Extracting a list of links from a webpage by using its class - r

I am trying to extract from this website a list of four links that are clearly named as:
I've seen that they are all part of a class called 'jstree-wholerow'. I'm not really good at scraping, yet I've tried to capture such links using this regularity:
x <- rvest::read_html('https://www.ibge.gov.br/estatisticas/downloads-estatisticas.html?caminho=Trabalho_e_Rendimento/Pesquisa_Nacional_por_Amostra_de_Domicilios_continua/Trimestral/Microdados/2018') %>%
rvest::html_nodes("jstree-wholerow") %>%
However, I received an empty vector as output.
Can someone help fixing this?

Although the webpage uses javascript, the files are stored in a ftp. It also has very predictable directory names.
#> Attaching package: 'rvest'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:readr':
#> guess_encoding
#> Attaching package: 'RCurl'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:tidyr':
#> complete
link <- 'https://ftp.ibge.gov.br/Trabalho_e_Rendimento/Pesquisa_Nacional_por_Amostra_de_Domicilios_continua/Trimestral/Microdados/2018/PNADC_042018_20190729.zip'
zip_names <- c('PNADC_012018_20190729.zip', 'PNADC_022018_20190729.zip', 'PNADC_032018_20190729.zip', 'PNADC_042018_20190729.zip')
links <- str_replace(link, '/2018.*\\.zip$', str_c('/2018/', zip_names))
#> [1] "https://ftp.ibge.gov.br/Trabalho_e_Rendimento/Pesquisa_Nacional_por_Amostra_de_Domicilios_continua/Trimestral/Microdados/2018/PNADC_012018_20190729.zip"
#> [2] "https://ftp.ibge.gov.br/Trabalho_e_Rendimento/Pesquisa_Nacional_por_Amostra_de_Domicilios_continua/Trimestral/Microdados/2018/PNADC_022018_20190729.zip"
#> [3] "https://ftp.ibge.gov.br/Trabalho_e_Rendimento/Pesquisa_Nacional_por_Amostra_de_Domicilios_continua/Trimestral/Microdados/2018/PNADC_032018_20190729.zip"
#> [4] "https://ftp.ibge.gov.br/Trabalho_e_Rendimento/Pesquisa_Nacional_por_Amostra_de_Domicilios_continua/Trimestral/Microdados/2018/PNADC_042018_20190729.zip"
#option 2
links <- RCurl::getURL(url = 'https://ftp.ibge.gov.br/Trabalho_e_Rendimento/Pesquisa_Nacional_por_Amostra_de_Domicilios_continua/Trimestral/Microdados/2018/') %>% read_html() %>%
html_nodes(xpath = '//td/a[#href]') %>% html_attr('href')
links <- links[-1]
#> [1] "PNADC_012018_20190729.zip" "PNADC_022018_20190729.zip"
#> [3] "PNADC_032018_20190729.zip" "PNADC_042018_20190729.zip"
str_c('https://ftp.ibge.gov.br/Trabalho_e_Rendimento/Pesquisa_Nacional_por_Amostra_de_Domicilios_continua/Trimestral/Microdados/2018/', links)
#> [1] "https://ftp.ibge.gov.br/Trabalho_e_Rendimento/Pesquisa_Nacional_por_Amostra_de_Domicilios_continua/Trimestral/Microdados/2018/PNADC_012018_20190729.zip"
#> [2] "https://ftp.ibge.gov.br/Trabalho_e_Rendimento/Pesquisa_Nacional_por_Amostra_de_Domicilios_continua/Trimestral/Microdados/2018/PNADC_022018_20190729.zip"
#> [3] "https://ftp.ibge.gov.br/Trabalho_e_Rendimento/Pesquisa_Nacional_por_Amostra_de_Domicilios_continua/Trimestral/Microdados/2018/PNADC_032018_20190729.zip"
#> [4] "https://ftp.ibge.gov.br/Trabalho_e_Rendimento/Pesquisa_Nacional_por_Amostra_de_Domicilios_continua/Trimestral/Microdados/2018/PNADC_042018_20190729.zip"
Created on 2021-06-11 by the reprex package (v2.0.0)


