How to make this XML code generate bold text? - r

This a reprex.
dt <- data.frame(a = 1:3, b = c("a", "b", ""))
dt$sup <- paste0(dt$a, "_[", dt$b, "]") # create superscript col, enclosed in '_[]'
wb <- openxlsx::createWorkbook() # create workbook
openxlsx::addWorksheet(wb, sheetName = "data") # add sheet
openxlsx::writeData(wb, sheet=1, x=dt, xy=c(1, 1)) # write data on workbook
for(i in grep("\\_\\[([A-z0-9\\s]*)\\]", wb$sharedStrings)){
# if empty string in superscript notation, then just remove the superscript notation
if(grepl("\\_\\[\\]", wb$sharedStrings[[i]])){
wb$sharedStrings[[i]] <- gsub("\\_\\[\\]", "", wb$sharedStrings[[i]])
next # skip to next iteration
# insert additioanl formating in shared string
wb$sharedStrings[[i]] <- gsub("<si>", "<si><r>", gsub("</si>", "</r></si>", wb$sharedStrings[[i]]))
# find the "_[...]" pattern, remove brackets and udnerline and enclose the text with superscript format
wb$sharedStrings[[i]] <- gsub("\\_\\[([A-z0-9\\s]*)\\]", "</t></r><r><rPr><vertAlign val=\"superscript\"/></rPr><t xml:space=\"preserve\">\\1</t></r><r><t xml:space=\"preserve\">", wb$sharedStrings[[i]])
openxlsx::saveWorkbook(wb, file="test.xlsx", overwrite = TRUE)
This is a the output from the code above:
I need to change some part of the xml code to generate bold text as this:
I tried using the formating from openxlsx package but I get:
This is the code from openxlsx formating, but it does not bold the superscript part as you see above. So I think the path for doing that is modifying the xml code in order to get it, and that's the help I need.
openxlsx::addStyle(wb, "text.xlsx",
style = openxlsx::createStyle(textDecoration = "bold"),
rows = 2:3, cols = 3, gridExpand = TRUE)

I solve this with this function with only one input:
your input texto should be in this format:
text: "normal text [superscript] ~ subscript ~" (avoid spaces between ~)
addSuperSubScriptToCell_general <- function(wb,
size = '10',
colour = '000000',
font = 'Arial',
family = '2',
bold = FALSE,
italic = FALSE,
underlined = FALSE) {
placeholderText <- 'This is placeholder text that should not appear anywhere in your document.'
openxlsx::writeData(wb = wb,
sheet = sheet,
x = placeholderText,
startRow = row,
startCol = col)
#finds the string that you want to update
stringToUpdate <- which(sapply(wb$sharedStrings,
grep(pattern = placeholderText,
== 1)
#splits the text into normal text, superscript and subcript
normal_text <- str_split(texto, "\\[.*\\]|~.*~") %>% pluck(1) %>% purrr::discard(~ . == "")
sub_sup_text <- str_extract_all(texto, "\\[.*\\]|~.*~") %>% pluck(1)
if (length(normal_text) > length(sub_sup_text)) {
sub_sup_text <- c(sub_sup_text, "")
} else if (length(sub_sup_text) > length(normal_text)) {
normal_text <- c(normal_text, "")
# this is the separated text which will be used next
texto_separado <- map2(normal_text, sub_sup_text, ~ c(.x, .y)) %>%
reduce(c) %>%
purrr::discard(~ . == "")
#formatting instructions
sz <- paste('<sz val =\"',size,'\"/>',
sep = '')
col <- paste('<color rgb =\"',colour,'\"/>',
sep = '')
rFont <- paste('<rFont val =\"',font,'\"/>',
sep = '')
fam <- paste('<family val =\"',family,'\"/>',
sep = '')
#if its sub or sup adds the corresponding xml code
sub_sup_no <- function(texto) {
if(str_detect(texto, "\\[.*\\]")){
return('<vertAlign val=\"superscript\"/>')
} else if (str_detect(texto, "~.*~")) {
return('<vertAlign val=\"subscript\"/>')
} else {
#get text from normal text, sub and sup
get_text_sub_sup <- function(texto) {
str_remove_all(texto, "\\[|\\]|~")
bld <- '<b/>'
} else{bld <- ''}
itl <- '<i/>'
} else{itl <- ''}
uld <- '<u/>'
} else{uld <- ''}
#get all properties from one element of texto_separado
get_all_properties <- function(texto) {
'</rPr><t xml:space="preserve">',
# use above function in texto_separado
newString <- map(texto_separado, ~ get_all_properties(.)) %>%
reduce(paste, sep = "") %>%
{c("<si>", ., "</si>")} %>%
reduce(paste, sep = "")
# replace initial text
wb$sharedStrings[stringToUpdate] <- newString


