Plotting a big raster file results in a white frame - r

I am currently working with an ASCII matrix of 256x256 pixels. I correctly imported it into R, rasterized it and the values are what I would expect (i.e., correct x and y boundaries and min and max "z" values). However, while plotting it I get a blank raster, like every value in the matrix is zero.
I tried by creating another file as a 5x5 matrix and I get no problem with that. Am I missing something?
Files and screenshots below:
my 256x256 raster ascii matrix link

Your raster is simply almost empty, in the sense that it has just the 2% of values !=0. However if you export the raster and visualize it in a GIS software (like Qgis, or ArcMap), by setting a 100% transparency for the 0 values you can see the remaining values:
Here an example:
x <- read.table("D:/muon sideways0000.txt")
x <- as.matrix(x)
r <- raster(x)
z <- apply(x, 1, function(x)sum(x!=0))

To aid visualization, you can do
x <- read.table("muon sideways0000.txt")
x <- as.matrix(x)
r <- rast(x)
plot(r > 1)
Or some other transformation like
rr <- clamp(r, 0, 100)


How to plot time series graph of a pixel in a raster stack in R

I have a raster stack made of 11 ascii files having temperature values of an area. Each file represents a different time point such as t2, t3,...,t12. I want to select one specific pixel from this area and I want to make a graph showing the changes of temperature values in time (from t2 to t12) of this pixel. I tried the following code:
> myfiles <- list.files(full.names = T)
> temp_files <- stack(myfiles)
> temp_values <- extract(temp_files, mypixel) # mypixel is defined by xyFromCell function
> plot(temp_values)
I check the values and it seemed right. But I will apply the same code for stacks with 500 layers and I cannot check each value in each layer so is this the right way to do that?
Here is a minimal, self-contained, reproducible example
r <- stack(system.file("external/rlogo.grd", package="raster"))
Now you can do things like
x <- 1:nlayers(r)
# select the cell you want
y <- r[4089]
# or
# extract(r, 4089)
plot(x, y)
So what you are doing appears to be correct.

Reduce memory usage for mosaic on large list of rasters

I am using the mosaic function in the raster package to combine a long (11,000 files) list of rasters using the approach suggested by #RobertH here.
rlist <- sapply(list_names)
rlist$fun <- mean
rlist$na.rm <- TRUE
x <-, rlist)
As you might imagine, this eventually overruns my available memory (on several different machines and computing clusters). My question is: Is there a way to reduce the memory usage of either mosaic or I've tried altering maxmemory in rasterOptions(), but that does not seem to help. Processing the rasters in smaller batches seems problematic because the rasters may be spatially disjunct (i.e., sequential raster files may be located very far from each other). Thanks in advance for any help you can give.
Rather than loading all rasters into memory at once (in the mosaic() call), can you process them one at a time? That way, you have your mosaic that updates each time you bring one more raster into memory, but then you can get rid of the new raster and just keep the continuously updating mosaic raster.
Assuming that your rlist object is a list of rasters, I'm thinking of something like:
Initialize an updating_raster object as the first raster in the list
Loop through each raster in the list in turn, starting from the 2nd raster
Read the ith raster into memory called next_raster
Update the updating_raster object by overwriting it with the mosaic of itself and the next raster using a weighted mean
R code
Testing with the code in the mosaic() help file example...
First generate some rasters and use the standard mosaic method.
r <- raster(ncol=100, nrow=100)
r1 <- crop(r, extent(-10, 11, -10, 11))
r2 <- crop(r, extent(0, 20, 0, 20))
r3 <- crop(r, extent(9, 30, 9, 30))
r1[] <- 1:ncell(r1)
r2[] <- 1:ncell(r2)
r3[] <- 1:ncell(r3)
m1 <- mosaic(r1, r2, r3, fun=mean)
Put the rasters in a list so they are in a similar format as I think you have.
rlist <- list(r1, r2, r3)
Because of the NA handling of the weighted.mean() function, I opted to create the same effect by breaking down the summation and the division into distinct steps...
First initialize the summation raster:
updating_sum_raster <- rlist[[1]]
Then initialize the "counter" raster. This will represent the number of rasters that went into mosaicking at each pixel. It starts as a 1 in all cells that aren't NA. It should properly handle NAs such that it only will increment for a given pixel if a non-NA value was added to the updating sum.
updating_counter_raster <- updating_sum_raster
updating_counter_raster[!] <- 1
Here's the loop that doesn't require all rasters to be in memory at once. The counter raster for the raster being added to the mosaic has a value of 1 only in the cells that aren't NA. The counter is updated by summing the current counter raster and the updating counter raster. The total sum is updated by summing the current raster values and the updating raster values.
for (i in 2:length(rlist)) {
next_sum_raster <- rlist[[i]]
next_counter_raster <- next_sum_raster
next_counter_raster[!] <- 1
updating_sum_raster <- mosaic(x = updating_sum_raster, y = next_sum_raster, fun = sum)
updating_counter_raster <- mosaic(updating_counter_raster, next_counter_raster, fun = sum)
m2 <- updating_sum_raster / updating_counter_raster
The values here seem to match the use of the mosaic() function
identical(values(m1), values(m2))
But the rasters themselves aren't identical:
identical(m1, m2)
Not totally sure why, but maybe this gets you closer?
Perhaps compareRaster() is a better way to check:
compareRaster(m1, m2)
Here's a plot!
text(m1, digits = 2)
text(m2, digits = 2)
A bit more digging in the weeds...
From the mosaic.R file:
It looks like the mosaic() function initializes a matrix called v to populate with the values from all the cells in all the rasters in the list. The number of rows in matrix v is the number of cells in the output raster (based on the full mosaicked extent and resolution), and the number of columns is the number of rasters to be mosaicked (11,000) in your case. Maybe you're running into the limits of matrix creation in R?
With a 1000 x 1000 raster (1e6 pixels), the v matrix of NAs takes up 41 GB. How big do you expect your final mosaicked raster to be?
r <- raster(ncol=1e3, nrow=1e3)
x <- 11000
v <- matrix(NA, nrow=ncell(r), ncol=x)
format(object.size(v), units = "GB")
[1] "41 Gb"