Create dynamic R dataframe names in for loop - multiple names in same code line

I am trying to create dynamic dataframe names within a for loop. I am using the paste function in R to write the dataframe names. see the example below:
for (i in 1:3){
paste("Data",i,sep="") <- data.frame(colone=c(1,2,3,4),coltwo=c(5,6,7,8))
paste("New data",i,sep="") <- paste("Data",i,sep="") %>% mutate(colthree=(colone+coltwo)*i) %>% select(colthree)
The code above won't work as R doesn't understand paste as a dataframe name. I have found some solutions using the assign function which could help with my 1st line of code using: assign(paste("Data",i,sep=""),data.frame(colone=c(1,2,3,4),coltwo=c(5,6,7,8))) but I don't know what to do with the 2nd line where the paste function is used twice to refer to multiple dataframes. Not sure using a nested assign function works and even if it does the code will look terrible with more complex code.
I know there might be ideas of how to combine the 2 lines above into a single assign statement or other similar solutions but is there any way to refer to 2 dynamic dataframe names within a single line of code as per my example above?
Many thanks :)
If you need both data frames ("Data i" and "New Data i") you can use:
for (i in 1:3){
assign(paste("New data",i,sep=""), data.frame(assign(paste("Data",i,sep=""),data.frame(colone=c(1,2,3,4),coltwo=c(5,6,7,8))) %>% mutate(colthree=(colone+coltwo)*i) %>% select(colthree)))
If you only want "New Data i" use:
for (i in 1:3){
assign(paste("New data",i,sep=""), data.frame(colone=c(1,2,3,4),coltwo=c(5,6,7,8))) %>% mutate(colthree=(colone+coltwo)*i) %>% select(colthree)
This seems to be working but it's a little bit convoluted:
#> Attaching package: 'rlang'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:purrr':
#> %#%, as_function, flatten, flatten_chr, flatten_dbl, flatten_int,
#> flatten_lgl, flatten_raw, invoke, list_along, modify, prepend,
#> splice
i <- seq(1, 3, 1) #how many loops
pwalk(list(paste("Data",i,sep=""), paste("New_data",i,sep=""), i), ~{
assign(..1, data.frame(colone=c(1,2,3,4),coltwo=c(5,6,7,8)), envir = .GlobalEnv)
new <- sym(..1) #convert a string to a variable name
assign(..2, {eval_tidy(new)%>% mutate(colthree=(colone+coltwo)*..3) %>% select(colthree)}, envir = .GlobalEnv)
#> [1] "Data1" "Data2" "Data3" "i" "New_data1" "New_data2"
#> [7] "New_data3"
#> colone coltwo
#> 1 1 5
#> 2 2 6
#> 3 3 7
#> 4 4 8
#> colthree
#> 1 6
#> 2 8
#> 3 10
#> 4 12
Created on 2021-06-10 by the reprex package (v2.0.0)

R: scrape nested html table with links (table within cell)