Issue with R-Script populating required content in excel

This script outputs excel spreadsheets of different region. However, since I included a column "Later", changed the corresponding template to also include the column "Later" and increased the number on this line "df <- subset(clist[,c(1:18, 20:29)" from 28 to 29 (given the increased column). The output on the column "group" has come back with its content, but with quotation mark and some instance with CHAR(10).
Is there anyway I can edit this script to have column "group" outcome its content without the quotation marks. Please help!! help! I have struggled with this since. See script below
NB changes made to the original script are as follows
inclusion of later in the sqlcode
changing the df <- subset(clist[,c(1:18, 20:28)" to df <- subset(clist[,c(1:18, 20:29)
Changing the second df <- subset(clist[,c(1:17, 19:28)] to df <- subset(clist[,c(1:18, 20:29)]
requiredpackages <- c("XLConnect", "RPostgreSQL", "svDialogs", "getPass")
reqpackages <- function(requiredpackages){
for( i in requiredpackages ){
if( ! require( i , character.only = TRUE ) ) {
install.packages( i , dependencies = TRUE )
library( i , character.only = TRUE )
# set the version to 1.0.5
packageurl <- ""
install.packages(packageurl, repos=NULL, type="source")
source("N:/Ana/Code/Analysiss/Rational/R SQL working/postgresql-avd.R")
#####Retrieve data from analysis server#####
sqlcode <- paste("SELECT concat_ws(';',datacompletion,sortprovider) as datacompletion,ba,outstandingdata,provider,summary,
FROM common.etl_chasing
where ((date::text like '%",tperiod,"%' or date::text like '%",cperiod,"%')
and (anomalygroup like '%Down%' or group like '%Edwards%' or group like '%Patau%'))
or eddfyear like '%", fperiod,"%' or cleanyear like '%", cperiod, "%'", sep='')
con <- createConnection()
clist <- dbGetQuery(con, sqlcode)
#####Create new folder on PID drive to output chasing lists to#####
dirname <- paste("P:/Data/Antenatal/Testing/", Sys.Date(),sep='')
#####Export CSV of all data#####
#####Copy template for all individual providers#####
sortproviders <- unique(clist$sortprovider)
inpath <- "P:/Data/National/Antenatal/Template17b.xlsx"
for (i in seq_along(sortproviders)) {
outpath <- paste(dirname,"/",sortproviders\[i\]," AN LIST.xlsx", sep='')
file.copy(from = inpath, to = outpath)
#####Populate templates for individual providers#####
swpatterns <- c("68 - ", "70 - ", "72 - ", "73 - ", "84 - ", "93 - ", "94 - ", "95 - ", "96 - ", "99 - ")
#grepl(paste(swpatterns, collapse = "|"), sortproviders\[1\])
#otherpatterns \<- c("72 - ", "96 - ", "73 - ", "93 - ", "94 - ", "72 - ", "99 - ")
#swsortproviders \<- unique(grep(paste(swpatterns, collapse = "|"), sortproviders, value = TRUE))
#restsortprividers \<- unique(grep(paste(otherpatterns, collapse = "|"), sortproviders, value = TRUE))
for (i in seq_along(sortproviders)) {
outpath \<- paste(dirname,"/",sortproviders\[i\]," AN LIST.xlsx", sep='')
if (grepl(paste(swpatterns, collapse = "|"), sortproviders\[i\]) == FALSE) {
df <- subset(clist[,c(1:18, 20:29)], sortprovider == sortproviders[i])
dfformulacol <- as.vector(df$anomalygroup)
df <- cbind(df, df)
XLConnect::writeWorksheetToFile(outpath, df, sheet = "trust list", startRow = 4, header = FALSE, styleAction = XLC$"STYLE_ACTION.NONE")
wb <- loadWorkbook(filename = outpath, create = FALSE)
for (j in seq_along(dfformulacol)) {
setCellFormula(wb, "trust list", j+3, 18, dfformulacol[j])
for (k in seq_along(dfformulacol)) {
setCellFormula(wb, "trust list", k+3, 45, dfformulacol[k])
} else {
df <- subset(clist[,c(1:18, 20:29)], sortprovider == sortproviders[i])
df <- cbind(df, df)
XLConnect::writeWorksheetToFile(outpath, df, sheet = "trust list", startRow = 4, header = FALSE, styleAction = XLC$"STYLE_ACTION.NONE")
wb <- loadWorkbook(filename = outpath, create = FALSE)