Subset 3D matrix using polygon coordinates

I'm working on some bioacoustical analysis and got stuck with an issue that I believe it can be worked out mathematically. I'll use an sound sample from seewavepackage:
By storing a spectrogram (i.e. graphic representation of the sound wave tico) in an R object, we can now deal with the wave file computationally.
s <- spectro(tico, plot=F)
>[1] "list"
>[1] 3
The object created s consists in two numerical vectors x = s$time, y = s$freq representing the X and Y axis, respectively, and a matrix z = s$amp of amplitude values with the same dimensions of x and y. Z is a virtually a 3D matrix that can be plotted using persp3D (plot3D), plot_ly (plotly) or plot3d (rgl). Alternatively, the wave file can be plotted in 3D using seewave if one wishes to visualize it as an interative rgl plot.
That being said, the analysis I'm conducting aims to calculate contours of relative amplitude:
con <- contourLines(x=s$time, y=s$freq, z=t(s$amp), levels=seq(-25, -25, 1))
Select the longest contour:
n.con <- numeric(length(con))
for(i in 1:length(con)) n.con[i] <- length(con[[i]]$x)
n.max <- which.max(n.con)
con.max <- con[[n.max]]
And then plot the selected contour against the spectrogram of tico:
spectro(tico, grid=F, osc=F, scale=F)
polygon(x=con.max$x, y=con.max$y, lwd=2)
Now it comes the tricky part. I must find a way to "subset" the matrix of amplitude values s$amp using the coordinates of the longest contour con.max. What I aim to achieve is a new matrix containing only the amplitude values inside the polygon. The remaining parts of the spectrogram should then appear as blank spaces.
One approach I though it could work would be to create a loop that replaces every value outside the polygon for a given amplitude value (e.g. -25 dB). I once did an similar approach to remove the values below -30 dB and it worked out perfectly:
for(i in 1:length(s$amp)){if(s$amp[i] == -Inf |s$amp[i] <= -30)
{s$amp[i] <- -30}}
Another though would be to create a new matrix with the same dimensions of s$amp, subset s$amp using the coordinates of the contour, then replace the subset on the new matrix. Roughly:
mt <- matrix(-30, nrow=nrow(s$amp), ncol = ncol(s$amp))
sb <- s$amp[con.max$y, con.max$x] <- c(mt, sb)
s$amp <-
I'll appreciate any help.