For university research I try to scrape an FDA table (robots.txt allows to scrape this content)
The table contains 19 rows and 2 columns:
The format I try to extract is:
col1 col2 url_of_col2
<chr> <chr> <chr>
1 Device Classificati~ distal transcutaneous electrical stimulator for treatm~ https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfpcd/classification.cfm?s~
What I achieved:
I can easly extract the items of the first column:
#load html
html <- xml2::read_html("https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfpmn/pmn.cfm?ID=K203181")
# select table of interest
html %>%
html_nodes("table") -> tables
tables[[9]] -> table
# extract col 1 items
table %>%
html_nodes("th") %>%
html_text() %>%
gsub("\n|\t|\r","",.) %>%
#> [1] "Device Classification Name" "510(k) Number"
#> [3] "Device Name" "Applicant"
#> [5] "Applicant Contact" "Correspondent"
#> [7] "Correspondent Contact" "Regulation Number"
#> [9] "Classification Product Code" "Date Received"
#> [11] "Decision Date" "Decision"
#> [13] "Regulation Medical Specialty" "510k Review Panel"
#> [15] "summary" "Type"
#> [17] "Clinical Trials" "Reviewed by Third Party"
#> [19] "Combination Product"
Created on 2021-02-27 by the reprex package (v1.0.0)
Where I get stuck
Since some cells of column 2 contain a table, this approach does not give the same number of items:
# extract col 2 items
table %>%
html_nodes("td") %>%
gsub("\n|\t|\r","",.) %>%
#> [1] "distal transcutaneous electrical stimulator for treatment of acute migraine"
#> [2] "K203181"
#> [3] "Nerivio, FGD000075-4.7"
#> [4] "Theranica Bioelectronics ltd4 Ha-Omanutst. Poleg Industrial Parknetanya, IL4250574"
#> [5] "Theranica Bioelectronics ltd"
#> [6] "4 Ha-Omanutst. Poleg Industrial Park"
#> [7] "netanya, IL4250574"
#> [8] "alon ironi"
#> [9] "Hogan Lovells US LLP1735 Market StreetSuite 2300philadelphia, PA 19103"
#> [10] "Hogan Lovells US LLP"
#> [11] "1735 Market Street"
#> [12] "Suite 2300"
#> [13] "philadelphia, PA 19103"
#> [14] "janice m. hogan"
#> [15] "882.5899"
#> [16] "QGT  "
#> [17] "QGT  "
#> [18] "10/26/2020"
#> [19] "01/22/2021"
#> [20] "substantially equivalent (SESE)"
#> [21] "Neurology"
#> [22] "Neurology"
#> [23] "summary"
#> [24] "Traditional"
#> [25] "NCT04089761"
#> [26] "No"
#> [27] "No"
Created on 2021-02-27 by the reprex package (v1.0.0)
Moreover, I could not find a way to extract the urls of col2
I found a good manual to read html tables with cells spanning on multiple rows. However, I think this approach does not work for nested dataframes.
There is similar question regarding a nested table without links (How to scrape older html with nested tables in R?) which has not been answered yet. A comment suggested this question, unfortunately I could not apply it to my html table.
There is the unpivotr package that aims to read nested html tables, however, I could not solve my problem with that package.
Yes the tables within the rows of the parent table does make it more difficult. The key for this one is to find the 27 rows of the table and then parse each row individually.
#load html
html <- xml2::read_html("https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfpmn/pmn.cfm?ID=K203181")
# select table of interest
tables <- html %>% html_nodes("table")
table <- tables[[9]]
#find all of the table's rows
trows <- table %>% html_nodes("tr")
#find the left column
leftside <- trows %>% html_node("th") %>% html_text() %>% trimws()
#find the right column (remove white at the end and in the middle)
rightside <- trows %>% html_node("td") %>% html_text() %>% str_squish() %>% trimws()
#get links
links <-trows %>% html_node("td a") %>% html_attr("href")
answer <-data.frame(leftside, rightside, links)
One will will need to use paste("https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/", answer$links) on some of the links to obtain the full web address.
The final dataframe does have several cells containing "NA" these can be removed and the table can be cleaned up some more depending on the final requirements. See tidyr::fill() as a good starting point.
To reduce the answer down to the desired 19 original rows:
#replace NA with blanks
answer$links <- replace_na(answer$links, "")
#fill in the blank is the first column to allow for grouping
answer <-fill(answer, leftside, .direction = "down")
#Create the final results
finalanswer <- answer %>% group_by(leftside) %>%
summarize(info=paste(rightside, collapse = " "), link=first(links))