How to modify pre-existing function in local environment in R

I am trying to modify an existing function by copy and pasting it to an R script, and assigning it to a new function object in my local environment. However the new function cannot find functions that are called to within the original function. How can I fix this without looking up and finding each function individually? I am guessing that the original function is somehow linked to the package or its dependencies and 'knows where to look' for the missing function, but I cannot figure out how to do this with my new copy-and-pasted function.
Print the function name
The output here is the code for this function. I have omitted it here because it is long (and I have pasted it below), but I copy and paste the output of the function code exactly (see below where I assign this exact code to a new function), except for the last two lines of output, which I think are important:
<bytecode: 0x000000002a2d1e20>
<environment: namespace:camtrapR>
So now I assign the copy and pasted code from the output above to a new function with New <-
New <- function (recordTable, species, allSpecies = FALSE, speciesCol = "Species",
recordDateTimeCol = "DateTimeOriginal", recordDateTimeFormat = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
plotR = TRUE, writePNG = FALSE, plotDirectory, createDir = FALSE,
pngMaxPix = 1000, add.rug = TRUE, ...)
wd0 <- getwd()
mar0 <- par()$mar
on.exit(par(mar = mar0), add = TRUE)
recordTable <- dataFrameTibbleCheck(df = recordTable)
timeZone <- "UTC"
checkForSpacesInColumnNames(speciesCol = speciesCol, recordDateTimeCol = recordDateTimeCol)
if (!
stop("recordTable must be a data frame", call. = FALSE)
if (!speciesCol %in% colnames(recordTable))
stop(paste("speciesCol = \"", speciesCol, "\" is not a column name in recordTable",
sep = ""), call. = FALSE)
if (!recordDateTimeCol %in% colnames(recordTable))
stop(paste("recordDateTimeCol = \"", recordDateTimeCol,
"\" is not a column name in recordTable", sep = ""),
call. = FALSE)
stopifnot(is.logical(c(allSpecies, writePNG, plotR, createDir)))
if (allSpecies == FALSE) {
stopifnot(species %in% recordTable[, speciesCol])
recordTable$DateTime2 <- parseDateTimeObject(inputColumn = recordTable[,
recordDateTimeCol], dateTimeFormat = recordDateTimeFormat,
timeZone = timeZone)
recordTable$Time2 <- format(recordTable$DateTime2, format = "%H:%M:%S",
usetz = FALSE)
recordTable$Time.rad <- (as.numeric(as.POSIXct(strptime(recordTable$Time2,
format = "%H:%M:%S", tz = timeZone))) - as.numeric(as.POSIXct(strptime("0",
format = "%S", tz = timeZone))))/3600 * (pi/12)
if (isTRUE(writePNG)) {
if (hasArg(plotDirectory)) {
if (isTRUE(createDir)) {
dir.create(plotDirectory, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
else {
else {
