How Does Firebase Analytics count New Users in Web App - firebase

We have a web app that users log into using Firebase Auth. According to our the authentication section of our firebase console, we have 690 user that have created accounts, and we believe that is correct.
According to our Firebase Analytics console, we have 2,100 new users in the past 90 days. I think I understand that Firebase Analytics tracks users with a device ID (?). So, if this were a iOS app, an uninstall and install would trigger a a new user counted in analytics. But, how does this work on a web app? Cookie? Some kind of browser id? A session?
So, I think if we want to track unique users accurately, we would use the set the user id, with this:
Which according to the docs linked above, 'Use gtag 'config' command to set 'user_id'. So it does this:
Which allows the users to be tracked across sessions. Therefore, users should not double count.
Notice that the setUserId section in the firebase analytics docs does not have a web section (although the setUserID function does exist in the javascript sdk as shown tow links above)
So... would it then work to get the user id (uid) when they log in ( And then use the setUserId method to set the id?
It's unclear because the documentation does not seem to be in one source. I am just trying to put it all together

You are correct that you can use the setUserId API (across iOS, web and Android) in order to identify the same user across platforms. Note that you'll need to:
Set the default reporting identity to "By User-ID then Device" in the Reporting settings for Google Analytics in the Firebase console (see attached screenshot and docs for more info).
Make sure you are following the Privacy Policy when using the User ID.


Does Firebase Analytics link data to user identity?

I am trying to publish my React Native iOS app (which uses Firebase Analytics) on the App Store. The App Store requires me to specify what data is linked to the user.
The problem is: I cannot figure out whether Firebase Analytics links the data it collects to the user identity.
Specifically, I am unsure if Firebase Analytics links data from the following categories to the user identity: Contact Info, Identifiers, Diagnostics, Location, Usage Data, and Other Data. Can anyone advise?
I found Google documentation explaining how to enable/disable privacy settings: Privacy controls in Google Analytics
For location data, they state: "You have the option to enable/disable the collection of granular location-and-device data on a per-region basis. Analytics collects this data by default."
For user level data acccess, they state: "For Universal Analytics properties, you can pull event information for any given user identifier via the User Explorer report or the User Activity API. These features allow you to analyze and export event level data for a single user identifier. " -- I think this means that the data is in fact linked to user identities if you use Firebase Analytics.

Firebase Remote Config - Conditions not applied

I am using the Firebase Web SDK 8.3.1 and I have created a remote config parameter with conditions based on a custom user properties.
The problem I encounter is that my end users always get the default value, never one from any of the conditions, even if I am sure the user actually matches the conditions...
I see in the doc:
Warning: To use audiences and user properties with Remote Config, you
must enable Google Analytics data sharing for your project. In your
app, you'll need to ensure Firebase Analytics is present and data
collection is available as well.
Then if I follow the provided link I see the instructions:
To manage Google Analytics for Firebase data sharing:
Sign in to Firebase and select a project.
Click the Settings icon and select Project Settings.
On the Project Settings page, click Data privacy.
See the options available under Google Analytics data
sharing. When you share Analytics data, you share it for all the apps
in your project.
Turn on the switch for Share Analytics data with all Firebase
features, including Predictions, A/B Testing, Remote Config, and
Notifications (this is your default setting) to enable all current
options to share data with Firebase features.
But in my firebase console I dont have this switch! Under "Google Analytics data sharing" there is now another link:
So I cant turn on this setting :(
Note: how I made sure my user actually matches the condition "user property X == A":
Wait 30mins
Launch the app with a user having user property X set to A
Launch the Realtime dashboard of Firebase Analytics and filter to the last 30mins
And here I see that there were indeed 1 user in the last 30mins and this user had property X set to A
So is there anything special I should do when I want to create a condition using custom user properties?

BuildFire: Tracking Commerce and Conversion Analytics

I am attempting to track certain events in Buildfire's platform and have a few questions. I've integrated Firebase into a plugin not using the Buildfire API but by following Firebase's steps to integrating with a web app.
I'd like to be able to register the following events but don't see them mentioned in the Buildfire Wiki:
When a user signs up (creates an account) on an app - I believe Firebase registers users anonymously the first time they use an app since Firebase has been integrated but was wondering if there was a signup event when a user actually creates an account to distinguish between people who view the app and those who create an account
Paywall view (when a user tries to see premium content and is directed to the paywall).
When a user subscribes to a paid plan - additionally, I'd like to access the subscription information such as the price of the subscription.
These events would help drive funnels and deliver better conversion rate statistics. I've looked but just haven't found the documentation related to tracking these events within Buildfire. I've looked at the getUser methods under Authentication in Buildfire's API but don't see any user information returned regarding subscriptions.
Any information would be appreciated!
There are many ways to accomplish what you are looking for. I'll try to describe several so you can pick the method that best suits you.
Use the BuildFire integration with Firebase. This doesn't really change much on your implementation. However, you now will have the BuildFire Auth Servers sending your Firebase server, secure user information along with User Tags. If you have the user tagged when they view premium content, then you can run queries on this directly in firebase.
Send your Analytics to BuildFire. This way you have one spot to view the users' journey
For more advanced analytics and funnel creation you can send your analytics to BuildFire and use BuildFire's integration with which will allow you to pipe the data into your database, google analytics, mixpanel, or anyone of the hundreds of integrations they have.

How do I set up "userid" equivalent view from Google Analytics in Firebase Analytics?

I am trying to use firebase analytics in my iOS app. I have been using Google analytics (GA) before. in GA, just to make sure that I get true user count (i.e. a user who had the app, uninstalls the app and then reinstalls the app, should still be treated as only 1 user), I was using userid view in GA which works well for me.
Per How does Firebase Analytics define a "user" (for purposes of Audience)?, it seems firebase doesn't have such mechanism. So how do I capture this stats in firebase analytics? I could have updated the same question but I still don't have comment access in stack overflow yet.
You can use FirebaseAnalytics.setUserId to set your user IDs. You can then link the account to BigQuery and count distinct users using BigQuery. BigQuery has free tier that should be sufficient for most app.

Integrating Google Analytics Into Google Doc

I'm trying to pull data from a google analytics and put it into a google doc spreadsheet. The main issues seems to be I can't enter my GA Key. All the tutorials have said to enter it in a text box that should be at the end of the resources -> use Google API form. But I see no textbox there, only a message that I have to enable the APIs in the API console to use them.
I've confirmed that I do have Google Analytics enabled in the API console.
The error messages I get are either User does not have sufficient permissions for this profile. or Analytics not defined if I try to type my API key in the text box that says 'Analytics' (which leads me to believe that's defining the variable image).
Since the script is running as "you" you do not need to enter the GA id - it will use the permissions for the account that you were logged in with while creating and authorising that script. That account needs admin permissions for the Google Analytics account you intend to query.
The box that you thought is for the API key holds the name for the analytics object in the script. If you change that you'd need to change all instances of "Analytics" in the script to the name you entered.
For example there is a line in the script that goes:
var accounts = Analytics.Management.Accounts.list();
This will list all accounts connected to the user who authorised that script. You see that the first part is "Analytics" (the global Analytics object in the script), if you enter something in the resources->Google APIs tab you'd need to change that as well - that's why you get an error message "Analytics is not defined" when you change that value.
Hard to tell about your actual problem, probably you are just missing admin permissions in analytics.