Use R to mimic "clicking" on a file to download it

I would like R to automatically download an excel file about Oil and Gas rigs from this page. The file is downloaded by clicking on "North America Rotary Rig Count Pivot Table (Feb 2011 - Current)" (second option) but I cannot seem to find a way to do this in R.
Any clues? Thanks!
Note: Unfortunately, using download.file() does not seem to work. I get a message when trying to open the file in MS Excel that the extension is incorrect or the file is corrupt. I also get this error in R when using readxl::read_excel(): Error: Evaluation error: error -103 with zipfile in unzGetCurrentFileInfo
Some libs to help
You actually will need only dplyr, purrr, stringr, and xml2.
#> Loading required package: xml2
#> Attaching package: 'rvest'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:purrr':
#> pluck
#> The following object is masked from 'package:readr':
#> guess_encoding
I like to do it this way because some sites use partial links.
base <- "https://rigcount.bakerhughes.com"
url <- paste0(base, "/na-rig-count")
# find links
url_html <- xml2::read_html(url)
url_html %>%
html_nodes("a") %>%
html_attrs() %>%
bind_rows() -> url_tbl
Check href content, find some pattern you are interested in.
You may use inspect on your browser too, it is truly helpful.
url_tbl %>%
#> # A tibble: 22 x 2
#> href n
#> <chr> <int>
#> 1 / 1
#> 2 /email-alerts 1
#> 3 /intl-rig-count 1
#> 4 /na-rig-count 1
#> 5 /rig-count-faqs 1
#> 6 /rig-count-overview 2
#> 7 #main-menu 1
#> 8 https://itunes.apple.com/app/baker-hughes-rig-counts/id393570114?mt=8 1
#> 9 https://rigcount.bakerhughes.com/static-files/4ab04723-b638-4310-afd9-… 1
#> 10 https://rigcount.bakerhughes.com/static-files/4b92b553-a48d-43a3-b4d9-… 1
#> # … with 12 more rows
Perhaps, I notice that static-files may be a good pattern to href but then I found a better one, in type.
url_tbl %>%
filter(str_detect(type, "ms-excel")) -> url_xlsx
build our list (remember to avoid some noise as an extra dot, spaces, and special characters)
I hope someone proposes a better way to avoid those things
myFiles <- pull(url_xlsx, "href")
names <- pull(url_xlsx, "title")
names(myFiles) <- paste0(
str_replace_all(names, "[\\.\\-\\ ]", "_"),
str_extract(names, ".\\w+$")
# download data
myFiles %>%
~ download.file(
url = .x,
destfile = .y,
method="curl", # might be not necessary
#> $`north_america_rotary_rig_count_jan_2000_-_current.xlsb`
#> [1] 0
#> $`north_american_rotary_rig_count_pivot_table_feb_2011_-_current.xlsb`
#> [1] 0
#> $`U.S. Monthly Averages by State 1992-2016.xls`
#> [1] 0
#> $`North America Rotary Rig Counts through 2016.xls`
#> [1] 0
#> $`U.S. Annual Averages by State 1987-2016.xls`
#> [1] 0
#> $Workover_9.xls
#> [1] 0
Created on 2020-12-16 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)
Now you may see your files.
names(myFiles) %>%
) -> myData
I hope it helps.

Download multiple files from a url, using R

I have this url: https://www.cnpm.embrapa.br/projetos/relevobr/download/index.htm with geographic information about Brazilian states. If you click in any state, you will find these grids:
Now, if you click in any grid, you will be able to download the geographic information of this specific grid:
What I need: download all the grids at once. Is it possible?
You can scrape the page to get the URLs for the zip files, then iterate across the URLs to download everything:
# get page source
h <- read_html('https://www.cnpm.embrapa.br/projetos/relevobr/download/mg/mg.htm')
urls <- h %>%
html_nodes('area') %>% # get all `area` nodes
html_attr('href') %>% # get the link attribute of each node
sub('.htm$', '.zip', .) %>% # change file suffix
paste0('https://www.cnpm.embrapa.br/projetos/relevobr/download/mg/', .) # append to base URL
# create a directory for it all
dir <- file.path(tempdir(), 'mg')
# iterate and download
lapply(urls, function(url) download.file(url, file.path(dir, basename(url))))
# check it's there
#> [1] "sd-23-y-a.zip" "sd-23-y-b.zip" "sd-23-y-c.zip" "sd-23-y-d.zip" "sd-23-z-a.zip" "sd-23-z-b.zip"
#> [7] "sd-23-z-c.zip" "sd-23-z-d.zip" "sd-24-y-c.zip" "sd-24-y-d.zip" "se-22-y-d.zip" "se-22-z-a.zip"
#> [13] "se-22-z-b.zip" "se-22-z-c.zip" "se-22-z-d.zip" "se-23-v-a.zip" "se-23-v-b.zip" "se-23-v-c.zip"
#> [19] "se-23-v-d.zip" "se-23-x-a.zip" "se-23-x-b.zip" "se-23-x-c.zip" "se-23-x-d.zip" "se-23-y-a.zip"
#> [25] "se-23-y-b.zip" "se-23-y-c.zip" "se-23-y-d.zip" "se-23-z-a.zip" "se-23-z-b.zip" "se-23-z-c.zip"
#> [31] "se-23-z-d.zip" "se-24-v-a.zip" "se-24-v-b.zip" "se-24-v-c.zip" "se-24-v-d.zip" "se-24-y-a.zip"
#> [37] "se-24-y-c.zip" "sf-22-v-b.zip" "sf-22-x-a.zip" "sf-22-x-b.zip" "sf-23-v-a.zip" "sf-23-v-b.zip"
#> [43] "sf-23-v-c.zip" "sf-23-v-d.zip" "sf-23-x-a.zip" "sf-23-x-b.zip" "sf-23-x-c.zip" "sf-23-x-d.zip"
#> [49] "sf-23-y-a.zip" "sf-23-y-b.zip" "sf-23-z-a.zip" "sf-23-z-b.zip" "sf-24-v-a.zip"