stop("writePNG is TRUE. Please set plotDirectory",
call. = FALSE)
pngWidth <- pngMaxPix
pngHeight <- round(pngMaxPix * 0.8)
if (allSpecies == FALSE) {
subset_species <- subset(recordTable, recordTable[, speciesCol] ==
if (nrow(subset_species) == 1)
stop(paste(species, "had only 1 record. Cannot estimate density."),
call. = FALSE)
try_error_tmp <- try({
if (isTRUE(writePNG))
png(filename = paste("activity_density_",
species, "_", Sys.Date(), ".png",
sep = ""), width = pngWidth, height = pngHeight,
units = "px", res = 96, type = "cairo")
if (isTRUE(writePNG) | isTRUE(plotR)) {
densityPlot(subset_species$Time.rad, main = paste("Activity of",
species), rug = add.rug, ...)
mtext(paste("number of records:", nrow(subset_species)),
side = 3, line = 0)
if (isTRUE(writePNG))
}, silent = TRUE)
if (class(try_error_tmp) == "try-error")
warning(paste(toupper(species), ": ", try_error_tmp[1],
" - SKIPPED", sep = ""), call. = FALSE)
else {
subset_species_list <- list()
for (i in 1:length(unique(recordTable[, speciesCol]))) {
spec.tmp <- unique(recordTable[, speciesCol])[i]
subset_species <- subset(recordTable, recordTable[,
speciesCol] == spec.tmp)
plot_main_title <- paste("Activity of", spec.tmp)
if (nrow(subset_species) == 1) {
warning(paste(toupper(spec.tmp), ": It had only 1 record. Cannot estimate density. - SKIPPED",
sep = ""), call. = FALSE)
else {
try_error_tmp <- try({
if (isTRUE(writePNG))
png(filename = paste("activity_density_",
spec.tmp, "_", Sys.Date(), ".png",
sep = ""), width = pngWidth, height = pngHeight,
units = "px", res = 96, type = "cairo")
if (isTRUE(writePNG) | isTRUE(plotR)) {
densityPlot(subset_species$Time.rad, main = plot_main_title,
rug = add.rug, ...)
mtext(paste("number of records:", nrow(subset_species)),
side = 3, line = 0)
if (isTRUE(writePNG))
}, silent = TRUE)
if (class(try_error_tmp) == "try-error")
warning(paste(toupper(spec.tmp), ": ",
try_error_tmp[1], " - SKIPPED",
sep = ""), call. = FALSE)
subset_species_list[[i]] <- subset_species$Time.rad
names(subset_species_list)[i] <- spec.tmp
if (allSpecies == FALSE) {
else {
Yet, when I try to run this new function (arguments omitted here for clarity), it can't find a function embedded within.
How can I somehow assign this function to look within the original package camtrapR for any dependencies, etc.? and why does the code output from the function not already do this?
Error in dataFrameTibbleCheck(df = recordTable) :
could not find function "dataFrameTibbleCheck"
This answer here: allows one to manually edit and save a function's code for each R session, but it is non-reproducible (not code) that can be shared or re-used.
If New is the new function copied from camtrapR then use
environment(New) <- asNamespace("camtrapR")
to ensure that the function calls in its body are looked up in the correct places.

