Console on the computer that was having this problem and saw this error:
I see that Wordpress is trying to load the image from Localhost instead of the website. My siteurl and home options are set correctly. I have already tried deleting all the plugins but that didn't help. I also tried recreating the page on the server itself and it did not help. Can you please help?
Edit: I do see the images in the Media Library, but don't see them on the page when it loads.
Try to move your db with plugin WP Migrate DB
Upload a new site to hosting, after local development, as follows:
Copy the site folder from the local server to another location.
Export the Database to the copied folder with the site.
Using the editor (the normal editor should have a search-replacement), replace all occurrences of 'localhost/your_folder' on the site and in the database on ''
Upload the site and the database to the server, respectively.

Concrete5 Site - Multiple Collaborators/Admins

My friend and I are working on a Concrete5 website. At the moment, the site is in my friend's localhost. Is there a way that I can connect to his site and edit (develop) it?
We do not have a domain now, so we cannot publish the site anywhere.

Wordpress, changes to local copy changes live site

I've been tasked with creating new content for at Wordpress site. To do this i've created a local copy og the site and database so i don't accidentally crash the live site. Then i created a few pages, did some css stuff, but then i got contacted by the site admin, who asked if i had changed anything or they had been hacked. I went to the live site and saw all the pages and css I had made was there.
Can anyone tell me why this is and how to change it?
Thank you.

I uploaded my wordpress site to the web and pages link to localhost

When i uploaded my WordPress site to the web. I clicked a page from the menu and it redirect to localhost.
And i uploaded my hole new site to the web and my theme does not change?
Any ideas?
You need to run a search/replace on your database to replace the local domain with the live domain. Until you do that, all links on the live domain will redirect to the local domain.
This is a tool that can do that:
To use this, unzip and upload the directory to your web hosting root, and then visit in a browser.
Back up your database before running this.
Delete this folder after you are finished as it is a major security issue if left there.
More detailed instructions are on that page.
More information on migrating a WP installation can be found in the codex:
I don't understand your question about the theme. You'll need to provide more details on that.

Post locally hosted wordpress site online

Can we upload a locally hosted wordpress site to any host or just the ones that support wordpress? I am using serverpress desktop-server to create wordpress sites locally, but I am really in a fix trying to find how I can publish them online.
You can upload your locally hosted site to any server that satisfies the minimum requirements WordPress needs to work. Those requirements are given in the following link.
Welcome to stack overflow :)
I think your question has been asked already, Please search on stack overflow to see if someone has asked the same question already to avoid getting your question down voted for being a duplicate.
Anyways here's what you gotta do...
First, duplicate your site (you need to be an admin).
Then download zip file and installer.php and upload to your new host.
Then Create a new DB for your installation on your host.
Now assuming you uploaded to root of your site and your domain is head over to
Type in your db credentials and name (Warning Be careful with db name if you enter another pre existing DB it will be wiped out! ) details and domain related details.
It will take a 5 - 10 minutes or more depending on your site size and new servers speed.
Finally... You'll be presented with Success notice, check out the logs if you want to... Next thing you need to do is to login to your new site at and save the permalinks page in settings to fix permalinks.
Voila! You just got your site migrated from localhost to a live server, Congrats!
Initial server doesn't have to be localhost you can follow same procedure to move your site from to
Hope that helps :-)