R raster: extent conditional on cell value

I would like to obtain the extent of raster layer conditional on certain cell values. Consider the following example:
raster1 is a large raster object, filled with values between 1 and 1000. However, I only want to obtain the extent for pixels with value 100. Since this subset of cells should crowd in a small region, the extent should be rather narrow. Once I know the coordinates of that box, I can crop this minor area.
My approach so far is to replace all values != 100 with NA - as suggested in related questions. Considering the raster object's overall size, this step takes an enormous amount of time and invests a lot of computational capacity in regions that I would like to crop anyways.
Does anyone know how to obtain the extent conditional on a certain pixel value which does not require to reclassify the entire object beforehand?
Here is an alternative way to do that
Example data:
r <- raster(ncol=18,nrow=18)
values(r) <- 1
r[39:45] <- 100
r[113:115] <- 100
r[200] <- 100
"Standard" way:
x <- r == 100
s <- trim(x, values=FALSE)
Alternate route by creating an extent:
xy <- rasterToPoints(r, function(x){ x ==100 })
e <- extent(xy[,1:2])
e <- alignExtent(e, r, snap='out')
v <- crop(r, e)
Either way, all cells need to be looked at, but at least you do not need to create another large raster.

R: How to extract values from contiguous raster cells that are not touched by SpatialLines?

I've been trying to extract values from a single attribute raster (area, in m2) that overlaps with lines (that is, a .shp SpatialLines).
The problem is that, along these lines, my raster sometimes goes from one to several contiguous cells in all directions. Using the extract function only values from cells that are touched by the lines are extracted. Thus, when I add up the extracted values from all lines a significant amount of area (m2) is lost due to cells that were not touched by the line and therefore values were not extracted.
I tried to work it around by:
Step 1 - first aggregating my raster to a lower resolution (i.e. increasing the fact argument) and then
Step 2 - rasterizing the lines using this aggregated raster (created in step 1) as a mold to make sure the rasterized lines would get thick enough to cover the horizontal spread of cells in my original resolution raster.
Step 3 - Then I resample the rasterized lines (created in step 2) back to the original resolution I started with.
Step 4 - Finally, extracted the values from the resampled rasterized lines (created in step 3).
However, it didn't quite work as now the total area (m2) varies according to the fact="" value I use when first aggregating the raster (in step 1).
I really appreciate if anyone has already dealt with a similar problem and can help me out here. Here are the codes I've been running to try to get it to work:
# input raster file
g.025 <- raster("ras.asc")
g.1 <- aggregate(g.025, fact=2, fun=sum)
# input SpatialLines
Spline1 <- readOGR("/Users/xxxxx.shp")
Spline2 <- readOGR("/Users/xxxxx.shp")
Spline3 <- readOGR("/Users/xxxxx.shp")
# rasterizing using low resolution raster (aggregated)
c1 <- rasterize(Spline1, g.1, field=Spline1$type, fun=sum)
c2 <- rasterize(Spline2, g.1, field=Spline2$type, fun=sum)
c3 <- rasterize(Spline3, g.1, field=Spline3$type, fun=sum)
# resampling back to higher resolution
c1 <- resample(c1, g.025)
c2 <- resample(c2, g.025)
c3 <- resample(c3, g.025)
# preparing to extract area (m2) values from raster “g.025”
c1tab <-, xy=T)
c2tab <-, xy=T)
c3tab <-, xy=T)
c1tab <- c1tab[which($layer)!=T),]
c2tab <- c2tab[which($layer)!=T),]
c3tab <- c3tab[which($layer)!=T),]
# extracting area (m2) values from raster “g.025”
c1tab[,4] <- extract(g.025, c1tab[,1:2])
c2tab[,4] <- extract(g.025, c2tab[,1:2])
c3tab[,4] <- extract(g.025, c3tab[,1:2])
names(c1tab)[4] <- "area_m2"
names(c2tab)[4] <- "area_m2"
names(c3tab)[4] <- "area_m2"
# sum total area (m2)
c1_area <- sum(c1tab$area_m2)
c2_area <- sum(c2tab$area_m2)
c3_area <- sum(c3tab$area_m2)
tot_area <- sum(c1_area, c2_area, c3_area)