Web Scraping with R on multiple pages/links

I have a list of 5000 movies in an excel file:
Superman Returns
Avengers : Endgame
Man of Steel
And so on....
I need to extract weekend collections of these movies.
The weekend collections are available on boxofficemojo.com website.
By writing the following code, i am only able to fetch the Weekend collections of one single movie 'Avatar' since the url mentioned in the code contains only the details of 'Avatar'.
webpage <- read_html("https://www.boxofficemojo.com/release/rl876971521/weekend/?ref_=bo_rl_tab#tabs")
weekend_collections <- webpage %>%
html_nodes(".mojo-field-type-rank+ .mojo-estimatable") %>%
Other movies will have different url's.
5000 different movie's weekend collections will be in 5000 different url's.
Is it possible to just give the list of the movies and ask r to fetch the weekend collections of every movie without providing the respective url's of the movies ?
I can add the url's of the movies manually and perform the task but it isn't a great idea to manually add the url's of the movies to the code.
So how do i fetch the weekend collections of these 5000 movies ?
I am new to R.
Need help.
It is possible to automate the search process on this site, since it is easy enough to generate the search string and parse the incoming html to navigate to the weekends page.
The problem is that the search will sometimes generate several hits, so you can't be sure you are getting exactly the right movie. You can only examine the title afterwards to find out.
Here is a function you can use. You supply it with a movie title and it will try to get the url to the weekend collections for the original release. It will select the first hit on the search page, so you have no guarantee it's the correct movie.
get_weekend_url <- function(movie)
site <- "https://www.boxofficemojo.com"
search_query <- paste0(site, "/search/?q=")
search_xpath <- "//a[#class = 'a-size-medium a-link-normal a-text-bold']"
release_xpath <- "//option[text() = 'Original Release']"
territory_xpath <- "//option[text() = 'Domestic']"
weekend <- "weekend/?ref_=bo_rl_tab#tabs"
movie_url <- url_escape(movie) %>%
{gsub("%20", "+", .)} %>%
{paste0(search_query, .)} %>%
read_html() %>%
html_nodes(xpath = search_xpath) %>%
release <- read_html(paste0(site, movie_url[1])) %>%
html_node(xpath = release_xpath) %>%
html_attr("value") %>%
{paste0(site, .)}
} else release <- NA # We can stop if there is no original release found
target <- read_html(release) %>%
html_node(xpath = territory_xpath) %>%
html_attr("value") %>%
{paste0(site, ., weekend)}
} else target <- "Movie not found"
Now you can use sapply to get the urls you want:
movies <- c("Avatar",
"Superman Returns",
"Avengers : Endgame",
"Man of Steel")
urls <- sapply(movies, get_weekend_url)
#> Avatar
#> "https://www.boxofficemojo.com/release/rl876971521/weekend/?ref_=bo_rl_tab#tabs"
#> Tangled
#> "https://www.boxofficemojo.com/release/rl980256257/weekend/?ref_=bo_rl_tab#tabs"
#> Superman Returns
