Xamarin Forms Gif Delay And Black Spots - xamarin.forms

I'm trying to use a gif as my Image Source but I have 2 problems:
The gif is starting some seconds after my application starts
After that, the animation is working but I got some black parts appearing
enter image description here
My image is placed inside the drawable folder inside the android project.


Launch Screen image doesn't display Xamarin IOS

I tried to add image in Launch screen (Logo) in storyboard but doesn't display
I Followed Xamarin documentation but no way .. when i drag and drop image and set image to image set which i added in assets nothing changed
Launch screen works fine if i change background color or something like that
Note : In story board when i try to select image view image .. it open
explorer didn't make me choose from image set
how can i solve this issue ?
If you want to use Asset catalogs in the LaunchScreen.storyboard, it is not necessary to name the Asset file as LaunchImages. Click the add button at the left top of this window, you will get an Asset file named Images. You can rename it then add three sizes of images(1x, 2x, 3x), after doing that this image can be used adapting all apple phone devices.
Then click save all button at the top window or use Ctrl + Shift + s to save this behavior. At last drag and drop down an Image view control on the LaunchScreen.storyboard, you will find this image called the Asset file's name instead of the images' original name in the image view's property window's image list.
when i follow this it works fine

How to set icon to cab file different than base icon on smart device project

Hello I am developing a smart device application with .net framework 3.5 to windows ce mobile.
I added icon to my project from Properties > Application > icon and manifest.
My icon is a triangle shape and it needs to has transparent background. I added my icon from properties with transparent background so in mobile device application will have a triangle icon for shortcut.
when I create a cab file for my smart device, it takes icon where I defined from Properties > Application > icon and manifest. But my problem is after installing the application by cab file, it creates square shortcut without transparent background (a triangle and white places).
I need my application shotrcut icon to be seen without white places on smart device.
So I think maybe there is a way to set icon while creating cab file so that it does not take the exe's icon and changes it to a squared icon with white places.
Is there any way to solve my problem?
my icon with transparent bg
the icon which cab file produces
I assuming you are talking about a Windows CE (5/6) or Windows Mobile (5/6) project. So we are talking about "Compact Framework 3.5".
AFAIK only ico files are supported for application icons. That is clear from the file open dialog for Properties > Application > icon and manifest:
Your png files are not supported as application icon with transparent background.
If the icon is edited as resource inside VS2008, there is a special 'transparent' color:
This works fine for the Windows Mobile Start menu:
The icon shown for a cab file is defined by the registry and the same for ALL cab files:

xamarin forms uri image not resizing

In my xamarin forms project, I'm trying to resize an image from a uri. Problem is anything I try to resize the image is not working. I've tried adjusting the following:
heightrequest, widthrequest, Fill, fillAndExpand, placing it inside of another stacklayout ect. Ive tried using a local image from the resources folder and the image resizes fine, so this is only an issue with an image from a uri.
Not sure why this works, but placing the image inside of a grid, then setting the desired size in the grid resizes the image.

javafx doesn't load image correctly (rotation)

javafx does not load image in the correct rotation after the image is rotated by windows rotate from explorer
1. select a image using windows explorer
2. click the rotate left button
3. load the image using javafx(the below code)
4. the image is loaded but not rotated
is there anything i missing?
ImageView iview = new ImageView();
Image image = new Image("/path/to/image");
os: windows10
java version: 1.8
JavaFX loads the image as it is. However, some images have a rotation flag in the EXIF information which tells the viewing application in which rotation the image is to be displayed. You would have to read the metadata of the image and rotate the image accordingly.
And what ItachiUchiha said, you need to save the image after rotating it.

AppBar button icon not fitting inside elipse

Hey I am creating bottom app bar and adding 3, app bar button to it like shown below. One use inbuilt icon and the other two uses Bitmap icons
<BitmapIcon UriSource="ms-appx:///Assets/Like.png" Height="20" Width="20"/>
AppBarButton with bitmap icons display correctly in the design view, that is enclosed within the eclipse of appbar button. But when I deploy it on my phone the app bar button looks like below (two on the right)
What is wron with it
I think you may have forgotten about appropriate padding - more information at MSDN:
I recommend you to find default Windows Phone icons in Microsoft SDKs folder on your PC. In my case it's C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v8.1\Icons\Light. There you can check how to correctly prepare icons for your application bar.
They must be 76 x 76 PNG images (including padding) with alpha channel.
