Location of Java installer for Windows Perimeter Server - ibm-sterling

ps_6010001.jar-this file but for Windows
Where do I find the Windows installer for a Java install on a perimeter server for Sterling Integrator 6010?

Please go through this documentation link: Installing a perimeter server in a less secure network.
You should always collect the Perimeter Server installer from installed IBM Sterling B2B Integrator's instance's <install_dir>\packages\<ps_filename>.jar.
Use the java version as per the Operating System's vendor like AIX, RHEL, Solaris etc.
Then run the executable installer jar using java -jar
/<path_to_java>/java -jar /<install_dir>/packages/<ps_filename>.jar –interactive
Follow the documentation for more details.


Where can I find an Artifactory 6.10.0 in Windows Zip Installer?

I have to upgrade Artifactory from 5.8.2 to 6.1.0 or any 6.x. to then Upgrade to 7.x, but I couldn't found the Windows zip to my virtual machine (I was looking in the JFrog page but just couldn't find it).
A 6.10.x Artifactory Windows installer.
You can follow the below link to download the versions

Jetbains Rider remote debugging ASP.NET Core 6.0 apps through SSH kept failing

I am trying to remote debug via ssh on an ubuntu host at Ali with no success. I'm using the the latest Rider, 2022.1 EAP 10.
The error is:
Debugger worker was not initialized within 100,000 ms
I’m running Ubuntu 20.04 64bit on Ali Cloud. And one side note: for the following steps from Jetbrains documents, I wasn’t able to succeed:
cd /[application path]/WebApplication to go to the application root folder.
chmod +x ./WebApplication to add the executable bit if needed.
ASPNETCORE_URLS= ./WebApplication to run the application
WebApplication is a directory, the OS kept complaining it's a directory even after chmod+x. I managed to run the self-contained executable.
It is always better to ask such questions in JetBrains public issue tracker.
This problem should already be fixed in the next Rider versions:

Can't install conan recipe from Artifactory OSS server from Bamboo server

I have JFrog Artifactory Community Edition 7.11.2 for C++ installed on a linux server and from my Windows pc I can successfully install required recipes for a project via the conan install .. command. However when I use the same files and scripts on my Bamboo Server (windows) as a build plan I get the following error:
ERROR: Couldn't read login
Conan suggests:
Try removing 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\.conan\.conan.db' file.
This I have done but still get the same error.
The Bamboo server runs using the Local System Account.
Are there recommended practices for using Conan with Bamboo for CI uses?
By default, Anonymous user is disabled, which means, only authenticated users can upload or download packages from Artifactory.
If your Bamboo instance is only downloading, without authentication, so first you need to enable the anonymous user access: https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/JFROG/Users+and+Groups#UsersandGroups-ManagingUsers
Only administrator account can do it.
The problem was that I had surplus "'s in the remotes.txt file. I had a line like this...
"conancenter" "https://center.conan.io" true when it should of been
conancenter https://center.conan.io true

Correct way to setup Virtualbox 4.3 to use symlinks on guest (for meteor)

I use Windows 8 and installed Virtualbox so i can access to a Linux (Ubuntu) System.
The most i still did to do this - so at this moment i have a working Virtualbox with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.
In my case i need this Virtualbox with Linux for meteor.
The problem:
meteor uses nodejs and so i need to have symlinks access (i think its symlinks - i read a few about it)
Reference: How to run meteor app inside an Ubuntu VrtualBox and edit using an editor on a Windows host?
He describes the same problem i have now:
Error: EROFS, read-only file system '/media/sf_Shared/Dropbox/dev_uhurajr/chat/.meteor/local/.build320446.build/programs/server/npm/logging/main/node_modules'
So i tried to enabled Symlinks on my host (windows) this way:
VBoxManage setextradata YOURVMNAME VBoxInternal2/SharedFoldersEnableSymlinksCreate/YOURSHAREFOLDERNAME 1
Reference: http://www.ahtik.com/blog/fixing-your-virtualbox-shared-folder-symlink-error/
This works fine! When i check the extradata for my VM the field SharedFoldersEnableSymlinksCreate is on 1
I set this value for 2 folders. The shared folder on Windows and also the name of the shared folder on my Linux VM.
But .. the same problem. The following error occurs everytime meteor tries to write symlinks:
Error: UNKNOWN, unknown error '/media/Projekte/test/.meteor/local/.build320446.build/programs/server/npm/logging/main/node_modules'
So whats the right way to get this working ?
Guessing you were using Virtualbox version after 4.0, please:
Enable symlinks VBoxManage.exe setextradata YOUR_VM VBoxInternal2/SharedFoldersEnableSymlinksCreate/YOUR_SHARED_FOLDER 1
Run VirtualBox 'as admininstrator' on Windows.
Replace the YOUR_VM and YOUR_SHARED_FOLDER with your own value. You can check the value via VBoxManage.exe getextradata YOUR_VM enumerate
VirtualBox enabled symbolic for shared folder since 4.0, it's Windows permissions blocking you. You can either enable the permission for user or simply run VirtualBox as an administrator.
Please to refer the Virtualbox documentation:
Doc updated, please refer to the doc Shared Folders:
Starting with version 4.0, VirtualBox shared folders also support symbolic links (symlinks), under the following conditions:
The host operating system must support symlinks (i.e. a Mac, Linux or Solaris host is required).
Currently only Linux and Solaris Guest Additions support symlinks.
I made a development vm with setup and run scripts.
Just put your meteor app in the app directory and follow the instructions in the readme.md

How to set jar application to use Java 6 instead of 7

How can I set my java jar application to use jre 6 instead of jre 7?
I'm doing this because there are some compatibility issue with the libraries I'm using if the application use jre 7.
The application will come with its own installers (using advanced installer) that have a jre6 installer. But I don't know how to trace the installation folder of the jre6.
How can I trace it and make the jar file use the jre6?
You can do this from Advanced Installer much simpler. You have two options:
Force the package to use the JRE 1.6 found on the machine by going to "Virtual Machine" tab from Java Products page and setting the minimum and maximum JRE versions to 1.6
Add as bundle in the project from the same page the JRE for version 1.6. This means that Advanced Installer will automatically import in your package the JRE resources required for your application, thus increases the package size, and will install them in the application's install folder. This JRE bundle will be used only by your application and removed along with it.
When running your application using java.exe, you could provide the absolute path to a Java 1.6 installation. Something like:
absolute_path_to_java6_dir/bin/java -jar yourRunnableJar.jar
absolute_path_to_java6_dir/bin/java -cp .;yourJar.jar;otherJarFiles className
You could check the running JVM version when starting your application.
This way you could provide a meaningful explanation to end-user.
