Incorrect Ikonli icons displayed - javafx

I am having problems using the Ikonli icon packs. I am creating FontIcon objects and then using those to set the graphics on buttons. Icons taken from the FontAwesome5 pack work great. Icons taken from the Material2 pack seem to shift somehow - for example, I try to get mdal-6_ft_apart but what actually gets displayed is mdal-loyalty. And no matter which Icon I load from MaterialDesign2, all I see is an empty box.
I'm running this through Eclipse, and everything looks fine when stepping through with the debugger. This is the value of the button graphic:
ObjectProperty [bean: mdal-6_ft_apart:15:0xffffffff, name: iconCode, value: MDAL_6_FT_APART]
and yet, on the screen, it's something completely different.
This is a Maven project using OpenJDK 16 and JavaFX 16. I've tried loading just a single icon pack instead of all 3, but no difference. Also, there are never any errors retrieving the icons. The ServiceProviders are all found, and the icons are available.
I made a small Hello World program and everything runs fine, so it's definitely an issue with my program and not the library. But I have no idea what the problem is, and I've been staring at this for almost 2 hours. Has anyone come across this before? I'd appreciate any help, because I'm out of ideas.

Answering this myself in case it saves someone else some time. I was installing the Ikonli library in order to replace the FontAwesomeFX library that is no longer available. I had gotten partway through replacing the icons when I ran the app in order to check the progress, and that's when I saw the errors.
The problem turned out to be an interference between the two libraries - FontAwesomeFX was throwing of Ikonli. The icon shift didn't actually occur until the code displayed a FontAwesomeFX icon, which made it seem a little random depending on the order I would open the dialogs when testing. I'm assuming an issue with the Service Handlers, though I'm not positive because I stopped troubleshooting once I realized the problem and just finished the replacement.
Once I stopped displaying FontAwesomeFX icons and the dependency was removed, Ikonli worked fine.


Has there been a recent change that is preventing tracked hands from showing in A-Frame VR accessed by Oculus Quest 2?

Or is it just me. My own project using tracked hands was working fine yesterday, then today the hands stopped working. After reversing changes since then and still failing, I rechecked one example that was working correctly on Jan. 20: - now, it is not showing hands, or allowing the controls to be used. The hands do show outside of VR when the controller is set down or inside VR when the Menu is invoked. On my device, Hand tracking is on, and the experimental 'WebXR experiences with hand and joint tracking', in chrome://flags, is enabled, both of which I believe are required and were enabled when this was working previously. Turned everything off and on several times, removed batteries, re-paired controllers and did a factory reset of the headset, all per instructions from Oculus support - to no avail. They said they will contact me after asking for invoice info. However it would be good to know if this is some other issue. Can anyone confirm that the above example is, or is not, failing in Quest 2, or is there some other update or change that might be affecting this?
Same for me on Quest 1.
The Three.js examples with Handtracking are working.
I recognized that the oculus browser now says "...wants to enter with handtracking" So something changed in the oculus browser that has to be updated in the jslibraries.
But that will change again with chromium 88
I am on oculus browser with chromium 87.0.4280
There must have been one cause I had the same problem.
Found this seemingly related fix in the A-Frame code, mostly bone name changes.
And that's what helped me.
<script src=""></script>
I was calling for a previous version of the framework.

JavaFX: Stages are empty

I am facing a strange problem: When running my application everything works fine, the code compiles, the debugger shows that everything is in order but stages different to the primary stage do not show their continent, they appear just empty white.
I cannot provide a reproducible code sample because it works on my other system just OK.
So my question is: What could cause the stages not to display their content?
I am using JavaFX 11 with ZuluFX 11.
UPDATE: I just tried to run version which was built on a system where the displaying works and I have the same effect: Empty windows.
It's hard to say without further information, but try to start the application with -Djavafx.verbose=true -Dprism.verbose=true and check if you get some error message which might help you.
Apparently, using SW rendering works fine. I am not sure how large the impact of SW rendering is.

Use Autolayout Not Checked, Still get constraint errors

I do not use autolayout. My app is incredibly dynamic, in that users can drag fields onto a canvas to create forms. Therefore, I have developed my own routines to render my xibs on any device in either portrait or landscape. To do this, I make sure the Use Autolayout is not checked for the xib's view in the file inspector. In fact none of the boxes are checked (trait variations, safe area, etc). However, I continue to get constraint errors. Is this just a bug. My code works perfectly but it is quite annoying to get the plethora of warnings in the output window. This just started in the last release or two. I am using XCode 9.2 with a deployment target of iOS 11.

Section Lines Disappearing Graphical Issue

I am having a display issue with Infopath. My section lines and section text disappear in the form designer. The lines are initially there but then disappear after I click a few times and scroll. They still exist and can be clicked but I cannot seem them. I am not sure right now what exactly is causing them to disappear.
I am able to get them back again by switching views. This problem occurs both with infopath 2010, and 2007. It also happens to different forms. So it appears to be some sort of display issue. I have not noticed display issue's in any other programs.
I think the likely cause is because I recently formatted my computer, swapped graphics cards for the same model number but what looks like a newer revision because the fan failed on the last card. My specs may be relevant: I am using an AMD FirePro V4900, latest driver 13.352.1009 as of posting. 3 Monitor setup. Windows 7 x64.
Has anyone else run into this and found a fix?

QT program's display gets frozen and scrambled

I haven't found anyone who's stated a problem similar to this, but then again maybe it's because I don't know the right term for the graphical glitch I'm having. This program worked and displayed just fine a week ago, but now it doesn't. I (or rather, "we," since it's a school project) haven't made any changes to it since then. It's made with QT, and running on CentOS. Here's a screenshot:
Screenshot of QT glitch
Whatever is behind the window shows in the background, and whatever happens in the window gets frozen on screen. For example, if a word is supposed to flash on the screen and then disappear and be replaced by another word, the first word does not disappear. Instead, the second word just appears on top of it.
Anyone able to point me in the right direction as to what could be doing this? I could post a code snippet, if I knew what part to post a snippet of. :S
Is the UI just one giant QGraphicsScene object? If so then it could well be an OpenGL driver issue. If not, then I'm going to guess that it's the underlying Qt painting system that has become corrupted, and just reinstalling Qt should do it.