Creating and saving multiple .xlsx files using for loop openxlsx

I am attempting to create save multiple formatted Excel files, each of which are subsetted from a certain data frame by a factor.
This is an example of what I have tried so far
# Create data
df <- data.frame(category = rep(c("a","b","c","d"),times = 20),
values = rnorm(20,5,2))
# Create workbooks named after specific level of factor
l1 <- sapply(levels(df$category), assign, value = createWorkbook())
# Create styles
hs <- createStyle(fgFill = "#808080", border = "bottom", textDecoration = "bold")
lt8 <- createStyle(bgFill = "#ff0000")
gt30 <- createStyle(bgFill = "#00b0f0")
grn <- createStyle(bgFill = "#00b000")
# For loop
for (i in l1) {
addWorksheet(i, names(i))
writeData(i, names(i), df[df$category == names(i),], headerStyle = hs)
conditionalFormatting(i, names(i), cols = 1:2, rows = 2:nrow(df[df$category == names(i),]), rule = "$B2<2", type = "expression", style = lt8)
conditionalFormatting(i, names(i), cols = 1:2, rows = 2:nrow(df[df$category == names(i),]), rule = "$B2>=7", type = "expression", style = gt30)
conditionalFormatting(i, names(i), cols = 1:2, rows = 2:nrow(df[df$category == names(i),]), rule = "AND($B2>=4, $B2<5.5)", style = grn)
setColWidths(i, names(i), cols=1:2, widths = "auto")
saveWorkbook(paste(i, ".wb", sep = ""), file = paste(i, " Report ", ".xlsx", sep = ""))
Each time, I run into this error
Error in if (tolower(sheetName) %in% tolower(wb$sheet_names)) stop("A worksheet by that name already exists! Sheet names must be unique case-insensitive.")
This is the first time I've attempted to assign any sheets so I'm not exactly sure why I keep getting this error.
Ultimately, I would like to save the subsetted and formatted excel workbooks through a repetitive process because my real data would produce many more workbooks. The workbooks must be separate and placing these subsets in sheets won't work.
Any and all advice on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated.
Your error is coming from this line:
addWorksheet(i, names(i))
because names(i) is empty:
> names(l1[['a']])
You might be better off looping over the names of l1, so you have the categories you want, using that to pull the appropriate workbook from the list. Something like:
for (i in names(l1)) {
wb = l1[[i]]
addWorksheet(wb, i)
category_data <- df[df$category == i,]
writeData(wb, i, category_data, headerStyle = hs)
conditionalFormatting(wb, i, cols = 1:2, rows = 2:nrow(category_data), rule = "$B2<2", type = "expression", style = lt8)
conditionalFormatting(wb, i, cols = 1:2, rows = 2:nrow(category_data), rule = "$B2>=7", type = "expression", style = gt30)
conditionalFormatting(wb, i, cols = 1:2, rows = 2:nrow(category_data), rule = "AND($B2>=4, $B2<5.5)", style = grn)
setColWidths(wb, i, cols=1:2, widths = "auto")
saveWorkbook(wb, file = paste(i, " Report ", ".xlsx", sep = ""))
There's still one subtle error here:
l1 <- sapply(levels(df$category), assign, value = createWorkbook())
createWorkbook() is only being called once, so you have 4 copies of the same workbook. That means the final save will have all 4 tabs. Compare:
> identical(l1$a, l1$b)
[1] TRUE
with 2 separate calls to createWorkbook():
> identical(createWorkbook(), createWorkbook())
Might be worth just looping over the distinct categories, and creating the workbook inside the loop. That is:
# Create data
df <- data.frame(category = rep(c("a","b","c","d"),times = 20),
values = rnorm(20,5,2))
# Create styles
hs <- createStyle(fgFill = "#808080", border = "bottom", textDecoration = "bold")
lt8 <- createStyle(bgFill = "#ff0000")
gt30 <- createStyle(bgFill = "#00b0f0")
grn <- createStyle(bgFill = "#00b000")
# For loop
for (i in levels(df$category)) {
wb <- createWorkbook()
addWorksheet(wb, i)
category_data <- df[df$category == i,]
writeData(wb, i, category_data, headerStyle = hs)
conditionalFormatting(wb, i, cols = 1:2, rows = 2:nrow(category_data), rule = "$B2<2", type = "expression", style = lt8)
conditionalFormatting(wb, i, cols = 1:2, rows = 2:nrow(category_data), rule = "$B2>=7", type = "expression", style = gt30)
conditionalFormatting(wb, i, cols = 1:2, rows = 2:nrow(category_data), rule = "AND($B2>=4, $B2<5.5)", style = grn)
setColWidths(wb, i, cols=1:2, widths = "auto")
saveWorkbook(wb, file = paste(i, " Report ", ".xlsx", sep = ""))