#> "https://www.boxofficemojo.com/release/rl4067591681/weekend/?ref_=bo_rl_tab#tabs"
#> Avengers : Endgame
#> "https://www.boxofficemojo.com/release/rl3059975681/weekend/?ref_=bo_rl_tab#tabs"
#> Man of Steel
#> "https://www.boxofficemojo.com/release/rl4034037249/weekend/?ref_=bo_rl_tab#tabs"
Now you can use these to get the tables for each movie:
css <- ".mojo-field-type-rank+ .mojo-estimatable"
weekends <- lapply(urls, function(x) read_html(x) %>% html_nodes(css) %>% html_text)
Which gives you:
#> $`Avatar`
#> [1] "Weekend\n " "$77,025,481" "$75,617,183"
#> [4] "$68,490,688" "$50,306,217" "$42,785,612"
#> [7] "$54,401,446" "$34,944,081" "$31,280,029"
#> [10] "$22,850,881" "$23,611,625" "$28,782,849"
#> [13] "$16,240,857" "$13,655,274" "$8,118,102"
#> [16] "$6,526,421" "$4,027,005" "$2,047,475"
#> [19] "$980,239" "$1,145,503" "$844,651"
#> [22] "$1,002,814" "$920,204" "$633,124"
#> [25] "$425,085" "$335,174" "$188,505"
#> [28] "$120,080" "$144,241" "$76,692"
#> [31] "$64,767" "$45,181" "$44,572"
#> [34] "$28,729" "$35,706" "$36,971"
#> [37] "$15,615" "$16,817" "$13,028"
#> [40] "$10,511"
#> $Tangled
#> [1] "Weekend\n " "$68,706,298" "$56,837,104"
#> [4] "$48,767,052" "$21,608,891" "$14,331,687"
#> [7] "$8,775,344" "$6,427,816" "$9,803,091"
#> [10] "$5,111,098" "$3,983,009" "$5,638,656"
#> [13] "$3,081,926" "$2,526,561" "$1,850,628"
#> [16] "$813,849" "$534,351" "$743,090"
#> [19] "$421,474" "$790,248" "$640,753"
#> [22] "$616,057" "$550,994" "$336,339"
#> [25] "$220,670" "$85,574" "$31,368"
#> [28] "$16,475" "$5,343" "$6,351"
#> [31] "$910,502" "$131,938" "$135,891"
#> $`Superman Returns`
#> [1] "Weekend\n " "$52,535,096" "$76,033,267"
#> [4] "$21,815,243" "$12,288,317" "$7,375,213"
#> [7] "$3,788,228" "$2,158,227" "$1,242,461"
#> [10] "$848,255" "$780,405" "$874,141"
#> [13] "$1,115,228" "$453,273" "$386,424"
#> [16] "$301,373" "$403,377" "$296,502"
#> [19] "$331,938" "$216,430" "$173,300"
#> [22] "$40,505"
#> $`Avengers : Endgame`
#> [1] "Weekend\n " "$357,115,007" "$147,383,211"
#> [4] "$63,299,904" "$29,973,505" "$17,200,742"
#> [7] "$22,063,855" "$8,037,491" "$4,870,963"
#> [10] "$3,725,855" "$1,987,849" "$6,108,736"
#> [13] "$3,118,317" "$2,104,276" "$1,514,741"
#> [16] "$952,609" "$383,158" "$209,992"
#> [19] "$100,749" "$50,268" "$70,775"
#> [22] "$86,837" "$12,680"
#> $`Man of Steel`
#> [1] "Weekend\n " "$116,619,362" "$41,287,206"
#> [4] "$20,737,490" "$11,414,297" "$4,719,084"
#> [7] "$1,819,387" "$749,233" "$466,574"
#> [10] "$750,307" "$512,308" "$353,846"
#> [13] "$290,194" "$390,175" "$120,814"
#> [16] "$61,017"
If you have 5000 movies to look up, it is going to take a long time to send and parse all these requests. Depending on your internet connection, it may well take 2-3 seconds per movie. That's not bad, but it may still be 4 hours of processing time. I would recommend starting with an empty list and writing each result to the list as it is received, so that if something breaks after an hour or two, you don't lose everything you have so far.