binwidth for a histogram in R

This is my program so far. I need to ask the user to input their own bindwidth next and i can't figure out how to do it. <- readline('Please enter name and file location: ')
has.header <- readline('Does your data file contain a header (Y/N)? ')
if (has.header == 'Y')
file.df <- read.table( file =, sep=',', header = TRUE)
file.df <- read.table ( file =, sep=',', header = FALSE)
column <- as.numeric(readline('What column do you want to graph (enter number)? '))
print(hist(file.df[ ,column]))
#New bin width
binsize <- readline("Enter a new bin width for your graph: ")
binsize <- as.integer(readline("Enter a new bin width for your graph: "))
xt <- readline("Enter x axis title: ")
yt <- readline("Enter y axis title: ")
binwidth <- as.integer(nrow(file.df)/binsize))
hist(file.df[, column], breaks = binwidth, xlab = xt, ylab = yt)

Can I nest apply functions in R?

I have a series of CSV files that I want to prepare to append together. My appended file will be large, so I'd like to convert some string variables to numeric and date formats in the individual files rather than the larger appended file.
With other software, I would have one for loop that opens the file and nested for loops that would iterate over certain groups of variables. For this project, I am attempting to use R and apply functions.
I have mapply and lapply functions that work independently. I'm now trying to figure out how to combine them. Can I nest them? (See below for the independent parts and the nesting.)
(This code references code in the answer to How do I update data frame variables with sapply results?)
(Is it customary to provide an example CSV to give a reproducible example? Does R have built-in example CSVs?)
These work separately:
insert.division <- function(fileroot, divisionname){
ext <- ".csv"
file <- paste(fileroot, ext, sep = "")
data <- read.csv(file, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
data$division <- divisionname
write.csv(data, file = paste(fileroot, "_adj3", ext, sep = ""),
row.names = FALSE)
files <- c(
divisions <- c(1:5)
#Open the files, insert division name, save new versions
mapply(insert.division, fileroot = files, divisionname = divisions)
#Change currency variables from string to numeric
currency.vars <- c(
df[currency.vars] <- lapply(
function(x) as.numeric(sub("^\\(","-", gsub("[$,]|\\)$","", x)))
Combined version:
file.prep <- function(fileroot, divisionname, currency.vars){
ext <- ".csv"
file <- paste(fileroot, ext, sep = "")
data <- read.csv(file, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
data$division <- divisionname
df[currency.vars] <- lapply(
function(x) as.numeric(sub("^\\(","-", gsub("[$,]|\\)$","", x)))
write.csv(data, file = paste(fileroot, "_adj", ext, sep = ""),
row.names = FALSE)
#Open the files, insert division name, change the currency variables,
#save new versions
mapply(file.prep, fileroot = files, divisionname = divisions,
currency.vars = df[currency.vars])
I'm not really sure why you're writing it back to file after changing the data, but here's an example of how I might approach the problem.
## Set up three csv files
DF <- data.frame(
w = paste0("($", sample(1500, 30) / 100, ")"),
x = Sys.Date() + 0:29,
y = sample(letters, 30, TRUE),
z = paste0("($", sample(1500, 30) / 100, ")")
fnames <- paste0("file", 1:3, ".csv")
Map(write.csv, split(DF, c(1, 10, 20)), fnames, row.names = FALSE)
Using your file.prep() function, you could adjust it a little and do
file.prep <- function(fileroot, divname, vars) {
ext <- ".csv"
file <- paste0(fileroot, ext)
data <- read.csv(file, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
data$division <- divname
data[vars] <- lapply(data[vars], function(x) {
type.convert(gsub("[()$]", "", x))
write.csv(data, row.names = FALSE, file = paste0(fileroot, "_adj", ext))
divname <- 1:3
fnames <- paste0("file", divname)
Map(file.prep, fnames, divname, MoreArgs = list(vars = c("w", "z")))
